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Amanda McHugh Psychic Medium & Author | Author

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Amanda McHugh Psychic Medium & Author

Phone: +61 437 123 718


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25.01.2022 A very lovely blog to remind us to look after ourselves and be good to our minds and bodies; especially as we are all such sensitive beings, looking after each other and in service to each other, the land and animals, in this beautiful world we live in.

24.01.2022 I had the pleasure of meeting a beautiful young woman recently. During our meeting I saw in my mind a light blue car and told her about it. She confirmed that her father had a light blue car. I said if you are saying ‘had’ then he has passed on and she confirmed this. So then I knew it was him in my mind, I could feel him trying to send me information to let her know he was there. I spoke to him and said to send more please that I could feel him. So he sent me a bird in a bus...h. This meant nothing to the lovely lady so I asked him for more. He showed me a man dancing from the 50’s/60’s era, the man was turning to the side and putting his hand through his hair and I realised he was saying Elvis. So I said he’s showing me Elvis. To which the lovely lady started crying and saying that Elvis was safe and she had him. Turned out she had a bird named Elvis and her Dad looked after Elvis for her until he died, now she had Elvis back. How’s that for a beautiful life everlasting story? Just wanted to share with everyone so we can all keep knowing that we are amazing, beautiful souls here on a journey together that is both physical and spiritual and goes beyond this life... we’ve had many lives together and we will possibly have many more lives together again... all my love to all of u and hope this beautiful story speaks to you and your loved ones, we don’t leave each other we TRANSFORM into ourselves over and over again, we grow and we are forever LOVE. Blessings always Amanda See more

22.01.2022 I had the pleasure of meeting a beautiful young woman recently. During our meeting I saw in my mind a light blue car and told her about it. She confirmed that her father had a light blue car. I said if you are saying ‘had’ then he has passed on and she confirmed this. So then I knew it was him in my mind, I could feel him trying to send me information to let her know he was there. I spoke to him and said to send more please that I could feel him. So he sent me a bird in a bus...h. This meant nothing to the lovely lady so I asked him for more. He showed me a man dancing from the 50’s/60’s era, the man was turning to the side and putting his hand through his hair and I realised he was saying Elvis. So I said he’s showing me Elvis. To which the lovely lady started crying and saying that Elvis was safe and she had him. Turned out she had a bird named Elvis and her Dad looked after Elvis for her until he died, now she had Elvis back. How’s that for a beautiful life everlasting story? Just wanted to share with everyone so we can all keep knowing that we are amazing, beautiful souls here on a journey together that is both physical and spiritual and goes beyond this life... we’ve had many lives together and we will possibly have many more lives together again... all my love to all of u and hope this beautiful story speaks to you and your loved ones, we don’t leave each other we TRANSFORM into ourselves over and over again, we grow and we are forever LOVE. Blessings always Amanda See more

18.01.2022 This is just lovely and so true

17.01.2022 When we pass over we are met by our loved ones on the other side. Please know how fully loved and beautiful you are. Your true spirit form knows no boundaries or issues the way we do here. It is experienced differently. Things are only limited to your imagination. And feelings are perceived differently, with more open eyes, more awareness, more consciousness and love. We understand that we can feel and think and speak to each other through our thoughts and the reading of each... other’s energy. Many of us are pure and loving, we have so much to learn here, we take that learning back with us and share and work through our earthly experiences. We are such inquisitive beings and we let ourselves forget our true nature so that we can learn here. For those of us who remember more closely who we are and what we are, that is all a part of the learning, the experience, the sharing. There is so so much to say and feel and experience here. When my beloved friends passed over, Sky and Kayla, they would take me on trips at night as I meditated. I was not asleep. One night they took me to a massive hole in the ground with lights in it, they warned me not to fly in as they said it was still dangerous for me to do this. The next morning I discovered that, I think it was in Mexico, a massive sinkhole had opened up and a building had gone into it, it’s lights still on. Another night they took me riding on the backs of dinosaurs and other types of big creatures. They said they could imagine and create what they wanted. They were always so imaginative. They said not everyone was so imaginative and not everyone would do this. It depended on your personality and your likes still what you chose to create and imagine. They showed me they painted things in our skies, they could create cloud formations for example to send us powerful messages for us to read and interpret. To guide us. There is a whole chapter devoted to them in my book. It was their 7th year anniversary on the 9/03/2019. And every time my daughter and I were in a shop this last week, one of their favourite songs was playing, Girl Put Your Records On. We both hadn’t heard it in ages and must have together and separately heard it over 6 times! They used to sometimes come visit me, I’d feel their presence close by, I’d hear them tell me something for their mum, then just to clinche it so I’d really know it was them they would blow the light bulb in the room! Such beautiful, powerful spirits. They did so much to show their mummy they were still with us when they passed over. I’ll share more in time. Their chapter in my memoir was one of the most difficult to write, one of the most emotional and heart wrenching but also some of the most powerful, incredible, psychic stories in my life See more

