Amber Elizabeth in Armidale, New South Wales | Local service
Amber Elizabeth
Locality: Armidale, New South Wales
Phone: +61 404 488 541
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25.01.2022 Hee hee. I must be a psychopath :P Early morning and late night exercise sessions are my favourites :D
24.01.2022 Sometimes you just have to get up and get moving. Rainy weather is the perfect excuse for some to sit around and do very little but you need to be able to motivate yourself. Remember - any workout is better than none. This morning my class just picked ten different exercises, ensuring that they hit most body areas, warmed up and did one minute of each (set a timer and play some music you like to make it more enjoyable). Then we cooled down and stretched. A good way to start the day and ensure that your fitness levels do not drop just because you are stuck inside
23.01.2022 Today's workout was hard but SO satisfying! Choose weights that will be a challenge but if you can't get through the repetitions PLEASE drop down a weight. Warm up - be thorough! ... Then add on: 10 knee push ups 10 tricep dips 'Flower' by Moby - front squats with dumbbell overhead press Reverse pyramid set Bent over row x 15 Laying down chest press x 15 Same x 12 Same x 9 Same x 12 Same x 15 Drop set Shoulder press x 20 Bicep curl x 20 Tricep extension x20 Same x 15 each Same x 10 each Superset - 2 exercises - 3 rounds - no breaks! Reverse lunges x 20 - with a dumbbell overhead Sumo squats x 20 - with a dumbbell at your chest Cool down, including: Dead bugs x 20 Plank on hands with side stretch x 10 Knee push ups, slow with a hold at the bottom x 5 Shoulder circles Lift knees and hold Stretches - very important!! Especially shoulders.
23.01.2022 This afternoon's tabata workout was a family affair with much dancing, climbing and joining in from the littlies. We managed to avoid any major collisions but it was eventful Tabata - 20 seconds as hard as you can, 10 seconds rest, 8 rounds. Make sure you warm up before you begin!! ... Exercise 1 - Step ups with knee lift (get that knee up high and hold it there briefly) Exercise 2 - Tricep dips (both me and my son struggled with these as we have really pushed our triceps hard for the past few days) Exercise 3 - Mountain climbers (fast, slow, dead stop or crossover - you choose your preference) Exercise 4 - Pick an ab exercise that you feel you can maintain form for for 8 rounds. (I went with slow ab bikes today as my abs were tired after this morning's workout). Exercise 5 - Plank holds. I recommend alternating between hands and elbows planks for each round but my son challenged me today and I held each plank for 30 seconds, then swapped to the other for the next 30 seconds etc. all the way to the end, so it was a 4 minute plank in total. My shoulders certainly felt it! We finished with our usual 10 toe pushup challenge to see if we had anything left in the tank at the end - kind of like the sprint at the end of a long run. Then we cooled down and stretched. I have done sooooo many stretches this week
22.01.2022 I feel as though I have mastered running Zoom workouts now. Feeling so fresh and satisfied - that was hard! But good hard. Doable but you had to push yourself to keep going, my favourite kind Complete a 5 -10 minute warmup sequence ensuring that you warm up all muscle groups for this workout. Set a timer for 7 minutes and complete Set One as many times as you can in that time.... Set One: Curtsey lunges x 10 V sit ups (or crunches) x 10 180 degree squat turns x 10 Slow crossover mountain climbers x 10 Commandoes into side plank x 10 Rest for a minute. Re-set timer for 7 minutes and complete Set Two as many times as you can. Set Two: Step ups onto a chair, with knee lift x 20 Tricep dips x 10 Ab bicycles x 20 Pushups and tap opposite sides of chair x 10 (5 on toes, 5 on knees) Jack knives (or crunches and clap behind thighs) x 10 Rest for two minutes and repeat with Set One. Rest for two minutes and repeat with Set Two. Make sure you cool down and stretch thoroughly afterwards. This is hard but if you get through it all, you will feel so good!
22.01.2022 Hahaha. Whatever motivates you :P What inspires you to push yourself?
21.01.2022 It is good to have fitness goals. I am currently working on pistol squats at the moment but my son is trying for dragon flags :O Which exercises are you currently trying to master?
