Alumy Creek Angus in Tenterfield, New South Wales | Agriculture
Alumy Creek Angus
Locality: Tenterfield, New South Wales
Phone: +61 429 431 900
Address: Scrub Road 2372 Tenterfield, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Love the quiet temperament on these Apache, 316, TheRock & Unanimous P heifers, all sisters to the 2020 sale bulls & looking good under New England winter skies, especially considering the tough past 18 mths of drought & bushfires - run commercially & ready for calving next month.....
25.01.2022 Introducing this weeks RaynerAg Bull of the Week. This bull does from Alumy Creek at Tenterfield in the NSW Northern Tablelands. This is Alumy Creek The Rock ...P079 who will be Lot 3 in the annual sale on the 29th May. Its very hard to look past his muscle pattern, moderate frame and soundness. But when you combine his genetic potential - Top 1% all growth traits, carcase weight and Angus breeding, Domestic & Heavy Grassfed $ Index you know this is one standout bull!
24.01.2022 Attending a pre-Sale Bull inspection or planning to be on farm next Friday 29 May? Then dont forget to pre register your attendance with the agents, plus download & complete our Covid forms to bring it with you or complete on arrival at the Sale. Those coming over from Qld should make sure they apply for & download a Qld Entry Pass from for an uneventful return trip. Of course much as we would love to see everyone, if you feeling at all unwell please #stayhome & bid online. Note there will be no refreshments at the sale this year in line with Covid19 restrictions. Stop in town & support the local businesses for your coffee & something delicious.
23.01.2022 It’s that time of the year again- AI excitement plus & all hands on deck- just need a little rain for some pasture growth to kick these heifers along to boost the conception rates
22.01.2022 True- as always can happen despite the best preparation the batteries went flat in the speakers & finding a power cord mid Bull Sale was a bit challenging......... Those listening online did say the sound volume went down just a little. Pretty sure good auctioneers must be born with those big voices with both Brian & Darren proceeding sans souci for a great sale result. Brian Kennedy Elders Darren Perkins GNF Warwick Lucy Kinbacher Lincoln McKinlay See more
22.01.2022 We have AI bred all our cow herd for 35+ yrs with 10+ generations of elite AI sires. But we are equally proud of the progeny of our walking back up sires too. C...heck out Lot 11 Alumy Creek Phantom P116 for your heifers or cows, youngest bull in the sale draft & a good looking H215 son with a curve bending EBV chart all on the top side. Selling 29 May 2020 on property Tenterfield & Online AuctionsPlus. See his video -> See more
21.01.2022 Like the $83K Angus AI sire Musgrave 316 Stunner? Stunner may be recently deceased but dont miss your chance to use a 3/4 blood as your walking backup bull to the rebuild herd with confidence. Be sure to check out Lot 15 Alumy Creek Capitalist P038, also a LD Capitalist 316 x Pure Product bred bull- (not many PP cows in Australia) -> 42 Alumy Creek Angus Bulls (including 11 x LD Capitalist 316 sons) sell at 1 pm Friday 29 May 2020 on property & online Auctionsplus -> Or view catalogue at -> Or view videos every lot -> GNF Warwick Darren Perkins Elders Brian Kennedy Lincoln McKinlay @Alumy Creek Angus See more
21.01.2022 Check out the @Alumy Creek Angus bulls suitable for use over heifers on offer 1pm Friday 29 May 2020. We have always calved our heifers unassisted at 2yo, with 1/3 of this sale draft being from 1st calf heifers. 75% of the sale bulls are by the short gestation length, low bwt, calving ease curve bending growth sires: Baldridge Compass, LD Capitalist 316, Musgrave Apache, Carabar Wheelwright H215, KCF Bennett TheRock, Esslemont Lotto & Connealy Sandman, so use them with proven confidence to rebuild your herd sooner. View the online Auctionsplus catalogue->
21.01.2022 New calf spam #3- liking this years new genetics, even if season remains frosty & dry. #raisedtenterfieldtough
