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Australian Malay Foundation in Truganina, Victoria, Australia | Community group

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Australian Malay Foundation

Locality: Truganina, Victoria, Australia

Address: 46C Permas Way 3029 Truganina, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 Assalamualaikum. Tonight’s class at 7.45pm In Shaa Allah. All are welcome to attend. To register: Those who have registered, need not register anymore. Please use the same ID/password given in your email. May Allah make it easy for us to seek knowledge.

24.01.2022 How we miss our ‘gotong-royong’ fundraising activities.. May Allah ease all our affairs, keep us safe and increase our Iman. Let’s make doa that things will be back to normal, and all our places of worship will be open soon. ... Ameen Allahumma Ameen

22.01.2022 RESTRICTIONS UPDATE (quick overview) . Part 1 from 19 October Part 2 from 2 November .... . . . . Credit: @gold1043 See more

22.01.2022 ‘Ashura in History Ibn 'Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: "The Prophet (saw) came to Madinah and saw the Jews fasting on the day of 'Ashura'. He said, 'What is this?' They said, 'This is a righteous day, it is the day when Allah saved the Children of Israel from their enemies, so Musa fasted on this day.' He said, 'We have more right to Musa than you,' so he fasted on that day and commanded (the Muslims) to fast on that day." [Reported by al-Bukhari] The Prophet (sa...w) also said: Fasting on the day of ‘Ashura, I hope that Allah will accept it as an expiation (of the sins committed) in the previous year. [Muslim] See more

22.01.2022 Assalamualaikum wr. wb We are jumping onto the bandwagon with our latest WhatsApp group! With this, we are hoping news and information will reach you much faster In Shaa Allah. Scan the QR code to join or simply click on:... Like and share! //Stay home, stay safe and stay connected.//

22.01.2022 Selamat Menyambut Hari Kebangsaan Malaysia yang ke-63! Merdeka! . This year, the Consulate General of Malaysia in Melbourne has put together a virtual event, Sembang Merdeka to commemorate our National Day. An Up close and personal time with the backbone of the Consulate and their collaborators to share a bit of how the frontlines of the Consulate operates during this trying times. . The highlight of the event would be an amazing video of a special concert by Orkestra Filhar...monik Malaysia sempena Sambutan Hari Kebangsaan ke 63. This special collaboration is called ‘Malaysia’s Virtual National Day 2020 Reception’ brought to you by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Malaysia. . Join us for a virtual night out as we celebrate what Merdeka means for us and Malaysians abroad! . [Sembang Merdeka Virtual Event] Event Page: Date: 31 August 2020 (Monday) Time: 4.00pm-5.30pm (AEST) Details: Live on Facebook-@ConsulateGeneralofMalaysiaMelbourne See more

20.01.2022 Assalamualaikum wr wb. The world is currently facing one of its greatest disruptions in our lifetime, as Muslims, one significant disruption is the closure of Mosques and the stopping of Friday prayers. But Alhamdulillah, as Muslims, we are able to pray anywhere and with the current lockdown, our homes are the best place to fulfil our obligatory prayers. ... The void left by ending of Friday sermons in mosques has been filled to some extent by Friday sermons offered online, so we are following and adapting to the new social norms, and offering the same. Join us for the Friday Khutbah at 12.30pm via zoom in English. The sermon will be delivered by Ustaz Hj Khirahman In Sha Allah. May Allah protect and guide the Ummah during these unprecedented times. Khutbah Juma’ah | FRIDAYS 12.30pm Zoom Meeting ID: 842 7832 2806 Passcode: 3029

16.01.2022 Assalamualaikum. Please take note that the Friday Class will now start at 8pm (till daylight savings end) to allow more time for fulfilling our Isha prayers In Sha Allah. Join Ustaz Khirahman as he shares the hadiths from the 40 Hadiths of Imam Al-Nawawi. ... All are welcome to attend. And may Allah make it easy for us to seek knowledge.

16.01.2022 Assalamualaikum, a message from the President of AMAL (Australian Malay Community Fund): Assalamualaikum wr wb. We are now accepting applications!... First and foremost, we would like to thank all those who have expressed their interest to be a member of AMAL Fund. We are pleased to inform you that our registration process is now open, and would like to invite you to submit your application to be a member. We would also like to thank those who have already applied. Jazakumullahu khairan, and we look forward to welcoming you on board, insyaAllah.