13.01.2022 Recently my daughter handed me a wet hand cleaning wipe. A second later I had a searing burning pain in the tip of my left middle finger. I told her and she exclaimed that she had this burning searing pain in that exact finger all day! When she passed me the wipe, our fingers touched and she passed me the pain. This led me to read even more about physical empaths. And I started to ponder how much more do we give to each other in this world. We are all sensitive beings. We giv...e each other colds and viruses all the time, what about these other things. When I was doing low back pain research in psychology for a PhD I had severe low back pain. I was with people with low back pain all day nearly every day for months. It got to the stage I got a steroid injection in my back. I was only 24 or so. When I finished the research which involved running treatment groups with people who had pain, my own pain just literally disappeared pretty much immediately. It leads to me wonder what are we giving to each other? To our children? What are we carrying into the future that doesn’t need to be carried? That is left over remnants from stuck sickness and energy from people from the past? And on the bright side, what good, empowering and beautiful things can we share with each other, with our youth, to better our tomorrows? With so much love and pondering, Amanda Here is a photo of the beautiful Coolamon tree - one day I was with a special lady who I work with in a caring role, and when I looked up these beautiful flowers were above us, sheltering us, energising all around, situated on a busy street. So healing and loving, just doing her thing, this tree is so inspiring and loving See more

11.01.2022 Memoir Of a Psychic: Trust Your Intuition & Thrive is now available at Federal Shop, a lovely, local store in the Byron Bay Hinterland

10.01.2022 I know it’s a bit of a way off yet - but I just had the most beautiful vision complete with the happy feelings involved, of us when this crisis is over. I was in a street and people were smiling and connecting and hugging each other. There was a sense of deep gratitude and connection. People were shining with joy yet also reverent. The depth of meaning, that our existence here is miraculous, was also deeply felt. It was really so beautiful and I look forward to it

06.01.2022 As an empath - and I believe we are all empaths - be careful who you touch. You can take on, sense and feel all manner of things from other people. Including health issues. Recently I had a dry tickling throat. I was in a shopping centre and had to quite urgently purchase a bottle of water my throat was suddenly so bad. I then went to a shop to buy my children something, my throat felt a bit better but still dry, and as I handed money over to the very nice man behind the coun...ter, he suddenly ran to the back. A minute later he came out and said I’m sorry my throat just got suddenly so dry I had to get a drink of water. I was amazed and said to him that was going around. I couldn’t think of what to say at the time! That would have been a big conversation to have at a donut shop! Recently someone tried to hug me and I had to say no. Not yet. Not until we talked about something between us. It might have offended her but I couldn’t. Once someone was apologising to me and I really cared for her. I let her hug me and I felt her heart was blocked and cold. I said to her, Are you actually really sorry? She said No I’m not. She was just saying it, going through the motions. She actually then looked at me with a cold, hard look in her eyes, she appeared relieved to stop pretending. I said, Well don’t worry then, say it when you mean it and we’ll hug properly when you actually mean it. I never saw this woman again. I told my husband I would be more careful hugging in future. I would protect myself because the coldness I felt, that aloofness is foreign to me and not pleasant at all. So I have been hurt by people by their touch. I can also get hurt by just looking at a ‘neutral’ looking photo. A friend once showed me a photo of her beautiful, happy smiling daughter. Within a second or two, my smile faded and I had a distinct mental image of her being abused by what felt like her grandfather. I felt so much pain in my heart and mind and my eyes started to cry. I looked into the mother’s eyes and I said, Oh no. And she started crying and she said, Yes, her grandfather molested her. Thus, information gathering through intuition is so real. It is who we are, how we operate in the world. Science is starting to understand this through mirror neurons for example. Amazing people such as Judith Orloff, an intuitive psychiatrist, are doing important work in the world to try bring our empathic gifts into the open, help us learn how to use them and to protect ourselves from being hurt or passing on our own hurts empathically. I think it is always a work in progress being in the world and interacting with all of the subtle and not so subtle energies around us and within us. We surely are such beautiful beings, and very intriguing also. Through mindfulness, meditation, protective thoughts and behaviours we can operate more carefully and with awesomeness in the world See more

