Live Active with Analie Mac | Product/service
Live Active with Analie Mac
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24.01.2022 Change Verb: Make or become different.... Noun An Act or process through which something becomes different. Yep, there has been a whole lot of change and I’m embracing it. I was a creature of habit who never like change and would dwell on decisions. Growth can only come from discomfort, so here we go!
24.01.2022 H A P P Y T U M M Y ? Brain fog? Stressed? Feeling a bit blah? Where do we start when we want to feel more balanced, happy and motivated? - OUR GUT HEALTH. ... Of course there are other lifestyle factors, but lets talk basics about gut health for a quick minute... Our Gut could really be considered our second brain: - 80% of our immune cells lie in the gut. - 95% of seratonin happy hormones and neurotransmitters are produced in the gut. - The health of our gut really does affect everything from our skin, our physical results, and our moods. Where to start when you want to make some changes? Balanced nutrition. Quality protein sources, loads of fibrous veggies, healthy fats, smart supplementation... PLUS water & sleep. Every body is different. It takes time to create balance in our bodies and will vary depending on where you start from. But the journey will be worth it and you wont look back. We love seeing our clients progress in this area and feel what dynamic wellness truly can do for their lifestyle! **As always, enrol your GP or Naturopath if you have any uncertainty.
23.01.2022 G A P S What are you reaching for in the gaps of your day? Are you filling those gaps with more and more caffeine? Sugary snacks? Or not eating at all?... For optimum energy and wellness, the goal is to feed your body the nutrients that it needs over the course of the entire day... We are looking for consistency with balanced nutrients at the right time. If we only rely on caffeine and sugar - the 3pm crash (and the 9pm cravings) will be inevitable. Let's be proactive to what our bodies need
23.01.2022 K E E P D A N C I N G We hope this gives you a good laugh... What a chapter 2020 has turned out to be.... Never before have we appreciated the power of human connection, time with family, big hugs, freedom, fresh air, our events - and of course the reality that health is the greatest wealth. Our Community of Nutrition Clubs wanted to put something together to bring some joy and laughter, and to remind us all that no matter what... we’ve got to stick together and just keep dancing. We are all in this together
21.01.2022 D I N N E R I N S P O What's on the menu for dinner tonight? Check out these healthy chicken schnitzels (yes, healthy!) that the whole family would enjoy! We shared this recipe on our online Wellness Workshop just a few weeks ago... and have a whole lot more inspo coming up online via Zoom tomorrow night.... To tune in for some motivation - hit me up and let's reserve you a place! These events are one of the many ways our community is committed to adding value as best we can. Who do you know that needs some inspiration and healthy habit changes in their life? Happy Sunday!
21.01.2022 R E S E T Who is ready for a genuine reset? Like... really ready! We are currently preparing behind the scenes for our biggest 3-Day Kickstart of ISO and following that we will be running a 21-Day Elevate Challenge.... THIS IS THE PERFECT WINDOW to cement some daily healthy habits that will move you towards your goals. Loads of education, support & tips that will get you feeling 'on track' as we break the back of quarantine. It all starts with the Kickstart next Tuesday - it's only 3 days, you can do this What's the deal? - Coaching & support for the week - Access to free online workshops & resources - 6 x Smooothies & 9 x energy teas at home for the 3 days - Snack and meal ideas - PROGRESS Reach out for me to send you some more info if you are ready to get back on track. Let's do this together!
21.01.2022 Looking for something? Wind back the clock just 9 months ago we would have said you were mad, if you told us where we would be today. We had a timeline and a lengthy one at that. We all know what happened this year. During this time we borrowed our mentors eyes and we found what we where looking for. ... It may not make sense and we may look like two kids slinging smoothies but it’s more than that. And now we are expanding the community! I don’t know what you’re looking for it could be: Health Being part of a community Personal development Additional income (yes I said it) Being the boss of your own business You can take them all or choose what you want. All will shared on our join the team call tonight at 8PM We are excited for what’s happening for the rest of the year, so what do you say? Want to join the bigger picture? #biggerpicture #mentor #life #business
19.01.2022 F O C U S When your focus goes your energy flows. This is so important with lots going on around us right now. What did you think about as soon as you woke up this morning? Worrying about the day? Things to get done? Often we can start the day on the back foot without even conciously realising it.... Let's shift our focus for the rest of the day to what we CAN do in any scenario that may be causing us stress, what we can appreciate & be grateful for, and finally how we hold ourselves as good humans along the way. Don't let distractions through you off course from living this great day. Happy wednesday!
16.01.2022 Broaden your mind. Once you see something you can never unsee it! And if you haven’t seen it, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist or it’s not possible. Borrow someone else’s eyes until you can see it for yourself. ... Challenge yourself today. Try something different, take a step closer to your goal.
