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24.01.2022 If ever there was a year to really MEAN it when you say it, its 2021! The energy this year will either be the fuel that can be used to change everything into YOUR place of alignment, and the unnerving forward momentum and FIRE will help you move faster than you ever imagined Or....... It will burn you up if you refuse to budge, refuse to adapt, refuse to EXPAND. The Universe is at your heels, supporting you, accelerating your human timeline - things are soooo not what they seem to the human eye. And at the end of 2021, you will still be reeling by the mass acceleration and momentum created this year. The question is will you be staring at the missed opportunities? Or at the trail you blazed with your souls purpose? Two sides of the same coin. Pick your Side xxx Ana T Brooks Sovereign Energy Alchemist

21.01.2022 It's raining Truths!

21.01.2022 Literal GOOSEBUMPS right now TESTIMONIAL from one of my clients just came in. Her household income jumped by OVER 6 figures in the time we worked together (8 weeks).... She made more in our time together than she had all year. Not bad results from working with not a business coach hey? Energy never lies xxx Ana T Brooks Sovereign Energy Alchemist


19.01.2022 A NEW COACH! Wow this is what feels like an eternity in the making - Real time, only about 4 months.... But probably one of the longest stints in years of not working with one coach solidly. And it wasn't from lack of desire or need, as I went through a truly dark night of the soul for months on end, I envisioned, I asked, and I trusted that the right person would show themselves. A few weeks passed. Then a month. Another month. It had to be any day now right? Surrender again. Trust again. REFUSE to force it. Again. Another month. By this stage I was rising back. But my soul still knew what it was ready for. ANOTHER MONTH - and FINALLY a shock to my system. A jolt that hit to my core I asked with CERTAINTY - I want another ME. I want someone who can do for ME what I do for MY CLIENTS I want the fucking bullet to the soul. The one who will call me on my shit. Who will activate the FULL level of my goddess. I want a ME - for me . And once again, as always - I now know why I had to wait. I wasn't really waiting at all, I was growing. I was learning to sit with how uncomfortable it is to face your shadows, your fears, your mortality. I was recalibrating to be able to BE the person who could receive this process. I was deepening my surrender, my release, my BEING. I was becoming ready to be ready to be ready (as Abraham Hicks would say). And when I was ready - WOAH. Here we go lovers, strap in and hold on, cause when I go UP, you all come with me xxx Ana T Brooks Psychic Empowerment Coach Earth Angel


18.01.2022 MAKING SPACE FOR "BEING" IS SO CRUCIAL Now more than ever, I am reminded constantly that it is the small things, our connections, our SOUL fuel that matters more than anything. The conversations, the time spent with a good book, a beautiful meal, a recalibration of your energetic vibration -... THAT is what truly creates a life worth living. Last night was a conscious DATE NIGHT for Matt and I, we both had amazing in-home massages, and I got to sit and drink some wine while reading my book after mine while Matt got his, enjoying the stunning sunset views, before we went for a walk to pick up some delicious Persian dinner, took our time eating and talking and laughing, before taking some time with my feet up the wall to rebalance my body in the way it felt it needed It sounds so well planned and executed when I write it out like that- but really it was just following flow and what felt good and and what felt most like BEING in the moment at the time It's so easy to fall into the stress of the doing, the having - the outside RULES and CHECKPOINTS for if you are doing this life thing "right" And if right now you feel like you are doing it possibly almost ALL wrong- please know you are not alone, and there is NOTHING you need to do differently right now. I went through one of the hardest, darkest nights of my soul this year, where everything I thought I knew was thrown into a tail spin. And I know you have felt the same at some stage too. Maybe you still do. All that is needed from you is deeper surrender to the now. To trust. To being with yourself exactly as you are, exactly in this moment. And then the next. One step, one day - sometimes one minute at a time. You've got this. xxx Ana T Brooks Psychic Empowerment Coach Earth Angel

18.01.2022 It's TIME! Motivation and Inspiration for WOMEN Transmissions to Light your Soul, Elevate your Spirit, and Embody your Power - the FLOW way ... Listen, Like, Comment and Subscribe - this is for YOU! xxx Ana T Brooks Psychic Empowerment Coach Earth Angel

