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25.01.2022 Overwhelming support for Rudd petition against Murdoch media by Zia Ahmad Within a week, hundreds of thousands of Australians have signed the petition initiated by former Australian PM, Kevin Rudd on Saturday 10 October 2020, calling for a royal commission into Murdoch media empire, naming News Corp a cancer on democracy and a protection racket for the Coalition holding almost 70 percent of print readership across Australia....
24.01.2022 Parkinson’s Law and how it relates to your productivity by Umar Khan Imagine this. You’ve been given one month to complete an assessment task. Plenty of time you think; I can research the task, plan it, draft it, edit it and polish it off easily. Fast forward 29 days there are 2 days left and you haven’t started (we all know that feeling )...
24.01.2022 Kevin Rudd: After a full day’s Senate hearings where the Murdoch media denied they were a monopoly, what do his tabloids deliver today in 8 different cities? The same cookie-cutter article published in 8 different papers! They really take us for fools. #MurdochRoyalCommission
24.01.2022 Muslim concentration not related to Islamophobia by Karien Dekker People living in suburbs with concentrations of Muslims are less likely to express or experience Islamophobia, according to new RMIT research published in January 2021.
23.01.2022 NESCAFÉ / Urban List Sydney this is how I like to make it GOLD with @nescafeanz and @urbanlistsyd #ad thank you for always being there for me mum Alsu Kurlow
23.01.2022 Today the IWAA Sydney team met with the Australian Afghan Hussanian Youth Association at their centre in Regents Park NSW. Loubna Hammoud (SETS Coordinator) pre...sented the Settlement, Engagement and Transition Support program to attendees. This program provides free settlement support to improve social participation, economic well-being, independence, personal well-being and community connectedness to a range of visa holders. Sue Hamdoush (Sydney Branch Manager) spoke about Home Care Packages which are available to Australians who are over 65 years old, still living at home and require assistance to maintain their health & well-being. The session was a well-received workshop delivered in the Arabic, Dari and English Languages. #IWAA #iwaasydney #YesWeCare #SETS #agedcare #afghan See more
22.01.2022 Australian Values under the current federal government by Bilal Cleland National Aborigines & Islanders Day Observance Committee [NAIDOC] Week this year was marked by government rejection of the Aboriginal & Torres Islander flags in the Senate chamber....
21.01.2022 People think wheelchair accessible just means no stairs, but there is so much more than that -The bathroom needs to be large enough for a wheelchair to comf...ortably turn around in, and there needs to be a grab bar for non-ambulatory wheelchair users to transfer from the wheelchair to the toilet. The sink and mirror need to be low enough to reach/see from seated position -Kitchen counters also need to be low enough to reach from seated position -Hallways and doorways need to be wide enough (minimum 25-30) -No lips in doorways -Minimal doors with knobs. Instead, open doorways or automatically-opening doors -Tables must be the right height to roll under and without any cross bars underneath that would block a wheelchair user’s knees -There must be enough open space for a wheelchair user to roll and turn around. Bear in mind that like a car, a wheelchair cannot spin around in place and must turn around either in an arch shape or do a 3-point turn. So there must be enough free space, clear of furniture or other objects to make this arch shape -The floor in general needs to be clear of objects as a wheelchair user cannot simply step over obstacles -No steep hills or inclines If you are inviting a wheelchair user to hang out with you in your stair-free apartment or stair-free public venue, but it does not meet this other criteria, do not say it’s wheelchair accessible because it is not. Say it is stair free and then specifically describe which aspects of it are inaccessible. Not every single wheelchair user needs every single one of these things, but we do need to know what to expect, to then be able to determine if we can or want to go to a place Want to go the extra mile to make our lives easier? If you want to invite a wheelchair user to a new public location, call and ask about the bathrooms, the width of hallways and aisles, the doors etc. Remember that we have to call and ask these questions *every day*, every single time we go to a new place. It is exhausting. It is very helpful to be able to take one day off
21.01.2022 Shahid Afridi Foundation Australia donates for Beirut Crisis Appeal by Daniya Syed Proud moments for Shahid Afridi Foundation Australia as executive team paid a visit to AusRelief headquarters earlier in September and presented a cheque of AUD $5,000 on behalf of donors from Pakistani community to help relief activities as part of Beirut Crisis Appeal....
21.01.2022 Travesty of justice: Babri mosque demolition accused acquitted by Mohamed Ainullah On Wednesday 30 September 2020, the special CBI court acquitted all the 32 accused belonging to the ruling BJP Hindu nationalist party, some of whom had publicly admitted and boasted of their involvement in the 1992 demolition of 16th century mosque in Ayodhya in India. ...
