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Amanda Vanelderen Writer | Copywriting service

to load big map

Amanda Vanelderen Writer


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to load big map

25.01.2022 #copycon19 There aren't a lot of things I commit to in advance. But CopyCon is a no brainer for any copywriter, content writer, business writer... whatever you want to call yourself.... And I better turn up this year, cos I'm speaking on taking the perfect brief :-)

23.01.2022 My noggin needs all the help it can get to learn new things! Cramming doesn’t work for me anymore

22.01.2022 Don't let your website be a stage 5 clinger. An exit pop up when I declined the first pop up AND it's served with a little salt! Not a fan. But I probably won't forget their name...

21.01.2022 Step away from the thesaurus! Big words don’t make you look smart. They make you look like you’ve got something to hide. If you wouldn’t say it, odds are you shouldn’t write it. Using unfamiliar words tells your readers you aren’t interested in them, or that you’re going to make them feel stupid. ... #writebetter #weareallwriters #writebetterbook #cutthecrap #saywhatyoumean #bigwords #stepawayfromthethesaurus #writing101 #writinginspo #thisaintnotextbook #writersofig #writersofinstagram #australianauthor #whatimreading #amandavanelderen

16.01.2022 #grammarpolice I could get behind this... you?

13.01.2022 #mugsfordays I'm a huge fan of Henneke from Enchanted Marketing - and now she has cups featuring her alter ego, Henrietta!

12.01.2022 #hacks Love these travel packing hacks from content queen and master traveller Maria Doyle - Create Real Change. Hilarious to think that all the space I took up in my backpack for Lonely Planet guides now gets filled with chargers and power banks!

11.01.2022 #schoolprojects I often think being a copywriter is like working on school projects. All day long. Kylie Orr's tale of her dad's 'help' with her Lebanon project had me laughing out loud tonight :-)

11.01.2022 #impatient When you're desperately tracking the package containing your first ever book proof... in transit is not specific enough!

10.01.2022 #adstolove Love to see Dave chasing his dreams!

10.01.2022 #choosemaths #clientlove Super proud to have played a part in the new AMSI Choose Maths campaign featuring Prof Alan Duffy and loads of smart math types. Such a pleasure when the words and design combine to create something amazing!

08.01.2022 Wow! Thanks to Expert360 CEO, Bridget Loudon for giving me a huge wrap in her latest LinkedIn article.

07.01.2022 It sounded fab... until I read the part about it making your brain work harder. Can someone invent a font that lets me work less?

06.01.2022 So proud of Cath Fowler Marketing. When you’re so good your local business awards makes up a category because you deserve a trophy!

04.01.2022 #EOFY #smallbiz $199 early bird for the Small Business Skills Summit - Bringing the skills to you Online closes today! It's Choose Your Own Adventure training. ... 60 presenters over 11 days across small biz skills for writing content, SEO, your brand voice, presenting, accounting and oodles more. Don't fear, you don't have to put pants on. It's all online with videos you can watch in your PJs. Or on the bus. I'm presenting on writing for your small business. Yep, just like my book, Write Better: How To Cut The Crap And Say What You Mean See you there!

04.01.2022 Look at moi! Getting excited to talk about taking the perfect brief at #copycon19

02.01.2022 #website Super sneaky peek at my *almost finished* new website. Feels like a bit of a milestone to move on from my self-taught job to one that look so schmick...... Can't wait to unleash it on the world next week! (And rave about my fab designer) A xo

02.01.2022 #readersdigest #vintage The ones you love know what makes you happy. So when my sister Karen Burns gave me a 1988 Readers Digest she found, she knew I’d be excited. But... the last page of the last story is missing!

02.01.2022 My first blog for the Case Study Buddy Case team is a doozy. Find out how one simple question took client wins from 20 to 500 a month for Growth Tools - and how YOU can build social proof the same way. #customerstories #casestudies #socialproof

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