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25.01.2022 These pretty pink rice paper rolls are the perfect recipe to adapt according to your cycle. When you’re feeling creative and social in the first half of your cycle they are the perfect meal to share at a picnic. You can go all the way colouring the noodles with vegetables to get that fun pink stain and decorate each roll with edible flowers.... If you’re pushed for time, premenstual or bleeding you can either enjoy them preprepared or make a super simplified version, ready in minutes. You can even use the very same technique to make the crispiest gluten free dumplings ! In my upcoming course Moon Menu I’ll be showing you exactly how to make these. Of course I’ll be sharing all sorts of recipes just like this, that can be fancied up or stripped back for efficiency. Only four days left to join the waitlist, so you can be the first to know when Moon Menu opens for enrolment (and get a special discount too !). I’m so so excited to share this course with you. Eating for your menstrual cycle can be a really soulful practice but it’s also just down right practical and can save you a whole lot of grief. I believe the world need more well fed, well rested women, living in their power and cyclical cooking is the missing key. Tell me in the comments: Do you meal prep for your period ? Do you notice you’ll be super inspired about cooking some times and then totally fall off the wagon ... sound familiar? don’t worry girl, I gotcha !
25.01.2022 I've loved being in the kitchen lately testing and triple testing all the recipes for my mini Christmas "Decadent Desserts" book. I have reworked my great grandmothers classic Christmas pudding recipe, its still got half a bottle of brandy in it but no gluten or refined sugar. Let's be clear I am in no way claiming these desserts are health foods, but they are a shit tone better than your average highly processed, inflammatory, gut and cycle unfriendly Christmas treats. We going to catch up on the 13th of December for the Christmas Cookalong then share recipes and cooking photos in the facebook group for the next week leading up to Christmas. It's going to be a hoot! If the silly season is getting to you and you can't possible commit to another thing don't worry, just purchase the ebook and you can skip the Cookalong. I totally get it! I promise it will be worth it for the recipes alone, these are the kind that you'll bring out every year, the kind that become steeped into Christmas tradition. The kind of recipes your great grandmother would be proud of, made from real whole foods that taste like they belong on the Hogwarts banquet table. Desserts that are so scrumptious your family/friends wont even know they are gluten free and refined sugar free unless you brag to them about it You wont feel left out or like you're "that girl" who is the Christmas grinch of healthy eating. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if you and your family find yourselves favouring these decadent desserts over the sickly sweet processed alternatives. Anyway babes, sending big Christmas love your way! Lucia P.s Only 5 days left to grab your Decadent Dessert bundle and bonus Christmas Cookalong ticket before the price goes up on Dec 13th
24.01.2022 Today is Lammas which is the first of three harvest festivals. It marks the turn from summer to autumn, the nights start to lengthen and we begin our decent into the cooler months. I love to celebrate the turning of the seasons (inner and outer) with food. Please enjoy my Coconut Mulberry Macaroon recipe below.... They are low fodmap, dairy free, gluten free, Paleo and sugar free! Ingredients: Three eggs Three dates, soaked in hot water for a few mins 1 cup shredded coconut 3/4 cup almond meal Pinch of salt 2 Tbsp coconut oil 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp apple cider vinegar or lemon juice For filling : 1 cup mulberries (or Berry of choice) Honey to taste( 2 table spoons) 3 Tbsp coconut oil 1 Tbsp spoon grass fed gelatin Method: Place eggs, shredded coconut, almond meal, coconut oil, drained dates, salt, baking soda and apple cider vinegar into the food processor until well combined. Scoop cookie dough onto a lined baking tray using a cookie scoop to create a uniform size or a spoon. Bake at 180C for 10 mins then remove from the oven and press the back of a teaspoon measure into them to make little "wells". Bake for another 10 minutes or until slightly golden. Place berries and coconut oil into a saucepan, heat and use a potato masher or fork to crush the berries slightly. Stir continually for five mins take off heat. Add gelatin with 2 tbsp water for 1 minute before transferring the mixture into the saucepan with the berries. Add honey and stir well. Using a teaspoon put your delicious "jam" mixture into the wells you made before. Allow set in fridge for half an hour or until set and devour !! This macaroons are the perfect way to celebrate summer coming to an end or perhaps a period meal prep recipe that your future self will thank you for. If you love the idea of celebrating your menstrual cycle with food then join the waitlist for Moon Menu my online course where you will learn how to optimise the high energy times in your cycle so you can rest and relax when premenstrual or bleeding. We start at the end of feb! woohoo. Comment below and I'll add you to the waitlist. See more