16.01.2022 Assalamualaikum! Ayuh bersama kami Sabtu ini untuk menyemarakkan lagi Hari Bahasa tahun ini di samping menyokong para pelajar LOTE dalam pelbagai pertandingan bahasa. Kehadiran semua amat kami alu-alukan. Terima kasih Topic: Hari Bahasa 2020 (Bakat Masyarakat)... Time: Sep 19, 2020 10:00 AM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 878 8999 4724 Passcode: 1909

15.01.2022 Today is R U OK Day! Is there someone you care about who is overwhelmed, agitated or withdrawn? Share with them this duaa for Anxiety and Depression ... The Prophet said, Whoever is afflicted with grief or anxiety, then he should pray with these words, ‘Oh Allah, certainly I am your slave, the son of your male slave and the son of your female slave. My forehead is in Your Hand. Your Judgment upon me is assured and Your Decree concerning me is just. I ask You by every Name that you have named Yourself with, revealed in Your Book, taught any one of Your creation or kept unto Yourself in the knowledge of the unseen that is with You, to make the Quran the spring of my heart, and the light of my chest, the banisher of my sadness and the reliever of my distress.’ Give them moral support We were given two ears but only one mouth, because listening is twice as important and hard as talking. Help them to seek help Learn more about the signs and when it's time to ask R U OK by clicking the link:

15.01.2022 Assalamualaikum wr wb para ibu bapa. Terima kasih kami ucapkan atas sokongan padu anda semua dalam menjayakan majlis LOTE Malay semalam : - ? ... Jawapannya ya, berbekalkan harapan, usaha dan pengorbanan, Insya Allah kita akan dapat terus melestarikan penggunaan BM serta memupuk nilai-nilai murni. Ayuh sokong LOTE Malay agar VCE Malay menjadi satu kenyataan pada hari muka! Setiap anak anda adalah denyutan jantung bagi masyarakat kita. Mari nyatakan minat anda sekarang melalui google form ini atau melalui watsapp kpd guru-guru LOTE Malay: Utara-Cikgu Suriati: 0450812120 Barat-Cikgu Ezreen: 0401518337 Timur-Cikgu Yasmin:0424769917 Salam dear friends, VSL Malay Language commitee are appealing to you to please consider your children for the LOTE Malay classes next year. We need to boost numbers so that we can achieve our aim of having VCE to help our Malay children. Every Malay child matters in helping us achieve our aim. Help us to help our community

14.01.2022 Assalamualaikum wr wb. Hope everyone is in the pinkest of health and the best state of Iman. From 11.59pm last night we have moved to the Last Step restrictions. Here’s what you need to know: This is the Last Step before we move to COVID normal. These are important rules. Please continue to observe them and take them seriously. ... : no longer required outdoors when you can maintain safe distance. Must be worn INDOORS at all times. And you'll need to carry your mask at all times. : visitors to your home: up to 15 per day outdoors: up to 50 people from any number of households & : up to 150 people patron cap; group/class size up to 50 people (subject to density quotient of 1 per 4sqm) , & ( ): Indoor: smaller venues (less than 200sqm) - cap of 50 (density quotient 1 per 2sqm); larger venues (more than 200 sqm) cap 150, (density quotient 1 per 4sqm); QR record keeping mandatory Outdoor: up to 200 (density quotient 1 per 2sqm); QR record keeping mandatory , & : client not required a mask for facial services , & : Open for max 150 people per space (density quotient 1 per 4sqm) larger galleries and cultural institutions - up to 25% capacity (density quotient) & : Indoor: up to 150 people patron cap; group/class size up to 20 people (density quotient of 1 per 4sqm) Outdoor: up to 500 people patron cap; groups of 50 Indoor Pools: up to 150 people patron cap (density quotient of 1 per 4sqm) Outdoor Pools: 300 (quotient 1 per 4sqm) Indoor Skateparks: up to 150 people (density quotient of 1 per 4sqm) Trampolining Centres: up to 150 people patron cap (density quotient) Indoor play centres: up to 150 people (density quotient) : Libraries & toy libraries & community halls: up to 150 people patron cap; group limit of 20 (density quotient 1 per 4sqm) & : Weddings: up to 150 guests at public venues (density quotient 1 per 4 sqm) Funerals: up to 150 (density quotient 1 per 4sqm) Indoor religious gatherings: total venue cap 150 (density quotient 1 per 4sqm) Outdoor religious gatherings: total venue cap 300 (density quotient 1 per 4sqm) : up to 25% of venue capacity (density quotient) : up to 15 people from any number of households & : return to campus for students and staff for summer program : no restrictions, but check rules of care/hospital facility : indoors: up to 20 (density quotient); outdoors: up to 50 Info credit: Sarah Connolly MP Photo credit: Gold104.3 Join our WhatsApp group:

