Amongst the Wildflowers in Margaret River, Western Australia | Medical and health
Amongst the Wildflowers
Locality: Margaret River, Western Australia
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24.01.2022 The Ultimate guide to witchcraft - Written by Anjou Kiernan-named "One of the Magical Women You Should be Following on Instagram," by Refinery 29-The Ultimate Guide to Witchcraft is a beginner's guide to the practice of witchcraft, providing a complete toolkit for cultivating your own practice. ... Magic is not for the select few. We all have the ability to connect to the power of the natural and supernatural worlds to support our intentions. Blending ancient practices with modern context, this guide gives aspiring witches a practical, easy-to-follow path through the study of natural witchcraft and ritual. Whether you are looking to commune with spirits across the veil, need an amulet for protection, wish to build your magical apothecary, create a grimoire, or curate a crystal collection for vibrational work, this guide will empower and inform your craft. Learn how to harness the power of the moon, elements, and seasons to amplify your spells and divination work. Whether for personal development or spiritual enlightenment, The Ultimate Guide to Witchcraft is the perfect guide for teaching you how to tap into your own magic and apply its alchemy to your life. The Ultimate Guide to... series offers comprehensive beginner's guides to discovering a range of mind, body, spirit topics, including tarot, divination, crystal grids, numerology, aromatherapy, chakras, and more. Filled with beautiful illustrations and designed to give easy access to the information you're looking for, each of these references provides simple-to-follow expert guidance as you learn and master your practice. - Below is the link to the website or head instore to @hairyfairysemporium -
24.01.2022 Website will be closing soon for sales until further notice - Oh my gosh witches yes you have read right- I will be closing off the website to orders from this Sunday 9th august midnight for awhile. - It’s been a huge decision to make and one that was released completely from me at last nights full moon. As most of you know I also have a instore shop in Margaret river as well as the online shop. My little business has boomed in the last nine months and it’s not just being i...n a shop but my online has been crazy busy too. However I am a one women team here at Amongst The Wildflowers and I simply just can’t keep up. Not only am I running a small business but I have two young children and a husband who works away for more than half the week and we live on property that needs loads of work. I don’t even have time to practice witchcraft anymore! Im finding that I have no time for family, friends, partner, children and myself! I’m burnt out and something has to give. - My heart belongs in the shop here at margs! I’m in a space with two amazing other women (and all the other amazing vendor women) and when it comes to my business this space gives me pure joy! I’ve forgotten to love my work and my passion was dying quickly as well as my mental health! - So I have decided to close the website for awhile and concentrate on the shop and give it my all! I’m really very sorry to all my beautiful customers who order online. You beautiful souls are what made my business what it is today and I’m so forever grateful for every one off you - I’m not completely gone- i’ll still be here! This way I can use this space for teachings and readings- all the fun things that I simply had no time for. And I would love to see you in the shop here in margs one day - Gratitude and so much love to you all and one day the shop may open or it might not but please let’s still connect - So if there’s something on the website you would like I’m not closing it until midnight this Sunday so get your orders in before then. - Again I’m so sorry to do this but there does come a time when simplifying life becomes a necessity. Blessings and so much love, Dani xxx See more
23.01.2022 Imbolc - Happy imbolc blessings to you all - Today is the celebration of Imbolc- that is between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. It’s the fire festival- the coming of spring! ... It’s a time to celebrate change, newness, growth. This day is associated with the goddess Brigid- the goddess of fire, smith raft, healing, midwifery, poetry. She is a triple goddess- maiden, mother, crone. Now is the perfect time to embrace the maiden energy of this goddess. - wash your face in the first few on imbolc morning. - Space cleanse your home. - plant seedlings and bulbs. - make a brigids cross from straw and hang in your home. - light candles in your house to welcome the coming of light. - hang wind chimes. *ALTAR* Place flowers, pictures of Brigid or the brigids cross, candle of white, green and yellow, herbs of Angelica, bay. Chamomile, frankincense and myrrh. - Celtic tools - Enjoy your amazing imbolc celebration and relish in the growth that surrounds you! Blessings, Dani xx See more
23.01.2022 New Moon Sunday Spell - A little fun for this beautiful Sunday that is Yule and a new moon eclipse enjoy xx @ Margaret River, Western Australia
23.01.2022 Herbs are restocked - Finally Ive managed to get more jars and now I’m stocked up with your favourite magickal herbs both online and instore at @hairyfairysemporium
21.01.2022 Lotus Candle Holder - Lotus is the symbol of purity, enlightenment, rebirth, regeneration, fortune and good luck. She’s a beautiful decorative piece and can assist you in your candle magic for any of your amazing spell works xx...