15.01.2022 He gets to wake up happy everyday. That’s the choice he makes. What makes you happy? ... #mrhappy #choice #freedom #successful #humenutrition
15.01.2022 Already thinking of what flavor smoothie to have for my breakfast tomorrow morning! Fun Fact: In 4 and a half years I haven’t skipped breakfast! I was thinking about this today! ... I was a banana bread and medium soy latte kind of girl at 10am or Soy Mocha, if I was feeling adventurous, 4 hours after waking up! Running on empty every morning, eating lunch sometimes, if I remembered to stop and eat and then having a late dinner. Working 12hr days, trying to do workouts and fainting at the gym. Mentally and physically just not feeling the way I knew I should be. By fueling myself with great nutrition during my journey so far, and taking care of my mindset and enrolling some positive association, I just never want to go back to how I felt. I know there may be some people out there who feel the same, if it sounds like you, let’s kickstart your health journey together! Here is an aesthetically pleasing smoothie to look at: Choc Lemon! Thank me later! #smoothie #health #life #choc #lemon
14.01.2022 Hello October! We see you and it’s going to one great month! September taught me to step into who I know I am and can be, stick to my rituals and trust my gut. Dive right in because I’ve always known how to swim I just had to take the floaties off! ... What did September teach you? #hellooctober
13.01.2022 The love for Nutella Fudge is real... That is all! Who’s joining me today? ... #nutellafudge #letschatoversmoothies
12.01.2022 I T S O F F I C I A L @humenutrition opening in October 2020 We’re super excited to have you all come check us out and build and impact our local community.... See you all soon! @emmanuel.balbas
12.01.2022 It’s me... Analie. . This year has been a hell of a ride. ... A lot of testing moments but I have tackled everything with a new sense of calmness, grit and determination. There has also been a whole lot of great moments too! I’m sure everyone has had their fair share of peaks and valleys! . It’s been a year of growth and figuring out my full potential and there is a whole lot more in the tank. This year has allowed me to cement my vision for the future, a future that entails growing positive communities and helping people with their health and also to live a life of freedom on my own terms and be able to spend quality time with my loved ones. . I’m a daughter, grand daughter, sister, fiancé, auntie, niece, friend, business owner, wellness coach. At the end of all that I am Analie. I wear many hats, I wouldn’t have it any other way. My mentor once said to me, ‘Don’t look for balance, aim to adapt yourself to circumstances around you.’ Would love to know how you have grown, worked on yourself or adapted this year! Share below! And if you’re looking to make a change in health, lifestyle or looking for change and want to be part of something different, let’s chat! So much goodness left in the year! #change #adapt #health #me
11.01.2022 It’s more than just a smoothie. Our first baby, Hume Nutrition, is one month young now. It’s not just our happy place but is already a happy place for many, who have walked through the door and know that when they are there they can leave their troubles at the door and leave with a positive pep in the their step!... Community and health is always at the forefront of our mind, it’s what we are passionate about. We are grateful for our community that is forming and grateful for those we are yet to meet. We know that community environments aren’t always accessible for everyone. We are more so grateful for our online @globaltransformationsco that really got us through the iso periods! If you are craving health and community put your hand up for our Wellness Workshop tomorrow night. It could just be what your looking for. Seek and you shall find HAPPY SUNDAY!
11.01.2022 A L L T H E W A Y U P Using this weekend to reset? Whether it is an early nights, a stretch on the yoga mat, some fresh air or prepping a fun dinner for the family... Let's all energise lifting our mindset & vibes this weekend.... If you are within 5km of one of our Community Nutrition Clubs, experiencing the goodness will certainly go a long way to helping you increase your energy - and you will always be wlecomed by a friendly face. No Sunshine? No problem... Smoothies all the way!
08.01.2022 A D V E N T U R E S Where is the first place to travel to once restrictions lift...? For me.. Bali is calling! Food, beaches, the people! ... I’d love to hear yours!