17.01.2022 Aaaand GO! There is someone RIGHT NOW who needs to know/hear what you KNOW

17.01.2022 CONFESSION: Seeing someone fail used to make me feel good... I know it’s not the usual or normal thing to share - but I’ve never stopped myself from sharing the TRUTH the whole truth and nothing but the truth with you - so why start now?... Much like you - I grew up in COMPETITION. SCHOOL - was a competition for who was smartest, best at sport, most musically talented - who would get the lead role in the school production that year and who would get the awards at the end of the year. From school I did what seemed LOGICAL next - and signed myself up for 4 more years of competition at UNIVERSITY where I not only chose to be in competition within ONE faculty - but TWO - I did a double degree in Music AND Psychology And so I SANK DEEPER and further into competition - and not only was it the simple rules and regulations I was used to - but within music there was also competition with those who just had a natural charisma, natural voice development, natural stage presence, natural energy and STAR QUALITY Which by the way - I am sure many of you will be shocked to hear given my presence and energy online now - I had NONE of the above! I was awkward, my voice nowhere near as developed as others around me, I had no confidence and definitely no star quality to speak of... Oh yes - the COMPETITION now went beyond the surface and deep into my INHERENT WORTHINESS as a human being. Ouch! And born and bred in this competitive focus - it was NO SURPRISE really that I found myself SECRETLY feeling good when someone failed. When someone messed up their part. When someone didn’t achieve their goal. Oh it sure as hell didn’t make ME any better - it never does, but at the time it felt like all I had to cling to... Which is why when I wrote about TALL POPPY SYNDROME I totally understood it - not that I was ever the one bringing anyone down, not for a second - but I certainly was privately enjoying witnessing their fall from grace. I knew that

17.01.2022 INVITATION TO WORK WITH ME 1:1 . UNLEASHED . Re-Born Re-Coded Re-Activated ... This is an INTENSIVE offer for the awakened and driven LEADER-preneur who knows she is here to create MASSIVE impact in the world while shining her light powerfully And right now is SO sick of killing herself trying to DO everything and stay on top of it all, only to feel like there is just always something eluding her from breaking through to a thriving soul-led EMPIRE! Facilitating YOU in finally flipping that switch and fully stepping into your CORE where you are aligned, magnetic and CODED for success - is MY super power, and we do that in RAPID time, cause we are working QUANTUM here gorgeous, front of the line! During this 8 WEEKS together we will be: 1 Digging DEEP on EXACTLY where you’re at, what has led you here and what will be required of you in order to truly OWN your truth and personal power - via an 11 Card In Depth Oracle Reading that you will receive before we even really begin. 2 Turning ON your full EMBODIMENT of your personal power, self confidence and ON TAP inspiration - by taking you through 3 of my most potent energetic Soul Activation Sessions where you will be CODED with your Highest Self. *NOTE* ((( PAST CLIENTS who have done even ONE of those sessions have explained them as 'worth $2K on it's own, have learned more in one session then they did from a year of coaching, chronic pain of 10 years dissipated entirely and not returned, and entrepreneurs who have absolutely EXPLODED with focus on ALL the things they thought they could never do!))) 3 Five x Coaching Calls in the weeks between Activations, plus 1on1 Messenger access to me, to fully support you with mindset, implementation and energetic shifts to keep the expansion going! 4 Supporting you with 10 extra BONUS trainings (worth $2,500 USD on their own!) designed for reprogramming the connection of mind and soul including smashin

15.01.2022 BUBBLES... BEACH... BLISS I am soaking in the gratitude today, and always. xxx Ana T Brooks ... Psychic Empowerment Coach Earth Angel See more


12.01.2022 FREE 5 Week Training Series HOW TO USE YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA EFFECTIVELY TO GROW YOUR VISIBILITY AND BUSINESS FAST! We start 15th SEPTEMBER!!! ... Each week I will be covering a crucial tip to give you the power of connecting DEEPLY with your audience, utilising the most effective engagement strategies by just being YOU, becoming a content superstar and getting clarity and focus like never before! There will also be 3 prizes awarded at the end of the 5 weeks for the 3 people who met all the requirements and went all in the most! This will include watching and implementing the training WEEKLY (I will be watching!) It's all happening inside Click the link for the group to join and get all the details! xxx Ana T Brooks Psychic Empowerment Coach Earth Angel

