Amateur Fishermen's Association NT (AFANT) | Businesses
Amateur Fishermen's Association NT (AFANT)
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25.01.2022 Yesterday morning, AFANT CEO David Ciaravolo caught up with ABC Radio Darwin's Adam Steer to discuss the responses AFANT received in support of recreational fishing in the Northern Territory. He highlights the need for a range of different policies to work together, in order to ensure the NT's world-class recreational fisheries can be maintained into the future. To listen to the interview click here: Click here to read what the three major parties said in response to the AFANT 2020 Policy Questionnaire:
25.01.2022 Wow!!! What a weekend to be fishing in the Territory with not 1, not 2, but 3 x 10k Million Dollar Fish going off!! Congratulations to the winners and to everyone else....get out there!
25.01.2022 Wow! 31 Billfish over the weekend! Nice stuff Darwin Game Fishing Club
24.01.2022 ATTENTION FOG BAY & COX PENINSULAR ROAD USERS Works are occurring on Fog Bay Road for the next 6-8 weeks. It essential that fishers follow the speed restrictions. The works area is close to the junction with Cox Peninsular Road. Slow moving tucks will be entering the road regularly from a new borrow pit; so drivers, especially those towing boats could have trouble stopping to avoid a collision if they fail to adhere to the work area speed limits. ... Enjoy your fishing, and make sure you get there and back safely!
24.01.2022 AFANT has called upon the Northern Territory Government to take immediate action to halt commercial crabbing in Shoal Bay, as the recreational sectors’ worst fears over resource sharing in the mud crab fishery are realised. On February 9 AFANT was informed that a commercial crabber has begun to operate their pots in the waters of Shoal Bay. This is the first time commercial crabbing has occurred in bay since 2014 and is a major cause of concern for the Darwin recreational fis...hing community, as well as the many retail and service businesses that rely on recreational fishing activity. Upon confirmation of commercial crabbing activity in Shoal Bay, AFANT wrote to the Minister for Agribusiness and Aquaculture Nicole Manison, seeking urgent action to stop commercial crabbing in Shoal Bay..... Read the whole story:
22.01.2022 It's time for the AFANT annual Members Prize Draw!! This amazing prize is generously donated by Reidy's Lures Australia and Rod & Rifle TackleWorld Katherine and all current AFANT financial members have a ticket! The winner for this years prize will be announced at the AFANT AGM on Thursday 19 Nov (this Thursday!).... If you would like to be in the draw for the prize next year, follow the link below to apply for membership: More info about the AGM:
22.01.2022 Welcome comments of intent from the CEO. Now let's hope the NLC follows up with new gazetted notices and maps to make it legal, ASAP.
22.01.2022 12 months in and the new reefs are teeming with marine life. What have you caught at the new reefs? And would you be interested in helping collect catch data in fisher-led monitoring program?
22.01.2022 ATTENTION DARWIN HARBOUR FISHERS! A NEW EXCLUSION ZONE HAS TAKES EFFECT ON MONDAY OCTOBER 19 A marine exclusion zone will be in place around HMAS Coonawarra at the Larrakeyah Defence Precinct from Monday 19 October 2020 until mid 2023. ... The exclusion zone will be in place while a new wharf is constructed as part of the Larrakeyah Defence Precinct Redevelopment Program. The zone will be marked with buoys and only authorised vessels will be able to access or transit through this area. Defence asks that everyone follows this exclusion zone for safety of all harbor users. More info here: Please note that a Notice to Mariners has been issued, and the exclusion zone area has been formally declared Closed Waters. This is an enforceable order. See the formal notice here:
22.01.2022 So much art for us to enjoy from the talented Darwin Street Art Festival artists City of Darwin City of Palmerston Let us know if we have missed any!
21.01.2022 DON’T MISS THE 2020 AFANT AGM! Thursday 19 November 2020!! This will be a great opportunity to hear from the first ever Minister for Recreational Fishing, Hon. Paul Kirby. ... As well as important updates and information from: AFANT Government election commitments Blue Mud Bay update Infrastructure developments: - Point Stuart Road upgrade - Dundee Boat Ramp Fisheries NT The Barramundi Fishery Review Artificial Reefs Update Following each presentation, AFANT financial members will have an opportunity to ask questions. Guests are very welcome to attend. Double Tree Hilton, Litchfield Room, 116 Esplanade Darwin. Registrations open from 5.15pm for a 6pm meeting start. Light refreshments will be served. All attendees will be required to register to meet COVID best practice.