08.01.2022 Hearing client results is like skipping down Main Street Disneyland! It will never get old and you will never be too old! Dear friend and client Jane is not on Social media but I wanted to share her results! Because when someone is feeling good it should be! ... Jane has been consuming her nutrition program in and around her busy schedule for the past fortnight and has lost 5.1kg! The weight is just a bonus to her energy levels and more positive outlook during the lockdown period! ‘I’m feeling good, getting up earlier, enjoying exercise and loving the recipes!’ Feeling Fabulous at Forty! #winningstreak #client #friend #results #disneyland #nevertoooldforchange
07.01.2022 STRETCH! Our yoga mat and foam roller are a permanent piece in our living area right by the window. The view is nothing special but every morning there is a beautiful sunrise that pierces our from behind the trees.... So important to take care of your body pre and post exercise and also take care of your mind. We will lay down, stretch, meditate and listen to a pod cast to set up our day or end the day. @emmanuel.balbas will also say hello to every person that walks past, they have a little giggle to themselves and walk off with a smile. #neighbourhoodwatch #knowyourneighbours #stretch #meditate
06.01.2022 ‘A dream is a wish your heart makes, when you’re fast asleep.’ a GOAL is pre determined, worthwhile, specific to a vision you have casted for yourself. Most importantly it is written down and acted upon.... I was one to not write down my goals, have them in my head but I was never getting anywhere - ‘someday it will happen.’ - ‘I’ll get to that tomorrow.’ Writing it, putting it where I can see it everyday and where others can too, gives you a sense of purpose and direction. The journey may not be easy but the action steps are simple, so simple that not everyone does it. We are holding a Free goal setting workshop tonight @8PM, and have a few spots left for someone who wants to go about 2021 a little bit differently and surround themselves with people who are doing the same. If this sounds like you, drop a DM Because you can sit with us! #goalsetting #workshop
06.01.2022 R E A D Y F O R M O R E ? We know you guys are ready! We may not be able to get you to the Maldives... BUT the next best thing is joining us for our Quarantine Elevate Challenge ... You have been demanding something where we can: - Support your health habits - Increase your energy & motivation - Get loads of value & some light-hearted entertainment Next week we kick off our 21 Day Quarantine Elevate Challenge - 3 weeks to cement some great health habits by working on the basics... Healthy whole-foods & smart supplementation Mindset & support to breakdown where you are tripping up Community coaching Home workouts for those interested in adding in some fitness Loads of fun! We have been running these challenges for over 6 years as a community and have literally helped thousands of people create sustainable changes to their health. Keen for some more info?? Send us a message, comment below or chat to us about it when you pick up your Smoothie in the next few days! We start next Monday - so let's get you IN! #ElevateBTC
06.01.2022 CHRISTMAS EVE Grateful. #christmaseve
05.01.2022 REALISATION There was never another side. The grass where I was, always had the potential to be green. I just had to nourish it, nurture it, keep growing and weed it every once and a while.... ‘If your not growing, you’re dying inside’ - Tong Robbins #run #enjoylife #personaldevelopment #tonyrobbins #wakeup #purpose
05.01.2022 S E P T E M B E R What is one thing you are grateful for that has come your way this month? Sure we are not through the Corona fog yet... but there is always something we can choose to be grateful for. Plenty of sunny days...... Our health... Our family... It's always a choice which perspective we bring & energise. Today we are choosing to celebrate all the progress of all of our clients & community, results through our challenges, more smoothies flowing from the new club locations... and personally choosing growth & gratitude. Cheers September, you were good to us! #Gratitude #Perspective #Growth
04.01.2022 R E S U L T S Another inspiring story from our last 21-Day Challenge Kirstyn is only very new to our community, beginning with her 3-Day Kickstart experience last month - and following on to cement some great habits in our 21-Day Challenge... and WOW has she smashed it!... Check out her re-shaping & muscle gain! We are so excited to see where you can go from here Kirstyn Sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? It all begins with a 3-Day experience... loads of support from our Coaches, smoothies and energy teas at home, no fasting and plenty of food! Let's do this together - Reach out to get started.
04.01.2022 I’ve come to realise, life is a giant colourful ball pit. You can be one of two kids. 1. The kid that sits in the corner and cries because they realise the struggle of trying to get out. OR... 2. Be like Khali. Enjoy the ride. You won’t always stay on the surface but learn from the lessons and keep smiling. I choose #belikekhali Miss you Khali Roo! This photo always makes me feel happy. So I am going to leave this right here and hopefully it puts a smile on your face! #ballpit #colour #life
02.01.2022 S U N + S M O O T H I E S Melbourne absolutely turning it on! Summer is just around the corneer & it's time to do something for ourselves to feel good.... What's your agenda for the weekend? Top up the Vitamin D Connect with family & friends Load up on healthy snacks and a delicious dinner for tonight (need some inspo? just ask!) Register for our 3-Day Kickstart challenge starting this week! Mindset, nutrition & fitness tips all coming your way plus the support of our community. Enjoy your weekend & let's make the best of it!
01.01.2022 TRADIE FOR A DAY! Or should I say, project manager, master packer and removalist too! With a get it done attitude. And pushing boundaries and helping me to do the same! ... Everyday I am grateful that I have you in my corner. This year has been unique, keeping positive and productive has been key for us. Being stood down, privileged to work and train at KLC full time, working our health and wellness business, moving house and now getting ready to embark on our next phase of business! Watch this space, the tools haven’t just been brought out for a weekend DIY! #watchthisspace #tradie #onthetools #goodthingscoming #boundary #life
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