21.01.2022 Joining heifers this year??? Then check out the eleven LD Capitalist 316 sons in the draft - the #1 sire of most calf registrations in Australia in past 2 year...s. Great sleep easy calving ease low birth wt bulls & a super attractive muscle pattern plus making a name as the sire of very attractive super sustainable females to rebuild your herd. Selling 1pm Friday 29 May 2020 @ Alumy Creek Angus Bull Sale on property Tenterfield & online Auctionsplus -> or online catalogue -> or view videos of every bull -> GNF Warwick Darren Perkins Elders Brian Kennedy Lincoln McKinlay Alumy Creek Angus Musgrave Angus Angus Australia See more
20.01.2022 Even tho it is still so dry the cows are doing a good job on their calves- had the mob of old favourites in- many of whom decided this was the year to double do...wn & produce twins - the Entice & Monumental calves are good looking stylish calves- could be even flasher with some green grass.... sires of calves in pic comments. See more
20.01.2022 Great result for our Alumy Creek Angus Bull Sale on Friday with a big thanks to all the new and repeat successful bidders and underbidders. Wonderful to see the... confidence in the beef industry with forecasts for good prices & a wet winter after 3+ years of drought & multiple bushfires. Terrific to see all those on property adopting the new Covid 19 protocols to #helpstopthespread as well those pre inspecting & taking up the option of bidding remotely online #thewayforward . Thanks also to Lisa Hedges, Lucy Kinbacher & The Land for pics on the day. GNF WarwickDarren Perkins Elders Brian Kennedy See more
20.01.2022 We dont just breed Tenterfield tough Top of the Range Angus Cattle, we also breed Tenterfield tough Top of the Range Jack Russell Terriers. Some absolutely stunning pups off to their new homes in August.
20.01.2022 When we were taking our bull sale catalogue pics, the camera had a mind of its own & took some strange exposures that looked a bit like paintings for P097. Just... thought that was a bit annoyingly weird but as he then went on to be the top seller guess should have been paying more attention that he was the one.... See more
20.01.2022 Bull Buying in the 2020 Covid Era- some great information in a conversation with LLS Livestock Officers Max and Tahnee with District Vet Lisa. Sit back with a ...cup of tea or download to play whilst you are in the car or tractor (or play it in chunks as we did whilst working in the cattle yards) Its that time of year again where bull sales are beginning to crank into gear. Listen into the conversation with guests District Vet Lisa Martin and Livestock Officer Tahnee Manton as we discuss breeding objectives, buying strategies in the world of Covid-19, bull health and how to get the most out of your breeding enterprise. Resources Auctions Plus How to register: How to bid Part 1: How to bid Part 2: Elite Livestock Auctions How to register: How to bid:
19.01.2022 A few old pets thought post drought & bushfires 2020 was the year for twins so they got to come down close to the house. All calved early except this old girl w...ho instead tried to chuck it in with metabolic preg tox. No halter since a ballot heifer years ago but she appreciated some special sparkle pick me up. Apparently has been a slump in world champers sales with Covid- might just be targeting the wrong market . A few bottles/ days later produced a beautiful but cold Entice calf walking to meet us on a very frosty morning.... #notfinishedyet #gothejanz See more
19.01.2022 Looking for sleep easy heifer bulls with added calving ease & low birth was that still produce a profitable calf? Dont miss the LD Capitalist 316 sons or Musgr...ave Apache sons in this years Alumy Creek Angus Bull Sale draft. Lot 17, Alumy Creek Capitalist P025 is a great example of the 316 bulls on offer. Breed leading balanced EBV performance where it counts with everything in the right place for a heifer or cow bull plus the lovely 316 muscle pattern. Selling 1pm 29 May 2020 online Auctionsplus & on Property Tenterfield. Click to view his video -> or sale catalogue at See more
18.01.2022 Sale topper Lot 5 Alumy Creek Opportunity P097 by Freys Opportunity @ $15K with 100% clearance of 38/38 sold for $7790 av.