14.01.2022 O Allah, send prayers upon our master Muhammad, the opener of what was closed, and the seal of what had preceded, the helper of the truth by the Truth, and the guide to Your straight path. May Allah send prayers upon his Family according to his g...reatness and magnificent rank. Please join us tonight for our Virtual Mawlid from 8.15pm In Shaa Allah. Register (same ID as our usual Friday Class. Those who have registered, need not register again)

13.01.2022 "Bakat Masyarakat. Melayuku, Nafasku." Masih bolehkah Anakku berbahasa Melayu? Sudah tentu boleh!... ML LOTE kini membuka ruang & menjemput setiap anak Melayu untuk menyertai peraduan maya dalam 3 kategori. Jom! Kita galakkan anak-anak ambil bahagian sambil menggilap bakat mereka. Tarikh: 19hb September 2020 Masa: 10 pagi hingga 1230 tengah hari Tempat: Alam maya zoom. Kategori A: 3 hingga 6 tahun Peraduan nyanyian! Peserta perlu menyanyikan sebuah lagu kanak-kanak. Kategori B: 7-12 tahun Peraduan Pepatung bertemakan cerita rakyat atau Peraduan Melukis bertemakan budaya Melayu! Peserta boleh memilih salah satu peraduan. Kategori C: 13-16 tahun Peraduan Pantun bertemakan nilai-nilai murni! Sesi istimewa khas bagi ibu bapa! Nantikan kejutan ini pada hari pertandingan tersebut! *Butiran lanjut akan dikongsi melalui emel kepada peserta setelah pendaftaran. Marilah kita menghidupkan & melestarikan Bahasa Ibunda. Kalau bukan kita, siapa lagi? Sila buat pendaftaran melalui watsapp mengikut kategori sebelum 4hb September 2020! Kategori A: Cikgu Yasmin - 0424769917 Kategori B: Cikgu Suriati - 0450812120 Kategori C: Cikgu Ezreen - 0401518337 Senarai akan diberikan selepas pendaftaran dan ibu-bapa boleh mempersiapkan anak-anak dalam peraduan ini! Segala hasil harus dihantar melalui emel kepada guru ML LOTE, Cikgu Suriati.* Peserta perlu menghasilkan sebuah pantun dan mempersembahkan pantun mereka pada hari pertandingan. Hasil penulisan harus dihantar melalui emel kepada Cikgu Ezreen.* Hasil pelajar boleh dihantar melalui emel berikut mengikut kategori: Kategori A: Cikgu Yasmin: [email protected] Kategori B: Cikgu Suriati: [email protected] Kategori C: Cikgu Ezreen: [email protected]

13.01.2022 Assalamualaikum everyone. As most of us already know by now.... Our brother Aaron Simkin son of Norasiah Hassan (kak nora) is currently on life support at Sunshine Hospital. In light of this, we are organizing a fund raising drive in the hope of relieving some of their difficulties. ... Kak Nora has played a pivotal role in An Nur foundation with her relentless effort in helping the less fortunate. In turn, we hope that we can collectively support her and family during their time of need. Any amount big or small is much appreciated. May Allah grant shifaa for our brother Aaron Simkin and grant ease in his affairs..Aminn May Allah reward you for your generosity and bless u with abundance of rizq...Aminn PLS FORWARD DONATIONS to the following account: NAME: Mohamed Maricar BSB: 303092 ACCT: 5587042 REF: AARON SIMKIN (Mohamed Maricar is Brother Hafeez Maricar, wife Hazsema Hata) from Roxburgh Park. For more information, please contact Bro Hafeez at 04 434 421 121) Please continue to make doa for our brother. Jazakallahu Khair.

