Hartley's Meadow Doula / Amber Kevill | Businesses
Hartley's Meadow Doula / Amber Kevill
Phone: +61 403 128 736
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25.01.2022 I think a CTG is just another tool use to control and manipulate women in labour and birth... AND as protection against litigation. Continuous CTG (cardiotocogr...aphy) is when a CTG machine - with two receiver discs, 2 waist straps and 2 cords that feed back to the machine- are attached to a labouring woman for the duration of her labour and birth in order to get a print out of her babies heart rate. Its happening all the time as a result of birthplace culture and reduces the womans comfort, access to water during labour, limits movement and most importantly makes very little difference to the outcomes for the baby, whilst increasing the chances that the woman will undergo major intervention. @who doesnt recommend it, the research is against it... even @birthsmalltalk who has a PhD on this cant confidently say that CTGs have a beneficial place in labour care at this time. What we know is that we dont know the benefits of the use of CTG, research hasnt found anything of significance, except that they are bad for women without creating a significant improvement for the well-being if babies. What are the alternatives? The use of intermittent auscultation (listening in) with a hand held Doppler is another option and is recommended by @who as a suitable alternative... the world health organisation states, in settings where continuous CTG is used defensively to protect against litigation, all stakeholders should be made aware that this practice is not evidence-based and does not improve birth outcomes @lifeandlens_photography @lifeandlens_kin #cardiotocography #midwife #obstetrics #undisturbedbirth #homebirth #hospitalbirth See more
25.01.2022 https://edition.cnn.com//baby-antibiotics-link/index.html
25.01.2022 Tickets are on sale now. The film will be a must watch.
24.01.2022 Heres your reminder that you deserve nice things for yourself too! @The Mom Brain Therapist
24.01.2022 Pregnant? Check out our breastfeeding timeline to find out what you can do during pregnancy and beyond. https://aba.asn.au/breastfeedingtimeline #pregnant #breastfeeding #baby2020 #babyonboard #babies
23.01.2022 https://perthisok.com//kid-family-friendly-resaurants-per/
23.01.2022 Ok so mayne not relevant to my target audience of birthing mummas, but I would love to see a time when menstruation, birth and menopause are all openly talked about and honoured. If you know someone who may be interested, pass on the event info!
22.01.2022 I never get randoms sliding into my dms but if I do... Im asking them to babysit
20.01.2022 Do you know what youre having?... Look I get it, other than asking when I am due there isnt much you can say to a pregnant person. Polite small talk is norm...al and we all know everyone loves a good party. However, can we all take a step back and agree that when you think about it, having big colour coded parties to celebrate an unborn babys genitals is just...well..a bit weird really! Guns or Glitter? Tiaras or Trucks? Its all just nudge-nudge for does your child have a penis or vulva. Then we give these little people whole personalities based on this one thing instead of sitting back and seeing who they truly are. Even when theyre born they might not identify as the sex assigned in that moment! Boy, girl, non-binary or intersex, these little people are all beautiful and special and unique and should be celebrated as such. Smarter people than me have spoken out about gender reveal parties and if you had one and it brought you some joy (especially during lockdown) thats fine but how about we start throwing book showers or nursery decorating parties or even just big, glorious, random celebrations of new life instead of theming a whole big bash for adults on a babys junk! So, without any more waffle about why I present my silly happy send up - the NON GENDER REVEAL PARTY! Enjoy weirdos and feel free to share. Photos taken by the amazing and talented Claire Legg Photography http://www.claireleggphotography.com/
20.01.2022 #HomebirthAwarenessWeek2020 Because of contemporary cultural messages about how dangerous birth is, I can understand why homebirth is not an option many women c...onsider. Nonetheless research around the world suggests it’s one that should be more widely considered. Recent Australian research comparing home and hospital births tells the story: for low-risk women choosing homebirth we see no increased risk for babies, but stark differences in intervention rates. Of the women who planned homebirth 10% transferred to hospital for necessary interventions, emergency caesarean 2.5%, instrumental birth 2.5%, epidural 3.2%, episiotomy 2.9%. In contrast, for low-risk women choosing hospital the rates were caesarean 12.5%, instrumental birth 17.5%, epidural 27.5%, episiotomy 21.2%. Merely by choosing a hospital, a low-risk woman increases her chances of intervention. Of the homebirth women 95% had spontaneous vaginal births, while only 70% of women birthing in hospital did. This difference between 95% and 70% might already seem stark but it’s important to note, too, that the figure of 70% for spontaneous vaginal births in hospital doesn’t equate to normal physiological birth. It merely means the baby was born vaginally without the use of forceps or vacuum, so this 70% statistic can also include induction, augmentation, artificial rupture of membranes, managed third stage and other procedures. In contrast, the spontaneous vaginal birth statistic of 95% for women choosing homebirth equates predominantly to normal physiological birth. These positive stats are reflective of homebirth research worldwide. Yet in Australia, in contrast to other countries and despite the evidence of its safety and benefits, homebirth is neither routinely promoted nor easily accessible. Hence the need for an ‘awareness week’ and for me to maintain my passion for promoting homebirth. Happy Homebirth Awareness Week 2020!