21.01.2022 Alhumdulillah I had the pleasure and honour of sharing my story, from the corporate workforce into the world of Muslim fitness with Brother Ali Memon from @corp...oratemajlispodcast (head on over to Instagram to see their page). The podcast will be released tomorrow InshaAllah. Please tune in, like, share and support The Corporate Mujlis - a weekly podcast hosted by Ali Memon, where he has guests from the professional Muslim community to discuss their successes and learning lessons in the corporate world, all while maintaining core Islamic values. The Corporate Mujlis has already had some amazing guest speakers, including Mariam Bint Marwan, Peter Gould, Calisha Bennett, Dean Mousad, Moodi Dennaoui, Maydaan Archery Club Australia, and more inspiring speakers in the line up. Check out The Corporate Mujlis on Spotify to listen to the podcasts. May these be of benefit to you all. Link: (Mine will be released tomorrow InshaAllah)
20.01.2022 Her faith has taught her to take care of our planet. Now, Western Sydney teacher Zubaida is educating her community about climate change, outside of her classroom.
20.01.2022 I have many young clients that have been deeply hurt because of heartbreak. They complain to me that they have been used & abused, strung along emotionally/p...hysically, especially during the getting to know one another stage. The reality is some people don’t love you, they don’t even care about you, they just want to stay connected to you. They love the benefits... so they do the minimal, a little phone call, here and there: Just checking/ thinking about you! I miss you I love you I need you Can’t wait to marry you (but showing no signs of commitment/seriousness) (asking to keep the *relationship* secret not to get parents involved etc..) What they are really doing is maintaining a connection, so when they *need* you (emotionally, physically, financially) .. they still have a way in. These individuals are players. Period!
20.01.2022 Peaceful car protest in Australia against forced cremation in Sri Lanka by Amaani Siddeek Sri Lankan Muslims in Sydney gathered as a motorcade to protest against the ‘cremation-only’ policy being implemented in Sri Lanka, a policy that has been identified as discriminatory and a human rights violation.
19.01.2022 So after I did Salama's make up, she has decided to do her skincare routine on my face, and after the whole experience I have only one question for you all, what did you think of the bow headband she put on my head? Music by @Iksonmusic
17.01.2022 Have you ever wanted to be a writer but didn't know where to start? We have the perfect night in store for you. Listen to renowned Muslim-Australian authors as ...they discuss how they overcame identity issues, lack of confidence and time management in their writing journey. You will also learn tips and tricks to kickstart your own writing journey. Register now at Details: Saturday, 24th October 7.00pm-8.30pm via Zoom
17.01.2022 WE DID IT! Jacqui Lambie's rejection of the mobile phones ban bill means that the government does not have the votes to pass this terrible bill. This would no...t have been possible without all of you standing up for justice and compassion. Of course, the struggle is not over. What the Government should be working on is a plan for safety and freedom for refugees so that they can have a place to call home in the community, and the opportunity to rebuild their lives. We will keep fighting with you until that day comes. In the meantime, please visit Senator Jacqui Lambie's page and leave a supportive comment about her rejection of this bill. It's important to thank politicians when they make the right call.
16.01.2022 I want to make the world aware of two amazing people we lost last week. Sarah and I happened to have an interview scheduled for future release this year over on... Team On Location but when we learned of the devastating news Sarah asked that we get the full 1 hour 25 min glimpse into their life out as soon as possible for the world to see... and that's what we did. It would mean a lot if you could take some time to listen and watch Feda and Mu - #Autism See more
16.01.2022 Jacinda Ardern has won a second term as New Zealand's Prime Minister after her success at handling the country's coronavirus outbreak helped secure a landslide victory.
