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25.01.2022 Our brain is three to five times more sensitive to negative information than positive. This was helpful long ago but today we dont have as many everyday physical threats yet our brains are still wired to pay more attention to the negative than the positive. When we intentionally pay attention to the positive, the neural pathways associated with positive memories are strengthened. The more frequently we access those pathways the more well use them, lessening our focus on the negative. Bringing mindful awareness to our negative thought patterns allows us to change and redirect our thinking. ~ Valerie Vendrame

24.01.2022 What a great book to focus on ...the four agreements are amazing, to focus on just even one each day..will help you to become more authentic. Thank you Silvia Mordini, Life Inspired Happiness Coach for posting this x

24.01.2022 thankyou for sharing this Silvia Mordini :) I absolutely love this book..and it's teachings. I recall hearing these exact words at a buddhist meditation. It was quite a defining moment to realise that freedom comes when you 'let go' of what you thought the world thinks of you...and just truly be yourself.. without limiting or containing yourself to conform to a perceived belief system. To my friends and patients...I highly recommend reading this book. " The four Agreements" ~ Don Miguel Ruiz. It will change you x

24.01.2022 This is one of the keys to living with kindness, compassion and authenticity

23.01.2022 Incredible Kauai , Hawaii. It truly felt like paradise :)

23.01.2022 Soo happy... I have finally decided upon which Edgar's Mission animal to sponsor, with the support of my Anahata patients. Meet Leon Trotsky... this little one stole my heart...actually all of the animals did.. I just have to work out a way to sponsor a few more <3

23.01.2022 a great article on the benefits oil pulling.. Oil pulling is great for promoting; healthy gums, sinuses, skin..just remember to spit it out at the end. PM me if you have any questions.

22.01.2022 Good morning Anahata community :) the sun is shining, sky is blue..feels like spring is truly here.. love this time of the year. I'm blessed to be able to walk through the gorgeous Carlton gardens on the way to work. So lovely seeing the tiny buds and extra branches slowly filling up the trees. Spring is a time of new growth. New energy. Great time to start new projects. Look out for my spring newsletter in your inboxes next week. Have a lovely day x

21.01.2022 branching out into new territory...adding beautiful natural crystal energy to help bring my patients into alignment during esoteric acupuncture treatments... the first person to name the crystals in this pic will receive a half price esoteric treatment x

21.01.2022 new off the word press :)

20.01.2022 Hi Anahata community, I have been invited to contribute to this amazing cause 'The The Wild Animal I Am - Fundraising for Animals Australia next thurs 13th Nov by a friend. It's lovely to be able to support others. This is an evening to help support the end to animal cruelty and to help create a better world for all sentient beings. I will be donating a gorgeous Esoteric Acupuncture session. Which works with sacred geometry and tetrahedral patterns to help bring you into... your heart centre x I'm looking forward to supporting this very worthy cause <3 Let me know if you wish to join me..and or contribute x