24.01.2022 Hello, kitchen witches! I'll be running a live round of Find Your Kitchen flow my free mini course. The course will start on Monday the 7th of September, basically you'll receive two pdfs via email, one workbook and one which contains the course videos and promts, we will have a group zoom session on Friday the 11th of September to close the live round. ... You'll learn: How to become a nutrient dense ninja! How to meal prep cyclically, so you can move with your body's natural rhythms not against them My powerful 'real life' meal prep strategy I want you to get to the point where you feel confident in your food choices, you eat delicious nutrient dense foods every single day and it doesn't even feel like a chore. You'll know what to do when you "fall off the wagon" because that is just part of life and you'll find your kitchen flow! You can join in here:
23.01.2022 It’s new moon tonight this is the phase where the moon is invisible and the sky is dark. The lunar phases align perfectly with the menstrual cycle, new moon being menstruation and full moon being ovulation. A nice reminder that cycles are as old as nature herself. Cycles just like the phases of the moon are something we can reply on and find comfort in the constant waxing and waning of energy.... The dark of the moon is an internal time, a time for reflection and insight. A potent time to for new beginnings and fresh starts. A time of death and rebirth. So what are you bringing in this new moon ? It has been a crazy year for a lot of us. This is an invitation to end the year wrapped in a cosy love bubble of support and of course beautiful food. I don’t have much to say today as I’m on day 32, but I know that it is going to be a profound experience. I’m so grateful that I get to share it with you. That we can help bring a little more softness, Joy and play into the world. Tonight I’ll be opening the doors to Moon Menu. You can swipe for a preview > Make sure you’re on my list before 6pm tonight to receive the invite (and discount) to your inbox. Lots of love, Lucia x
22.01.2022 We spent the most marvellous week sailing in Hervey Bay and blissing out with the whales. watch my latest youtube video here on creating cyclical content and see our week with the whales too !
20.01.2022 HANDS UP: Do you suffer from period pain, PMS or energy crashes ? Then this recipe is for you! Swipe to see the minty Matcha filling, it's sticky and gooey and oh so satisfying to sink your teeth into. Its just the right amount of sweet, with anti-inflammatory and adaptogenic qualities from the Matcha working to soothe inflammation and give us a gentle mood and energy lift. ... Matcha contains L-Theanine, an amino acid that helps to relax your muscles (and your blood vessels). L-Theanine elevates levels of GABA and other calming brain chemical. I'm day 28 today and not sure about you but it sounds like exactly what I need and want while pre-menstrual! Raw Cacao is one of the most nutrient dense foods and is high is magnesium and anti oxidants, which are particularly helpful for cycle heath. Magnesium can be helpful for women who experience cramps and discomfort as it helps to relax your muscles. I recommend having a bath with epsom salts and eating these chocolates while you're in there for maximum results and enjoyment. #livingyourbestlife To make these delightful treats simply blend: 200g cashews into a fine powder. Next add 1/4 cup of water and add 1 cup almond meal, 2 tbsp Matcha, 3 tbsp honey and 7 drops of mint essential oil and blend until combined. Roll mixture into balls using a table spoon measure to create uniform sizes. Place onto the freezer to chill. Melt 80g grated cacao butter in a double boiler and stir until melted. Add 55g raw cacao power and 2 tbsp honey. Whisk well. Line a tray with baking paper. Dip the chilled Matcha balls into the chocolate mixture and place onto the tray. Use a spoon to drizzle over some extra chocolate for decoration. Enjoy straight away or allow to firm in the fridge. If you like the idea of using food as medicine to support the cycle and learning how to cook with your inner seasons then you'll love my 6 week online course Moon Menu. Comment "In in" below to join the waitlist. or follow the link in my bio. P.s Theres only 3 days left to join at the early bird price. See more
