Amanda Kate in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Medical and health
Amanda Kate
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 468 361 747
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25.01.2022 Everyday this landscape changes. From stormy to still and everything in between. Such a beautiful reflection of our own internal emotions. Ebbing, flowing, ever changing. Today the peace and quiet is phenomenal. Almost loud in its silence. So blessed to have this on my doorstep. It is true soul medicine ... Today, I am feeling as reflective as this calm, still ocean. Contemplative, subtley moving, and peaceful. #kinesiology #amandakate #kinesiopractor #emotionalcuriosity #oceanmedicine #emotionallandscape #yourmagneticbusinesssignature #claimyourmagnificence #kinesiologyforbusinesssuccess
25.01.2022 Some wonderful workshops are coming up for you to enjoy! HEALING WITH THE 5 ELEMENTS Learn how to work with the 5 Elements and their influences to find balance, harmony and connection. Wednesday 7th October (7.30pm - ... Friday 9th October (9.30am - HEALING WITH COLOUR Learn how colour can be used as a healing tool in your life. Discover why you’re attracted to some colours and repelled by others. Wednesday 14th October (7.30pm - Friday 16th October (9.30am - LEARN THE ART OF HO'OPONOPONO Learn the art of Ho’oponopono, the Hawaiian prayer of forgiveness. This short 4 line prayer has an additional powerful statement that can be used. I’ll teach you all 5 phrases and give you some tools you can use in conjunction with Ho’oponopono to supercharge your cleaning and clearing. Wednesday 28th October (7.30pm - Friday 30th October (9.30am - #workshops #kinesiopractor #amandakate #kinesiology #hooponopono #healingwithcolour #healingwiththe5elements
25.01.2022 Ready for day 2.... Discovering my Passion and Purpose Archetypes, coaching others to find theirs and soaking up the knowledge and magic as it happens. What's on for your Saturday? @pipmckayevolvenow @laurenjobson #kinesiology #neverstoplearning #amandakate #kinesiopractor #claimyourmagnificence #passionandpurpose #evolvenow #lifecoaching
25.01.2022 If it's not a HELL YES, it's a NO! This statement acts as a check in for me and has taught me so much in the last 5 or so years. I've learned to tap into my body, listen quietly for the answer and trust what I'm told..... I also act on what advice I'm given. In a Kinesiology session with clients, when I'm setting up their indicator muscles (the muscles which communicate with me to find the stress in the body and help facilitate the awareness for the client), I tell the muscle...s "Show me 100% yes, anything less is a no". Why? For me, clarity doesn't come from 51% surity, clarity comes from 100% surity. Even 99.99999% leaves room for doubt, indecision and near enough's good enough mentality. If I get a no, I don't care how close to 100% it is, it tells me there is still stress surrounding the situation that needs to be rectified, shifted and transformed into something else. I want my clients sure, positive and ready to move forward without any negativity in the way. So how could you see this working in your life? Say the words HELL YES! Where do you feel them in your body? Get in tune with it and check in next time you've got a decision to make. For me, I get a definite excitement and butterfly-like feeling in my solar plexus. Sometimes it's faint, brief and barely there, but no matter how faint, I listen and act on it. #kinesiopractor #passionandpurpose #lifecoaching #kinesiology #amandakate #kinesiologyforbusinesssuccess #hellyes
24.01.2022 For anyone who wants some fabulous personal branding photos done I highly recommend Ksenia Belova ~ Personal Branding Photographer (@ksenia_belova_photography). She managed to not only capture the woman I am, but the woman I'm becoming and evolving into. I am humbled by the experience. It was so hard to narrow the photos down....I had 142 favourites to choose! ... Keep watching my page, stories, etc for more of her fabulous work. She's incredible! #kinesiology #lifecoaching #personalbrandingphotography #amandakate #kinesiopractor #author #claimyourmagnificence
24.01.2022 ! YOU are the one who needs to commit to change if change is what you want. YOU are the one who decides if and when the time is right.... YOU decide if your old habits are worth changing or if the effort required is too much. YOU are the one with full free will and choice. I help you whilst we are in session by facilitating and translating what your body wants to tell you and giving you tools to take home and continue the work we do in clinic, but YOU are the one who chooses whether to implement the changes and use the tools outside of our sessions. Part of why I love Kinesiology and Passion & Purpose Coaching is that both modalities use the self-responsibility model where you need to employ self agency and self reflection. YES, you get home reinforcement activities when you come to see me. YES, you have to put in some effort when creating change. ! It is completely and utterly worth it. , ? #dothework #amandakate #PassionandPurposeCoaching #kinesiopractor #KinesiologyforBusinessSuccess #kinesiology #areyouready?
