Amy Milnes in Wanneroo | Motivational speaker
Amy Milnes
Locality: Wanneroo
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24.01.2022 The past couple of weeks have been so busy I forgot to post updates! Had so much fun running these @confidencehackers sessions with @unilodgecurtin students in the lead up to exams and in the middle of an extremely busy assignment time...talking about different ways to practice self-care and healthy habits through stressful times, and of course lots of cuddles with special guest @little_luna_perth
24.01.2022 Who can relate? This 100% used to be me, at times I still default back to it and catch myself out brushing off a kind word or changing the subject when I receive positive feedback...but for the most part I receive compliments with love (and give them too!) Something I have realised over the years is that deflecting or denying a well intentioned, authentic compliment is like rejecting a gift someone has picked out especially for you. ... And while it may feel clunky and a little weird at first to accept compliments if you have never been around people who do or have never felt like you truly deserved them, the more you do it, the less awkward it begins to feel...then one day you say thank you and allow it to really soak in - you look them in the eye and see the genuineness of what they are saying to you and it feels incredible! This is the feeling of allowing yourself to be seen, and the process of starting to see yourself as others see you
23.01.2022 For anyone interested in improving their relationships- here is my recent video on Relational Intelligence:
21.01.2022 Tomorrow at 5:30pm WA time I will be coming to you LIVE to talk about all things Communication in Relationships! Further details of the event in the event link below
19.01.2022 Change is inevitable, how you manage change is what truly matters! I spent a large portion of my life fighting the old or trying to get things back to the way they were...but the truth is I am not who I was, none of us are, as time passed and through my own healing I have learnt (and continue to learn) that building the new - focusing on how I want my life to be is where my energy is best spent! #change #wherefocusgoesenergyflows #createyourlife
19.01.2022 What we focus on is what we get, to the exclusion of everything else... >>if you imagine your focus as a radio station, what frequency are you tuning into? Perhaps its drama fm, perhaps its external problems fm....what if you tuned into if its to be its up to me fm or what is the lesson in this fm or even what life do I really want to live fm? The stations are endless...its your choice what you tune into!... We are so conditioned to focus on what we dont want without realizing we are attracting more of the same thing! Its the law of attraction at work! Want to know what the best thing is? You can change the channel any time...even right now - by being conscious of your thoughts, words, actions and intentions #amydeecoaching #wherefocusgoesenergyflows #whatyoufocusoniswhatyouget #timetochangethechannel
19.01.2022 So looking forward to this! Tune in on Wednesday!!
18.01.2022 Sharing this from a friends page - it demonstrates that we all still have a choice how we respond #covid #whodoyouwanttobe
18.01.2022 Want to learn how to get your partner to listen without raising your voice or repeating yourself over and over again, so you can both get your needs met? Then join me this Sunday :)
18.01.2022 An hour to go until I go live with a FREE session on "How To Fight Fair In Relationships" - join me here!!An hour to go until I go live with a FREE session on "How To Fight Fair In Relationships" - join me here!!
17.01.2022 A little reminder for anyone that needs it right now #henryfordquote #positivesigns #amydeecoaching
16.01.2022 My late Grandpa who I loved dearly wrote in my autograph book back in 95 Try to leave the world a better place than you found it Every time I sign up for a new course or learn something new to help others I feel myself moving to the beat of that autograph and that my Grandpas soul is shining on me, this course is in alignment with that beat #healtheworld #makeitabetterplace #onepersonatatime #servantsheart #mentalhealthfirstaid
14.01.2022 What a wonderful opportunity tonight to be live on radio on Business Tonight with Sharron Attwood on 88.5fm with my dear friend (and fellow author / workshop facilitator) Fiona Jeanne - Fly to Freedom with Self Love talking all things goal setting, new year, decluttering and reflecting on the year that was...I definitely enjoyed myself and am sure the listeners would have too #newopportunities #radio #88.5fm #businesstonight
13.01.2022 What does change mean to you? Are you ready for the change coming with a new year, in fact the commencement of a new decade in 2020? In conjunction with Lainy D Suhani Vaidya and Fiona Jeanne - Fly to Freedom with Self Love we are delighted to be hosting this FREE sundowner event in Perth this Thursday to explore what change means to everyone in the room.... (There will also be a surprise for our attendees ) Please book via the event link below. We look forward to seeing you there!
13.01.2022 What is your dream for your love life? More intimacy? Better communication? Someone to share your hopes, dreams and fears with? More fun and laughter? ... What do you have right now in your love life? What steps have you taken to have what you want? Most of my life I settled for less-than in my love life / relationships - I didnt know I could not only want more for myself - but actually have it!! If you are feeling this way, lets chat! #amydeecoaching #relationshipsinspired #loveyourlovelife #livethelifeyoudreamof
13.01.2022 Right now in the world, more than ever, we are all in need in some way. In need of rest, food, income, answers...compassion, empathy, support...KINDNESS The easy option may be to judge and to spread hate and to adopt a me against the world mentality but that will only spread more judgement, hate, fear and separation. Kindness is a choice, we all have access to it. Notice the difference kindness can make right now - to you and to others #spreadkindness #itsfree #humankindnothumanhate
13.01.2022 So excited that our book is number one in three categories!! If you would like to know how you can purchase a copy please comment yes below or message me!