15.01.2022 Will You Marry My Daughter? She taught Ella and Billie Holliday how to sing. She made Miles Davis cool and taught Duke how to swing. She gave Malcolm his X and... made Martin a king. Without her Michael Jordan wouldn’t have six rings! Will you marry my daughter? She gave Nat Turner his fire and gave birth to Denmark Vesey. She taught her children how to survive in the aftermath of Plessy. She put the soul in James Brown and taught every rhyme to Jesse. Without her we wouldn’t know how to enjoy a blessing. Will you marry my daughter? She has raised Senators and nursed Presidents. From her Josephine Baker inherited her elegance. With some folk’s lunch money she can buy groceries and pay the rent. She’s never been broken although she’s been bent. Will you marry my daughter? She gave real meaning to, In God we trust. She’s the one who wouldn’t give up her seat on the bus. She went to church every Sunday and would never cuss. She picked up the pieces and held the family together after every bust. Will you marry my daughter? She taught Angela Davis how to sport that ‘Fro. She gave the ability to run that ball to Bo. She taught Tupac how to spit and taught Biggie how to flo. Without her we would have never survived Jim Crow. Will you marry my daughter? She brought every brother in this joint into this life. She equipped her children to survive America’s hardship and strife. She herself survived the rapes sometimes at the point of the knife, ...and now she’s not good enough to be your wife? Will you marry my daughter? Imam Zaid Shakir
14.01.2022 The NZ election shows us people will respect and value politicians who are caring, kind, genuine, compassionate, empathetic, grounded and open. Not afraid to sh...ow emotion or to take people on a shared journey, good leaders have Emotional Intelligence as their first and foremost strength. They are not afraid to be courageous and are principled in their actions. Congratulations Jacinda Ardern and New Zealand. See more
13.01.2022 #shuvhomsi #addiction #Counsellor #addict #drugaddiction #drug #recovery #sober #mentalhealth #drugs #givingbackaustralia #muslimdruginterventionist #islamicdruginterventionist #getoffdrugs #personalgrowth #drugtest #drugtesting
13.01.2022 Join us in celebrating the International Day of People with Disability. IDPwD is a United Nations observed day celebrated internationally. It aims to increase public awareness, understanding and acceptance of people with disability and celebrate their achievements and contributions. Register: Sun 6 December 2020 11:00 am 3:00 pm AEDT Lunch included (Registration essential) Location Progress Park Community Centre 9 Killeen St Auburn, NSW 2144 Sponsored by Zaffet Afraah, Rahma Islamic Association of Australia, Auburn Sports Club and AMUST. #idpwd #idpwd2020 #internationaldayofpeoplewithdisability
12.01.2022 Global demand for justice in Hathras rape case by Dr Aslam Abdullah Five British MPs, more than 30 feminist groups, Dalit organisations and many more Indian diaspora organisations have sent a letter to the UN Human Rights Commissioner Michelle Bachelet saying that the Hathras rape and murder was part of a systematic attack on women and oppressed castes. ...
11.01.2022 Sydney protest for freedom in Egypt by AMUST Media On Sunday 24 January, a group of Egyptian Australians, part of the International Coalition for Egyptians Abroad (ICEGA) protested outside the Egyptian Consulate in Sydney, Australia in commemoration of the Egyptian revolution of 2011 during the ‘Arab Spring’.
11.01.2022 In 2016 I had no job and and as a family we had about a year of savings to pay for all the necessities(kids school, rent, food and cars). I wanted to be in medi...a so I wrote script after script, show after show, and pitched the ideas anywhere I could get a meeting but nothing worked out. I was scared and worried about the future but never shared it with Salama as I didn’t want her, or the kids, to get worried or carry that burden. One day as were were driving I finally gave in and told Salama how I was feeling, we talked about my worries, my fears and how things weren’t working out, and that I was starting to lose hope. As we were in the mall picking up some things we passed by an electronic store, then we walked in and Salama bought me my first camera. She said that she knew that all I wanted in this world was to be a creator and tell stories, so she gave me the camera and told me to get to work and do it on my own, but more importantly she said that she would support me no matter what and always believed in me. Four years later I am creating videos as a career, working on projects I never dreamed of, all because this incredible woman believed in me even when I didn’t believe in myself, so here she is buying me a new camera to improve our work, it’s kind of like our thing, where she is the only one who buys me cameras and invests in our future. Moral of the story you don’t have to fight your battles alone, you don’t have to struggle alone, the people who love you are your greatest source of strength, always keep them close and anything is possible inshAllah. I love you Salama, you are the reason for everything good in my life
10.01.2022 IWAA Sydney SETS community & client engagement by Sue Hamdoush Islamic Woman’s Association of Australia hosted their SETS Community Leaders & Clients Engagement lunch event on Thursday 5 November 2020 at Panorama House at Bulli Tops overlooking Wollongong addressed by Councillor Bilal El-Hayek, Soofia Abbas and Loubna Hammoud....