20.01.2022 While I generally love to cook without recipes, I do love a good cookbook! I’ve chosen a few of my favourites that include gut healing recipes, ferments and real food. Enjoy my new YouTube video. Xx
20.01.2022 6 years ago I took a course called she’s got rhythm by a dear family friend breeda Mckibbin where I leant all about the phases of the menstrual cycle, their different qualities and how I could use them. This knowledge shifted my whole view of life. It was so touching to me that we, as women are so intimately connected to the cycles of nature. That we can tap into such a primordial force within our very bodys ! Like the cycles of life, death, the seasons, tides and phases o...f the moon we too wax and wane unlike the linear man made world. I was so moved! So my darling friend @ashfrost and I decided to start a full moon circle. We would sit in a cafe in Fremantle sipping coffee and planning the theme of these beautiful rituals according to the seasons and our whims. Before the gathering we would wander the neighbourhood with our housemates and collect all kinds of flowers to transform our lounge room with. We made the evening special by lighting candles and burning sage and frankincense. It felt so nourishing to find a way to connect with our spirituality that felt authentic, natural and fun. To connect with womxn in circle and drop a level deeper, to listen and feel held and heard. We told our friends to bring food like strawberries, chocolate figs and dates, foods that felt luscious and fertile. That is where the seeds of this course Moon Menu were planted. I can’t wait to see what they grow into and who I will meet in circle. To share stories of food and break menstrual taboos together. To flip thinking of the menstrual cycle as a curse and rid ourselves of shame, to use it instead as a template to embody all of our facets. To do, to give, to create, and to rest. To cook with our inner rhythm, for fun and function. To use food as ritual, for pleasure and joy. To nourish our selves deeply and forever. To feel connected to our body and at home in our skin. I’ll be opening Moon Menu for enrolment to the waitlist at 6pm on Friday 16th on new moon. Link in bio to join us. Comment below if you would like me to add you to the waitlist.
20.01.2022 Your menstrual cycle is a guide to your overall health, hinging on one event: ovulation. Because our hormones are responsible for so much more than reproduction, they are involved in every process in our body. When something is off in your body, this will show up in your cycles. The incredible Nathalie from @fertilityawarenessproject has put together a fabulous ebook Bundle. I was honoured that she invited me on board to create a video class and PDF on eating for your c...ycle. In the bundle you’ll learn about: Your hormones and reproductive physiology The gifts of each phase of the menstrual cycle - seed, sprout, bloom and decay How to identify and track ovulation in your chart, with an overview of different markers of ovulation. How to chart your cycle and a tour of your fertility chart. What you can track besides your fertility biomarkers. Healthy cycle parameters. The foundations of a healthy hormonal house for balanced cycles. How to support your hormones after coming off hormonal birth control. Using your cycle information to tune into your health and hormones and to live with more ease and flow. Today is the last day to buy the bundle and receive a bonus live group session on syncing up hormone self care with the cycle. pop over to her page to find out more. P.s This is not sponsored, I just know this will be an invaluable information for so many of you and I love the way that Nat presents it... you will too ;) See more
19.01.2022 Resistance. I’ve been battling it all day. It’s so sneaky ! It feels so good to push through it and get to the other side and yet it can be such a process getting there.... Know what I mean? I can quite easily do a million other things that need to be done while dancing around the priorities that are weighing on my mind. The trick is just getting started! Once I commit for about 20 minutes that’s when I can break through and really get into the flow. Resistance to work, study, exercise the list goes on. Working for myself with a flexible schedule means that I can be tempted to get caught in the busy work things that do need to be done at some point, but let’s face it aren’t the most the most pressing matters. I’ve definitely gotten better at it over the years. I have now got to the point where it’s easier for me to recognise when I’m in resistance and it’s almost funny to watch my mind come up with a million excuses to not do the thing I know I need to do. Tell me in the comments what you are currently feeling resistance to and how are you over coming it ?