20.01.2022 Winner, winner!
20.01.2022 The school holidays are coming up so make sure you register for the 'Hooked on Palmerston' catch and release fishing competition. With over $10,000 in prizes to be won it is another great reason to get out and enjoy the fantastic, accessible lakes of Palmerston.
20.01.2022 Great work being done by our sponsor and everyone's favourite local bait supplier!
19.01.2022 It is 'National Safe Boating Week' so show them your gear! NT Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics are giving away a $100 Fishing & Outdoor World voucher....see details below.
19.01.2022 Great news on Point Stuart in todays The NT News Upgrade for Point Stuart Road RECREATIONAL fishermen are on the way to having better road access to Point Stuart.... The Northern Territory government has awarded a design tender to Territory business ADG Engineers Pty Ltd for the upgrade of the Point Stuart access road. What is currently a narrow access track starting at the boundary of the Mary River National Park, around 11.4km north of the Shady Camp turnoff, will become 29.1km of two-way standard sealed road. Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics Minister Eva Lawler said the new road will improve access for people towing boats and open up fishing in nearby creeks and reefs in the Chambers and Finke bays. Minister Lawler said following the detailed design and consultation phase, tender for construction works is expected to go out in 2021. Territorians love the outdoor lifestyle and accessing your favourite fishing spot is part of that, she said. Creating a pipeline of work during the COVID-19 rebound is important to make sure our economy bounces back strong. Delivering quality infrastructure that benefits Territorians and creates local jobs, are projects that deserve to get off the ground. Recreational Fishing Minister Paul Kirby said that the design tender is the first step in realising the upgrade of access to Point Stuart, as part of the government’s $50m commitment to recreational fishing across the Territory. The upgrade will improve access to fishing in nearby creeks and reefs in the Chambers and Finke bays a great place to get away and catch a million dollar fish, he said [EDIT: AFANT understands the road will be a graded gravel road, rather than a "sealed" road as reported]
19.01.2022 East Alligator Exclusion Zone Please note, 3 Humpback whales have entered the East Alligator River. Parks Australia have imposed a public exclusion zone from the mouth to 30km upstream.
18.01.2022 And some more winners announced today! One thing is certain, the barra are on the bite!
18.01.2022 Take care on the Arnhem Highway this afternoon. Bushfires NT are have listed a fire at Marrakai. Fire crews are working hard near the Corroboree Billabong turn off, ensuring a fire break is in place. There is a smoke and ash hazard. Drive to the conditions, and ensure your aircon is set to recycle cabin air.
18.01.2022 WA is set to welcome its 7th Purpose Built Artificial Reef system, as it it recognised that artificial reefs are good for fishers, the environment, jobs and the economy. Have you fished at any of the NT's new reefs? Would you like to see more reefs built in the NT, and if so, where?
18.01.2022 Confusion reigns tonight over whether parts of the Territory's coastline will become no-go zones. Fishos were caught off-guard on Friday after the Northern Land... Council announced changes to permit requirements. But today they backflipped again revealing a new registration process instead.
17.01.2022 Dundee Rock Groyne - CAUTION AFANT are reminding fishers that the Dundee Beach Rock Groyne is not built to a pedestrian standard and the beach is a dynamic environment. Changes to sand levels and the gaps between rocks are a natural and regular occurrence. The Dundee boat ramp is one of the most visited boat ramps in the Territory and the rock-wall is a popular spot for land based fishing. We would like to take this opportunity to remind fishers that by its nature, a roc...kwall can present hazards that require caution and agility to safely navigate. Care must be taken at all times when accessing the area, particularly with children. With Territory election now behind us, AFANT are committed to continue working with the NT Government through the Dundee Boat Ramp Working Group, on the best ways to improve long term maintenance and overall amenity of the Dundee Beach boat ramp facility. It is AFANT's position that securing the best usage and value from this infrastructure includes pedestrianising the rock groyne and installing a pontoon for the safe loading and landing of passengers. We will continue to work on this, doing what we can to help ensure the infrastructure in this popular area is improved and developed in line with community needs and expectations. NT Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics The Lodge of Dundee Dundee Social & Recreation Club Inc
17.01.2022 City of Palmerston
17.01.2022 ANOTHER FISH: Make that 5! A fifth $10,000 tagged barra has been caught, this time off the bank at the Finniss River mouth. Dundee local William Talbot was we...tting a line on Monday using live bait - snagging the 70cm fish. Major Events tracked the barra- finding it had been tagged last month at Bynoe Harbour, travelling 64km to the Finniss before being caught. See more
15.01.2022 If you've been confused about the need to get fishing permits come Jan 1 or March 1, join the club...Tune in to this episode of the NT Country Hour as host Matt Brann talks with the CEOs from the NLC and AFANT (3:10 - 16:30). Let's hope that what the NLC are saying publicly becomes reflected in a new formal gazetted notice ASAP. Here's hoping the $10M agreement between the NTG and the NLC can get back on track, and inline with what the public (including us) were told.... All we want is for things to move forward positively, and respectfully, and for people to be able to go fishing at the places they love, with certainty in the New Year.
