Amanda's Bowen Clinic in Renmark, South Australia, Australia | Medical and health
Amanda's Bowen Clinic
Locality: Renmark, South Australia, Australia
Phone: +61 418 686 437
Address: 54 Renmark Ave 5341 Renmark, SA, Australia
Likes: 193
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24.01.2022 Unfortunately, I need to suspend all appointments for the 6 day Lockdown, this begins from Thursday 19th Nov through till Tuesday 24th Nov. I will be personally in touch will all clients who have booked appointments within these date to reschedule their appointments for a future date. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we all go through these unprecedented times.... PS Enjoy your 6 day holiday
24.01.2022 This week represents 8 years since Darin and I separated and 20 years that our journeys have been intertwined. Wow! so many things have changed! Over this time there has been some really valuable lessons I have learned about myself and life really , here a couple of goodies When your partner say to you when your dating This is who I am, I will not change" believe them! make the conscious decision if you are OK with that.... Responsibility! boy thats a biggy!! If you are willing to take responsibility for the part you play in life and your decisions, you are well and truly on your way, confronting, but extremely rewarding! No body can make you do anything you dont want to, your are that strong! Love yourself enough to fight for what you believe in and who you are. Yes, there is always compromise in any relationship but never compromise your worth and core values! I set out during this time to find out what keeps a marriage together, what does LOVE really mean? When I read this meme it really resonated with me. Growing and evolving together, creatively challenging each other. This inspires admiration for your partner or friend. When you truly love someone, no matter the relationship, you just want to see them grow to be the best versions of themselves. Have a great weekend with your loved ones
23.01.2022 What a SPECTACULAR creation by Grant and Marie’s Creations, many different designs, come over to Steve’s Steel Shop in Renmark to check them out!!! Can you believe this! I just love it Thank you Marie and Grant a truely unique and special gift it will take pride of place in my clinic
23.01.2022 Just recently the youngest member of our household turned 14. She has been a real gift to me, teaching me about acceptance and the simplicity of joy and love. Children are our mirrors, what they are running in their lives is a lesson we need to learn, sometimes thats easier said than to learnt. When you catch yourself criticising your child or yelling at them for doing something you feel they shouldnt, perhaps stop and ask yourself...... " what are they showing me that I need to change?" When you locate and change the pattern, you set yourself and them free, as they then, no longer need to run that pattern of behaviour. Have a great weekend my friends
21.01.2022 I dont know about you, but lately I am discovering how much my shoulders and neck have been carrying the stress from the last few months. I have had some mighty headaches caused from the energy stored within them (It is quite rare for me to get headaches). I think the more knowledge we are gaining about our environment and the effects that it has on our bodies, the more we gain certainty and can relax, allowing flow to occur. Knowledge is power! Take what you have learned these changing times and adapt our way of life to fit the new norm! Bowen can help the body to relax, adapt and reset into its new environment and thought patterns, to build a solid grounding for the roots to stabilise and the trunk to support. Love yourself enough to ask for help
21.01.2022 When life gets a bit tough remember..... Its just a phase that your moving though, it will pass and a new day will arise fresh
20.01.2022 Done! My COVID Plan is in place and my QR codes are up. So when you arrive for your appointment please scan the code and we are all set. Thank you to everyone for your co operation and patience.
19.01.2022 In Bowen Therapy, we have so many different procedure that cover the whole body, inside and out, that it can be hard to remember and practice them all So often I find myself treating a clump of assorted issues relating to the same set procedures. I just put it down to "OK, this is what I need to practice and review at the moment, no problem!"... At the moment those set of procedures revolve around the Elbow, Awesome! Thank you to everyone whos helping me hone my skills in this area Heres some fun facts about the elbow.... - Banging your funny bone is NOT funny!!!! - Theres a theory that the ulna nerve was labelled the funny bone as a play on the word Humerus (our upper arm bone). - Golfers elbow is when the ligaments (the Ulnar Collateral Ligament) on the inside of the elbow are ruptured or torn. - Trampolines are one of the most common Elbow breakers - 23 muscles give the elbow stability and flexibility! - You dont have to play tennis to have Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)! It is just caused through repetitive bending and flexing of the elbow. - For all you book lovers out there, even holding the book with your elbows bent for long periods of time can cause inflammation of the ulna nerve, causing numbness and weakness in the hand. That goes for IPads and Mobile phones as well! Enjoy your day
19.01.2022 Wishing all my Bowen Family a safe and Happy Christmas Break Thank you for all your ongoing support over this eventful year we have been through. May 2021 bring more certainty into our world. Amanda's Bowen Clinic will still be operating over the Christmas and New Year period, just public holidays closed. So if you need to book an appointment please give me a call.