21.01.2022 Happy Birthday to me Happy Birthday to me Today marks my 4th Business Birthday! Being able to re-open clinic this week was the best birthday present, followed closely by one of my client's sending me a message after today's session....... "You are remarkable at what you do and have the most amazing energy". #happybirthday #kinesiology #lifecoaching #amandakate #kinesiopractor #passionandpurposecoaching
21.01.2022 I did a FB live yesterday on this - Here's a great visual of what the Year of the Metal Ox will bring us. #CNY #YearoftheMetalOx #kinesiology #amandakate #PassionandPurposeCoaching #KinesiologyforBusinessSuccess
20.01.2022 Busy writing and editing my chapter for the Anxiety Relief Handbook. Such an incredible project to be a part of and I can't wait for this resource to be ready. To get a copy in your hands as soon as it's released, pre order your copy from the link in bio on Insta or Facebook page - Special pre order price $29.95 + $ 9.95 P&H (RRP $39.95).... #anxietyreliefhandbook #amandakate #author #kinesiology #kinesiologist #preordernow
20.01.2022 What are the differences between self sabotages and belief systems? #kinesiology #amandakate #kinesiopractor #PassionandPurposeCoaching #KinesiologyforBusinessSuccess #YourMagneticBusinessSugnature
19.01.2022 Happy Spring Equinox. Tonight at 11.30pm we celebrate the Spring Equinox, when day and night are of equal length. Nature is stirring and beginning it's greatest show of activity - buds are bursting, flowers are blooming, seeds are germinating. The sun's power is increasing, days are lengthening, potential and fertility are increasing. The spring equinox is the yin and yang balance - light and dark, conscious and unconscious, receptive and active, internal and external, mascu...line and feminine. We are in equal force one way and the other. It is a perfect time to make positive changes in our lives and the world around us. Head outside and experience the energy of the awakening earth in all its beauty, set your intentions and sow your seeds for harvest in the Autumn, remember to bring out your inner child and play, have fun and enjoy this time of new beginnings, new blooms and renewed hope. Embrace the lengthening of days, the warming of the sun, the blue skies, the new life and the fresh start after the hibernation of winter. I get excited at this time of year. It feels expansive and magical. Ideas flood in and tickle my imagination. Are you feeling the magic? #earthwisdom #springequinox #newbeginnings #kinesiology #summeriscoming #kinesiopractor #amandakate #claimyourmagnificence
18.01.2022 What are your goals or intentions for the week ahead? The last few years, I've spent time every weekend planning the week ahead and looking at the wins and lessons to learn from the week before - the lessons show me areas I need to work on or improve on (Often that means making an appointment with a practitioner to help shift the underlying issues). My planning always start with prioritising client appointments and any work that they bring up for me. My children's immovable ...commitments go next, then I fit in my appointments, self care and catch ups with girlfriend. Everything else follows. I know that without sufficient self care and down time I get run down because I have the tenancy towards being a workaholic - it doesn't always feel like work when you love what you do! How do you start your week? What goals do you want to achieve this week? What's your priority in planning? #planning #kinesiology #amandakate #claimyourmagnificence #intentionsetting #KinesiologyforBusinessSuccess #passionandpurposecoaching
17.01.2022 Do you feel like you've lost your in life? Are you struggling to find and meaning in what you're doing? Do you keep ? Do you feel , ? Do you spend all your time and energy and have no energy left for yourself?... Is getting the better of you and affecting your relationships, work/life balance, health and wellbeing? If any of the above brought a resounding from within, then you're not alone there is a solution! When you are living your , you feel inspired, energised and excited. Your life has excitement and . You feel in flow and energised. When feeling drained, exhausted and listless the signs are there that we are ' , . Through , we clear negative influences from significant others, tap into your passion and discover your purpose. The coaching process connects you to and guides you to disconnect from the past to approach the future with clarity, vitality and passionate excitement. - Despite the years of self and spiritual development, and the modalities I've worked with and experienced, nothing prepared me for the power of these processes. My past has not changed, but I have energetically disconnected from it. I am relating to things differently, with greater clarity and a depth of self understanding that has amazed me. Within me is a peaceful knowingness that is there for me to tap into even in the most tumultuous events. The depth of this work is astounding! If you're interested in undertaking this fabulous coaching experience, contact me to set up you initial consultation. #lifecoaching #kinesiology #KinesiologyForBusinessSuccess #ClaimYourMagnificence #AmandaKate #PassionAndPurposeLifeCoaching
16.01.2022 Emotional processing - Acknowledge + Validate Shift or Stay.... A great way to process our emotions as they happen, in the moment. #kinesiology #AmandaKate #PassionandPurposeCoaching #KinesiologyforBusinessSuccess #Kinesiopractor
16.01.2022 Forgiveness..... This can be a challenging subject at the best of times. What does anger and grief have to do with forgiveness? What happens when we forgive too soon? #forgiveness #kinesiology #kinesiopractor #amandakate #author #yourmagneticbusinesssignature #claimyourmagnificence #kinesiologyforbusinesssuccess
15.01.2022 How do you set your day up for success? What's a non negotiable for your morning? Mine is inspirational reading , moving my body , time in stillness and the obligatory decaf coffee . It sets me up for the day perfectly. Do you find there is something that trips up ... your morning routines and best laid plans? Are there any less desirable habits that creep in? For me, it can be the occasional scroll on my phone.... that's a work in progress for me to stop I love the way Kinesiology can help rewire your subconscious programming to become conscious of blocks and sabotages and help you rise above them #kinesiology #amandakate #kinesiopractor #yourmagneticbusinesssignature #kinesiologyforbusinesssuccess #claimyourmagnificence #movingfromstagnancytofreedom #HealthyHabits #consciousliving
15.01.2022 BOOK NOW! Less than a week left to secure your ticket to learn about the 5 Elements and their influence on your body. I love 5 Element theory and can't wait to share it with you. Right now, we are in the Wood element as it's Springtime. Did you know that each of the 5 Elements impacts each of the seasons? If the below date doesn't suit you I'm also running it Friday 9th October 9.30am until 10.30am.... #booknow #kinesiology #kinesiopractor #amandakate #5elementtheory #healingwiththe5elements #workshop
13.01.2022 Working as a practitioner can lead to burn out if we don't balance self care with the care of others. I'm looking for 10 practitioners who want to go on a deep dive to gain understanding of their innate genius within and clear blockages to balancing work and life. I'm inviting practitioners, healers and/or light workers to work with me for 10 weeks where we will disconnect from negative influences in your life and lighten your load, allowing you to move from depletion to Div...ine flow. By the end of week 10, you'll understand your 3 Passion and Purpose Archetypes and 1 Talent Archetype and have a plan for accessing their power in your practice. So, if you're ready to dive deep type YES in the comments below and I'll send you the details.