12.01.2022 Assalamualaikum wr wb. Alhamdulillah we are entering the sacred month of Muharram, a blessed and important month. It is the first month of the Hijri calendar and is one of the four sacred months concerning which Allah says: Verily, the number of months with Allah is twelve months (in a year), so it was ordained by Allah on the Day when He created the heavens and the earth; of them, four are sacred. That is the right religion, so wrong not yourselves therein [al-Tawbah 9:36...] So let us increase our worship and do good deeds during these sacred months, and may Allah reward all our efforts and bestow His blessings on the Ummah. Join us this Wednesday as we recite the Quran and make supplications and remembrance to Allah. Date: Wednesday 19 August 2020 Time: 5pm (Melb/Syd/Canberra) Zoom ID: 863 9191 1852 Password: hijrah

12.01.2022 Assalamualaikum wr wb. The University of Melbourne's National Centre for Contemporary Islamic Studies has released a guide for Muslims new to Australia. The resource was developed through consultation with Islamic religious leaders and community representatives including Muslim migrants, to provide relevant and practical information, links and advice addressing some of the challenges and difficulties faced when making a new home in Australia.... covers topics such as; facts and figures about Australia; core Australian values, including equality, freedom and respect for the rule of law; and presents practical solutions to the melding of Islamic relgious beliefs with the new cultural environment. The Guide presents a valuable tool for individuals, as well as service providers and the community to support the integration of Muslim migrants new to Australia. May this be of benefit In Shaa Allah. ( () .) :

10.01.2022 Assalamualaikum wr wb & Salam Juma'ah. Due to unforeseen circumstances, there will be no more Khutbah Juma'ah. Friday Class will continue as usual at 7.45pm In Sha Allah. ... May Allah keep everyone safe and in good health. And may we increase our good deeds during this blessed month of Muharram.

09.01.2022 Assalamualaikum. Just a reminder, Friday class will resume tonight at *8.40pm.* Ustaz will continue to share the commentaries on the 40 Hadith of Imam Al Nawawi In Sha Allah. All are welcome to attend. To register: Those who have registered, need not register anymore. Please use the same ID/password: *Meeting ID: 122 381 087* *Password: 926623* (For those who have never registered, please enter your email address when prompted - once only) May Allah make it easy for us to seek knowledge. Join our WhatsApp Group:

08.01.2022 In Shaa Allah today 12.30pm

08.01.2022 Assalamualaikum wr wb. Hope everyone is the pinkest of health in the best state of Iman. There is a job opening for native Malay speakers. Please refer to details below: *JOB OPENING*... NAATI is currently looking for *Malay speaking Role-Players* to assist with upcoming Interpreter Certification tests. We use live role-plays as part of testing the skills of candidates who wish to become certified as interpreters these test tasks will be video and audio recorded, to enable NAATI Examiners to assess the candidate's ability to interpret. In dialogue interpreting test tasks, two Role-players (an English-speaker and a Malay-speaker) act out a live interpreting scenario for the test candidate to interpret, for example, an English-speaking doctor and a Malay-speaking patient discussing a health matter affecting the patient. Role-players (RPs) act out the role set out for them in a natural and professional manner, without breaking character; this may include playing the part of a customer, defendant, employee, client, local community member, a patient seeking mental health advice or a domestic violence survivor and so on. Acting skills are vital to the success of this role. Skills required to be successful in this role include: Must be Malay native speaker Ability to read and write in Malay Good English Good performance ability Clear speaking ability Excellent interpersonal communication skills Ability to work as part of a team in a respectful manner Ability to maintain strict confidentiality and security requirements set by NAATI Availability to take on role-playing assignments assigned by NAATI which will generally be during business hours (8.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday). Click here to apply for this role: Applications for the Malay language will close on the 30th October 2020. Join our WhatsApp group:

07.01.2022 Victoria’s Roadmap for reopening - Metropolitan Melbourne. Stay home, stay safe, stay connected. For quick updates, join our WhatsApp group :

03.01.2022 A clearer picture of Melbourne’s roadmap out of Stage 4 Lockdown. . We implore that everyone abide by the Government’s authority and directions. May Allah make it easy for all of us.

