Aluminus Goddess Show | Theatrical productions
Aluminus Goddess Show
Phone: 0401857536
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25.01.2022 Sitting pretty in pink Wearing the one and only @junk_republic and representing @aluminusentertainment #aluminusgoddess #aluminusentertainment #junkrepublic #goddessvibes #junglevibes #prettyinpink #dancer
25.01.2022 #newmoon in Leo Today is the perfect time to reflect on your #creativity & how you show up in the world. Leos energy shines brightly - ruled by the #heart & the #sun I thought the beautiful #goddess #oshun Fit so perfectly together for this months #moonenergy With their bold and bright #yellow & #gold #vibes connect with Oshun to help you release anything that may dim your light & help you to tap into your heart center and what lights you up Its time to #manifest
24.01.2022 P E L E Ka wahine `ai honuaorthe woman who devours the land, isboth a creator and destroyer. She throws molten fountains into the airandgoverns the great flows of lava.With her power over the volcanoes, she created the Hawaiian Islandsand to this day, shehas been known to reveal herself throughout the beautiful islands she crafted herself. No Kahiki mai ka wahine `o Pele, Mai ka `aina mai o Polapola,... Mai ka punohu a Kane, Mai ke ao lapa i ka lani. Translation: The woman Pele comes from Kahiki, From the land of Polapola, From the rising mist of Kane, From the clouds that move in the sky. #pele #goddessguidance #firegoddess #aluminusgoddess #hawaiiangoddess #fire
23.01.2022 LIONS GATE Its a powerful time to walk the timelines and remember WHY you are here and the role your soul agreed to be as a guiding light. #infinite #lionsgate #lionsgateportal #aluminusgoddess
23.01.2022 S E K H M E T Call on this powerful #lioness #goddess to help enter the #portal of the #lionsgate The Lions Gateway energy is all about more fully awakening your Divine Light and embodying Divinity within a physical form. #sekhmet #goddessenergy #aluminusgoddess #sungoddess #lionessgoddess
22.01.2022 GODDESS RITUALS Now available in our Goddess #shop #goddessrituals #rituals #aluminusgoddess #aluminusbodybeautybath
22.01.2022 Goddess Sekhmet In Egyptian mythology, Sekhmet was the goddess of the sun, fire plagues, healing and war. She had the head of a lioness and the body of a woman. Goddess Sekhmet is a warrior goddess as well as goddess of healing. She is depicted as a lioness. She was seen as the protector of the pharaohs and led them in warfare.... #aluminusgoddess #sekhmet #lioness #lyran #goddessenergy Makeup @aluminus_makeup_hair See more
22.01.2022 Goddess Guide #7 A T H E N A #athena is the Olympian Greek Goddess of wisdom and war and the adored patroness of the city of Athens. Majestic and stern, Athena also known as #athene is also a #goddess of courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, strategic warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill. #goddessguidance #aluminusgoddess #goddessart #goddessathena #goddessofwisdom
22.01.2022 I have come to accept the feeling of not knowing where I am going. And I have trained myself to love it. Because it is only when we are suspended in mid-air with no landing in sight, that we force our wings to unravel and alas begin our flight. And as we fly, we still may not know where we are going to. But the miracle is in the unfolding of the wings. You may not know where you're going, but you know that so long as you spread your wings, the winds will carry you. - C. JoyBell C #aluminusgoddess #mondaymood #isiswings #gold #dancer
21.01.2022 The Egyptian Goddess Isis is the embodiment of the Great Divine Mother of the Universe, bringing fertility and nourishment for all. She brings the power of both Lunar and Solar energies together, to feed and heal her people. #Isis is the High Priestess and has complete intuition and knowing, navigating the lunar inner worlds of Spirit with ease. She also brings that inner world to light, merging conscious awareness with inner wisdom. #goddessisis #aluminusgoddess #isis #goddessart
20.01.2022 OSHUN African Yoruba (Orisha) Goddess of love, fresh waters & fertility. Oshuns compassionate, sensuous nature, and her water-element energy encourages healing, mothering, harmony and going with the flow #aluminusgoddess #oshun #goddessguide #orisha #goddessenergy