19.01.2022 I find it so much easier to decide what to wear if i've just bought a new item of clothing and all I have to do is base my out fit around it. Is that just me ? The same goes for any creative project or even cooking a meal and of course meal prepping in general. When you have a starting point, the rest can flow from there. Imagine completely side stepping the dilemma of "what should I cook for dinner tonight ?"... Imagine being able to throw together nutrient dense, gut healing meals with ease, having time to play in the kitchen and not HAVING to cook when you don't feel like it. Having food that tastes good and nourishes your gut health, finding recipes that you love and learning how to optimise the nutrition of simple meals. Delicious snacks aplenty, hearty meals, ferments and home made pantry staples stocking your fridge freezer and pantry. Eating good food that tastes great without feeing like you're slaving away in the kitchen. In my upcoming free mini course "find your kicthen flow" I am sharing my powerful meal prep statergy. All its takes is 15 minuites per week of planning that make ALL the difference! I break cooking preo into the following categories; snacks, condiments, soak and sprout, protein, oven, ferment and veg. Having this simple outline means that you're not having to start from scratch each time you're deciding what the feck to cook. And best of all it still works even when you stray from the plan, it is real life proof! I'll be sharing all this and more, so looking forward to connecting with you in there. Enjoy the sneak peak! The live round starts on Monday the 7th of september four days ! don't miss out. Join via the link in my bio. P.s Tag a friend in the comments who you would like to take the course with you, support is everything and will make this course so much more fun! See more
19.01.2022 Knowing when your ovulating is the secret superpower I never knew I needed ! Nathalie and I met through our cycle coach course. She is a certified fertility awareness educator. She teaches folks to chart their menstrual cycles for natural, incredible birth control.... When I took her course I wanted to learn how to pinpoint ovulation so that I could maximise my cyclical meal prepping and living. Little did I know that what I was being given was much more than that ! A feeling of bodily autonomy and empowerment that blew my mind. Nat has been coaching with me for the passed 3 months, she has managed to bring her cycle back to a 30 days after having 90 day cycles due to her PCOS. Something really cool happened, after this whole journey of learning from each other, we ended up ovulating on the same day! On our last session I was basking in the glow of late inner summer and just buzzing at the synchronicities. Two women from opposite sides of the world helping each other to live an empowered life in a female body! Bloody magic if you ask me! We will be going live Wednesday at 10am aest (Tuesday 7pm CST) in my private facebook group. Join us for an awesome discussion about cycles, fertility awareness and more. Link in my bio to join the facebook group. See you there ! Xo P.s tell me in the comments if you’ve been able to pinpoint ovulation and if you had the same surprising reaction that I did ?
18.01.2022 Rasberry and rose jelly centered chocolates coated with cacao butter, cacao and maple. Drizzled with more chocolate, pistachios and of course a sprinkle of rose petals. Can you imagine a more delightful treat perfect for period meal prep The first time I heard or the concept of period treats and the idea that your period could be more that a hinderance was in Anita Diamant’s book The Red Tent. This is one of my favourite quotes from the book.... The great mother whom we call Innana gave a gift to woman that is not known among men, and this is the secret of blood. The flow at the dark of the moon, the healing blood of the moon’s birth - to men, this is flux and distemper, bother and pain. They imagine we suffer and consider themselves lucky. We do not disabuse them. In the red tent, the truth is known. In the red tent, where days pass like a gentle stream, as the gift of Innana courses through us, cleansing the body of last month’s death, preparing the body to receive the new month’s life, women give thanks for repose and restoration, for the knowledge that life comes from between our legs, and that life costs blood. My new course Moon Menu is open for enrolment. Learn how to eat for your cycle and cook with your inner rhythm. Celebrate and ritualise the menstrual cycle through food and connect with yourself and cycle like never before. There are a few spots left, link in bio to join us. Tell me in the comments what the period treat of your dreams would be ?