11.01.2022 Last night I was a guest on Lainy Ds The Soulm8te Experience series where we explored what our beliefs are about soulmates, manifestation, communication and SO much more. Here is the link: Please feel free to share, comment and stay tuned for similar content coming soon!
10.01.2022 Luna says: HAVE YOUR SAY Is there something specific you would love to know when it comes to communication in relationships? Let me know in the comment section below or feel free to send me a private message :) #haveyoursay #wearelistening #communication #relationships
10.01.2022 #selfcare #amydeecoaching #yourrelationshipwithyoumatters
10.01.2022 This time last week I was getting ready to speak to over 100 people about my story behind the story of my chapter Shedding my Chameleon Skin in the book Stories from the Heart - Tales of Change...what an incredible experience, feel so honoured to be featured in Lisa Evans trilogy of multi-authored real life stories! #author #speaker #coach
10.01.2022 Tomorrow brings another new day...with it the opportunity to start anew...are you still telling yourself (or others) that youll pursue your dreams one day? Everyone that ever went for what they wanted started with a decision. Decision means to cut off - when you decide on something, you cut off from the other options which gives focus, direction and attention to what you have decided upon. So, one day or day one. You decide.... #amydeecoaching #coachamy #onedayordayone #decisions See more
09.01.2022 In the past I used to outsource everything- my progress (or lack of), my happiness, my sadness - whatever I was experiencing I was convinced was as a result of my environment. I had deep emotional wounds, but they were still raw and open and impacting my life every day, they were still hurting... I was carrying around a lot of anger because of the pain and had blame, excuses and denial for everything that went on in my life - I remember saying its not my fault all the time......I was stuck in victim mentality...this is what I had known my whole life... When I started looking into the personal development world and began researching how to heal from trauma, I started noticing that if it is to be, its up to me... the people, circumstances and environments that caused the wounds definitely werent going to do it for me - there was no getting even with the world...nobody else could do it for me, I had to do it for me... Slowly but surely as I continued on the journey of owning my shit and seeking help the wounds started to heal - now they are scars...I will never forget how the scars were formed, but they no longer bring pain... Taking ownership / responsibility for my own healing was the greatest gift I have given myself to date. It was the gift of getting my life back. Are you ready to take responsibility for your healing? If not now, when? And if not you, who? #amydeecoaching #relationshipsinspired #yourrelationshipwithyou
09.01.2022 *warning, this post may cause discomfort - instead of projecting try reflecting! What triggers us is an opportunity for healing* While some are dreading spending time in lockdown with their partners and jokes are flying around about couples breaking up from being forced to spend so much time with each other, I am looking forward to time at home with my hubby (thats him and I in the photo)...we are both fortunate enough to still be working but that could change any day now.......I am reflecting upon how grateful I am to be so in love with my soulmate that theres nobody else Id rather be isolated with...we spent the first 4 years of our relationship together in small rooms on site and the next 4 years where we spent a month apart and only saw each other for a week at a time when he was still that we are both working closer to home we know the value of time spent together, we know how to respect each others space and encourage each others creativity...we make decisions together and have each others back in these challenging times...I used to pray through silent tears that I would have a relationship like this and feel so blessed to be living my dream...if you are cynical about relationships, love, men / women, dating, soulmates or anything else in this arena, I urge you to dig a little deeper and heal what is holding you back...your past does not have to equal your future, your current moment does not have to be a record playing the same thing for the rest of your life, there is hope! If I can have it so can you! Ill be sharing more content on this over the coming days and weeks, so if youre not interested feel free to unfollow, and if you are curious, I look forward to sharing with you #ilovelove #ificanhaveitsocanyou #hopenothate #iso #strongapartstrongertogether See more
08.01.2022 Today is the day we received the physical copies of our excited to share one of my real life stories with the world! #storiesfromtheheart #talesofchange #publishedauthor #amydeecoaching
07.01.2022 #presentmomentreminder #justbreathe #amydeecoaching
06.01.2022 @little_luna_perth is super excited to be joining me again this Thursday night @kurrajongvillage for our Exam Stress KO session #confidencehackers #stressless #exampreparation #kv #kurrajongvillage #unilodgecurtin
05.01.2022 Last night for our @confidencehackers session we had a special guest @little_luna_perth who gave lots of stress-reducing cuddles and kisses while we chatted about ways to reduce stress in the lead up to exams, Erica Underwood House you rock!! We cant wait to go back next Thursday to Kurrajong Village! #confidencehackers #littlelunaperth #stressbusting #examprep #unilodgecurtin #amydeecoaching
03.01.2022 We are now 5 days into 2020...have you set your intention for this year? Where will your focus be? Its not too late to set your intention now...what we focus on is what we get #intention #focus #2020vision
03.01.2022 Excited and grateful to be invited by Brake the Psychol to be part of A Womans Journey event tonight where Ive been doing Chakra Card readings and speaking about my journey from victim to victor
03.01.2022 Picture 1 or Picture 2? The only difference is your perception #opportunityisnowhere
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