20.01.2022 Goddess Guidance #14 A I N E Goddess Aine- love, wealth, summer & sovereignty In ancient Irish myths and legends, Aine is described as a Faery Queen, a goddess of the earth and nature, and a lady of the lake. It was believed she brought luck and good magic to her worshippers. Also known as a Faery Queen and Love Goddess, she has been known by other names such as the Lady of the Lake, the Goddess of the Earth and Nature, the Goddess of Luck and Magick,and Sidhe (Sweetheart of the Sidhe). Makeup @aluminus_makeup_hair #goddessguidance #aluminusgoddess #aine #faery #queen See more
19.01.2022 I T S T I M E I stand . . What is calling you right now?... #divinemasculine #warrior #power #aluminusgoddess #calling See more
19.01.2022 IX CHEL LADY RAINBOW The aqueous Mayan Goddess of water, the moon, medicine and childbirth, Ix Chel lives in the land of mists and rainbows. Art shows Her wearing a skirt that flows with fertile waters, dotted with water lilies, and adorned with tiny bits of turquoise and jade. This skirt reaches all the way to earth, filling our lives with Ix Chels well-being and enrichment.... She is the Mother of all of the Mayan deities and rules over the cycles of life and death. . . . #ixchel #goddessguide #aluminusgoddess #aluminusmakeuphair #aluminusentertainment #mothergoddess #goddessofdeath #mooncycles
19.01.2022 Daily affirmations = #positivemindset Change the way you see yourself and your whole world shifts #ibelieveinmyself #aluminusgoddess #dailyaffirmations
18.01.2022 IX CHEL #maiden I am the Moon, the Weaver, the Healer, Giver of Life, helping women endure their battle to bring a child to this world govern by you. The soft light guiding travelers along with the stars... Maiden... Mother... Crone #ixchel #mooncycle #aluminusgoddess #rebirth #cycleoflife @aluminusnat @aluminusentertainment
18.01.2022 V E N U S That's Venus, September thought. She was the goddess of love. It's nice that love comes on first thing in the evening, and goes out last in the morning. Love keeps the light on all night. -Catherynne M. Valente . . .... Makeup range by Makeup artist: @aluminus_makeup_hair Costume design: @aluminusentertainment #goddessguide #aluminusgoddess #venus #goddessart #spring #goddessvibes # See more
18.01.2022 V E N U S Venus was originally an Italic Goddess of blossoms; heart and flowers have slowly become attributed to her loving, passionate energies. In fact, her name became the root for the word venerate to lift up, worship or esteem. So it is that Venus greets pre-spring efforts for uplifting our hearts with positive relationships #aluminusgoddess #venus #goddessguide #goddessart ... by @aluminus_makeup_hair and makeup created by Costume: @aluminusentertainment @aluminusnat See more
17.01.2022 I am the honey-sweet voice of the waters. I am the flowing of a womans skirts as she dances her life. - Oshun GODDESS GUIDE #3 #aluminusgoddess #oshun #divinefeminine #goddessart #iam
17.01.2022 T O R I S E In my . . What is calling you right now?... #divinemasculine #warrior #power #aluminusgoddess #calling See more
17.01.2022 Daily affirmations: I am enough... #shiftingconsciousness #higherconsciousness #dailyaffirmations #aluminusgoddess
17.01.2022 The message I felt all day yesterday was be still and the flow vibes continue today... as a restless soul that I am, I find being still such a challenge. So instead I find ways to stay creative to keep me as still as possible. What are you all doing to stay sane oops I mean being still ? #aluminusgoddess #bestill #innerwork #101 #sos #
15.01.2022 Goddess Guide #5 P E L E Lighting up ancient Hawaiian legends, Pele (pronounced peh-leh) the goddess of fire, lightning, wind, dance and volcanoes Pele is renowned for her passionate and fiery temperament and many people who visit the islands will hear stories of her power and destruction. #pele #hawaiiangoddess #aluminusgoddess #hawaii #goddesspele #firegoddess
15.01.2022 Goddess Guide #5 I X C H E L #crone Ixchel (pronounced Ishchel) was the Maya goddess of the moon, of love, of gestation, of medicine, and of the textile arts. As the Keeper of Souls, She is constantly evolving from a young beautiful maiden into the wisened old crone who shares the wisdom of the ages with Her people. .... . @aluminus_makeup_hair Cosmetics: Costume design: @aluminusentertainment #ixchel #goddessguide #aluminusgoddess #goddessart See more
