A-Maze-In Mind | Mental health service
A-Maze-In Mind
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24.01.2022 Monday's Positive Message "I do my best and that is good enough" Start the week off right with a positive message to carry you through the ups and downs of life.... Positive messages and mantras work well when they are repeated, resonate with you and are paired with an image. Please feel free to save, copy or share these affirmations. Wendy #positivity #positiveaffirmations #affirmations #positivethinking #supportingparents #awareparenting
24.01.2022 GRATITUDE I've woken in a somewhat reflective mood. Despite having to get kids to school and myself ready for work I have spent 5 minutes staring out my bedroom window, petting my cat, and listening to the rain. My mornings used to be horrendous. Two crying kids who hated school because it was noisy, overwhelming and caused no end of anxiety.... Oh how things have changed and for that I am so incredibly grateful. #gratitude #grateful #parenting #anxiety #mentalhealth #mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealthawareness #morningroutine #schooldropoff #empoweringteens #mumlife #amazeinmindapp #teenlifecoach #teenlifeskills #lifeskills
23.01.2022 Parenting Teens is Hard!! Actually, parenting is hard, regardless of the age of our children! Teens are especially tough as they think they have all the answers, refuse to ask us as parents for help or take our advice!!... The A-Maze-In Mind app is designed to help our children learn the essential emotional life skills required in order to thrive. The information, tools and strategies are provided and demonstrated in a variety of ways through the ebooks, regular postings to the app via 'news' items and live online workshops.sues may include anxiety, depression, friendship/relationship issues, communication problems, managing stress/anger, negative thoughts, unsure of a future direction, building resilience, boredom and more. The ebooks are designed so that they do not need to be read in their entirety for a new skill to be learned or knowledge to be gained. The information, tools and strategies are provided and demonstrated in a variety of ways through the ebooks, regular postings to the app via 'news' items and live online workshops. To learn more about the app and how it can help support your teen through the trying times there is more information on our website, which also contains a short, informative video of the ebooks https://amazeinmind.org.au/books/ The app is available for an investment of just $149.95. That equates to just $2.88 per week!! For this small investment, you will receive 24/7 access to all the tools and resources, regular updates and a one-hour work-shop each month for 12 months. You can help your teen thrive through the trying years for less than the cost of a cup of coffee per week! To purchase your subscription click this link https://amazeinmind.org.au/shop/ #teens #parenting #parentingteens #depression #anxiety #empoweringteens #educatingteens #essentiallifeskills #lifeskills #positivity #positivethoughts #thoughtawareness #stressmanagement #teenangermanagement #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #supportingteens #amazeinmindapp #resilience #buildingresilience #teensfriendships #boredom #stressmanagement #angermanagement #futurefocus
19.01.2022 I created A-Maze-In Mind because I wanted to help and support teens and parents of teens. Even now, more years on than I care to admit!, I remember how tough it was to be a teen and how lonely and disconnected I felt from my family and friends. Do not underestimate the value of letting your child know that you see them and love them, flaws and all.... Once we start trying to dominate and control, we are invalidating their views, experiences and feelings. Through growing our self-awareness, creating age-appropriate boundaries, and discipline, we can create a home environment that is more harmonious and less like a war zone. To support teens there is the A-Maze-In Mind App and I have a Facebook Group for parents. Visit www.amazeinmind.org.au to find out more about the app or join my Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/425903905289783 #peacefulparenting #thegentleparent #parentingprinciples #parentingsupport #parentingtips #parentingteens #parentingtweens #harmonioushomes
17.01.2022 POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS Did you know our subconscious mind gives us more of what we ask for. If we are constantly having negative thoughts or subconscious mind thinks that's what we want and so gives us more of them!! The great news is that you CAN rewire your brain. The more positive thoughts you have and the more positive things you say to yourself your subconscious mind will give you more of it!!... Positive affirmations are a great way to increase the positive messages in our thoughts. Having them in visible places in high traffic areas around the house, on the lock and home screens on your phone/tablet, as your desktop wallpaper and screen saver all serve to increase our daily dose of positivity. You can find some free affirmations/quotes on the free resources page on our website www.amazeinmind.org.au We also have a pack of digital affirmation, formatted especially for mobile devices for sale on our website too. Just $6.95 for 40 beautiful affirmations http://amazeinmind.org.au/shop/ #affirmations #positiveaffirmations #amazeinmindapp #positivepsychology #depressionawareness #anxietyawareness #parentingteens #selfwareness #selfhelp #selfcare #parenting #stressrelief