19.01.2022 Advice for the day: Find an awesome running buddy, a lovely location and enjoy the endorphins <3
18.01.2022 Make the most of this gorgeous Spring weather with some outdoor activities. This evening was a beautiful time for a 12km bike ride with my eldest son. Quality time AND exercise - not much beats that combo Also a good way to work up an appetite before dinner... which I had better start cooking :P
17.01.2022 The older I get, the less I care about how I look and the more I care about how I feel. I have never been a make up person, able to style my hair nicely (a ponytail is the extent of my skills there) or even bothered to try and keep up with fashion but I have always tried to be comfortable within my own skin. Your body is your home, your main means of transport and responsible for your mobility. Keeping your body fit and healthy is in your best interests and is about much than fitting into a small pair of pants. Eat well, try to be active and challenge yourself regularly. It is too easy to lead a sendentary lifestyle these days and once you lose muscle strength and cardiovascular endurance, it takes a lot of time and effort to rebuild. Without motivation, some never do. Take care of yourself and try to get the most out of each day - especially while the weather is so gorgeous but even when it isn't :P
16.01.2022 Burpee Challenge Set a one minute timer and attempt to do 10 burpees within the minute. Whatever time is left is your time to rest. When it goes off, start it again and do another 10 burpees. Do this every minute on the minute (EMOM) for 10 minutes - totalling 100 burpees. Have fun :P... How to do a burpee: Stand with your feet shoulder - width apart, weight in your heels, and your arms at your sides. Push your hips back, bend your knees, and lower your body into a squat. Place your hands on the floor directly in front of, and just inside, your feet. Shift your weight onto your hands. Jump your feet back to softly land on the balls of your feet in a plank position. Your body should form a straight line from your head to heels. Be careful not to let your back sag or your butt stick up in the air, as both can keep you from effectively working your core. Jump your feet back so that they land just outside of your hands. Reach your arms over head and explosively jump up into the air. Land and immediately lower back into a squat for your next rep.
12.01.2022 Awesome workout from today! Great for those rainy days inside. Complete a 5-10 minute warm up sequence, ensuring that you warm up all muscle groups for this workout. Sip water at the end of each 7 minute workout. Set a timer for 7 minutes and complete Set One as many times as you can in that time.... Set One: Curtsey lunges x 10 V sit ups (or crunches) x 10 180 degree squat turns x 10 Slow crossover mountain climbers x 10 Commandoes into side plank x 10 Rest for a minute. Re-set timer for 7 minutes and complete Set Two as many times as you can. Set Two: Step ups onto a chair, with knee lift x 20 Tricep dips x 10 Ab bicycles x 20 Pushups and tap opposite sides of chair x 10 (5 on toes, 5 on knees) Jack knives (or crunches and clap behind thighs) x 10 Rest for one minute and repeat with Set One. Rest for one minute and repeat with Set Two. Make sure you cool down and stretch afterwards.
11.01.2022 This guy is a beast! Good inspiration :O
11.01.2022 Make sure you make yourself a priority! It is too easy to get lost in a world of jobs and obligations but remember that you only get one go at this life. Make it a good one :)
10.01.2022 'One day your workout will become you warm up'. Be consistent with your efforts and progress will follow :)
08.01.2022 Be realistic in your goals and make sure that your workout and meal plans are achievable and maintainable long-term. Consistency is key to progress.
06.01.2022 I got a message this morning asking if I calorie count and the answer is a very firm no. I just try to eat hearty food and make sure I only eat when I am hungry. Not out of boredom or because something is on offer. It helps that I don't like most fast foods and actually enjoy cooking. I drink a lot of tea and coffee and that fills me up a lot but I generally eat 4 - 6 meals a day. I love food :P This is my normal breakfast and my go to before any morning workout or run. Wholemeal toast with macadamia nut butter (literally just ground up macadamias - I got addicted to it when a hippy friend introduced me to it at uni. Expensive but healthy and delicious) and honey. With a cup of tea with lite milk - no sugar. It has everything you need for quick energy and more slow release and is yummy and satisfying.
