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Amethyst Alpacas in Oakey, Queensland | Farm

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Amethyst Alpacas

Locality: Oakey, Queensland

Phone: +61 403 730 632

Address: 12001 Warrego Highway 4401 Oakey, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 It is getting to that time of year when many of our colleges in the sheep industry are starting to think about lambing. So here are a few tips that may help you... get better lamb weaning rates from your guard alpacas. By now your alpacas should be sheared, if not, nows the time to get hold of a shearer and get them done (in SA An alpaca carrying more than 12 months fleece will not be as effective as a sheared alpaca. The fleece starts to cott around moving parts making movement uncomfortable and on the hotter days are more likely to seek out shade opposed to staying with the mob. Where alpacas were removed from the breeding mobs of ewes, reintegrate them four to six weeks before lambing to allow the alpacas to rebond with the sheep. Alpacas that are co-grazing with sheep should be included in the same internal parasite management regime as the mob of sheep as internal parasites are transferable between species. With a Charles Sturt University, controlled study showing introducing alpaca wethers increased weaning rates of lambs by 13% and lamb prices currently at record highs making a small investment in your alpacas could see a considerable return on investment. If we consider last weeks lamb prices from SA Livestock Exchange with medium weights selling between $176 and $208 per head a 13% increase at weaning sold this week could see a return between $2288 and $2704 per hundred ewes. We have 28 castrated males going out to new farms in the next week. If interested in finding out what alpaca wethers can do for your sheep operation, please contact us.

25.01.2022 After a very eventful week, it was nice to get back to basics, weeding, collecting poo and some matings this morning. And of course, this guy had to have his presence known

24.01.2022 We have had some glorious rain over night and this morning. Started raining around 8am and hasnt stopped since

24.01.2022 Perfect in every single way

24.01.2022 So very happy today!!! It's so hard being at work, your stomach touching the ground, knowing that your babes could be in danger. Everything else that is happening doesn't matter, just knowing that we didn't come home to another attack is the best news I've had all week! Girls didn't give a damn about me though, too interested in the cat at my feet

23.01.2022 Its very frustrating and disheartening when you try your hardest and follow recommendations and treatments just to be met with another hurdle. Sammy has recovered from whatever issue she had a couple of weeks ago, but then developed an issue with her eye again. After a week of treatment, although it did get better, the vets recommendation was to remove the eye completely. So yesterday Sammy underwent the surgery, and came out the other side just as bouncy and quirky as nor...mal. The vet is happy with her development otherwise considering, but would like her to put on a bit more weight over the next week. He is hopeful that now she isnt met with the eye issues, everything else will fall into place. The vet is confident that her life wont be diminished because she now only has one eye. She has shown that this morning already with her time outside, running around and playing.

23.01.2022 Lil Samantha update Weve had more down days than up this past week, which included last night. We had our first vet visit last Wednesday as she would only take a small amount of her feed and, what we thought, was dehydrated. The vets did some tests, which all came back clear, so they decided to do some fluid and B1 treatment (which has resulted in a lovely neck trim). Sammy picked up after a couple of hours and returned home, however presents the same symptoms every co...uple of days. At first we believed that she may have eaten something that upset her tummy, given her teeth have finally erupted and shes nibbling on everything, but precautions have been made and we no longer feel thats the case. Shes currently on glucose therapy and shots of B1, which appear to help. Given her past week of problems, shes only put on 200g . Its hard to see her go down, but also so good when she picks up again (this morning she is her usual self again after a hard night last night).

22.01.2022 After a morning out, we came home to this teeny tiny girl half born, umbilical cord still attached late in December. We didnt have very high hopes of survival, being born 2.5kg, Samantha couldnt even hold her head up for 24 hours. Each day she surprised us with the fight she had inside her and finally stood unassisted by day 4. She has had some days where we thought we would lose her, but she always fought. After a couple of trips to the vet, numerous antibiotics, and surg...ery to have an eye removed, she has excelled in her development. If you asked 6 months ago if we thought shed still be here today, I wouldnt have been able to say yes. But, alas, 6 months on, she is her own paca and has all the attitude and spunk of a survivor. Shes still teeny tiny, and most likely will never develop into a full grown alpaca, but she is happy and healthy Happy 6 months Sammy!

21.01.2022 No words of explanation needed

21.01.2022 A little bit of halter training today, all hands on deck. Most of the young ones were very good, the kids did a great job too.

19.01.2022 Another hard day this afternoon, more so for Jake than me. He came home to 5 of our boys being lost to another dog attack. It makes me so angry that a pack of animals can be so malicious, it's soul breaking. This little bundle of joy is the only thing that is stopping me from losing it. A little boy to brighten our day. Fingers crossed he is a fighter - being an afternoon birth!

18.01.2022 Weve had some lovely rain overnight and this morning, everyone is a little wet! Not sure if the girl in the back is saying thank you, or telling me go away

16.01.2022 This lifestyle that we choose is sometimes so heartbreaking. You spend countless hours and finances to ensure that your livestock are happy and healthy, and it is just shattering to know that they have suffered . This afternoon has been the hardest day we've had being alpaca breeders - coming home to our beautiful girls being subject to a wild dog attack. In total we have lost 4, it could have been a lot worse. These wild dogs, and foxes, really piss me off! I'm of the ...opinion no animal should suffer, but by gosh I completely understand baiting! Instead of sharing the gruesome images, as no one should be subject to that, here's a photo of some of the girls having breakfast

15.01.2022 Such a beautiful sunset coming up the drive this afternoon, bonus is that it was over looking the (orange!) girls . But do you think I could get a photo to do it justice? One of my *cough* favourite *cough* girls, Sandra, leading the welcoming shes always up for hugs and kisses.