21.01.2022 Abundance blend for the shop - Calendula, chamomile, cinquefoil, basil, spearmint, cinnamon, lemon balm, goldenrod, cloves, allspice and parsley.
20.01.2022 Website Update - I have popped up loads of new items and updated old stock on the website this insanely amazing mortar and pestle is up there as is the new moon and star wooden box, candles holders, leather journals, books, cards etc. - Have a magickal day witches!... Dani xx - - #mortarsndpestle #pentaclemortarandpestle #witchestools #apothecary #apothecarytools #witch #witchery #witchesofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #witchesofig #southernhemispherewitch #witchshop #margaretrivershopping #margaretriver #amongstthewildflowers #onlinewitchshop
19.01.2022 Pentacle Cauldron - Perfect as an addition to your alter, your spell work, burning incense, performing rituals..anything. If you love to do rituals and spell work outside or on the go she's perfect. Available on the website and instore @hairyfairysemporium xx
18.01.2022 Spellcrafting - Here’s a little gem to add to your spell book collection! From the author of The Green Witch, Ann Murphy-hiscock has written another beautiful book all about crafting spells of your own! She goes through the steps to perform and create powerful spells that are solely your own making..the best spells there are! So much amazing information in one book available online and instore at @hairyfairysemporium xx -...
17.01.2022 My magickal shop here in the heart of Margaret river @enchantedmargaretriver
16.01.2022 We now have our reading room open as off this Friday instore at Enchanted Margaret River
14.01.2022 Pendulum Boards - Pendulum boards are a great tool to have in assisting you with your pendulum work! Whether novice or expert a pendulum board can visually show you what the answer is great tool to have if you perform pendulum readings for others as they can see what the answer is too. I like to program my board to where the answers are before I start as to stop confusion. I swing the pendulum up and down to the yes and state- this is yes, and so forth for each other answer. These are on the website and instore at @hairyfairysemporium xx
10.01.2022 Pentacle Incense Burner - Burn your favourite cone or loose herb incense in witchy style with this amazing brass incense burner - Available online or instore @hairyfairysemporium... -
09.01.2022 These are a few of my favourite things - Trinket Boxes and Singing bowls - I love trinkets.. mainly in the way of crystals and magickal talismans... and I love pretty boxes to store them in. I also use these boxes (and others on the website) to store my favourite card decks. ... This amazing deel singing bowl literally walks out the door in the shop @hairyfairysemporium and with good reason... it’s deep and earthy and it’s truly cleansing! - So tonight I’ll be recharging myself with the cleansing vibrations of sound with this singing bowl and pulling cards stored in my favourite box See more
09.01.2022 Triquetra Cauldron - The beautiful Celtic symbol that is the triquetra represents the triple goddess- maid, mother and crone and the power of three such as earth, sky, sea; the love, to honour, to protect; life, death, rebirth; mind, body, spirit. It’s a symbol of eternity as there is no end or beginning. This symbol is also worn for protection and a symbol of eternal love. -... Available on the website and in store @hairyfairysemporium - Xx - #cauldron #triquetra #triquetracauldron #witchestool #witchery #witch #toolsofthewitch #southernhemispherewitch #witchesofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #witchesofig #margaretriver #witchshop #witchcraftshop #australianwitchcraftstores #australianwitchcraft
06.01.2022 Selenite charging plates - Selenite has a pure and high vibrational energy to it- it cleanse, purifies and allows you to get into a state of high vibration. Selenite is named after the Greek goddess of the moon, Selene, and she invokes this powerful spiritual energy. ... Use this selenite charging plate to place your crystals, beloved trinkets, magickal items on her to charge and cleanse energy. Available in two sizes and on the website and instore at @hairyfairysemporium xx