20.01.2022 As some of you may know, I love getting out into nature to help me reconnect and ground. This weekend I was in Lorne. A rainforest adventure playground Walking past ancient trees, soo many colours, soo many patterns Slowing down to notice moss covered branches... Fallen trees, giant branches creating fun obstacles to duck under and climb over Walking down muddy slippery steps to the base of a waterfall Balancing carefully into dancers pose on top of a rock complete trust and faith in my body..completely in the moment.. Continuing down into the bottom of the rainforest a prehistoric seemingly untouched land with moss covered rocks, and many more branches and trees in our path Stopping to touch the moss, connecting with the gentle presence of Gaia, mother earth. Noticing really noticing the beauty in everything The delicate spiderwebs glistening from recent rain The ferns spread along the sides of the footpath The different types of moss, soft like a puppy dog's fur, springy.. like a toy. always cool to touch..yet at the same time heart warming Rock hopping across rivers, more than 30 in total Relying on all senses before taking steps Rocks, moving underfoot Placing feet firmly on slippery surfaces Everyone helping each other passing walking poles along to those stuck in the middle of the river (mostly me ) Offering a helping hand for the tricker sections encouragement aplenty...beautiful teamwork And day two... was even better Climbing down into a moss covered canyon Like a giants board game, with huge moss covered rocks casually tumbled Around every corner a sight more breathtaking than the last The ferns, the fallen trees, the moss covered rocks, combined to form a stunning secret garden. Then off the beaten track guided up a rock covered hill avoiding prickly trees and cliff edges using sturdy trees to help us climb higher walking out onto a soft mossy cliff to sit at the edge of the earth exhilarating... heart slightly beating faster feeling incredibly alive clambering slowly back down the hill sliding in the mud avoiding prickly trees back down to the track and then... we spotted an ancient hollowed out tree my friend and I both beelined for it we carefully climbed inside and felt completely at home sitting inside a tree is something we should experience at least once so grounding, humbling, nurturing, lovely and thus... we reluctantly left our new tree house and rejoined the path feeling energised, connected and grounded to home Thank you Joe for taking us on some incredible adventures this year. You have truly added so much to our lives x

20.01.2022 Tree of life.. 'as above so below'. The tree of life reminds us of sacred geometry and the interconnectedness of everything. The tree of life is a representative of doing the work within 'calming the mind, finding stillness in the heart centre' to help cultivate the same without 'outside of ourselves'. It also represents that we need to work with both our roots, our foundation, our parts under the ground. The parts not often seen.. in order to branch up and out into our brightest fullest radiant potential. The light and shade, the yin supporting the yang. I'm looking forward to wearing this during my esoteric treatments to help remind my patients and myself of the importance of balance, and the courage to work on our parts less help bring ourselves into a beautiful point of stillness in our heart centre x

19.01.2022 Inspired by Mike Lamele (a wellness coach) to tell my story. It is by sharing our darkness, that we can help bring others into the light. I woke today with the intention of going to yoga, eating super healthy, bouncing out of bed. None of that actually happened... When I woke, I was still tired, and it was raining, so yoga got bypassed. My cupboards were quite empty..breakfast was vegemite toast...instead of the super healthy green smoothie i had 'planned' to have. I spent m...Continue reading

19.01.2022 Hot off the press, new Winter newsletter. Recipes, meditations, pretty pictures (well it's just one pic :)

17.01.2022 To help cultivate Boddhicitta (a tender heart filled with compassion and wisdom) you may wish to recite these words during your day. I like to recite them just prior to meditating in the morning <3 May all beings have happiness and the causes of happiness. May all beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering. ... May all beings rejoice in the well-being of others. May all beings live in peace, free from greed and hatred. Each of the four verses corresponds to a mental state: loving kindess, compassion, sympathetic joy, and peace (or equanimity).

17.01.2022 If you've ever wondered about meditation. . Then this article Is for you smile emoticon and It's currently #Mindful in May. Pause for a Cause.. Which is a fantastic new way to start.. a little like someone gently holding your hand while you find your way In the open sea for the very first time. Jump In with me.. Sign ups are open till Sun 10th <3

17.01.2022 Drink apple cider vinegar to help stimulate digestion and assist with digestive problems, bloating, reflux... I love to start my morning with a tablespoon of ACV and a tablespoon of local honey in hot water, tastes amazing. It's the little things we do, that can make a big difference. Try it for yourself everyday for one week and notice how you feel x

16.01.2022 great advice on getting the right amount of sleep for your body type... Aiming to get to sleep around 10pm at the latest, will help with insomnia, as you are following the bodies natural cycle :)

16.01.2022 Oh....i've just been reading and watching some of the most incredibly beautiful heartfelt stories about animals being rescued at Edgar's Mission. So beautiful to find out that there are gentle souls who genuinely care for the plight of abandoned or injured farm animals <3 I feel such a strong desire to reach out and help.. I've decided to donate a portion of each Acupuncture treatment this month towards sponsoring one of these beautiful animals. I found out about Edgars Mission and the work they do at 'The Wild Animal I Am' - Fundraising for Animals Australia event I attended earlier this week. To say my heart has been opened is an understatement <3