03.01.2022 Assalamualaikum wr wb. Hope everyone is the pinkest of health and the best state of Iman. Please take note that Friday Class tonight is .... It will resume next week In Shaa Allah.

02.01.2022 Assalamualaikum. Our Friday Class ‘Searching for the Right Path’ will begin as usual at 7.30pm tonight In Shaa Allah.Assalamualaikum. Our Friday Class ‘Searching for the Right Path’ will begin as usual at 7.30pm tonight In Shaa Allah.

02.01.2022 Multicultural Affairs - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update The Victorian Government is easing restrictions in Melbourne as part of the Second Step in the roadmap for reopening Victoria. A reduction in the number of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Melbourne in recent weeks has occurred faster than predicted, allowing for some small changes.... There are some important changes to understand if you live in metropolitan Melbourne: The 9pm-5am curfew will no longer be in place from 5am, 28 September 2020 Religious gatherings and ceremonies can take place outdoors with five people and one faith leader, next to a place of worship Childcare is open to all children All primary school students, VCE and VCAL students (including Year 10 students in VCE) and specialist school students will return to their schools for learning from October 12 Five people from a maximum of two households can meet outdoors for a social gathering in a public place like a park. You cannot travel further than 5km and there is a two hour time limit. You will now be required to wear a face mask whenever you leave home, covering your nose and mouth. You cannot wear a face covering such as a scarf, bandana or face shield. Additionally, the Victorian Government has announced that metropolitan Melbourne will move to the Third Step as soon as the 14 day daily average of new cases is less than five, with movement between steps spaced at least three weeks apart. The October 26 date no longer applies. There are still only four reasons to leave your home; shopping for food and essential items, exercise and outdoor activity, permitted work and study, and caregiving. You must continue to stay within 5km of your home for shopping and exercise. For more details on what is allowed under the new restrictions, visit

01.01.2022 Assalamualaikum wr wb. Alhamdulillah, we are so pleased to share about the newly established - Persatuan Guru-guru Al-Quran Melayu Victoria (Association of Malay Al-Quran Teachers of Victoria) All praises to Allah , now we are able to have access to a database of Quran teachers in Victoria, and they are continuously expanding the list In Sha Allah. Should you, or know anybody who wants to be included in the database, please submit your details here May Allah reward everyone involved in this blessed initiative abundantly and raise their ranks in the hereafter. ______________________________________________________ A message from PERGAM VIC President: UCAPAN ALU-ALUAN Sabda Rasulullah : Sebaik-baik kamu adalah yang mempelajari Al Quran dan mengajarkannya kepada yang lain. Terdapat ramai guru-guru mengaji dikalangan orang-orang Melayu di Victoria. Ada yang sudah mengajar selama berpuluh tahun dan murid-murid mereka bertaburan di negara ini. Mereka mengajar di madrasah, tempat pengajian dan rumah-rumah mereka, masing-masing dengan caranya yang tersendiri. Terdengar suara-suara yang menyatakan Mengapa tidak menggembelingkan tenaga mereka dalam satu badan/persatuan supaya dijadikan wadah untuk mengiktiraf usaha mereka, meningkatkan taraf pengajaran mereka atau sebagai suatu tempat untuk mereka bertukar-tukar fikiran. Dengan bersatunya mereka dalam badan/persatuan ini, dapat menarik lebih ramai orang-orang kita mempelajari dan mendalami kitab suci ini dan secara tidak lansung mengembangkan lagi pembelajarannya di seluruh pelusok Victoria. Dengan adanya kesedaran yang sedemikian, maka terbentuklah PERGAM. Semuga usaha murni ini diredhai Allah dan ianya menjadi amal jariah bagi kita semua. Amin. Hj Abdul Rahim Mutaliff Pengerusi PERGAM Persatuan Guru-Guru Al Qur'an Melayu Victoria Association Of Malay Al Qur'an Teachers of Victoria

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