19.01.2022 Lucky to be attending a beautiful mother blessing today! https://www.bellybelly.com.au//blessingway-what-is-a-bles/
18.01.2022 Sad to see a midwife have her pool returned like this. Liner wasnt used so pool has blood and mold from water not being wiped out. For my own pool hire this would be full security deposit kept. Hopefully I dont have to do that with anyone!
18.01.2022 https://www.thewonderweeks.com/background-and-science/
14.01.2022 Home birth transfer. Nobody wants it or envisions it. But here me loud and clear - YOU... DID NOT FAIL For most low-risk mothers out of hospital births are safe and have a ton of benefits. And we should always have a backup plan. Births can easily go from Plan A - to Plan B - to sometimes Plan C. Flexibility and support are key. With a skilled midwife the goal is to transfer *before* an emergency - I like to call them "yellow flags". They monitor several things and chart just as a nurse does - and when something seems "off" we discuss our options and whats best instead of waiting until theres a real emergency. That can look like many things - babys heart tones, babys position, dilation, mamas health, mamas endurance, and more... I think this a common misconception with home births 1) you failed 2) its unsafe. Unfortunately not all midwifery practices are the same and some have given them a bad name. Overtime, though, the home/hospital relationship is getting better and it makes me SO happy to see - this mama was completely treated with respect and her OB was 100% supportive in still helping this mama achieve her goal of a vaginal delivery. Her nurse was amazing, and I was able to stay with her as her doula after mannnnyyyy hours of labor - she worked so. stinking. hard. Her midwife was also treated with respect as she transferred care. Women birthing at home will never cease so a positive relationship can only be beneficial. <3 I *love* when everyone is on the same side even if its something we may not do ourselves - we want a healthy, happy, supported mama who is heard and a healthy, squishy baby! <3
14.01.2022 Homebirthing families may like this add for towels etc https://m.facebook.com/marketplace/item/3537635866264577/
14.01.2022 If they say No and you turn up anway... prepare to see boob and possibly be squirted with breastmilk! Consider this your 6month warning
14.01.2022 https://open.spotify.com/episode/551gib4EParZSmsDbZFNYh
14.01.2022 As you know July was a super busy month for all of us here at the FBC and throughout King Edward Memorial Hospital. Rest assured that during these busy periods we still manage to provide amazing care and support for you and your baby. Check out our incredible results.
14.01.2022 Model Call for a Home and Water Birth. Are you Pregnant or know someone who is having a baby soon, who would like to capture this absolute amazing journey. 20... Edited Digitals Photos will be used to add to my portfolio and for advertising purposes. If you are interested or know of someone who will be LET ME KNOW... www.facebook.com/DeniceKnopjesPhotograpy #deniceknopjesphotography #minisessions #studiophotography #couples #family #kids #birthphotography #fresh48photography #events #engagements #weddings #homelifestylenewborn #maternity #captureyourmemories #photoswithlovedones #milestonesessions #lifestylenewborn #birthsessions #cakesmash See more
13.01.2022 https://www.honestlynatural.com.au/guide-to-choosing-natur/
12.01.2022 Our test features in this new video https://www.instagram.com/p/CD2a0zujJwJ/
11.01.2022 It is my Birthday tomorrow! Facebook keeps asking if I want to set up $ donations but no.. what I would LOVE is skip your coffee tomorrow go to any Australian Woolworths buy 1 sanitary product donate it in the pink boxes out the front of woolies... share the info with your friends See more
11.01.2022 2nd child isnt even born yet and Im dreaming of the day when they have moved out, Husband is in his nursing home and I live alone. 1st thing I do is go to the toilet and then shower without interruption.