15.01.2022 Weve been very lucky over the past 10 days with the amount of rain weve received. We finally have decent coverage of grass in the paddocks again (along with an increase in weeds which will be dealt with). A couple of the boys in their new paddock, which when laying down, almost get lost!

14.01.2022 It was slow going again this morning...we could just see a couple of the boys

13.01.2022 Really not sure why its always a race with these guys!

13.01.2022 Sammy update With all the rain and everything that has come with it, I forgot to do the weekly Sammy update!! Not that Sammy is forgettable by any means, she definitely lets you know she is there and when she wants a feed! She has exceeded expectations again and has gained another 500g, putting her at a *massive* 4kg. Everything appears to be going quite smoothly and shes really starting to show her personality.

13.01.2022 Last of our available wethers at their new home today. They have been acquired to help guard sheep, and their lambs, from foxes.

13.01.2022 Seriously, jealous much? Trying to take some photos of some of the girls and miss Sandra being her pushy self!

12.01.2022 A couple of the boys curious with last nights shenanigans, some more than others

12.01.2022 Sammy and some of the weanlings hooking into dinner Sammys had her latest check up with the vet and he is happy with how big shes gotten. Now a big fat 11.3kg! Although she may never be a normal size, her body score is good and proportional. He wants her to start being weaned off the bottle, so over the past week we have dropped to 3 a day, and starting tomorrow () down to 2 a day.

11.01.2022 All the babies tucked into bed, including this one. Its so quiet!

11.01.2022 Samantha update Lil Sammy has reached her birth date according to her dams LMD, now reaching a fabulous 70 days old! Shes a whopping 7.5kg and growing more and more each day. Shes grown into her legs and her body is now proportional. Her fleece is still slowly coming in/back and is thriving in every way. She enjoys her entire days outside now, running around with her mates, eating grass and lazing in the sun.

10.01.2022 Someones had a bit of fun in the rain and mud! Over 50ml since last night and its still going

09.01.2022 Everyone could learn from this little one. Practicing her social distancing, lazing about, soaking up the sun

09.01.2022 Toowoomba Show is our local show and we love catching up with everyone, new and old. It will be a shame for the first show for QLD to be cancelled, but the health of everyone involved is more important. We will share any information once it comes to hand.

08.01.2022 Although weve received in excess of 150ml today, everyone appears to be taking it in their stride. Everyone is on higher ground and a clever girl even unpacked in the sheds. I didnt get photos of everything today, but noticed light reflection from our neighbours across the creek. The reflection appears in our bottom paddock.

08.01.2022 Please take a moment to read. This is the exact reason we do not sell breeding pairs! These poor animals!

07.01.2022 Such a messy eater!

06.01.2022 Theres always one!

06.01.2022 It has been a frosty start to the morning, some of the boys having an extra feed to keep warm. It was like something out of a horror movie driving down the drive!

05.01.2022 Selfies with Ms Moana

05.01.2022 We are very excited to have acquired some amazing new genetics with a delivery of gorgeous girls late last week, including an 18month old with this regrowth, and a couple of very promising 2 month old crias. These girls will bring a higher quality of lustrous, silky and dense fleece to our herd. We are thrilled to have these new genetics and cant wait to see what 2021 brings.

04.01.2022 Someone was trying to be a bit ambitious .. she wasnt impressed when there wasnt any milk available for her

04.01.2022 Its a tad windy here today, but that doesnt stop this lot wanting their breakfast but does make it interesting to watch

03.01.2022 Easter long weekend is great for matings. The weather is nice and plenty of time. Due to drought conditions, last year we decided not to do matings, and this year, we are only mating those that are in line with our breeding program. We therefore have females available that are no longer in our breeding program at pet prices. Contact us to find out more info.

03.01.2022 Little miss piggy, theres not a feed where she doesnt get it all over herself

03.01.2022 In light of the increasing government and travel restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the necessity to keep our members safe, the AAA Board has resolve...d to cancel ALL alpaca shows, be they stand-alone or linked to an Agricultural show, effective immediately until 30 June 2020. This decision not been taken lightly, and has been made to give some certainty to AAA members over the next 4 months. We appreciate that the cancellation of shows is a huge disappointment for our showing members and volunteers, however, the safety and well-being of our judges, members and exhibitors is paramount. We are working together with regions and convenors on entry fee refunds and already expended show costs. In mid-May the Board will make a further announcement about shows that have been scheduled from 1 July. Regional meetings and planned training will be at the discretion of regional committees. We appreciate your understanding and patience as our teams work through the logistics and issues that come with canceling major events.

02.01.2022 All tuckered out after a feed. These 2 are the best of friends - Vanellope, the brown girl, is Sammys personal body guard

02.01.2022 Again, not what we were aiming for, but at least its a girl!

01.01.2022 With the shows cancelled and restrictions in place, youd think wed get more done around here! But, who can resist hanging with this lot in between chores (aka spraying/weeding!!) Sammy (and her body guards) are permanently outside now. Over a few weeks we transitioned Sammy to being outside during the day only, and then also at night in a smaller area in the house yard. Today, we have moved them in with, what was going to be, some of the showies and new mums. Theyve al...l been moved to an area outside the house yard so that we can still keep a close eye on her between feeds. Sammy is in her element! Still tiny compared to everyone else, but has grown so much (for those keeping track, the brown girl she is next to was born 3 days after Sammy)

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