05.01.2022 For those of you who have read my book this will make sense to you. This week I sent an email to the national terrorist hotline saying that I had a dream of an explosion, heard a French man talking and a cafe. I told them how I’ve emailed before (I’ve sent full on long emails to them before with long history explanations and I chose not to do that this week). I explained how if I have a dream like this, the place I dream about is the next to be bombed in real life and that F...Continue reading

05.01.2022 Love this beautiful post a friend shared this morning. It’s sums us up don’t you think?

04.01.2022 Feeling so grateful and I was a little teary when I read this beautiful review of my book by an author and journalist I respect so much.

03.01.2022 Memoir of a Psychic: Trust Your Intuition & Thrive ebook is available now on Amazon at the reduced price of only $3.99 Au for Xmas and New Year, it was $9.99. Blessings and love Amanda...

01.01.2022 Interesting dream... woke up to the word Geneva in my head and it was being circled as if by a pen around and around so many times. Wonder if something big or significant is happening there? I’ve been having a news break to lift my spirits, and I believe we get information about what we need to know when we need to know it. Anyway let me know if you hear something about Geneva please

01.01.2022 Blessings everyone. Let’s use the Coronavirus as an excuse to practice being our best spirit human self. Use it to see we are all one, all connected. Use it to be of service to others. See the opportunities to help others and grasp them. Feel your heart and spirit soar. Protect yourself and your loved ones, be gentle in the world and respectfully prepared with food, cleaning equipment and other essential items. And let us always remember that first and foremost we are spirit... beings having a human experience, we do not truly die, we live on despite the body perishing. If the virus takes us, and I do not take this lightly because I love the human experience, I love my family and friends and this incarnation, but I trust that for those spirits who are leaving us it is their time. This was always going to be their portal to leave and I wish them all the very best in the transition and beyond. We are love. We come from love itself. You don’t have to believe this personally at all, it doesn’t matter it still exists for us. Recently a woman’s deceased Dad came through and showed me a bird and Elvis, and I watched her as she sobbed and replied to her dad that their bird named Elvis was ok and she was looking after him well. Her Dad was adamant that he really wanted her, and us all, to grasp that WE DO NOT DIE. He didn’t remember this when he was alive in his physical body, but he knows it now and he wanted to share this knowledge with us all. When he was here he didn’t believe in anything, he didn’t know what to believe. What we know is that there is so much more going on in this world than we are aware of or are privy to. See this novel virus and situation as a chance to rise and be an awesome example of a human being and an enlightened spirit walking the earth. Please hold your dignity, strength, sense of humour and stay in the light during this spirit testing phase of our human lives. We are all in this together. Let’s talk to each other and hold calming, loving space for each other now and always. I told my children that although I’m healthy and the odds are slim, if it’s my time to go then so be it, I’m happy and I love them and I’ll visit them in their dreams and waking. They were reassured over this. They understand we are more than we appear. They’ve seen it for themselves. So can adults. Please if you have an opposite opinion to mine feel free to enjoy it, however please post of it on your own pages and not into this beautiful post. We are about spreading love and light and good karma and joy. Sending you all, all of my love and I hope you shine through this and other things that come up for us here, Amanda See more

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