14.01.2022 Because #colour makes me #feelgood (oh and of course #dance ) @junk_republic @aluminusentertainment #aluminusgoddess #junkrepublic #goddessvibes #dancepose
13.01.2022 Channeling the #lionsgate #portal with Goddess #sekhmet or Sacmis in Greek that translates to the Powerful One. Sekhmet also a sun goddess, she is connected with the scorching, searing and burning heat of the sun. In this aspect, she was known by another name, Nesert that literally means flame #lioness #sungoddess #leoseason #aluminusgoddess
13.01.2022 GODDESS ISIS #goddessisis reconnects us with our innate healing powers. She supports our quest to reclaim our individual power and take responsibility for our healing journey. She shows us our ability to heal ourselves and to heal others. Isis can help to awaken your healing abilities & healing intuition. She empowers you to use the healing power of love and gratitude and to raise the energy level of the physical body by connecting to Source.... #aluminusgoddess #goddessguide #isis #healing #healer See more
11.01.2022 In my element... #fire #water . . . #dancer #aluminusgoddess #gold #goddessenergy
11.01.2022 Keep reaching for the stars... #aluminusgoddess #reachforthestars #goddessvibes
10.01.2022 LAKSHMI As mars moves direct once again Lakshmi can assist you in manifesting abundance into your life Lakshmi means fortune, prosperity, wealth, good luck, success, accomplishment, beauty, grace, charm, loveliness, splendor, luster, royalty, sovereign power, auspiciousness and so on. Goddess Lakshmi represents all these qualities. Her other popular name Sri denotes wealth (siri), which in the ancient times was represented by the wealth of food grains. #goddessguidance #aluminusgoddess #lakshmi #goddessart #manifestingabundance
10.01.2022 Goddess Guide #4 V E N U S #goddess Venus is the Roman goddess of love, beauty, prosperity, fertility, and victory. She was so important to Romans that they claimed her as their ancestress. Venus was the Roman counterpart to the Greek Goddess #aphrodite Venus smiles not in a house of tears.... - William Shakespeare @aluminusnat @aluminusgoddessshow . . .
08.01.2022 Feeling the vibes today as we lead up to the peak of the #lionsgateportal tomorrow. A time to #bestill and reflect on how you can walk and forge your new path ahead, as you become more of who you are in all your magnificence #aluminusgoddess #lionsgate #divinity #goddessguide
04.01.2022 W A R R I O R P o w e r . . What is calling you right now?... #divinemasculine #warrior #power #aluminusgoddess #calling See more
04.01.2022 The water has so much to teach us... I am learning to flow more with the ebbs and tides of life. Feeling thankful for dance and all the blessings it brings into my life #aluminusgoddess #flow #dancer #goddessenergy #flowstate
03.01.2022 If you were born without wings, do nothing to prevent them from growing. - Coco Chanel @aluminusgoddessshow @aluminusnat #wings #aluminusgoddess #golden #dancer
02.01.2022 P E L E #pele is often referred to as "Madame Pele" or "Tt Pele" as a sign of respect, she is a well-known deity within Hawaiian mythology and is notable for her contemporary presence and cultural influence as an enduring figure from ancient Hawaii. Epithets of the goddess include Pele-honua-mea ("Pele of the sacred land") and Ka wahine ai honua ("The earth-eating woman) #goddessguidance #hawaiiangoddess #polynesian #firegoddess @aluminus_makeup_hair
02.01.2022 Eyes wide open A new day is born... #lionsgateportal #eyeswideopen #aluminusgoddess
01.01.2022 Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return. -Leonardo da Vinci #eyestothesky #fly #aluminusgoddess #isiswings #golden
01.01.2022 This #newmoon opens a new path along my goddess journey called #goddessguide Channeling the #goddessenergy of the powerful #egyptiangoddess #isis - she has inspired me to create and share with you all. I hope you will join me as I embark on this new chapter, bringing channeled #goddessart with the hopes my creations inspire and activate you to tap into your own beautiful #innergoddess energy to assist you in all that you create in your world. Introducing Isis. Egyptian Mother Goddess of magic, healing, wisdom + the moon.
01.01.2022 MOON BATH GLOW Goddess #rituals available in our #goddess #shop #now #aluminusgoddess #aluminusbodybeautybath #bathritual #newmoon #fullmoon #organicproducts