Amnesty International Townsville | Community
Amnesty International Townsville
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25.01.2022 Now Dutton and Morrison want to take away the phones of people in Immigration detention. How low can this pair go? Please watch this video then sign the petition.
24.01.2022 It is shocking that Refugees and Asylum Seekers have been forgotten in the government response to COVID-19. PLease use the information on the Refugee Council web site (link below) to write to your Federal MP. Her/his address can be found at . Also write to the Senator based in Townsville. Senator Susan McDonald, PO Box 2185 Townsville, QLD, 4810... See more
23.01.2022 Some good news from Iran. Narges Mohammadi, who was unjustly jailed in 2015 for her peaceful human rights works has been released from prison.. Narges was facing a 16 year prison sentence. Since June, her health has been declining and she has shown symptoms of coronavirus, but she was denied health care. Narges has now been reunited with her husband and can receive the health care she requires.
23.01.2022 Important: Senator Jacqui Lambie will have deciding vote in Senate on whether phones are taken away from refugees in detention. Please vote.
23.01.2022 Queensland Human Rights Commissioner Scott McDougall considers possible impact of COVID-19 on Human Rights.
22.01.2022 This is a great opportunity to learn more about the importance of human rights and about Amnestys work, including our work with Indigenous communities and people seeking asylum to fight discrimination, unfair detention and to demand safety and a fair justice system for all.
22.01.2022 Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. The UN General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire. The 2020 theme for the International Day of Peace is Shaping Peace Together" and UN is asking people to celebrate the day by spreading compassion, kindness and hope in the face of the COVID19 pandemic and to stand together with the UN against attempts to use the virus to promote discrimination or hatred. so that we can shape peace together.
22.01.2022 Please follow the link to take action on behalf of Priya, Nades and their daughters - let's bring them home to Biloela!
22.01.2022 Birthday wishes for Kopika from an unlikely place - the House of Representatives!
21.01.2022 Congratulations to Lara Humadi and Keerthi Pirapaharan for organising and facilitating the first AIA Qld/NNSW online Youth Activist Forum last weekend.
20.01.2022 SIGN & SHARE: Yesterday, the Federal Court found that Australian-born two-year-old Tharunicaa was not given procedural fairness when her request to apply for protection was denied. Justice Moshinsky has given lawyers for the government and our family until next Friday to agree on orders to allow Tharunicaa's request to be properly considered. Please - can you share our petition at now and help us reach 300,000 signatures by Friday?
20.01.2022 This Saturday Lara and Keerthi from the JCU Amnesty group are hosting a Forum for youth activists (15-24) in the Queensland/NNSW region. Please spread the word - it promises to be a great event.
20.01.2022 It is simply not good enough that the Morrison Government continues to deny life-saving support payments like Job Seeker and Job Keeper to refugees and people seeking asylum. ACT NOW: Email Social Services Minister, Anne Ruston today to demand change.
20.01.2022 This is what Kopika wrote in her writing book at school yesterday. Every day, three guards take Kopika to school. And three guards wait for her at the school g...ate at the end of the day, ready to take her back to detention. Kopika just wants a life where she can have the freedom of a normal child. Please, help Kopika and her loving family, by making a quick phone call today. Just click or, enter your postcode and follow the prompts to make a polite phone call requesting that this little girl and her family be returned to Biloela, their home.
19.01.2022 Daily protests and weekly rallies are giving hope to men held in budget lodgings in Brisbane
18.01.2022 Sign the petition and call on politicians to block Dutton's latest push for unnecessary and harsh powers.
18.01.2022 Amnesty Refugee Coordinator Graham Thom says the Australian Government needs to take immediate action to release refugees who are being held in detention in Australia under dangerous conditions
18.01.2022 Some of you may remember campaigning to free Narges (name means daffodil) in the past as part of a Write for Rights campaign, but she is still imprisoned and in very poor health
16.01.2022 September letter writing evening, normally held on the first Tuesday of each month, is on tonight Tuesday 8 September - usual venue - Wild Rice Lao-Thai Restaurant at 6pm.
15.01.2022 Australia's shame - among many when it comes to the way we treat refugees and people seeking asylum!
15.01.2022 Ten years ago in May 2010 we held our First Friday Vigil for Refugees and People Seeking Asylum. Since then we have been meeting on the first Friday of each month outside the office of the Federal MP for Herbert. We have had more than 500 vigils and there have been four MPs in that time. When the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted, we will be back there for our monthly vigil - unless a miracle occurs and the Federal Government discovers the meaning of the word compassion. Here is a short video made of our vigil in 2013.