17.01.2022 This is the absolute KEY to creating sustainable change. Many women feel like they struggle to be consistent, but when we look through this lense everything makes sense. This one is a game changer ! I’m talking syncing your life with you cycle everything from morning routines, movement, rest and even meal prep. Enjoy guys xo
17.01.2022 Michelle works with young people educating about periods in schools, she also has her own business as a nutritionist specialising in working with people with endometriosis. I invited her on to have a chat with me because A. She's a lovely person and someone I would wanna have a cuppa with but B. She is doing very important work in the world and I wanted to hear more about her journey with endometriosis. This is part one and you can head over to her insta to watch part t...wo where we chat about her work educating kids about periods. I feel outraged and quite devastated that I didn't receive proper menstrual education in school, let alone sex education about consent etc. So much period shame and sexual trauma could have been avoided! (do you feel the same?) Michelle told me in part two about how she thinks attitudes towards periods are changing and this literally fills my heart with joy. If young people can be educated from the start about period positivity and be presented with an array of choices for contraception and given an understanding of how our body works some seriously monumental shifts can be expected for the future! (thanks fuck, am I right ??) Tell me on the comments what your period/sex education was like? if it was lacking and what you would have loved it to look like. Make sure to go and show @michellenielsennutrition some love and check out part two, its bloody brilliant ;) See more
15.01.2022 If you want to learn how to make eating healing foods easy and enjoyable and find YOUR kitchen flow then you're in the right place. Once upon a time women held the power and knowledge of how to heal themselves, their families and their communities. In the 1950s They were seduced out of the kitchen by convenience foods and cooking was literally branded as a waste of time. These days food is big business and we have handed over our trust to corperations. We are at the me...rcy or what is profitable on a large scale which has a horrible affect on agriculture, animal welfare and human health. I believe in creating a better world. Lets take the power back into our hands and our kitchens. Learn what works for YOUR body and how to eat for your cycle. Start simple and discover how to cook using real foods, one delicious meal at a time. Lets start a kitchen revolution and prioritise food as the medicine that it is. Let us remember the knowledge of traditional cultures and rekindle the wisdom of our grandmothers and there mothers before them. Over the last 6 years of my health journey I've discovered that it really is a journey, a culmination of little changes, a series of recipes learnt and habits built that add up to some monumental shifts in quality of life. I’ve found that there is so much more to health than what you put into your mouth. There is never ONE thing that will fix you. But food is a great starting place, it can be a MAJOR KEY to making all of the other changes actually doable. I mean you have to eat anyway so you may aswell eat food that is building up your health and giving you more capacity to live an empowered life. Join us for the live round of my free 5 day video course which starts tomorrow. link in bio. I'm so excited ! xxo Lucia See more
