Amazons Perth Dragon Boat Club | Sports team
Amazons Perth Dragon Boat Club
Phone: 0428249396
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25.01.2022 Well we have all made it through 2 months of COVID... and how well we have all shown comradery, support and resilliance... finding new ways to train both in fit...ness and paddling, but also support each other with zoom catch ups, etc. A big special congrats to those who had put their hand up and been selected to trial for the Auroras Premier squad to go to Asia later this year that AusDBF and the Head Coach has cancelled given the uncertainty around ability to travel and train . Im sure the Auroras would have done us proud at the competition.. But now to think forward to the next World Nations Champaign... Keep safe everyone
25.01.2022 Well done DBWA for keeping clubs informed and aware of current restrictions. Amazons paddlers are looking forward to resuming training when it is deemed safe to do so.
24.01.2022 COVID-19 Phase 3 requirements for clubs CLUBS Nominate a key contact/s from the club to ensure club members are familiar with State/Territory restrictions, ...DBWA and AusDBF protocols regarding COVID-19. Clubs must provide adequate supplies of hand sanitizer and other cleaning materials for athletes and volunteers in boatsheds, toilets, and shared areas. Members completed hygiene safety training where required. Maintain Attendance Register for training and events and keep for 12 months (attached). Club kitchen can be accessed provided it is cleaned after each use. Toilets may be accessed, cleaned daily as a minimum and limit access to maintain distancing. Must clearly communicate risk minimisation measures with Club members. Must have clear signage placed around clubs to remind users and athletes of measures/limitations in place. ATHLETES Get in, train and get out Stay at home if you feel unwell. Sign attendance register. This includes all members and non-members who attend any club training sessions and events. Use hand sanitizer prior to commencing training and on completion of training. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. No shared hand towels or soaps to be used. Maintain social distancing of 1.5m where possible when off the water, ie warm-ups and cool downs. No sharing of water bottles allowed. If desired, athletes to provide their own masks. No unnecessary body contact, i.e. handshaking, high fives or hugging. Recommend downloading the COVIDSafe app. EQUIPMENT Paddles - use your own paddles. If using club paddles, disinfect prior to and after use. Sweep oars - to be disinfected before and after use. Bum mats - bring your own or arrange with club to borrow on a long-term basis. PFD (lifejackets) - bring your own or arrange with club to borrow on a long-term basis. Ergo - hand sanitizer prior to session, disinfected after use, cleaning log maintained by club with sign off after each session. Boats - Wash down on with detergent and water between sessions.
24.01.2022 Congratulations on behalf of all Amazons Kristin - a very worthy recipient indeed.
22.01.2022 Youve definitely got the best from the West right there AusDBF! Our lovely Barbara Clarkson gives so much to the sport at club, State, National and International levels. We are very proud of you Barbie
22.01.2022 Most definitely. Take care everyone
21.01.2022 Great racing at the first regatta for the season. Love a close race.
21.01.2022 On the shores of the Swan River sits Perth, Australias sunniest capital city. Perth is naturally adventurous and home to Indian Ocean sunsets at 19 pristine me...tropolitan beaches. It boasts a world class wine region, the Swan Valley, just 30 minutes from the city centre. The city offers an exciting mix of new hotels, bars, restaurants and cultural spaces along with one of the worlds largest inner-city parks, Kings Park and Botanic Garden. If you havent visited for a while, youll be blown away by how much has changed. And if youve never visited, there is no better time than October 2021! The 2021 Australian Masters Games will be an experience like no other in Perth, Western Australia a year round holiday destination where adventure awaits.
20.01.2022 Apocalyptic scenes from coastal Oregon & California due to raging wildfires where smoke is turning day into night. Over 15,000 firefighters are battling millions of acres of fires.Thoughts/prayers for those impacted.