06.01.2022 Was feeling great that I could do so many toe push ups at the moment but now I feel as though I have a lot of work to do :P
05.01.2022 Day 6 of making conscious decisions to eat better whenever possible. Only eating when hungry - not bored. And choosing foods to nourish my body, not for the excitement of tasty treats. I knew I was winning when co-workers were sharing chocolate this afternoon (after a long, tiring, cold and rainy day) and I walked on past to have my carrot instead - without feeling like I was missing out (I actually really like carrots and don't want to ruin my appetite for dinner because ev...erything tastes better when you are genuinely hungry). My goal is to lose a little pudge and work on building up my muscles and endurance again. There is no quick fix, just slow and steady progress. I have been making sure that I fit in some decent exercise each day too. Today is 5km run day too so I am not done * Some would argue that junk food should not be included in this picture but I disagree - as long as you keep it in moderation and only eat it if you are genuinely craving it, not just because it is there AND STOP WHEN YOU FEEL SATISFIED NOT WHEN YOU FEEL FULL. Usually a couple of bites is enough to take the edge off when you are cutting back on eating fatty or sweet foods. The more sugary treats you eat, the more you crave them and visa versa. Try to limit them as the less you have, the less you will feel you need.
04.01.2022 This morning's workout was quite a test after all of the exercise I have done this week. The muscular endurance is starting to struggle but I got through it. No rest in between exercises but a brief rest (30 seconds to a minute) between sets to have a sip of water and fix one's ponytail Warm up for at least one song. Variety of movements to get your whole body ready to be pushed. ... Set One x 3: Squats x 15 Sumo squats x 15 Set Two x 3: Reverse lunges x 16 Curtsey lunges x 16 Set Three x 3: Push ups (toes or knees or a mixture of both) x 15 Tricep dips x 15 Set Four x 3: Russian twists x 16 V sit ups x 15 Set Five x 3: Commandoes x 14 Plank with side reach x 14 Set Six x 3: Ab bikes x 20 Reverse crunches x 15 Set Seven x 3: Full sit ups (straight legs) x 10 Burpees (no push up) x 10 Jog for full song 'Can't Hold Us' by Macklemore. Forwards and backwards, normal, high knees, kick back and sprint on spot for fast part at the end of the song. Squat hold - 1 minute Plank hold (on elbows) - 1 minute V sit - 30 seconds Cool down and stretch as always
04.01.2022 Two years older and a mother of four now and I managed to take 21 minutes off my 15km run/intense hike up a mountain yesterday! :) As someone who only got into running at 31 and started off with a very gradual walk/jog approach, I am so proud of what my body can now do when I set my mind to it. In my opinion, a long distance run is more of a mental than a physical challenge as without motivation and a goal, I do not know WHY you would do it to yourself! Even I considered tur...ning around only 3kms in when the hill climb began but I reminded myself that I was here to challenge myself (and I wanted to make my kids and students proud). Good tunes kept me moving and my Runkeeper app kept telling me how far I had travelled at 5 minute intervals, which gave me a sense of achievement and I was determined to manage it in less than two hours. Never did I imagine that I would smash it in one hour and 41 mins! Last time I was literally dragging my feet to the finish line, whereas this time I sprinted the last 100 metres, overtaking four people in the process! I did no long distance training for this. Just a number of 12 mins runs (usually completing a distance of 2 and 1/2 kms) and one 5km run the week before. However I did do a lot of muscle strength and endurance training (which was good because my quads were REALLY tested on that hill!) Getting your breathing right (slow, deep and steady) is the hardest part of cardio training but once you master that, you can literally achieve anything. Aim high, eat and sleep well, move often and set yourself some REAL challenges. You would be amazed by what your body can do when you really put it to the test! Life is about adventures - make sure you have some
04.01.2022 Went for my first 5km run in over a term yesterday and it made me very sad how tired and weak my legs felt. I also needed to take two breathers as I stupidly had a heavy lunch and a coffee right before we went and that, combined with the heat, made me feel quite sick. I now plan to go for a 5km run every second day until my legs start to look and feel like their old selves as I miss feeling capable and fit. Then I will amp it up a bit in preparation for my 15km run in December. It is always good to have goals and be willing to push yourself. I recommend taking water with you when running in the afternoon though - even just to cool your face down. I like evening runs the most but don't always get to choose my times, I just go when I can
04.01.2022 Starting is often the hardest part of beginning a workout program and sometimes just getting up off the lounge seems too hard. My advice - just do it. Once you get going you will get into the groove and the more often you do it, the easier it will feel. Remember - you won't always feel motivated, sometimes you just have to be determined
04.01.2022 Good full body workout to start your day :) Warm up: Stretch out ankles and jog for 5 mins. ... Abs: 30 crunches - forward, left, forward, right... 30 bicycle crunches 30 second v-sit 30 toe touches (or just clap hands behind your thighs with legs up in the air) 1 min plank (elbows or hands) Legs: 30 squats (don't forget to squeeze glutes at the top) 30 reverse lunges (alternate legs) 20 lateral (side) lunges (alternate legs) 30 reps curtsey lunges (alternate legs) 30 reps 180 squat turns *Bring Sally Up Challenge (to 'Flower' by Moby) Push ups on knees (or do box push ups just to get those muscles activating) *Every minute on the minute (EMOM) 10 burpees For 10 minutes = 100 burpees Cool down and stretch! VERY important!
