Invictus Kennels WDK in Robina, Queensland | Local business
Invictus Kennels WDK
Locality: Robina, Queensland
Phone: +61 457 157 424
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25.01.2022 Mako (Black collar) and Mojo (Red collar) having a wobbly rumble
24.01.2022 When you try to hang out the washing with a litter of Malinois underfoot. There is now a few pairs of socks a towel and a pair of shorts property of the M litter when you know your beaten the only thing to do is play with them!
24.01.2022 Working line Malinois litter. Pups available. Invictus wont have a litter until late this year, so will continue to post other kennels litter announcements in support of our fellow working breeders.
23.01.2022 When it’s a red hot Gold Coast summer day, we train in the water Ayla Shinners our little trainer helper
23.01.2022 Invictus Kennels M litter, Blitz and Logan wish everyone a very merry Christmas Day 2018
23.01.2022 A brand new Whelping Box for Blitz, once we pop in some new carpet we will be all set for M Litter with ETA next weekend. Good work Clay Murray on your first whelping box assembly
22.01.2022 Blaustein Blitz IPO3 AD BH SR DNA profile. RESULTS CLEAR for all known Belgian Shepherd genetic diseases.
21.01.2022 Invictus M litter all chipped and vaccinated and off to homes over the weekend. Having a massive family has many advantages and today is one such time #allhandsondeck Ayla Shinners
20.01.2022 Blitz is home and settled in for the arrival of her pups in the next few days. Logan is taking on his role as guard very seriously and wont leave her side, which she seems more than pleased by. Blitz snoozes, wakes gives him kisses over the edge of the box and goes back to sleep. When she gets up to go to the toilet or have a stretch he chaperones her. Obviously once the pups start arriving he will have to move his post to out the door Punk has been read the riot act by her though and isnt allowed a single toe in HER box. #paretningdoneright #familybond
20.01.2022 We hope all the M litter are settling into their new homes now....teaching dogs to be good inside has it challenges you dont get any chances to turn off. Moana was the worst offender in this litter for the spring attack...look at that mischievous head, nek minute she launched onto the bed. Wish us luck over the next week as we settle our own two into our daily routines and boundaries. Remember if your having troubles setting boundaries get help early, want in an in house trainer we know loads, need a club and want to do more to stimulate your dog we have one, any activity you want to do with your dog is great and if you need any Referals just shoot us a message.
18.01.2022 M litter 6 weeks
18.01.2022 Happy first birthday M Litter!!!!! This dog is the dog I’ve been waiting for, everything I’ve ever wanted from a dog she brings. The mating Gerald Pitter and I took sooo long to get done certainly bought the goods!!! Happy birthday to all the siblings and I hope you all get spoilt rotten today Mako got plenty of cuddles today too...even after she ripped up a palm tree
17.01.2022 A new sport and new titles for our Invictus dogs!! Both Blitz and her nephew Cezar out of Blitz sister x Pyro from Lynda Trotter successfully passed SR level in GRC under judge Jas Whiting and can now progress to drive sports within the sport. Blitz is now BH AD IPO3 SR....and mother of our L and M litters. In a few months Blitz and I will be hitting the PSA trial field with Julie and Cezar will be with us then too. Thanks Julie Ledger for being an awesome co-pilot and a...ll you love and support for Invictus and everyone else in our Cerberus K9 Sporting Club team Thanks Kate Harper for the opportunity to still train and compete with Blitz! She has again done us proud. See more
17.01.2022 12 week old M litter Mako and Mojo Mojo is more than chilled out in the water.
17.01.2022 When a puppy bites you and all you want to do is pry it off because it hurts and you cant because your natural instinct is to let it enjoy the full mouth full and reward its calmness...especially when its buddy is thrashing and trying Croc roll below it
16.01.2022 M Litter week three
15.01.2022 Looking for a GSD puppy? Look no further. Xena is a regular visitor at our sportdog club @ Cerberus K9 Sporting club and part of the Invictus family. Were excited to meet her new babies. Xena is an active IPO/IGP competitor.
15.01.2022 GSD with loads of IPO foundation work....AVAILABLE from a local GC breeder and IPO competitor
15.01.2022 The M litter went to visit Blitzs home at the Gun range today. They all adventured and boomed around and explored until they ran out of steam as puppies do, no reactivity to the load gun noises what so ever and lots of cuddles from everyone. Socialisation and exposure to new things all starts early at Invictus and happy to report they all really impressed us taking on the new environmental challenges. Thanks Kate Harper for a lovely afternoon play date
14.01.2022 Insta page #InvictusKennels it hasnt linked up yet but were working on it
14.01.2022 M litter 6 weeks just amusing themselves.
14.01.2022 Mojo Firepaw Dog Treadmills
13.01.2022 When its a red hot Gold Coast summer day, we train in the water Ayla Shinners our little trainer helper
13.01.2022 Dogs dont usually like putting metal in their mouths. Not the invictus M litter. If its clinks or jungles they want it. Cant leave anything laying around. Logans collar had to be rescued, we dont want broken teeth. The pooper scooper in concrete noise activates the blue collar into a barking frenzie! Pups all leave this afternoon. Last plays together.