12.01.2022 Who's looking for an incredibly IN DEPTH and EMBODIED EXPLANATION of 2021 ASTROLOGY and how this year looks in the big picture? Many of you are already aware of Ruxandra Gheordunescu Preda - she is one my exclusively chosen Expansion Artists inside of the 6 month 1on1 Container that is SOUL JOURNEY (more on that in the description of my cover photo) - And she releases detailed analysis of each month and Full Moon/New Moon as they come up (with personal information broken... down for your Rising and/or Sun Sign). I fell in love with her style of delivery and interpretation of Astrology long before SOUL JOURNEY was birthed, and when I decided what experts I wanted to bring in for my clients to receive 1on1 support from, it was a no brainer that she had to be involved. I'm going to set an intention to share more epic content and value from my Expansion Artists, because I'm nothing if not obsessed with getting their magic out to as many souls who are looking for it as possible. Rux offers 1on1 personalised Astrological Chart readings (and for those interested in SOUL JOURNEY you have this session with Rux included in your package In the meantime- check out this FULL 2021 Astrology Reading that Rux has put together, you will be blown away by the amount of detail, and also perspective that this offers. xxx Ana T Brooks Sovereign Energy Alchemist

11.01.2022 HURRY UP - And Slow Down There's SO much to do. Your task list keeps growing.... It feels like nothing ever REALLY gets done. Not properly. And then there's the most annoying part of it all, that despite doing ALL the things, being EVERYTHING to all the important people, and being such a 'success' on paper... There's that inconvenient part where deep down something keeps nagging at you. I suppose you could call it your SOUL And the darn thing WON'T SHUT UP! No matter how many more things you do. How many more achievements you accrue and rungs on the success belt you claim... Even in THOSE moments, almost as if to tease you for thinking you had it all figured out and that no, really - I AM happy... truly... I think... I mean mostly.... Maybe.... THERE it is AGAIN. A PUNCH to your gut. A BULLET to your SOUL. And it shatters and breaks and your perfect facade comes down once more... Time is running out you know. You need to HURRY up - and SLOW down! Before another month passes, another year, another decade... Of EXCUSES. Of playing pretend. Of 'hoping' and wishing that things will change. I mean you KNOW how silly that is right??? Everything that you have achieved, succeeded in, was not because 'things' magically changed- It was because YOU changed! And you got off the hamster wheel for just long enough to make that decision, to BE the change. It's time again - to slow down. To step off the runaway train. And to tune in - where is it headed? Where are YOU headed? And are you on your path by faith and choice? Or fear and default? You get to choose again xxx Ana T Brooks Psychic Empowerment Coach Earth Angel

10.01.2022 CONVERSATION with UNIVERSE/Higher Self Have I made the right choice for my highest expansion??? Universe: Yes.... Will it lead to even more massive expansion in my purpose??? Universe: Not clear. Is that because it is going to be dependent on how deeply I am willing to surrender to the process??? Universe: Yes. If I am to fully surrender into all the edges and go deeper than I've ever dared before... then will this be the catapult into more massive expansion??? Universe. Oh yes. Yes yes. Incase you needed the reminder just as I did - it ALL comes back to YOU xxx Ana T Brooks Psychic Empowerment Coach Earth Angel

10.01.2022 Merry Christmas Divine Soul I am so honoured, so blessed, and so in awe of the connections made this year, of the way we have come together, of the way we have held each other through one of the most challenging years any of us have had. I love you.... I feel you. And this is where the fun truly begins. The New Era has been birthed. Now - we get to nurture it as it grows. Love wins. It already has. And any time you want to find me, that is the timeline I will be playing in NO fear. Thank you for playing in this chosen reality with me- Oh the fun we will have And for the next 2 days I am entering a portal with my Beloved, an arena to honour our divine union, because I KNOW our love has the power to change worlds. ALL of our love does xxx Ana T Brooks Sovereign Energy Alchemist