14.01.2022 Hi I'm Wendy, founder and creator at A-Maze-In Mind. I'm a Mum to 2 beautiful kids, have 2 cats, 2 fish and love Crystals and crafting!... I became a counsellor in 2010 and have worked with couples, teens and families. In 2015 I took on a role @fostercareangels and with their support and in working with young people I have been able to create the A-Maze-In Mind app. I know that from my personal experience, from working with young people and families that the issues facing teens are not getting any easier. In fact I think they are more complex and varied than ever before. I created the A-Maze-In Mind app to help teens develop the skills and gain the knowledge they need to help them navigate through these difficult years. The app covers a range of topics from mental health issues, relationships, communication, self-care, stress management, building resilience and much more. To learn more about the app and how it can help support your teen please visit our website. Link in bio. Thank you. #teenlifeskills #teenlifecoach #empoweringteens #supportingteens #parents #parentsofteens #supportingparents #mentalhealth #awareness #selfhelp #resilience #buildresilience #lifeskills #teeneducation #teendepression #teenanxiety #depression #anxiety #empower #support #positivity #amazeinmind #peersupport #mentalhealthapp #parentcoach
13.01.2022 When I ask parents what they want for their children, the answer is often: "For them to be happy and fulfilled" I then ask the following 2 questions:... 1 - Are YOU happy and fulfilled? 2 - Do you know what your kids version of being happy and fulfilled is? We are role models to our kids. They learn by seeing what we do and how we show up in the world. If we are not happy and fulfilled or we don't even know what that looks like for ourselves, how can we expect our kids to attain it for themselves? Working on yourself, valuing yourself and striving for your own happiness and fulfillment is an incredible lesson and example to give to our children. Working on yourself, valuing yourself and striving for your own happiness and fulfilment is an incredible lesson and example to give to our children. join me in my Facebook community https://www.facebook.com/groups/425903905289783 to learn more. Wendy #parenting #Parents #parenthood #parentingtips #parentingsupport
10.01.2022 Creating Connection As our children get older it is easy to feel as though we are losing our connection with them. Where once we were the person they always turned to, we are replaced by friends and peers.... A really easy, simple way to create or maintain a connection with your children is to join them in an activity that they enjoy. It could be playing on the Xbox or PlayStation, doing make up tutorials, watching TikTok, taking funny selfies with snapchat filters or joining them in their room to watch a Netflix series together. It may not be something YOU want to do, but the whole purpose is to spend time with your children. Asking if we can join them in doing something they enjoy is going to help us connect with them and build a bond. It's also going to build their self-esteem and sense of self-worth in that you value the things they do and want to do it with them. That you take time out of your busy day to join with them. It speaks volumes to our children about how much we love and value them. Our children often don't want to do the things we WANT to. If we force them, it is unlikely that there will be any conversation or sense of connection. It will also be less likely for it to happen again in the future. For more parenting support, join my Facebook community - The Parenting Support Network https://www.facebook.com/groups/425903905289783
09.01.2022 What brings you joy? When was the last time you devoted time to yourself to be joyful or discover what it is that brings you joy? Knowing what brings you joy and spending time doing that sets a fantastic example to our children.... Our children learn so much from us, we are their models for all kinds of behaviour. Imagine setting an example that shows them how to be themselves and be content in that context of knowing. I know for me it has taken a while to find out what brings me joy, but now I know I make sure I spend time doing those things. My kids knowing I spend time doing things that bring me joy gives them permission to experiment, to find their own joy, and to know that this is an important thing to do! Have you found your joy? #parenting #parenting101 #findyourjoy #rolemodel #parents