15.01.2022 It's beautiful to learn to express vulnerability... We always think we need to be soo strong on the outside.. but truthfully it's when we allow others to see our flaws..that our true beauty shines we are saying I'm fully comfortable being my complete authentic self in front of i value you x

15.01.2022 Ahimsa - non violence, non harm. As some of you know, I am training to become a yoga teacher and as part of yoga teacher training, we have been learning about the Yamas and Niyamas.. Right ways of living. I learnt first hand about the power of Ahimsa when I visited Mother Teresa's mission in Kolkata. Mother Teresa is a shining example of a life lived by Ahimsa... It was quite the journey in crazy midtown Kolkata traffic to get there..a bus..then a local bus..then a ricksh...Continue reading

14.01.2022 I have just arrived home after an Esoteric Acupuncture/ Advanced Energy Healing training session today. This was to help reinforce my knowledge in this field of work that I have been drawn to over the last few years. Esoteric Acupuncture/ Advanced Energy Healing was created by Dr Mikio Sankey, as a way to help bring you into alignment. ... To help quiet the mind and bring a sense of calm and stillness... To help you find your heart centre <3 I feel these treatments are incredibly beautiful. I am just beginning to tap into other methods of healing within this field. I feel incredibly grateful to have found a way to help facilitate the souls journey. Thank you Dr Mikio and Alison Clarke for helping light the way <3

13.01.2022 Happy International day of happiness to the Anahata Community... this video is from Edgar's Mission the amazing animal mission we raised funds for late last year.. enjoy <3

13.01.2022 bringing regular meditation and mindful practices into my life has had such a flow on effect in many other areas...contributing to a harmonious home...more presence while dancing..being with my breath during yoga...being able to enjoy being home to sit quietly playing ukulele..general happiness health and contentment :) I invite everyone to join me in what can only be an amazing journey of the self over the next month <3

12.01.2022 Hell yes! 2 min to empower yourself or anyone you know. We can all do this. It ain't magic, it's just practice.

09.01.2022 While walking through my gorgeous local park on the way home... I had the realisation that.. mindfulness is one of the best forms of medicine. mindfulness is medicine Learning to cultivate a daily mindfulness practice, will help you to deal more effectively with everyday stresses.. If you can learn to take a few moments to be really present, whether it's noticing the gorgeous autumn leaves walking through a park to work, smiling at strangers as you pass by, being grateful an...d present for one of your meals, noticing the sensation of hot water during a shower... then you will begin to see the beauty in the everydayness of life. Your day will feel richer, and as a result your mind will begin to feel clearer and calmer. All it takes is the desire to add one thing to your daily routine, and stick to it... small changes can become habits...which can lead to big change :) See more

09.01.2022 If you've ever wondered about meditation. . Then this article Is for you smile emoticon and It's currently #Mindful in May. Pause for a Cause.. Which is a fantastic new way to start.. a little like someone gently holding your hand while you find your way In the open sea for the very first time. Jump In with me.. Sign ups are open till Sun 10th <3

09.01.2022 Anahata healing now has gorgeous gift vouchers. Treat someone you love... to a beautifully relaxing experience x

08.01.2022 Gratitude ~ Today while I was sitting in a warm yoga studio waiting for class to start. I said a silent thank you to myself and felt incredibly grateful for the moment.. for making the commitment to come to class to practice on a cold evening. For taking the time to nurture myself, so that I could be the best version of myself to help serve others. I realised that I was the only one who could decide to do a yoga class. There were no outside forces set upon me.. It was only m...y desire for more flow and fluidity in my thoughts in and in my body, that led me to class. And in that moment.. I was soo grateful to myself for choosing to love and honour myself with the beautiful practice of yoga. that it transformed my practice during class... I truly loved the poses.. I loved exploring and noticing how my tight muscles in my first downward dog...slowly released and let I worked with my body, resting when necessary, honouring and truly being present..not competing with anyone least of all myself... I let myself just become aware of my breath and flow. The thing is with yoga as with life..every class is soo different. What you could do even a few days ago..may now be unobtainable..and you need to learn to be ok with just be where you celebrate what you can do in this very moment. Because something magical happens when you are truly in the find suddenly you find you can do more than you thought possible. When we let go of expectations and truly let life flow..that is where the magic happens <3