17.01.2022 Beautiful cold rain here today, great to see but that also means these bulls are a little bored & looking for action- & definitely sure they havent seen Driazabones before..... Supplementary sheet with sire group, scrotals, current wts & also the raw scan data from 3+ mths ago, collected for 600D EBVs for those that like raw figures. Note there are now 2 withdrawals Lot 21 NKEP007 & Lot 27 NKEP030 Elders Brian Kennedy GNF Warwick Darren Perkins
16.01.2022 Want to power up those Bos Indicus or Euro X cows to produce added $ profit with black hided progeny then check out Lot 5 Alumy Creek Opportunity P097. Pussycat... quiet, standout real world Angus- deep bodied, thick heavy muscled big volume bull with performance where it counts across all growth traits, carcase wt, yield & the profit determiner Feed Efficiency- all with an actual 34kg birth wt. Outcross genetics from a sire we have used over 3 years without issue, who records 300+ US progeny for mid range calving ease & bwt. Lisas pick of the draft- sells 29 May 2020 online Auctionsplus & on property Tenterfield- check him out See more
15.01.2022 Favourite time of year- a new group of 2yos calving , new calf genetics on the ground. 70 calves in a few days has kept everyone busy weighing & tagging. #easycalvingangus #angusaustralia #bornsmallgrowfast
14.01.2022 Keep an eye out for the KCF Bennett TheRock sons for joining both heifers and cows. Beautiful quiet, long bodied, soft well muscled bulls that combine curve ben...ding low birth wt and calving ease with super fast growth & was, plus top carcase values. If you want to add real muscle & powerful type back into your herd , not just top numbers, dont miss Lot 3 AC The Rock P079, Lot 4 AC The Rock and Lot 35 AC The Rock P077 selling 1pm Friday 29 May 2020 on property Tenterfield & online Auctionsplus. View the catalogue -> or online catalogue -> or view every bull videos-> GNF Warwick Darren Perkins Elders Brian Kennedy Lincoln McKinlay Alumy Creek Angus See more
14.01.2022 Withdrawals today: Lot 21, Lot 27, Lot 33 & Lot 41
12.01.2022 Joining heifers??- well make sure you check these 7 x Musgrave Apache sons out. With Boulder, Aviator & Identity in their pedigrees & all out of 1st calf they are all super low birth wt, sleep easy calving ease bulls that also add great muscle shape & carcase saleability to their calves. Apache has also built a name as a cow maker so keep those female replacements to rebuild a quality cow herd. Selling 1pm Friday 29 May online Auctionsplus & on Property Tenterfield. Check them out -> and view videos of every bull -> See more
11.01.2022 Best time of the year #2- so many cutie little babies & mama cows loving them/ working out crches in another dry New England winter. Loving the Entice & Monumental new calves #angusthematernalbreed #blackanguscows #everycalfmatters #angusaustralia #tenterfieldtrue
10.01.2022 Another mob of cows AI’ed - you know you are getting older when you have to stage AI over a few days- 65 was plenty today. ....The team all pretty slick underst...anding their roles except Ellie who always thinks ‘hop in we are going’ should mean ‘the backseat is OK’ instead of in the back with the other dogs.... See more
09.01.2022 Do your cows a favour & check out the Vision Unanimous sons to add easy finishing, well structured proven genetics & powerful growth & Angus type with great of rib, plenty of capacity for tough seasons plus excellent hindquarter setup so be sure to keep every daughter to rebuild your herd for standout weaners & feeders. Check them out - Lot 6 AC Unanimous P103, Lot 21 AC Unanimous P007, Lot 22 AC Unanimous P076 & Lot 36 AC Unanimous P006 selling @Alumy Creek Angus Bull Sale 1pm Friday 29 May 2020, on property Tenterfield & online Auctionsplus -> or online catalogue -> or view videos of every bull -> GNF Warwick Darren Perkins Elders Brian Kennedy Lincoln McKinlay Alumy Creek Angus Angus Australia See more
09.01.2022 Dont forget to register & complete the buyer training at least 24 hrs pre sale if you havent used online bidding before or have your agent bid for you. Setting an upper limit bid can assist with overcoming any internet lag in dodgy service areas.