09.01.2022 Probably another brown eyed babe in our future
08.01.2022 If you didnt already know, I have an Instagram account dedicated to birthy resources! (@doulalibrary) Today I started a podcast to go alongside it. For now it is on spotify but might be on other platforms soon! https://open.spotify.com/episode/1T51i2kYXvuYEgAaeVcFTP
08.01.2022 A sneak peek at our group shoot on Friday!
06.01.2022 Now Louis XVI wanted to see his wife birth their baby on front and close and that started the fashion for birthing laying down. After all if the Queen of Franc...e did it then it must be OK!? What birthing on your back does is inhibit the full movement of your pelvis. We need it to be open and to have full motility as that will help speed things up. I encourage clients to move as much as they are able during labour and if possible to birth in any position that they are comfortable in. For more information on how a doula can support you then please send me a DM
05.01.2022 Excited to announce our 2nd little deer is coming in February! Pink is just what we had so dont think its any hints! I will be sharing more of how conscious conception went and the pregnancy so far soon...I am SO EXCITED to finally share!!
05.01.2022 Must listen with Perth Independent Midwife Clare
03.01.2022 https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/9/10/e029192
03.01.2022 http://chng.it/q28d89pfY2
03.01.2022 I need boy suggestions! Boys names are so hard!
03.01.2022 Thought for the day...
03.01.2022 Lets talk about this article. You dont even have to go past the heading to see what the agenda is here. Vaginal birth is the DEVIL and the cause of birth tra...uma, didnt you know?? Women need be to WARNED about the RISKS of pushing a baby out of their vagina. Oh, and doctors provide much better care than midwives Give me a fucking break. Perhaps if those women who experienced traumatic vaginal births did so in a safe and supportive environment with no unnecessary interventions, they would not have been traumatised? If they had continuity of care with someone who respected and advocated for their wishes, they could have a medicalised birth and not be traumatised. Women who report feeling supported, properly informed and in control of their births suffer less trauma than those who feel like things werent explained properly to them, or done without their consent, or if they were treated appallingly by their care providers - REGARDLESS OF THE MODE OF BIRTH. This article is so flawed - it completely disregards all the existing research that says continuity of care with a known midwife provides better outcomes for women. It is thinly veiled patriarchal BULLSHIT and is dismissive of womens choice. Also - doctors arent the only ones who intervene, midwives do too. In fact, it is often built into hospital policy that they do so. Dont even get me started on this part "Dr Beale said natural birth was a lovely philosophy" Well hes right about one thing - if there was a different philosophy to birthing, less people would be damaged. But the answer is NOT more interventions across the board. This whole system needs to be burned down and built again, to be TRULY woman centred. Belittling womens choice, ignoring the evidence and towing the line that obstetricians are the experts in whats best for birthing women... Its just another day in our broken maternity system.
02.01.2022 This We need to keep advocating for accessible, affordable homebirth so that the women of Australia can make genuine choices about their births. Its awful th...at our right to homebirth isnt respected in Australia. We will get there : @villagemidwife #homebirth #homebirthnsw #homebirthaustralia #childbirthchoices #childbirthchoicesmatter
02.01.2022 The study on 4 year olds is new info to me! We waited until the placenta was out to cut the cord- which was an hour- and will do the same with this baby.
02.01.2022 New blog post! How did I spend my preconception and 1st trimester? Peeing into random household objects in the name of science of course! https://hartleysmeadow.weebly.com//do-diy-pregnancy-tests-
01.01.2022 https://bmcpregnancychildbirth.biomedcentral.com//1471-239
01.01.2022 My rookie mistake! I hope all the Fathers and Fathers to be enjoy their day tomorrow... surprised or not
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