15.01.2022 A weekend away with my darling to celebrate being together for for 6 years. It’s the first time we’ve done something like this and we were both really looking forward to it. We tried our very best to cook as little as possible ... that didn’t go too well. We enjoyed tacos, affagatos, a bit too much champagne and ALL of the snacks.... On the first night we watched a movie in the hot tub. Marcus scalded his legs (almost like sunburn) from being in the hot tub the whole time, while I was sitting on a chair, dangling my feet in. His legs were so burnt that he had to keep them out of the water for the rest of hour stay poor thing. I feel so lucky to have this guy by my side, his unwavering commitment, patience , generosity , and playfulness make the best moments in life an absolute joy to share and the worst moments don’t seem quite so bad. We drive each other crazy at times, but boy have we learnt from each other and we are both so much better because of it. I feel like we have grown so much in the last 6 years and I can’t wait for the next chapter of this life we are creating together. P.s My new YouTube video is up (link in bio) talking about my top 5 favourite real food cookbooks and cooking without recipes. Check it out now Big love, Luc x
14.01.2022 GUT HEALING DESSERTS WITH GELATIN ! Wanna watch how to make this dairy free Panna Cotta ? Video live NOW, link in bio ... This little guy only has 5 ingredients and it is silky smooth and decedent ! I’ll also show you how to make gluten free Labneh and blood plum cheesecake aswell as the fluffy lemon tartlets from your dreams Comment below which one you would most like to eat right about now ? The funk soul brother, Check it out now ! @ Fingal, Tasmania, Australia
13.01.2022 This cake is absolutely divine! Its lemon cheese cake at its finest, sugar free, grain free and you could easily make it dairy free too, by swapping the cream for coconut cream. Not to mention gut healing due to the gelatin which I got from @loveyaguts_box its grass fed and finished! There are many incredible health and beauty benefits to be gained from eating geltain which is the cooked form of collagen but to be honest my favourite thing is that it is like this magical ingr...edient that gives you the ability to make anything set! You could literally make this cheese cake in any flavour, turn any smoothie into panacotta, swap the cream for any liquid or add layers by setting them in the fridge one at a time (or speed it up in the freezer). All you need to know is how to bloom the Gelatin. Simply place one tablespoon of powdered Gelatin with two table spoons of cold water let the powder rehydrate before adding into 400 ml of the liquid you would like to set and dissolve in a saucepan before setting it in the fridge. You can use different ratios for different consistencies. You can watch my youtube video on gut healing desserts with Gelatin for more inspiration plus the recipe for choc panna cotta and more. (link in bio) For the filling you'll need: 500ml cream, yogurt or coconut yogurt juice of 4 lemons 1/2 a cup of honey 1 tbsp. vanilla 1 tbsp. Gelatin For the base you'll need: 3 tbsp. butter 1 tbsp. honey 150g almond meal zest of one lemon pinch of salt STEP ONE: Zest one lemon, combine all base ingredients and allow to cool in the fridge or freezer for 10 minutes. STEP TWO: Combine the Gelatin and lemon juice and set aside for two minutes. STEP THREE: Melt the Gelatin and cream in a saucepan until well combined adding in the rest of the filling ingredients. STEP FOUR: Remove the base from the fridge and press into a lined tart tin. You can press it up the sides or just cover the bottom, up to you. STEP FIVE: Pour the cream mixture into the tart tin and set in the freezer for an hour or in the fridge for 3 hours until set. Serve with fresh berries. Tell me in the comments if you've used Gelatin before and what your fav creations are ?
12.01.2022 Need a good podcast recommendation !? Listen to Fran Dargaville interviewing ... ME ! This is my first ever podcast interview and it was so much fun ! You’ll learn all about how to meal prep for nutrient density. Enjoy !
