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25.01.2022 Be more like this girl

25.01.2022 Your zone of genius. What is it? That special zone where you are performing at your best, when you are doing the thing that you do better than anyone else, when you are in a state of flow. We all have a zone of genius within us but it can sometimes be hard to find. Not many of us really go looking for it on a daily basis do we? We don’t have this conversation at work ‘I’ll get to that in a few minutes once I’ve located my zone of gen...ius’. Yet we should go looking for it. Our zone of genius is our potential calling and when we’ve located it, the sky really is the limit. When you find that unique skill, ability, behaviour, type of work that is truly yours the benefit to you and those you impact is exponential. How do we recognise if we are in our zone of genius? You feel energised by the task at hand, your whole face and body lights up, you have the feeling of knowing you are in the exact spot you are meant to be in, inspiration flows and you feel immense job satisfaction. It can take half a lifetime and a lot of persistence to find your zone of genius, but guys, it is so worth the wait. Coaching is one way to fast track this search so if you want to know more then drop me a DM. See more

24.01.2022 Be more like this girl

22.01.2022 ‘Can you work on her confidence to use her voice this term please?’ This was my one request for my Grade 2 daughter’s new teacher this term. Not to read better, not to improve her maths skills, not to use more adjectives, just to work on her ability to speak up. I know from experience that it can take a life time to feel confident to stand up in front of a group of people. Sometimes we never get there. As professionals we can be incredibly competent in our roles, we can be ...great achievers but the inability to stand up, to raise our hand or to speak up can hold us back. The good news is that confidence can be learnt and there are practical steps we can take to calm our nerves. We all have the ability to find our voice at any age. Just imagine though if this skill was taught in our early school that would be a game changer.

21.01.2022 Mentoring. Years ago I had an amazing boss who kept pushing me to find a female mentor. He even went as far to give me some suggestions. The women he had in mind were so high up the tree that I couldn’t even imagine saying hello to them let alone asking them questions or advice about my career. I was intimidated. I was squarely facing up to my ‘imposter syndrome’ and I lost the battle. It was only years later that I understood what boss was trying to do; he was stretching me and wanting to show me examples of just how far I could go, he wanted me to see and talk to women who had climbed to the top of the mountain. My boss was invested in my potential before I even understood what my potential was. I kick myself for not taking him up on his advice at the time. Don’t let these opportunities pass you by. You are worthy and the opportunity could be life changing. See more

20.01.2022 We are living in a very uncertain time with our industry facing one of it's biggest challenges to date. The CONVID-19 Virus is placing the event, entertainment and sports industries in unchartered territory. Governments around the world are restricting large gatherings and events which in turn is limiting our ability to deliver our core business. Many of our best people are facing the prospect of unemployment until the industry can operate again. What if this is you? How can you prepare for unemployment and what can you do when it eventuates?

20.01.2022 As we approach International Women's Day I wanted to share my thoughts on the 3 challenges that hold women back from leadership as well as my commitment for the year ahead to change our game in the sports industry by influencing 'one photo wall at a time'. The time has come to narrow our focus and to engage our current leaders to enact the change we seek. #leadership #femaleleadership #sportsleadership #internationalwomensday #onephotowallatatime

16.01.2022 Meet Aimee, a wonderful human who will change the way you view leadership and communication. Our upcoming Lead Like A Girl is facilitated by Aimee. With a diverse background as a performer and as a voice artist, Aimee works as an executive coach. Usually she is found working with some of the world’s top executives on their leadership and communication skills however on the 17th March we have her for a whole day! If you are looking to invest in your growth and to take a step up, come along to gain techniques to communicate with impact and authority. Aimee will help you tap into your inner confidence to ignite the way you engage with your network.

15.01.2022 3 years and 4 months is the average tenure in a job. For the under 35s this shortens to 2 years and 8 months and for those under 25 years it’s just 1 year and 8 months. This makes me about 16 years old in job years. . Today we change jobs regularly for a variety of reasons including chasing purpose and meaning in our work, pursuing better work life balance, feeling dissatisfied in our workplace or with our manager or stepping up into a new challenge. . January and February are prime months of the year for all of us to take a step to the left. If your time has come I highly recommend writing down a list of your reasons for leaving. Clarity in our decision making is a powerful motivator to make the right next step. [and now I have the lyrics to Frozen 2 in my head *just take the next right step* - sorry- musical tragic here]

15.01.2022 On Tuesday mornings I move big rocks I heard this expression recently from productivity guru Cyril Peupion. It’s a different take on the theme of doing the hardest thing on your list first. I liked it because rather than being task based or list focused the idea of moving a big rock is to spend 90 minutes first thing in the morning on the big project, idea or client that will deliver the most reward. ... In our industry we time moves so fast that when we sit at our desks we want to be sure we are moving the big rocks that deliver the best return on investment. How is your team performing on the productivity scales? Have you got some tips like this that deliver positive results?