06.01.2022 Winter Solstice-Yule.. Mid Winter - Yule marks the time where there’s light emerging after the longest night and shortest day. It’s a time to celebrate rebirth, transformation and growth as we now start to see the growth again with the sun. The earth changes and so do we! We start to see the light and our bodies start to get invigorated for the changes around us. Yule is a wonderful time to reflect on our inner work during these cool days and embrace the changes that we wan...t to make! - Crystals- tigers eyes, citrine, bloodstone, jade, ruby, emerald, diamond. Herbs- chamomile, basil, frankincense, blessed thistle, rosemary, sage, myrrh, bay, clove, star anise, cinnamon, juniper, holly, mistletoe, pine. Altar decorations- bells, pine cones, fir tree- evergreens, fallen leaves, candles, crystals, angels, stars, mistletoe, wreaths - Symbols of Yule- Fir tree: everlasting tree that symbolises life even in the darkness. Yule log: burn the Yule log (usually a piece of oak) to represent the coming of the sun. Wreaths- represents the wheel of the year. The wreath has no ending so it’s a continuous cycle of life. - Rituals to do for Yule: make mulled wine and share with loved ones. Make a chocolate (or buy one if your like me ) Yule log. Light a candle to represent the fire and coming of the sun. Write what you would like to manifest for the coming warmer months on bay leaves and leave on your altar. Go for a walk and find treasures to decorate your altar with. - Happy Yule beautiful souls xx - - #southernhemisphereyule #yule #wheeloftheyear #perthspirituality #yulealtar #witchesaltar #altar #spiritualshop #spirituality #australianyule #amongstthewildflowers See more
05.01.2022 Mists of Avalon - Mists of Avalon invites you on a sacred spiritual path to heal and awaken to your full potential. Uncover the myth of King Arthur and the Camelot story as you connect to the magic of Morgan le Fay. Feel the spiritual power of the mystic landscape of Glastonbury and its surrounds, once the site of Avalon, revered since ancient times as a gateway to the Otherworld.... This stunning deck captures the true essence of the mystery of Avalon, empowering you to self-discovery on your soul quest. It is a transformational experience for those who are ready to follow their true spiritual path in the ways of the Avalon goddesses and priestesses. Call on the energy of Avalon to provide insight, clarity and guidance for your life now and to illuminate the way forward. Become part of the magic and myth of Avalon! - xx
05.01.2022 New Earrings Witches - I’ve uploaded these amazing sterling silver earrings onto the website and they are so gorgeous there’s only a few of each pair so be quick to grab your favourites! Xx @ Margaret River, Western Australia -...
04.01.2022 Amethyst Runes - Runes are a set of 24 alphabet letters originated form the Vikings. Today they are used for divination purposes as each rune letter has a meaning- much like tarot and oracle cards. Use the runes in readings and for guidance. Pick however many runes you want to help give guidance in an area of your life. You can also add runes to spell work to intensify the magic and add runes to other divination tools for added guidance. They are super fun and gorgeous. -... Available on the website xx See more
03.01.2022 Just a witch enjoying her brew - These insanely awesome witches brew cauldron mugs are available on the website and instore @hairyfairysemporium
03.01.2022 Monday morning card reading - Choose the card that first resonates with you then swipe across to get your card meaning - Deck: The sacred self care oracle. @ Margaret River, Western Australia
02.01.2022 Journal restock - These beautiful leather journals are perfect for your journal writing, book of shadows, grimoires, drawings etc. The pages inside are made from recycled paper and they are blank so you can do what you like with your journal! These beauties sell out quick x -... - #leatherjournal #journal #journaling #bookofshadows #crystaljournal #grimoire #witchestool #witch #witchesofinstagram #witchcraft #witchesofinstagram #witchesofig #spirituality #manifestation #southernhemispherewitch #australianwitchshop #australianwitch #perthwitch #witchshop
01.01.2022 Hello I’ve been missing in action here for awhile as I’ve not felt the pull to be on social media much! I’ve been busy at the shop, with my kids and family and In the garden. I’m taking things slow and steady and I’m the happiest I’ve been in a long time. Today has been spent at the maze, tending to our fur animals, gardening and picking lavender for more cleansing bundles for the shop! Hope your all well and enjoy your weekend magickal souls Dani xx
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