11.01.2022 Beautiful people ! I’m holding a live workshop tomorrow at 11am. follow the link in @fookassab ’s bio to join in. It’s FREE! If you’re wanting to super charge your gut health, reduce inflammation, boost energy, burn fat and eat delicious nutrient dense meals CONSISTENTLY, then you’re in for a treat ... In this workshop I will cover: -How to do a Paleo reset and what the benefits are. -Which foods to include and which foods to avoid. -How and when to reintroduce grey area foods. -How to set yourself up for success and create daily self care practices. -A simple and flexible approach to meal prep. -Cyclical meal prepping. -How to create sustainable change and remove willpower from the equation. -How to create accountability and feel supported. If you’re feeling called to up your self care x 10 and sky rocket yourself into a new way of being, then I’ll see you tomorrow at 11am. or you can watch the recording inside Fouad’s fb group. Link in his bio! Post any questions in the comment section below and I can address them in the workshop. Love Lucia x
08.01.2022 Here’s my blueberry tart back to tempt you. When I discovered that adding lemon juice to blueberries and cream turns them pink, I got so excited ! This stuff is just so fun to me. How freeing to move beyond cooking only for necessity. Don’t get me wrong I love being efficient in the kitchen but it’s when you get your systems down that the fun really starts.... or should I say the fun tarts ... You’ll find this recipe and more inside me new course. In Moon Menu you’ll learn about cooking for your cycle yes what your body needs but also in a less structured way. Exploring the seasons of the cycle through colours and flavours, experimentation and play. I’ll be encouraging you to keep a cooking journal, just like a herbalist taking note of combinations you like and recipes that worked. Becoming the expert in your own kitchen, and cycle, tasting and imagining new forms of nourishment and delight in each phase. The doors open to the waitlist tomorrow, new moon, at 6 pm. If you would like more info and and an early bird discount, join the waitlist. Link in bio. One day to go folks ! Comment below if you would like me to add you to the list. xo L
07.01.2022 For far too long we have gone over the top of our inner rhythm. The body, wise intelligent expression of nature that she has been designed so elegantly for a reason. Periods aren't a design floor. They are atool to be used to our advantage, so that there is space for doing and resting, space to go out into the world to create and time to retreat in to ourselves to cultivate a rich internal landscape. So many of us struggle to be consistent when it comes to eating well an...d feel like we are always falling off the wagon. Let me tell the the wagon is rigged my love, if you have a cycle you are not the same everyday. When you start to look at meal prep through the cyclical lens, everything shifts ...thats how you find your kitchen flow and starting working with your body rather than against it. In order for us to bethe women the world needs now,we need to be well fed and well rested! For this to happen we need a fem centered approach that suits our biology. Through cultivating a relationship with the menstrual cycle we can find an anchor within us, to which all our self care can orbit. I believe healing food and menstrual cycle awareness are a powerful duo that can create monumental shifts in quality of life. If this concept has landed for you then I invite you to join us for Moon Menu my signature 6 week online course where you will learn how to eat for your cycle and cook with your inner rhythm. The doors open today at 11am to the waitlist. Either comment below for the link or find it in my bio. For the first 48 hours you'll get $200 worth of bonuses including my live kimchi workshop and homemade chocolate workshop. Click the link in my bio, to join the waitlist now. P.s Last year we almost sold out from the waitlist alone, run don't walk. See more
05.01.2022 When I first got my period I was 10 years old. I was so ashamed, I never spoke about it with friends and I was obsessed with hiding all the evidence. I first noticed that I had started bleeding before we watched a movie and I waited anxiously till the end of the movie before crying to my mum while telling her about the disaster that has occurred in my pants, which apparently meant I was a woman now. I vividly remember crying and saying that I didn’t want to be a adult, I wasn...’t ready I was only 10 years old. It has taken me 15 years to learn to work with my cycle rather than against it and to start unravel the menstrual shame that I inherited (thanks patriarchy). @_clairebaker_ has written a book, a BEAUTIFUL BOOK... about periods! This is the exact book that I would have loved to receive as a girl fresh to the experience of living in a body with cycles. A book that explains that it’s not only about periods ... it’s called the cycle for a reason ! In fact we have four distinct phases, each with different qualities. This book isn’t just for teenagers though, it’s a tool that can be used by anyone to get to know the qualities of the different phases and how to use them to their advantage and turn the curse into a super power. Claire’s book celebrates the strength and empowerment we can find in our cycle when we are taught how. She teaches how to use your cycle as a tool to optimise your life, self care, pleasure, cooking etc . In my new YouTube video I’m talking to Claire about all this and more. (live now, link in bio) I would love to hear in the comments what your experience with your cycle has been like and how your attitudes have changed since it first began?