04.01.2022 Feeling brave and creative and stepping out of my comfort zone to try some new training styles and come up with new workouts for my classes to 'enjoy'
04.01.2022 Totally agree. Tell yourself you can't do something and you won't be able to. Tell yourself you can and you have a much better chance of achieving it. Be confident and have positive self talk :)
03.01.2022 Grossly dislocating and fracturing my neck at age 24 and being 1mm off being a quadraplegic was what really made me appreciate exercise. Only being allowed to walk around the block once a day is very limiting and makes you REALLY crave movement. I don't think I have sat still much since being given the all clear :P Don't take your body for granted. Be grateful for what it can do <3
03.01.2022 Just went for a hot, middle of the day run. Not my best (especially without taking water with me) but any run is better than no run <3 I had to laugh when I missed out on my run last night and my husband said: "You don't need to run, you are already fit". I laughingly pointed out that fitness is something that you have to maintain! Sadly you don't just earn it once and get to keep it :P
02.01.2022 This is a body weight workout for all of the out of practise people. I did it this morning and followed it with a delicious fruit smoothie. Highly recommend! This workout is all body weight, low reps and back to basics exercises to get everyone moving. It focuses on reinvigorating all of those muscles that have become a little idle since we have been on lockdown and spending more time on screens, indoors, or just sitting around in general. Well done to those who have manag...ed to stay strong and active, I have been sick with the flu for two weeks and I'm just getting over it, so this is also a wake up call for me. Warm up to 'Everybody' by the Justice Crew or another song that makes you want to jump around Legs Set 1 10 x squats 10 x pulse squats 10 x squats, half up, back down and up 10 x sumo squats 30 second squat hold Arms Set 1 10 x knee pushups elbows close to body 10 x tricep dips 10 x knee pushups hands out wide 10 x elbow plank to push up 30 second plank hold on elbows Abs Set 1 10 x ab bikes 10 x scissors 10 x v sit ups 10 x overhead situps 30 second v sit hold Legs Set 2 10 x reverse lunges 10 x curtsey lunges 10 x side lunges 10 x side shuffles 30 second squat hold Arms Set 2 10 x plank jacks 10 x plank with side reaches 10 x half burpees 10 x mountain climbers 30 second plank on hands Abs Set 2 10 x leg lifts 10 x butterfly kicks 10 x reverse crunches 10 x plank with leg lifts on elbows 30 second plank hold on hands Mixed Set to finish 10 x glute bridges 10 x glute kickbacks 10 x squat with front kick 10 x spider planks 10 x lay down push ups Cool down to ‘Bad Habits’ by Ed Sheeran. Stretch thoroughly! Remember to hold a stretch for at least 20 seconds or it is ineffective.
02.01.2022 Started today with tabata - feeling fresh! I even had a little workout buddy, who was very happy, except for when I accidentally elbowed her in the face during a pushup and smacked her in the face doing a twist She made the stretches at the end a challenge though *I recommend getting a tabata timer app on your phone. They are free and make it much easier.... * Do a thorough warm up before you start. At least 5 mins of varied movement. Then, go as hard as you can for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Repeat each exercise for 8 rounds before moving onto the next. Exercise #1 - Squat all the way down, come half way up, back down, all the way up (weights optional) Exercise #2 - Flutter kicks (if this hurts your lower back, swap it for butterfly crossovers) Exercise #3 - Lay down push ups on toes Exercise #4 - Russian twists (weights optional) Exercise #5 - Burpees (no push up) Finish with a thorough cool down, again at least 5 mins of varied movement and stretch.
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