08.01.2022 Dont forget every lot, every bull can be viewed online at YouTube-> or Auctionsplus with video links in the comments of each lot -> or view catalogue online ->
08.01.2022 A reminder re tomorrows bull sale.....
07.01.2022 From the Qld Govt Website: If you are a Queensland resident returning from any other place in Australia that is NOT a declared Covid-19 hotspot you do not have to self quarantine.
07.01.2022 Joining heifers or cows ? - dont miss our 2nd season of low birth & soft easy calving easy doing heavy muscled thick Baldridge Compass sons. Half brother to Be...ast Mode , full brother to Bronc & 38 Special with popular Commando as their sire & all from the great Angus female Isobel Y69, the Compass sons were sought after at last years sale topping at $15K. The Compass daughters have also made outstanding cows add some real genetic Angus excellence & be sure to retain every heifer to rebuild your herd. Outstanding Compass son kicks off the sale as Lot , dont miss him. Selling 1pm Friday 29 May 2020 @ Alumy Creek Angus Bull Sale on property Tenterfield & online Auctionsplus -> or online catalogue -> or view videos of every bull -> GNF Warwick Darren Perkins Elders Brian Kennedy Lincoln McKinlay Alumy Creek Angus See more
06.01.2022 Always great to see Alumy Creek cattle breeding on - especially when they have been selected as foundation stock for new studs. This is a real nice heifer bred by a very lovely Angus Youth Committee member - congratulations Monique. A Compass grand daughter- he passes on those great maternal qualities as well as the terrific carcase & calving ease his sons are well known for. Check out the 7 x Baldridge Compass sons selling 1pm Friday 29 May 2020 online Auctionsplus & on property Tenterfield to breed your own herd of top females.
04.01.2022 Just a reminder if you need a snack pre or post bull sale on Friday stop into any of the top Tenterfield Food businesses doing an innovative job providing terrific tasty takeaway food & coffees. Call ahead to have your order ready & waiting to go as you travel thru town. The Corner Life & Style, Store and Cafe Our Place Wine and Espresso Bar Tenterfield Bakery Tenterfield area information.
04.01.2022 Listening to Simon Quiltys Australian Livestock Forecast this last week, the outlook for beef is very strong and even better if you are breeding better carcase... quality cattle. So do your heifers & cows a favour- check out the 42 Alumy Creek Angus Bulls selling 1pm Friday 29 May 2020 on property with social distancing at Coldawinda Tenterfield and online Auctionsplus or over the phone with your agent. Remember to register for AuctionsPlus at least 24 hrs presale. View videos for every bull online => and the catalogue online => or at Auctionsplus => Tenterfield area information. WHAT - Whats Happening Around Tenterfield See more
04.01.2022 SALE RESULT Alumy Creek Angus 38/38 Bulls sold to average $7,789 Sale Top $15,000 for Lot 5 purchased by M & J Smith, Woodenbong
03.01.2022 Great tips on bull buying from Tahnee- listen to the whole story on Bull Buying Productive Producer
03.01.2022 Love the Mogck Entice progeny
02.01.2022 Woohoo, who doesnt love a new Viking??? A quick spin to reinforce how much I love it & the new Shark blue tooth helmets too... #travelinstyle #checkingscowsismorefun #safetyfirst #Lisasnewride #needsomejacksintheback
02.01.2022 Every lot, every bull available to view online
02.01.2022 Like your bulls slick coated with a strong thick topline? Plus great butt profile, big double digit rounded muscle expression & balanced EBVs performance, then ...check out this 1st calf heifers cracker Lotto son- Lot 2 Alumy Creek Lotto P036, selling 29 May 2020 on property Tenterfield & Online Auctionsplus. Click to watch his video -> See more
01.01.2022 Check out Lot 3 Alumy Creek TheRock P079 if you are looking for balanced curve bender top shelf EBVs with outcross Angus genetics in a long bodied, deep sided w...ell muscled package to add real world profit to your cow herd. Selling 29 May 2020 on property Tenterfield & online Auctionsplus. Click to view his video See more
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