04.01.2022 New YouTube video LIVE NOW on how to make gluten free cheese cake, dairy free chocolate panna cotta and lemon tartlets ! These desserts are gut healing and delicious! Treat yo self x
03.01.2022 Here she is ! The third edition of my cyclic treats for each season of the menstrual cycle. This one has been created for the Autumn phase or the pre-menstrual week. Swipe to see the minty Matcha filling, it's sticky and gooey and oh so satisfying to sink your teeth into. Its just the right amount of sweet, with anti-inflammatory and adaptogenic qualities from the Matcha working to soothe inflammation and give us a gentle mood and energy lift. ... Matcha contains L-Theanine, an amino acid that helps to relax your muscles (and your blood vessels). L-Theanine elevates levels of GABA and other calming brain chemical. Not sure about you but it sounds like exactly what I need and want while pre-menstrual! Raw Cacao is one of the most nutrient dense foods and is high is magnesium and anti oxidants, which are particularly helpful for cycle heath. Magnesium can be helpful for women who experience cramps and discomfort as it helps to relax your muscles. I recommend having a bath with epsom salts and eating these chocolates while you're in there for maximum results and enjoyment. #livingyourbestlife To make these delightful treats simply blend: 200g cashews until you have a fine powder. Next blend in 1/4 cup of water and add 1 cup almond meal, 2 tbsp Matcha, 3 tbsp honey and 7 drops of mint essential oil. Roll mixture into balls using a table spoon measure to create uniform sizes. Place onto the freezer to chill. Melt 80g of grated cacao butter in a double boiler and add 55g raw cacao power and 2 tbsp honey. Heat to about 50 degrees celsius and Mix well. Line a tray with baking paper. Dip the chilled Matcha balls into the chocolate mixture and place onto the tray. Use a spoon to drizzle over some extra chocolate for decoration. Enjoy straight away or allow to firm in the fridge. NOTE: You can also melt some quality dark chocolate if you don't want to make the chocolate from scratch. Check out my cranberry and rose chocolates for your period and apricot while chocolates for ovulation, also on my feed. Tell me in the comments what kinds of food you crave when you’re premenstrual?
02.01.2022 Just to prove Moon Menu isn’t all sweets This sneaky liver veggie bake is the epitome of nutrient dense comfort food. The perfect period meal prep. It’s like if a lasagna had a baby with a moussaka hence us jokingly calling it lassaka.... The red sauce is enriched with bio available iron from a small amount of liver which you can barely taste but boost the nutrient profile enormously. It’s veg loaded and the sauce has a chicken broth base to give it gut loving properties and heaps of flavour. This is pretty much me ... if I was a food What would you be ? P.s Only three days left to get $50 off Moon Menu. Comment below if you would like to join the waitlist and receive the early bird link. This is the first time I’m running Moon Menu so it’s the cheapest it will ever be.
01.01.2022 Labneh on banana bread has got to be one of my absolute favourite treats! Mix it’s with some maple syrup and vanilla and it tastes just like cream cheese icing, in fact it actually makes GREAT icing... it’s my favourite thing to top a carrot cake with. It’s a bit more tart than Greek yogurt and probiotic of course, so great for your gut health! My partner Marcus’s dad is Turkish and has always made his yogurt this way. I’m grateful that we have adopted the tradition and to be... honest I am so surprised at how easy it is ! If you’re looking to increase the fermented foods in your diet, 24 hour fermented yogurt is a great way to do so ! It has very little lactose and heaps of beneficial bacteria, not to mention bioavailable protein. If homemade yogurt isn’t your thing, you can EASILY make the Labneh and yogurt herb dressing from store bought plain Greek yogurt instead. We make 4 Kg of yogurt at a time and they last us up to 4 weeks. If you think that’s a lot you haven’t made Labneh yet (it reduced in volume by a lot !!) You can watch my IGTV video on Labneh herb balls for inspiration. Let me know in the comments if you’ve tried making your own Labneh before ? Love Lucia
01.01.2022 My top seven for making cooking easy and enjoyable. I’ll be covering my thermomix and other alternatives, sharp knifes and how to sharpen them, plus my favourite utensils and some bonus that we use in the kitchen all the time! Tell me in the comments what your top 3 kitchen tool and appliances are ?