14.01.2022 Mentoring. Years ago I had an amazing boss who kept pushing me to find a female mentor. He even went as far to give me some suggestions. The women he had in mind were so high up the tree that I couldn’t even imagine saying hello to them let alone asking them questions or advice about my career. I was intimidated. I was squarely facing up to my ‘imposter syndrome’ and I lost the battle. It was only years later that I understood what boss was trying to do; he was stretching me and wanting to show me examples of just how far I could go, he wanted me to see and talk to women who had climbed to the top of the mountain. My boss was invested in my potential before I even understood what my potential was. I kick myself for not taking him up on his advice at the time. Don’t let these opportunities pass you by. You are worthy and the opportunity could be life changing. See more

13.01.2022 3 years and 4 months is the average tenure in a job. For the under 35s this shortens to 2 years and 8 months and for those under 25 years it’s just 1 year and 8 months. This makes me about 16 years old in job years. . Today we change jobs regularly for a variety of reasons including chasing purpose and meaning in our work, pursuing better work life balance, feeling dissatisfied in our workplace or with our manager or stepping up into a new challenge. . January and February are prime months of the year for all of us to take a step to the left. If your time has come I highly recommend writing down a list of your reasons for leaving. Clarity in our decision making is a powerful motivator to make the right next step. [and now I have the lyrics to Frozen 2 in my head *just take the next right step* - sorry- musical tragic here]

12.01.2022 I love these guys and would highly recommend them to anyone in the sport space looking for a digital media agency. I have no doubt they will 10x your digital presence and engagement.

12.01.2022 Today’s coaching venue 5 It’s inspiring just being in the lift @inspire9_coworking . I have a free coaching spot in Richmond next Thursday. If you want to chat more about coaching and how it can help you take action in your career or perhaps help you become unstuck from a position let’s have a quick chat.

11.01.2022 Meet Aimee, a wonderful human who will change the way you view leadership and communication. Our upcoming Lead Like A Girl is facilitated by Aimee. With a diverse background as a performer and as a voice artist, Aimee works as an executive coach. Usually she is found working with some of the world’s top executives on their leadership and communication skills however on the 17th March we have her for a whole day! If you are looking to invest in your growth and to take a step up, come along to gain techniques to communicate with impact and authority. Aimee will help you tap into your inner confidence to ignite the way you engage with your network.

10.01.2022 LinkedIn continues to soar as the number one networking platform. I feel like it's become a lot more 'human' and less robotic in the last few years as 'connections' (we call them colleagues or friends in the real world) share more of what makes them tick outside of work - because in the end it is all linked.

10.01.2022 ‘Can you work on her confidence to use her voice this term please?’ This was my one request for my Grade 2 daughter’s new teacher this term. Not to read better, not to improve her maths skills, not to use more adjectives, just to work on her ability to speak up. I know from experience that it can take a life time to feel confident to stand up in front of a group of people. Sometimes we never get there. As professionals we can be incredibly competent in our roles, we can be ...great achievers but the inability to stand up, to raise our hand or to speak up can hold us back. The good news is that confidence can be learnt and there are practical steps we can take to calm our nerves. We all have the ability to find our voice at any age. Just imagine though if this skill was taught in our early school that would be a game changer.

09.01.2022 Your zone of genius. What is it? That special zone where you are performing at your best, when you are doing the thing that you do better than anyone else, when you are in a state of flow. We all have a zone of genius within us but it can sometimes be hard to find. Not many of us really go looking for it on a daily basis do we? We don’t have this conversation at work ‘I’ll get to that in a few minutes once I’ve located my zone of gen...ius’. Yet we should go looking for it. Our zone of genius is our potential calling and when we’ve located it, the sky really is the limit. When you find that unique skill, ability, behaviour, type of work that is truly yours the benefit to you and those you impact is exponential. How do we recognise if we are in our zone of genius? You feel energised by the task at hand, your whole face and body lights up, you have the feeling of knowing you are in the exact spot you are meant to be in, inspiration flows and you feel immense job satisfaction. It can take half a lifetime and a lot of persistence to find your zone of genius, but guys, it is so worth the wait. Coaching is one way to fast track this search so if you want to know more then drop me a DM. See more

08.01.2022 Today’s coaching venue 5 It’s inspiring just being in the lift @inspire9_coworking . I have a free coaching spot in Richmond next Thursday. If you want to chat more about coaching and how it can help you take action in your career or perhaps help you become unstuck from a position let’s have a quick chat.

05.01.2022 Ok now I feel like I’m onto something I’m booked in to do a hike at Mt.Kosciousco in a few months time and so have started doing some long walks in preparation. I can really feel the positive impact that walking is having on my creativity and ability to stay calm and relaxed through the work day.

02.01.2022 On Tuesday mornings I move big rocks I heard this expression recently from productivity guru Cyril Peupion. It’s a different take on the theme of doing the hardest thing on your list first. I liked it because rather than being task based or list focused the idea of moving a big rock is to spend 90 minutes first thing in the morning on the big project, idea or client that will deliver the most reward. ... In our industry we time moves so fast that when we sit at our desks we want to be sure we are moving the big rocks that deliver the best return on investment. How is your team performing on the productivity scales? Have you got some tips like this that deliver positive results?

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