07.01.2022 Building our Emotional Literacy Our emotions occur on a spectrum, yet we only use a handful of words to describe how we are feeling. We tend to use the same words over and over such as happy, sad, angry, stressed, fine! Think about how you respond when someone asks how you are or what emotions you talk about with your partner/children.... Emotional Literacy helps us to use a wider vocabulary of words so we can accurately describe how we are feeling. This allows us to accurately acknowledge these feelings to ourselves and allows us to seek the appropriate help and support to help manage those emotions if they are troubling. Having a wide range of emotions requires a large vocabulary to describe them. Simple words, such as sad or angry, cannot accurately convey the depth and actual feelings behind it. If you are sad you could be upset or bereft, if you are angry you could be irritated or infuriated - there is a big difference between the feelings behind these words! Building Emotional Literacy is not just helpful for our own emotional regulation it is also a great skill and tool to model to our children. Our children often find it difficult to express their feelings in words so broadening their vocabulary as well as our own is going to benefit the whole family! I will be sharing some more emotion words over the coming weeks to help us all build or emotional vocabulary - look out for these posts of a Thursday or search #emotionalvocabulary on this page. #emotionalvocabulary #emotionalliteracy #emotionalintelligence #postivevibes #postitiveaffirmations #parenting #parentingteens #teens #teensupport #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthsupport #amazeinmindapp #resilience #buildingresilience #healthyrelationships #angermanagement #examstress #studystress #breathingexercises #essentiallifeskills #lifeskills #selfhelp #selfcare #empoweringteens #empowering
07.01.2022 Sharing an impromptu live I did on Instagram this afternoon!! ( Instagram.com/amazeinmind if you want to follow) I am learning to listen to and be guided by my intuition and I felt called to share this message today. We cannot expect our children to be what we are not! ... I want my kids to be self confident, to love themselves and be happy. I've discovered that I can't just wish it to be true for them. That I have to live it and be it, to show them it is possible, to give them permission to discover this for themselves. This means I have to love myself, know myself and do things for myself that give me joy. I cannot depend on others for my happiness, for my self worth or for my confidence. This is a lifelong practice. Not a do once and it's done. This is why I spend so much time talking about this stuff - because it's massively important for our kids and therefore for us too! If you want to know more about this, my courses, one to one support and more sign up via the link below and get my 2 free guides as a thank you! https://mailchi.mp/4115bbb/5-top-tips-for-calm-and-patience
05.01.2022 BREATHE A mid-week refresh! Take a moment with me, right now, to take a deep breath.... Breathe deeply into your stomach, making it big and round. Pausing, breathing deeply and practising gratitude are all great ways to increase our sense of calm and ability to be patient.
04.01.2022 SELF CARE I've seen alot of posts and articles on this subject lately and I wanted to share my thoughts. SELF CARE is doing something that fills YOUR cup, is just for you and makes you feel good about yourself.... It is NOT getting to do everyday tasks without the kids!!! My self care includes regular yoga. I love the feeling of strength and peace yoga gives me. It's not very often I like my body but yoga definitely helps me connect and feel good about what it can do. I also love the feeling if flexibility and seeing the improvements in holding different poses and balance. What do you do that helps you feel good? #selfcare #yoga #parenting #parentsofteens #parentingteens #empoweringteens #mumlife #supportingteens #teenlifeskills #lifeskills #teencoaching #teenlifecoach #mindfulness #motivation #resilience #teenrelationships #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #awareness #selfawareness #positivity #positivethinking #essentiallifeskills
01.01.2022 What to do when your kids are shouting at you!! Many of us as parents find it difficult when our children shout at us. Our automatic response is to shout back!... However, this rarely (if ever!) helps the situation. Most of the time things will escalate into a full blown screaming match with neither party feeling heard or understood. I am sharing a video from my parenting community (https://www.facebook.com/groups/425903905289783) that has some tips on what to do and what to say. Also, don't forget about my 2 free guides to help communication with your tween or teen and my 5 top tips to staying calm and patient that can be accessed here: https://mailchi.mp/4115bbb/5-top-tips-for-calm-and-patience #parents #parentingsupport #parentingteenagers #parenting
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