10.01.2022 Even if you hit a FUCK THIS SHIT, or a BREAKDOWN moment where you declare ENOUGH IS ENOUGH - And you decide that the negative of living the way you've been putting up with has reached breaking point and you are PROPELLED into action... Even STILL ... THAT moment is not a moment of hating yourself enough to demand change... It is STILL a moment of loving yourself enough to declare that you know with absolute certainty, complete faith and no doubt WHAT-SO-EVER - That you deserve BETTER. And that you love yourself enough to demand it. You can never EVER hate yourself enough to get yourself to change... The very act of self hate perpetuates nothing but victimhood, helplessness, and a lack of faith that you are capable of making any lasting change. It is only through love - self love, that you become your own hero, your faith becomes stronger than any bullshit, and you know that you CAN and you WILL make it happen - Come what may... You WILL succeed. So always... always! Do not ask yourself how can I punish myself more so that I finally stop making excuses? And instead always ask - How can I LOVE myself more - so that I truly know I deserve the best from and OF myself xxx Ana T Brooks Sovereign Energy Alchemist

09.01.2022 What's something that used to TERRIFY you that you now LOVE and are so grateful you trusted yourself to take the leap and make it happen? xxx Ana T Brooks Psychic Empowerment Coach Earth Angel

08.01.2022 The HUSTLE is DEAD The New Era - The FREEDOM Era - is all about this Mainly?... Fun. Flow. Alignment . Mixed in with dedication and commitment to your DREAMS! Healers/Lightworkers/Coaches/Visionaries are no longer relegated to the broke and struggling corner. Those who know they are ready to BREAK FREE of the 9-5 mould are actually able to leave the Matrix. The world is shifting and those who have the kindest hearts, fiercest souls and DREAMY AF goals for their lives and the lives of others... Are finally being supported, held and guided to step into their POWER! And tomorrow night the stunning Linda is hosting a Live webinar on how she has created the freedom based lifestyle she desired and more importantly - passing on what she knows and EMBODIES to YOU! Want access to this training? Comment below or send me a PM so I can get you the details to register - Thursday 24th 7.30pm AEST. Can't make it Live and want the recording? Can do Just ask below or when you PM me The vibe is going to BLOW your mind! xxx Ana T Brooks Psychic Empowerment Coach Earth Angel

07.01.2022 WE ALL COME EQUIPPED WITH OUR OWN HAPPINESS MANUAL Human behaviour is fascinating - and from the youngest stages of my life I’ve been pulled to WATCH, to see PATTERNS, to reverse engineer and to CONNECT the dots that to others seem so random. I know that plenty is random.... But from my studies of quantum physics I also know that energy flows and forms in very predictable ways. So when I saw a post recently asking respondents to rate their overall happiness on a scale of 1-10, I was immediately intrigued. Upon CLOSER inspection, I was spell bound with my observation As I read through the responses, I noticed that the original poster had taken it a step further and would ask those who had rated themselvs a low score (5 or below usually) - what would it take for that score to move up even just one or two points? And the responses varied from specifics - however the common factor was that the majority were heavily OUTWARD focused. Ie someone else had to treat them better, someone else had to change in some way, the situation had to change, their siutation needed to imrpove in some way - ALL outside of themselves, and not in their direct control. Basically they were saying that THEIR happiness was entirely dependant upon someone else or the situation at large changing, nothing about THEMSELVES changing. . I then dove into the responses of those who scored their happiness on a scale of 7 or higher - and once again saw the the orignal poster had come back to the responses to ask why it is they believed they feel so generally happy? Ie what is the reason for their happiness? And the reponses were like CHALK and CHEESE in difference from the lower rated responses. Again varying in specifics - each respondent noted a number of things they were GRATEFUL for. A generally healthy and happy family, a roof over their head, enough money to afford what they needed - but mostly it was an awareness that being happy was a CHOICE they got to make. By foc

06.01.2022 Let it go SISTER. There is no need to hold so tight. What is meant for you is flowing freely without a fight.... Let it go BROTHER . There is no need to force. Your path is divinely guided, magic in the works from Source. Let it go LOVER . You are perfect in your truth. Your worthiness is without question, no need for proof. Let it go BRIGHT SOUL. You do not fade with time. Your essence is a light beam, it cannot turn on a dime. Let it go CREATRIX. Your power is your core. Never need you question what you do this for. Let it go DEAR FRIEND. Lay it all down at your side. Watch it wash away with the going of the tide. Let it go IMPERFECT HUMAN . You are designed to rise and rise. Never again allow yourself to wear this disguise. . Be brave, be Bold, Be YOU, As YOU as YOU can be. You are held. You are loved. You are divine. Borrow my eyes and look clearly at yourself - And see what it is I see. xxx Ana T Brooks Psychic Empowerment Coach Earth Angel