18.01.2022 Be present and enjoy what you have. Great statement to install in our lives. Thanks Charlie
18.01.2022 Well, here it is...... The confronting fact that it is only 32 days till Christmas If you are looking for a stocking filler concider...... Gift Vouchers are a great way to treat the special people in your life with a relaxing and rejuvenating experience of Bowen Therapy. Please call me for all your Gift Voucher needs today
17.01.2022 This will test your memory We always seem to remember the problem/pain areas in our lives, why is that?
17.01.2022 Morning everyone Early morning get up this morning, heading to Santosha Health and Wellbeing Centre for my Renmark Clinic day.
16.01.2022 A simple and effective way to keep your body safe
15.01.2022 Ooh! the fairies are out playing today! You know why? Because we only have 1 week before Spring!!!
15.01.2022 Thank you 2020 you have been a truely inspirational year, you have taught me resilience in the things I can’t control, appreciation in the gifts I have been ...given, enjoyment in the simple things, respect for the world we live in and most of all love for my girls and family. The strength and grounding we all have built this year will stand us in good stead for many years to come See more
15.01.2022 Good Morning everyone Well today starts the beginning of my walking season Getting lighter in the mornings and dare I say slightly more pleasant conditions for walking.... Bring on the warmer mornings I say!
15.01.2022 Heres some more reasons you should drink water. Love the vehicle you have been given, we only get one of them
15.01.2022 Our bodies are AMAZING!
14.01.2022 When lying on the Bowen Table, have you ever thought... Why do they leave me after each set of moves?" The wait of around 2 minutes allows the body the space to feel the responses, or as I say "answers the questions that the move asks the body" If you ask too many questions in 1 set, the body gets confused, not knowing which question to answer, so it doesnt answer any!... Allowing the sensations recede, the practitioner can move to the next set of procedures. So make the most out of your session, relax and let the body do all the work!
13.01.2022 We all have history! In that history is pain, joy, magic, grief and many other emotions and experiences. Most of those come with pretty valuable lessons for us to learn. Sometimes the pain from a lesson can reoccur once or even regularly till the lesson is learned, it can show up through emotional or physical means.... When we learn the lesson, we become more cause over that pain or emotions and can often help remind us of the lesson and what we learned. Dont resist it! Embrace those triggers, thats what makes use who we are and what re represent in this life.
12.01.2022 Take the time to share your
11.01.2022 When we allow the mind to step out of the way, The body knows exactly what to do!
10.01.2022 One of my dreams when I was a kid, was to do gymnastics within a club, not necessarily to compete, just to be able to participate. I was introduced to gymnastics when I was around 5yrs old but due to moving around a lot (we were a forces family) I was not able to continue, only through school really and my front yard with my friends So when my girls were young, of course they introduced to gymnastics through Kindergym and onward, with me watching on from the side lines..., with admiration. Unfortunately in Canberra at that time there was no adults classes So when we moved to the Riverland SA, we found a great club that was offering the opportunity not only for the girls but for me also (even if it did take me a couple of years to build the courage to have a go). The saying goes Face the fear and do it anyway!, well thats what I did, with a little encouragement and the little kid inside me really wanting to, I did it! The reward for stepping outside of my comfort zone and realising that I didnt know what I was so worried about, my body remembered!! was so great it inspired me to reach into areas such as acrobatics and gymnastics coaching, I just wanted to share with everyone this great sport! The last 5-6yrs have been a dream come true, with the opportunity to participate with both my girls in various performances, be apart of the Australian team at the World Gymnastrada in Finland and compete at a Masters Games, I can finally say I have fulfilled and exceeded my dreams as a kid! Thank you to everyone who co created my dream with encouragement and enthusiasm, I couldnt have done it without you all Why am I sharing this with you?? When you picture yourself in your rocking chair on the porch when your 90! try to have a minimal regret as possible! Even if you think you cant do it or your too old, modify, and have a go, you might surprise yourself! OOh! and if your body hurts afterwards, call me for a Bowen Therapy session
10.01.2022 Your in there some where, keep looking Peel those layers back and be your true self, no matter what other people may think From me to you
10.01.2022 See what happens when you pop a plant in the right spot Thanks Tony for your awesome advice and buddying in the garden I havent seen my orchid flower for 4 years! who knew it was all about location
09.01.2022 Just wanted to confirm with all my clients that their appointments are still going ahead at this present time. If anything changes from this I will be in touch with you personally as well as put a post up on Facebook, so please keep an eye out on my page. If you have any concerns please message me via Facebook or mobile 0418 686 437.... Stay safe and remember if you are feeling unwell please let me know and we can reschedule your appointment.