09.01.2022 #trumphascovid #donaldtrump
08.01.2022 Aseel tayah is a Palestinian artist, creative director and cultural leader who uses her practice to advocate for artists of colour, mothers, children ...and young people - in particular, those from refugee backgrounds. She has recently been described as an unstoppable force in the Australian cultural landscape. Through the power of storytelling her practice creates awareness and facilitates connection by humanising the experiences of those who have been displaced. As such, her work is embedded in community and is often highly responsive to current issues. For example, my most recent project, Bukjehs of Joy involved the funding, production and distribution of 1500 art & craft kits to children affected by the tower lockdowns in Melbourne, which she achieved within a 10-day timeframe. During Refugee Week 2020, she curated, produced and presented a series of live online discussion panels featuring national and international artists and cultural leaders. The series attracted more than 40,000 views and led to an invitation to participate in the inaugural TEDx Melbourne PluggedIn event where she is proud to have been awarded Best Speaker. As a creative director and installation artist, she has a wide range of experience. International highlights include We Too Want To Play, the establishment of Palestine’s first network of toy libraries and Fingerprint of an Arab Girl, an annual event showcasing the talents and achievements of girls living under occupation. In Australia, collaborations include unique intercultural experiences such as Lullabies Under the Stars, an Arabic/First Nations work for children, and the participatory installation Bukjeh, exploring stories of home and being forced to leave it. As a cultural leader, she has developed ongoing relationships with various organisations including Multicultural Arts Victoria, Arts Centre Melbourne, Polyglot, Arts House, Arts Front, VMC, NGV, Federation Square, ASRC, RISE Refugee and numerous local councils and settlement organisations. Currently, although in lockdown, she is facilitating a variety of projects including: Bukjehs of Hope, a collaboration with 15 artists to produce a video for families in Beirut; an illustrated children’s book series called Stories from Home; an online Palestinian cooking class as well as volunteering with settlement services to support mothers who have recently arrived in Australia. Aseel exemplifies the use of creative arts for social justice, and is well-known for her kindness, optimism and generosity. She also uses her wonderful singing voice to bring joy and nostalgia to our hearts. She is truly a treasure!
07.01.2022 Australia Post has released a new set of stamps honouring those who have continued to serve and protect their fellow Australians in the face of the global COVID-19 pandemic. #australiapost #auspost
07.01.2022 An English Test not a Dictation Test by Bilal Cleland Apart from tax cuts for the rich, the neglect of much needed social housing and cuts to JobSeeker and JobKeeper the Frydenberg-Morrison Budget had a nasty ‘deeply buried’ in the Budget Papers....
07.01.2022 "If you want happiness for an hour -- take a nap. If you want happiness for a day -- go fishing. If you want happiness for a month -- get married. If you want happiness for a year -- inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime -- help someone else" Chinese Proverb
06.01.2022 Then and Now: A father and his sons. Mashallah
03.01.2022 Meet Hanan Dover, Director of Mission of Hope's Hayat Line. A mindful listener, Hanan helps the Muslim community, and anyone in need, get through tough times the free crisis line. Hanan told us, "It's very difficult for people from diverse cultural backgrounds to seek out emotional help a free and confidential crisis line makes it easier for them to open up to receive the support they need." Hanan is the face of our next special edition of Keep Connected, out 28 October. Need help? Talk to someone. You’re never alone. Hayat Line: 1300 993 398 or Lifeline: 13 11 14 or Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636 or Kids Helpline Official: 1800 55 1800 or headspace: 1800 650 890 or Black Dog Institute: 9382 4530 or Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467 or
03.01.2022 Lessons from the Christchurch massacre by Farid Ahmed One and a half years have gone by since Friday 15 March 2019, but I feel like it is just like yesterday.... So many uncountable things happened since that day, including the sentencing of the killer last month, but I can’t compare anything with the terrifying moments on 15 March 2019.
03.01.2022 Every soul will taste death {Quran 3:185} i-Youth presents Death and dying: from an Islamic perspective Join us as Death Doula and Advisor Mariam Ardati pr...esents the process of death from an Islamic and scientific perspective and demonstrates the ritual washing and shrouding on the deceased. A valuable experience to realise the reality of death as the pathway to our final abode and learn the ability to wash and shroud the deceased. *Open to both brothers and sisters* Friday October 23rd, 5-8 pm i-Youth Centre, 3 Dartbrook Rd, Auburn Registration is essential*: We look forward to seeing you! Sakina Funerals
02.01.2022 Reading should not be presented to children as a chore, a duty. It should be offered as a gift. ~ Charles Scriber Jr
02.01.2022 BREAKING: Senator Jacqui Lambie has JUST announced she will use her vote to kill Dutton’s mobile phone ban for people in detention. The decision follows a piece of community outreach from Lambie in which 96% OF RESPONDENTS voiced concern at Dutton’s power grab. No democratically elected government should try this cruel and unnecessary rubbish.
01.01.2022 Kashmiri leaders form alliance to restore Article 370 by Mohamed Ainullah Freed Kashmiri leaders, imprisoned for the past one year, on Thursday 15 October 2020, have announced the formation of an alliance of political parties in Jammu and Kashmir in order to campaign for the restoration of the special status of Kashmir before the abolition of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution last year....
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