10.01.2022 A wonderful day with Ksenia Belova Photography today honouring my covid changes. It's been a huge 7 months and a big day but I'm so excited going forward..... #passionandpurposecoaching #kinesiopractor #amandakate #author #yourmagneticbusinesssignature #honourchange #transformation
09.01.2022 Following your heart isn't always easy and it isn't always understood by those on the outside. The noise outside ourselves can be distracting - ooohhh, bright shiny things, squirrel.... It's easy to be preoccupied and look for direction externally. When we slow down and disconnect from the noise around us we can feel the desires of our heart. We can feel the pull in our gut. ... When we first try, this communication can be faint and barely heard, but as we get more practised we hear more easily, and quicker each time, what we need to do to live a happier, healthier life that is more congruent and aligned. Some quick steps you can try - 1. Turn off distractions 2. Shut down your eyes if you feel drawn to and it's safe to do so 3. Place 1 hand on your heart space and 1 either on your belly or just resting comfortably 4. Take a few deep breaths into the bottom of your lungs (you should feel and see your belly move as the diaphragm expand of your doing it correctly) 5. Ask yourself a question and feel, listen or sense what the answer is that comes * Don't ignore the first thing that pops into your head.... Our unconscious mind will want us to have the answer. Try it and let me know how you get on.
09.01.2022 This really resonates. Who else has experienced at least one of these in their life? Often adding an AND gives us a more expansive view of what we're experiencing. It allows us to view more than one option, often opposing, at the same time with both statements being equally true. This can feel confusing to start with, however when you get used to holding two true opposites, new perspectives open up and healing can deeply occur. ... #languageintention #amandakate #kinesiology #kinesiopractor #emotionalliteracy #emotionalhealing
07.01.2022 How do you trust your gut and lean into your intuition? Are you being led by fear or intuition? How can you tell? Thanks Mazza Kearney for the question!
04.01.2022 Ready for my next BIG study adventure. Archetypal Coaching starts today with Passion and Purpose. Coffee Herbal Tea Coloured pens ... Water Berries and nuts Incense Workbooks Open mind Enthusiasm #kinesiology #kinesiopractor #amandakate #passionandpurpose #lifecoaching #evolvenow #pipmckay #yourmagneticbusinesssignature #claimyourmagnificence #kinesiologyforbusinesssuccess #embracingmyinnersage
03.01.2022 Learn the art of Ho’oponopono, the Hawaiian prayer of forgiveness. This short 4 line prayer has an additional powerful statement that can be used. I’ll teach you all 5 phrases and give you some tools you can use in conjunction with Ho’oponopono to supercharge your cleaning and clearing. #workshop #booknow #amandakate #kinesiopractor #kinesiology #hooponopono
01.01.2022 This prayer is one I use often when things are tough and I can't see my way around to a solution. It allows me to open to guidance, to surrender the problem to powers higher than myself and trust that a solution will come when the time is right.... Willingness is a state of readiness, a preparedness to hand things over to a Higher Power and a way for us to acknowledge that our perception is the reason that we see things the way that we do. When we are willing to see things differently, we open to seeing things without our filters, with creativity for a new solution and without our stories clouding the truth. I use this prayer when I am angry, when I feel wronged, when I want to see another side to an issue, when I feel unmoving in my viewpoint and when I know that I'm stuck in my belief systems and want to get closer to the truth. How do you think you could use this in your life? What are you willing to see differently? Try it and see what miracles and magic happen for you! #willingness #acim #kinesiology #amandakate #KinesiologyForBusinessSuccess #ClaimYourMagnificence #LifeCoaching #PassionAndPurposeCoaching #solutionfocussed
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