08.01.2022 Have a fantastic New Year everyone 2021!
08.01.2022 Ever single body has the ability to heal itself! We just need the mind to step out of the way and let it do it’s best work! Bowen Therapy is a great tool!!
07.01.2022 The creation of this amazing therapy we call Bowen was stemmed from Love and Dedication. I would say these two words are the intention behind most Bowen Therapist throughout the world! Thank you Tom, Ozzie and Elaine for sharing your love to the world
07.01.2022 From Monday we are back up and running, business as usual As practitioners we have been recommended to wear face masks whilst seeing clients, it had also been recommended that clients wear them as well, this is not compulsory but I will have disposable masks if you would like to wear one or feel free to wear your own. Check out my new mask ... 100% cotton made in Australia Thank you Raelene for these amazing masks See more
06.01.2022 The only silly question is the one not asked! So get comfy - Im open for a chat
06.01.2022 Have a great weekend Remember while its cold out there , we are in the last month of winter, thats right the warm weather is coming
06.01.2022 It's going to be a good year!
06.01.2022 When I was studying Bowen Therapy, I dont know how many times I said "I wish I had known about Bowen when..." One of the most relevant time was when I was in labour with my eldest child Phoebe. I was so organised, I had my birth plan and there was nothing going to divert me from it!... Except my body had other plans. After being admitted to hospital 10 days after Phoebes due date, I was induced. Waiting and waiting for the pain to start, eventually they induced me again. Still waiting the next morning, they decided to break my waters but instead of Niagara Falls there was nothing! Finally after inducing me for the 3rd time there was some action and labour started After labouring for 10 hours I was only 5cm dilated but I was over the whole process! I was pushing and no one and I mean no one was stopping me! So before I got myself in trouble, they wheeled me down to surgery for an emergency C-Section as Phoebe was stressed and my body wasnt cooperating. Having had to pull Phoebe back out of my pelvis, she was born with a bit of a cone head but other than that she was perfect! She was trying her best to do her job, it was my body that wasnt pulling its weight. My pelvis was not able to expand out to full dilation. So going back to the beginning, I believe that if I had received Bowen therapy during pregnancy or even before I was pregnant, I would have been able to deliver naturally, just like my plan! So my message here is share the word.. Bowen Therapy can align and balance the body to operate at its prime efficiency, adjusting and taking the body back to its original blueprint. I wish I had known
06.01.2022 Hmmm! Who else has this issue of putting themselves 1st? Doing what is right for yourself, not doing the right thing!!... YES! thats right! So the next question is what is the right thing for you?? Only you can answer that one If that means popping in for a Bowen treatment because you need help to release the considerations within the body that have become stuck or that you should serve everyone else before yourself, go for it, Im ready and waiting
05.01.2022 Just sharing Catherine from Santosha’s 1st newsletter for 2021. Has some great info from babies to us more mature ladies Enjoy the read, I did
04.01.2022 No matter how small the gap... Theres always room to grow!
04.01.2022 We’re back up and running All appointments are back to normal We’re back up and running All appointments are back to normal
04.01.2022 Change is inevitable in life! Its up to us as individuals as to how that looks, feels and resonates into our lives. When reading the post below, see if you can relate it to your body and how the patterns we continue to run may not be conducive to where you are headed?... Just a thought! Oh and Bowen Therapy can help implement those changes gently and smoothly, if you would like some help.
03.01.2022 Its HERE!!!! We did it!!! Welcome SPRING... This is my favourite season, this is when all living things come to life after hibernation and new growth springs into action! September is my birthday month! My favourite colour is lime green (new growth) and I love all things bright and colourful.
03.01.2022 So Rocco is in the Parlour hay! Well I guess thats better than the Heaving Spot!!!!
02.01.2022 Did you know Flexibility is a benefit from Bowen therapy. He didnt!
01.01.2022 When your ready
01.01.2022 Truer words I have never read! The power of positivity! We are the creation of our own actions, thoughts and feelings, its up to us how we use them!
01.01.2022 Monday in Berri Wednesday in Renmark Friday in Loxton Looking forward to seeing you
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