15.01.2022 On Dec 11 "Permit Free" fishing is announced by the NLC. On Dec 18 Permits and No Go Zones from Jan 1 are announced. What is going on here? How is anyone supposed to make plans, build a business, or even accept what they're being told from one day to the next?
15.01.2022 Thanks to all who joined us celebrating these important milestones! And a huge thanks to the recreational fishing community for being so positive, diverse and committed to sustainable fishing. It's a pleasure to be representing your interests for 40 years!
14.01.2022 Whoa!!!! Hold up! That makes 4 winning fish caught over the weekend Congratulations to our mate Rowan Francis
14.01.2022 If you are heading down the Arnhem Highway in the next few months, please be aware of the roadworks around the Adelaide River Floodplain... A message from NT Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics "The Australian and Northern Territory Governments are funding a major upgrade of the Arnhem Highway across the Adelaide River Floodplain.... The upgrade project will reduce road closures during the wet season along the Arnhem Highway due to flooding of the Adelaide River floodplain by raising the road level and improving under road drainage. Traffic management will be in place to enable these works to occur while ensuring road user safety. Traffic management at these locations will involve lane closures, speed reductions, temporary works and detours. Specific after hours arrangements will be in place over nights and weekends when works are not occurring."
13.01.2022 Very scary for this couple. Thanks to the residents of Dundee, Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services and mostly their registered EPIRB! Remember to keep your EPIRB registered and up to date:
11.01.2022 Attention Corroboree Billabong fishers, especially Corroboree Park Challenge competitors. It has come to our attention that following a recent intervention to improve the usability of the Corroboree Billabong boat ramp, some issues launching and retrieving have reemerged. There have been reports that some fishers may have scraped trailers or motors against parts of the ramp due to an uneven surface. It is our understanding that best way to mitigate potential trailer or boat d...amage at present is to ensure that all driving on the ramp (reversing and retrieving) is done very slowly and with care. It is also essential to ensure that motors are trimmed up. Today, AFANT has been in conversation with NT Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics staff who alerted us to the reemergence of this matter and who have been very helpful. We understand that Department staff are planning on installing temporary signage this evening (Friday Oct 23). We understand an official update may be posted by the Department, however with Corroboree Park Challenge competitors hitting the water from this afternoon, we want to ensure that the word gets out as soon as possible. We have alerted and briefed the Competition coordinator this afternoon. We remind all users that all people onboard a trailered reversing boat should be fully and safely within the boat at all times (anywhere, not just at this ramp). Issue Background: A number of weeks ago, AFANT contacted the NT Department of Infrastructure Planning and Logistics (DIPL) in response to a number of concerns fishers and AFANT staff had raised about the Corroboree ramp and approaches. DIPL staff responded quickly, causing the removal of debris including rocks and star pickets exposed by receding waters. Work was done on the ramp to reduce the impact of uneven surfaces. Next steps: We will remain engaged with DIPL on safe launching at Corroboree Billabong. We will seek to have a long term solution funded and implemented. We will engage with the community further regarding views on the need for a pontoon, which is something that a number of members (and our staff) have raised and have been concerned about for some time. Palmerston Game Fishing Club Inc.
11.01.2022 The good wet season is already supporting better catches of tagged Barramundi, including from roadside culverts and creeks! Read the story to learn about Jed's tagged fish recapture, the movement and growth of the fish, as well as how fishers are continuing to help inform Barramundi monitoring and research. Have you ever caught a tagged fish?
10.01.2022 Election 2020: NT Parties Support Policies for a Bright Recreational Fishing Future The Amateur Fishermen’s Association of the NT is pleased to confirm that we have received commitments from the major parties in support of most of the policy questions we put forward to ensure a bright fishing future in the Northern Territory. See what the parties said: ... While support for important policies has been broad, the details of the responses from each party often differs, so AFANT encourages fishers to download the AFANT 2020 Election Policy Questionnaire Response Document to see for themselves.