19.01.2022 On International Women’s Day- Here’s to strong women: May we know them May we be be them... May we raise them. A challenged world is an alert world and from challenge comes change. So let's all #ChooseToChallenge. Celebrate women's achievement. Raise awareness against bias. Take action for equality. #IWD2021
19.01.2022 Effective from 6pm tonight, Sunday, 31 January 2021 until 6pm Friday, 5 February, the Perth metropolitan area and the Peel and South West regions will enter a 5-day lockdown, based on health advice. These measures are being implemented due to a fast evolving situation in Western Australia with the positive COVID-19 case detected in a hotel quarantine worker. This means that all clubs are to cease dragon boat activities until further notice. With regards to the Fremantle Fest...ival, We will be advised as soon as possible. If you have any COVID symptoms, please go and get tested. If you are concerned, please ring the COVID contact number 13COVID (13 26843). Further information regarding today’s announcement is
18.01.2022 D : Georgina Smith : Admin Director... ? 2014 ? Perth Pirates DBC : The fitness I have achieved. It has been a long journey and I still have so much to achieve. But I have come so far in my fitness journey, and have achieved so much that I once thought was never possible. I am currently the fittest I have ever been, and I look forward to what the future holds. I could not have done it without each and every person I have paddled with. ? Dragon boating has taught me that no matter what your goals/dreams or reasons are, if you believe in yourself and constantly try to better yourself, you can achieve amazing and wonderful things. : Every race in which the boat lifts and glides down the lane. The feeling of the power, connection, and support of the whole boat. Knowing that every single person is digging deep, pushing themselves to the max, and working together to achieve the same result. One Team, One Boat, One Stroke. The strength that every person in the boat helps drives me to give more than I thought I could and hope I am giving them the same drive. ? I did dragon boating in high school for a season back in New Zealand. When I moved over here it was on my bucket list of things I wanted to do. Asked Mr. Google for my local club, and the rest is history ? Milk, and lots of it. Especially Banana flavoured milk. And my after Regatta routine often involves a good stretch and a litre of milk, straight out of the bottle. #georginasmith
18.01.2022 D : : ... ? 2003 ? , 13 , 2 3 . : , , . , 2019. ! ? , , . , , , , . , , , . . : ( 10) 500 2019 " -". ? , !! 10 . " , . " . ? !!! . .
17.01.2022 Hope youre all doing ok. If not, take a deep breath and reach out. There will always be an Amazon buddy close by willing to lend a hand, a shoulder to cry on , or simply to walk alongside you
16.01.2022 Footage from the 2019 Fremantle Dragon Boat Festival. This years festival will be even bigger and better. Head on down to Fishing Boat Harbour on Sunday 7th Feb to catch all the action. Amazons Perth Dragon Boat Club looks forward to seeing you there
16.01.2022 Very excited to announce that we will be back on the water this coming Saturday morning. See you there Amazons
15.01.2022 D : Brad Brooksby : General Board Member... ? 2011 ? Forza Dragon Boat Club. It is the local club in Bunbury and has a great crew where everyone gets along. : The greatest achievement was getting selected for the WA State team, makes one very proud. ? In the past, I have usually played individual sports like golf and baddy. While you can pair or play as teams its an individual effort. Dragon Boating is all team effort, so a different focus where we help each other. : A GOLD medal in Canberra wearing a State shirt will not be forgotten soon, all I can remember of the race was the last 50 m or so trying to get to the finish line with every stroke. ? I started with the Spirit of Bunbury a long time ago, I do remember paddling in the Swan under the bridge with the crew yelling Who Ha and it echoing. That was a corporate team as I was with the City of Bunbury at the time. I drifted off in other pursuits until Debbie joined Forza in 2010, I followed in 2011 and have been involved since then. ? As a member of the RWC (Red Wine Club) at Forza, I would have to say a glass of Merlot. #forzadragonboat #bradbrooksby
14.01.2022 Grand Prix regatta # 1 today - how lucky are we in WA to be able to get out in the sunshine and compete? See you all there
14.01.2022 What a fabulous day today. A lot of great racing, some spectacular wins from the other clubs open crews, a lot of great sportsmanship and a special Petals on the Water ceremony to remember our founding member Yvette. Gotta love dragon boat racing
13.01.2022 XVIII Australian Masters Games in Perth 2021 - woo hoo! Always such a great event.
13.01.2022 We are making March Menopause month because many women going through breast cancer treatment have to deal with treatment induced menopause. Whilst natural meno...pause can be bad enough, when it is induced by treatment, the onset can be early, sudden and the symptoms more severe. We want to try to help you understand what’s going on, give you some ideas about things you can do to help yourself and let you know where you can go for help. Keep an eye out for the next post about oestrogen, the hormone at the heart and bringing the heat to menopause. #menopausemarch #menopause #theflush #oestrogen #breastfriends #breastcancer #breastcancercarewa
13.01.2022 D : Sheryl Kelly : Committee Member... ? September 2016 ? Perth Pirates Dragon Boat Club : Making the state team last year, even with COVID-19 killing the dream for all us this year to head over and compete. Hopefully, the next nationals which will be here in WA will be our year. ? It has certainly shown me the importance of being part of a great team, the support and friendships I have gained from this sport have been fantastic. As the President and part of the coaching team for the Pirates, I am constantly surprised at the heart and determination that individuals show every season. Its what brings me back to this sport every year. : When the Pirate ladies 10 team won 2 gold medals at the 2017 state championships, it was a real boost for the whole club. ? A friend had been paddling for some time and he suggested that I should give it a go. It was at a time when I was looking for a new challenge, so I gave the Pirates a call and they welcomed me down for a paddle. I loved it ? Shocking confession, I am normally that hungry after training I will eat just about anything. Bad habit, but I do try to eat well and keep a balance between paddling, gym, and kayaking. #sherylkelly