06.01.2022 I'D NEVER KNOWN that a business or a program could have a PERSONALITY and LIFE all of it’s own until now. I always knew that my offers were divinely downloaded to me, that they came THROUGH and not FROM me, but until Soul Journey - I didn’t understand the full meaning of this ...Continue reading


04.01.2022 JUST A REMINDER - you will ALWAYS find a way/make time/figure it out when something REALLY matters to you! ALWAYS EVERY TIME NO ANOMALIES ... You will always find a way, or find an excuse. But BEWARE - what you keep making an EXCUSE for, vs what you keep making TIME for - Will ULTIMATELY create your entire LIFE. Xxx Ana T Brooks Sovereign Energy Alchemist

03.01.2022 Can I tell you a SECRET??? THOSE PEOPLE - You know... the one's you watch, admire, sometimes low key hate, but can't seem to NOT want to know what they're up to...... The one's who got it RIGHT. Who figured "IT" out . Mayyybeeeeeh like 0.5% of them got there by following the well trodden path of those who went before them... I know I know... I grew up devouring Tony Robbins "modelling" training too I was the best copy and paste version of someone else you ever did see But along the way, years and decades (literally - I was about 11 when I started reading those books) of experience showed me something GLARINGLY different! The reason there are so many strategies/theories/perspectives - each with their own success story - Is because 99.5% of people will only get to that level of SELF DEFINED SUCCESS - by YES - You guessed it! Doing it THEIR way, which was impossible or not even conceivable until THEY decided to follow their instincts and DO IT. So your choice? You can try to be like the 0.5% and keep regurgitating what someone else is saying and hope that you can be successful at that and best case scenario? You're a stellar replica of another human being I guess. Orrrr... you bet on yourself. HARD. And go all in on doing it YOUR WAY. Which means learning, discerning, and yes sometimes applying what comes from others. But because your SOUL says OOOH YES this feels GOOOOOD! And not because you've been told by the "experts" that your way can't be done. It hasn't been done. Can't has nothing to do with it xxx Ana T Brooks Sovereign Energy Alchemist

02.01.2022 YOU JUST DO THIS FOR THE MONEY!!! Have you ever had someone say this to you? Or have you ever feared putting yourself out there in a big way with YOUR GIFTS and voice because you fear the day someone says this to you?... . Like the day you tell a potential client your prices and they come back and say something like that to you? Or someone you used to consider a friend comments this on one of your posts? Or a total stranger jumps on your Live to tell the whole world that this is what you’re all about? . I want to TAKE A MOMENT to break this down - and hopefully, if my INTENTION follows through, break this limit within you once and for all . 1Let’s START at the BEGINNING - which isn’t actually the statement. The beginning is WHO the statement is coming from. Those words don’t appear on their own. Somebody choose to write, speak or articulate them. And whilst you may find yourself on the receiving end of them - you are actually very far down the line of where this statement of opinion came from. SO FAR DOWN , that I daresay by the end of this you will see that actually it had nothing to do with you, and you just happened to be in the right place at the right time to be a trigger for an entire individual's culmination of beliefs and thoughts. LITERALLY. You may as well not even be involved for how little this statement being directed at you actually HAS to do with you - but for the sake of removing this from your UPSETTING folder and putting this to your MEH folder once and for all - let’s clear this up. Here is things you need to know about this statement: It never ever EVER comes from someone who is happily receiving financial abundance for being their most highly aligned and amazing selves. It always always ALWAYS comes from someone who is deeply unaligned with their potential, largely unaware of how this is a reality they have created, and definitely very focused on how everything is a personal attack on them. They are not INN

01.01.2022 WHEN you are SCARED and DOUBTING YOURSELF and not sure what CHOICE to make - DO THIS: Ask yourself what would the me NEXT LEVEL 2.0 do? ...Continue reading

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