09.01.2022 Great tips from the Fisheries NT team.
09.01.2022 Great to have the Territory Opposition back our call for action! In the lead up to the 2020 election both the CLP and Territory Labor confirmed support for AFANT's request to progress the next steps on our formal application to allocate Shoal Bay mud crabs to the recreational, Aboriginal Traditional and fishing tourism sectors.
08.01.2022 I've had many Rec Fishers, Amateur Fishermen's Association NT (AFANT) and other peak bodies contact me in the last 24 hours. Our government has invested heavily... in the rec fishing industry and as was explained yesterday, the decision of the NLC has taken us by surprise. Recreational fishing is extremely important to thousands of Territory families, critical to many Territory businesses and the full implications of any changes are still being worked through. I want to reassure everyone that our Government will continue to work tirelessly with all stakeholders to find a resolution, and keep the best interests of all Territorians at the forefront of our negotiations.
08.01.2022 Chock-a-block full of Barra City of Palmerston reckon!! Get into it!
08.01.2022 The Tinny should always be mandatory listening, but be sure to tune into hear our CEO outline in detail why there is a compelling case for Shoal Bay crabbing to be formally allocated for Recreational, Aboriginal Traditional and Tourism fishing only.
06.01.2022 Great to hear the NT Minister for Agribusiness and Aquaculture (Fisheries) Nicole Manison has understood our call to progress our resource sharing application, and understands that having Shoal Bay free of commercial mud crabbing over the past 10 years has been important for Darwin's recreational crabbers and has worked well. Worth a listen to this interview on the ABC's NT Country Hour today. We hope to hear news of progress on the next steps soon.
06.01.2022 Fingers crossed for a big Wet and and epic Run Off!
06.01.2022 GREAT NEWS FOR KATHERINE RIVER FISHING! With only 1 more sleep before the NT Election, AFANT are pleased to inform our community that working with the candidates and their parties, we can confirm tri-partisan support for an additional $400,000 to improve access for fishers to the Katherine River in the next term of Government. A big thanks to Melanie Usher - Territory Alliance candidate for Katherine, Kate Ganley: Labor Candidate for Katherine and Jo Hersey - Country Liberal...s for Katherine Despite being a situated on the banks of the beautiful Katherine River, fishing opportunities for Katherine locals and tourists, often involves travelling 100's of kilometres to the Daly, Victoria or Roper rivers. Improving access to the Katherine river will provide more quality fishing experiences closer to town for residents and tourists alike. Better access for recreational fishing is a key area of focus for AFANT and whoever is in office, we look forward to working with the NT Government over the next 4 years on improving access to our rivers and coastline. We have secured broad support from the 3 major parties for a whole range of polices to support a bright fishing future in the NT. To find out more visit:
06.01.2022 Great weekend for a fish! Take a feed, but try not to feed Snooza!
06.01.2022 Remember the AFANT 2020 AGM is tonight!! Double Tree Hilton Litchfield Room, 116 Esplanade Darwin... 5.15pm registration 6pm meeting start As well as presentations from AFANT and Fisheries NT, we look forward to hearing from the new Minister for Recreational Fishing, Hon Paul Kirby. And as you can see below, we have some great raffle prizes to give away thanks to our generous sponsors Fishing & Outdoor World Craig's Fishing Warehouse Camping World and Compleat Angler Darwin NAFA Magazine All welcome!
06.01.2022 ATTENTION DUNDEE FISHERS If you are heading out at Dundee this Friday or Saturday to take advantage of the neap tides for reef fishing, pay attention to the timing of the low evening tide. Don't leave your run back to the ramp too late! As advised last month, the operational level of the ramp is expected (and maintained) to be around 2.8m. This means your will need to be in by around 4:30PM on Friday and around 5:30PM on Saturday to avoid a lengthy wait for enough water to re...turn (9-10pm). For background, see this post: And this post:
05.01.2022 It's beginning to look a lot like build up...Tony Olsen last weekend with a 120 on the mighty Vic River. Hear it on the Tinny podcast :
03.01.2022 Notice of the AFANT 2020 Annual General Meeting On behalf of the AFANT President, Warren de With and the AFANT Committee we would like to invite Members and guests to attend the 2020 AFANT AGM. Details are attached:
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