12.01.2022 Happy Sunday everyone.
11.01.2022 DBWA State Championships at Champion Lakes Regatta Centre this coming Sunday. Come on down and cheer on your favourite team. All the best to everyone participating.
11.01.2022 What a legend! Susan is a much loved and respected member of our club and a valuable Board member for Amazons and DBWA. We dont know what we would do without her
11.01.2022 Hi Amazons if you enjoyed today could you please like Chapels on Whatley page and leave a review. Thanks x
10.01.2022 At some point on every breast cancer journey people feel alone and for many isolation can make that loneliness even greater. BCNA has many resources to support ...patients through their diagnosis and treatment. Your support ensures we are available 24/7 to those who need us, by keeping our breast cancer Helpline open 7 days a week and our My Journey online tool regularly updated with the latest information. Your tax deductible donation will give people the resources they need to feel less alone. #BCNAPinkLady #COVID_19 #breastcancer
10.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day to all the amazing Mums out there. Wishing you sunshine on your face today and that you are able to connect with your loved ones in some way during these difficult times. Have a lovely day.
08.01.2022 A very beautiful version of Feels Like Home - for a very worthy cause. Enjoy listening and consider donating
07.01.2022 D : : ... ? 10 ? : . ? , . : M 2000 10 , . ? ? #debbiefenn #forzadragonboat
07.01.2022 We all need a bit of this. Have a great day .
07.01.2022 What a bubbly, beautiful young lady. Stephanie is sharing her story to raise awareness of breast cancer issues and the impact it can have on so many people, not just the person going through treatment. Such a champion
06.01.2022 So wonderful to be back on the water yesterday. After an unscheduled hiatus due to the current pandemic, Amazons hit the water with enthusiasm and joy. How lucky are we to live in beautiful Western Australia? Our thoughts and prayers to our fellow dragon boaters in Victoria.
05.01.2022 This was inevitable really. Amazons support the difficult decision made by IBCPC and look forward to the time when we can all celebrate together.
04.01.2022 Due to COVID shutdown and restrictions, Amazons End of Season Event morphed into a Season Opening Celebration with a sumptuous Pink High Tea and a glass or two of pink bubbles. A lovely afternoon at the fabulous Chapels on Whatley celebrating everything Amazons. Congratulations to this years award winners: The lovely Jo took out the very well deserved Boat Buddy award and the gorgeous Rae Ellen was a dual awardee taking out Coaches Award and Club Champion. Both recipients were very deserving of these annual club awards. Well done ladies
03.01.2022 Thinking of all those dealing with the current fire crisis. Our thoughts, prayers and love to everyone involved.Thinking of all those dealing with the current fire crisis. Our thoughts, prayers and love to everyone involved.
02.01.2022 Today is R U OK? day, a day to take a moment and check in on others or a reminder to speak up if you need some support. This year, our world has really changed and more than ever many of us are struggling so we need to listen to those we ask and help support them if they are not ok. R U OK?
02.01.2022 R U OK? Lets keep the conversation going beyond tomorrow.
02.01.2022 So! How is everyone feeling today?
02.01.2022 Amazons members - dont forget to log in for our Zoom connection on Saturday morning . Details have been sent to you via email. Should be fun
01.01.2022 A COVID update from our CEO Zoe McAlpine. Our love goes out across WA - especially to our clients. We are definitely open and here to support all our clients w...ho need us. ~Our nurses and counsellors are working from home at the moment, and they can support you by telephone, video and email. If you, or anyone you know needs our support, please contact us on 9324 3703. ~To our wonderful supporters and volunteers - thank you. You have held us up over these past 12 months, and we are so grateful. ~Our Vision Board and Clay Therapy workshops this week have been cancelled. Support Groups will move online until further notice. See more