08.01.2022 I often mention meditation in's a no nonsense guide...that i'm sure some of you will appreciate...or even find a little amusing :) Meditation after all is just a form of slowing down..and being more aware of yourself :)

07.01.2022 This is such a beautiful practice. What a lovely thing it is to be guided daily into gentle meditations based on Gratitude and Grace <3

06.01.2022 Earlier today at the Mind Body Spirit festival. I promised the Tibetan Children's fund that I would sponsor another animal to help feed a family for a year. I have chosen to sponsor a goat, (to help provide milk and clothing for a family), as next year is the Chinese year of the goat..and I myself am a goat in Chinese astrology. I was a little torn deciding between sponsoring an animal for a tibetan family...or an animal closer to home. So I've decided to do both. In order to help me reach this goal.. I will be donating $5 per treatment this month... patients are able to donate more if they wish. I look forward to being able to put up the adoption pics in clinic <3

05.01.2022 Happy to report, that in just one week, we have raised enough funds to sponsor a gorgeous animal for a year <3

05.01.2022 I've always loved the 2 wolves analogy..this takes it one step further..and is beautiful in its simplicity <3

03.01.2022 Vulnerability ~ as some of you may know, I've been working long sometimes crazy hours...working more than 9 - 5 Mon to Fri. Sometimes in life it just needs to get done. You look after yourself as best as you can, during the super busy moments. Home cooked meals...resting instead of dancing. But in the end it does catch up with you. One of the consequences of having soo much on, is that I've actually missed out on going to my local yoga class. My grounding, soul affirming, pea...ceful yoga. This morning I made it to my second class of the week. As usual, I sat in a mini meditation and thanked myself for making it to class. I realised then and there that thanking myself was an incredibly important part of my always remember to see yoga as a gift to myself. time to ground, balance, restore. Honouring the sacred space. Thank you to Andrew Mournehis one of my first yoga teachers for instilling this gift in me. The class itself was incredibly beautiful, challenging yet beautiful. We see the world through our own perceptions, perhaps as I had placed soo much value on the class itself, that this in turn allowed me to really appreciate the moments, to tune into my breath, to tune into the flow of the movement, to truly sense where I was, where I needed to rest, where I felt strong. We concluded the class, with beautiful heart opening chants. As I sat up after Savasana (rest pose) I felt something inside of me had shifted. I couldn't quite articulate it....but when I went to thank my yoga teacher for her beautiful class, i suddenly started crying. I didn't even know why I was crying.... As we hugged...I recalled that towards the end of the class, I had had the sudden realisation...that everything I had been doing..the long hours at work...the missing out on yoga class..due to long hours...was all going to work out.. I was heading in the right direction..with the right tools... and the most amazing thing about all of this....was when I realised why I had chosen yoga teaching as a path.. .I also realised that it wasn't just for was for everyone around me...for me to help them find a more peaceful balanced,, happier way of living... that was why I was felt like I got to the core of my reason...and my reason was pure heart <3

01.01.2022 Newsletter hot off the press. Spring..working with ebb and flow .enjoy :)

01.01.2022 Happy Spring Equinox :) I'm happy to report that I am now working at a new clinic in North Fitzroy on Saturdays, it's a lovely healing space where I can use my singing bowls and gentle healing techniques. I'm looking forward to reconnecting with you all in this new space. for appts please call the clinic on 9486 4111

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