15.01.2022 The way that Priya, Nades and the girls are bringing people of different beliefs and backgrounds together is truly inspiring. This weekend, will you help show your elected representatives how much you care for our beautiful Biloela family by leaving a polite voicemail message? Just tap or to find the right number in seconds - please remember to include your full name, number and town or suburb in your polite message. "The community obviou...sly loves them ... they have been great people to have here ... if I was [Mr Dutton], I'd show some compassion and heart." - Senator Jacqui Lambie See more
13.01.2022 There are currently around 16,000 children in families seeking protection in Australia. Many people seeking asylum have lost their jobs as a result of COVID-19, as they often work in the service sectors worst affected. People seeking asylum are not eligible for the JobSeeker or JobKeeper payments, like many other workers. They have been left with nothing. It will be hard for them to re-enter the workforce, especially in the current economy.
13.01.2022 This Saturday, Lara and Keerthi from the JCU Amnesty group are hosting a Forum for youth activists (15-25) in the Queensland/NNSW region. Please bring the Forum to the attention of young people in your networks who are interested in Human Rights. Here is Lara introducing the Forum.
12.01.2022 There is no exit strategy...
11.01.2022 Let's continue this morning at our First Friday Vigil for Refugees and People Seeking Asylum #7yearsTooLong
10.01.2022 It's moments like these that really show us the true value of freedom.
09.01.2022 35 years history of the Townsville Amnesty Action Group in nine photos From a presentation given at the recent celebration of Amnesty International's 59th Birthday organised by the Gold Coast Amnesty Action Group
09.01.2022 Ranjana Srivastava is an Australian oncologist, award-winning author and Fulbright scholar...
08.01.2022 Celebrate Refugee Week 2020 - Foundations for Belonging: A snapshot of newly arrived refugees Thursday 18 June 1-2pm
08.01.2022 SIGN & SHARE: Health is a human right lets make sure everyone has access to healthcare during this pandemic, so that we can all take the steps we need to keep ourselves and others safe.
08.01.2022 SIGN & SHARE: Phones are a lifeline for people in detention. Dutton now wants to give Australian Border Force more powers, including the ability to confiscate mobile phones.
05.01.2022 Kopika Nadesalingam spent her 5th birthday at the Christmas Island Detention Centre with her parents Priya and Nades and sister Tharunicaa. Her friends from Biloela made sure she was not forgotten - organising what was probably the biggest birthday party held in this time of COVID-19. well wishers streamed in from around Australia. Check out all the action at
03.01.2022 Twelve activists joined our First Friday Vigil for Refugees and Asylum Seekers today. We have been meeting on the First Friday of each month since June 2010 calling for humane and compassionate treatment of asylum seekers. We welcome the news that the Australian Government is considering offering Safe Haven Visas to people fearing persecution in Hong Kong. Let us hope that Morrison, Dutton and co can find it in themselves to show the same consideration to the 30,000 people seeking asylum who continue to suffer in off-shore detention or in on shore limbo #7YearsTooLong
02.01.2022 What better way to celebrate Refugee Week 2020! A breakfast to recognise the wonderful contribution to the successful settlement of refugees in North Queensland by Meg Davis who has served as Manager of the Townsville Multicultural Support Group (TMSG) for the past 22 years.
02.01.2022 This is a call out to our awesome Amnesty Activists. Please join us in supporting the Queensland Community Alliance during our Maroonprint Election Assembly. This will be the Alliances largest zoom assembly with over 800 Alliance Leaders. We're expecting the Premier and the Opposition Leader to attend, they will be asked to negotiate with the positive solutions developed by the Alliance Leaders. This is a rare opportunity to pressure the next Premier of Queensland to support ...human rights and many of Amnesty's campaign goals: solutions are focused on racism, climate change, and ensuring police powers are proportionate. Amnesty has made a commitment to show our support by gathering Amnesty Activists to join the zoom assembly, preferably wearing their Amnesty T-shirts. The more engaged faces in the crowd the larger the impact we can make. Please sign up here (and let us know in the comments!) if you can make it on Monday 14 September at 6.30pm: See more
01.01.2022 The screenshot below shows 25 of the 50 people who attended yesterday's online event for Palm Sunday. A big thank you to our speakers Graham Thom, Angela Fredericks, Paul Power, Shaminda Kanapahti, Amanda Whittington, Jacky Niyonkuru and Lara Humadi. Links to online action referred to by the speakers are in following posts.