11.01.2022 Mojo has always loved to run on the mill....she only has one speed though FLAT STICK Firepaw Dog Treadmills
11.01.2022 Invictus Mojo just loving her small hoomin
10.01.2022 Well the M litter have arrived. Six fat and healthy Malinois puppies. Blitz did an amazing job, comforted by Ayla Shinners between pups. Ayla has been delivering puppies with me since she could walk and is the best second set of hands we could ask for, its like a well oiled machine these days. These two would rest up for little then Ayla would say I think its time for another, and would hit play on her stormy weather playlist and within minutes we would meet the next A very smooth birth all round. That said everyone is very tired today. Blitz finished at a civilised 12:30 but as all breeders know the first night you sleep with one eye open making sure everyone is ok. Thanks to Aylas Dad for letting her come back from holidays to be there, she never misses a birth. She will be one tired girl for her first day of camping today, but worth it. Its a privilege and honour to share in such a special time. Birthing is a time most animals either exhibit aggression or fear, preferring seclusion, which is understandable. Blitz showed neither and was relaxed and loving, burrowing into us, it was clear she appreciated us there and this is really special to feel so trusted and bonded to share and support her Thanks Kelly Canine Breeding Services for a perfect Ai. Exactly how many we ordered
09.01.2022 M litter Mojo is our worst offender for taking a whole arm and not letting go #hurtslessifyoudontfight
09.01.2022 Blaustein Blitz breed and trained by Natasha Bow is now titled in another discipline. IPO3 BH & AD (Ipo/schutzhund) SR1(GRC) and now PDC (PSA)and has been an operational patrol dog. We were super close to achieving a PSA1 passing all the obedience, the three standard scenarios and all but the last grip in the surprise scenario which to be honest was my fault as a handler. We are super proud of all this little work horse has achieved in her 5 years. There arent too many ...(if any, Im not aware of any) that have IPO3 and the other titles to boot. Unfortunately given Australias political environment its impossible that any PSA dog can obtain an IPO3 now and we were just lucky enough to come through the other way with an IPO3 first. We will be up for another crack at the PSA1 at the next opportunity Thanks Ailur Photography for the pics of the trial See more
09.01.2022 This week is all great expectations and not so great co-ordination this is the cute fun week where they make us giggle and next week the raptor teeth emerge and things get real
08.01.2022 Blitz bred by us, trained by us, handled by us. Blitz BH IPO111 AD National IPO2 Champ in her runout. Blitz is the mother of our two newest Invictus WDK Malinois Mojo and Mako
08.01.2022 What puppies do when they cant reach their food from some new device in their run always amuses me...some try to bark at it, most try to bite it initially and some just get it right and throw their whole body into it. Mia the porky pig worked it out within seconds
07.01.2022 M Litter Puppy play #invictuskennels
07.01.2022 Anamist Logan DNA profile. RESULTS CLEAR for all known Belgian Shepherd genetic diseases.
06.01.2022 Happy first birthday M Litter!!!!! This dog is the dog Ive been waiting for, everything Ive ever wanted from a dog she brings. The mating Gerald Pitter and I took sooo long to get done certainly bought the goods!!! Happy birthday to all the siblings and I hope you all get spoilt rotten today Mako got plenty of cuddles today too...even after she ripped up a palm tree
04.01.2022 Puppies available at Von Praxx Kennels
04.01.2022 First day on solids today for the M litter
02.01.2022 Gorgeous summer day on the GC. Mako and Mojo enjoying the local dog beach. I HATE with a passion dog parks, closed fence ones, this dog beach/park however on the GC is amazing. All the dogs are good to socialise with the owners responsible and quite frankly a bad dog is just not tolerated by the dogs or humans. We love having such a great place to take the dogs for a swim, the water is beautiful and what great exposure. Grateful for such a beautiful place.
01.01.2022 Blitz is thriving on motherhood this time round and is totally relaxed, taking it all in her stride, everyone is clean as a whistle and big fat bellies. I couldnt be prouder and more thankful. The second puppy out at birth latched onto my hand as I pulled it from the sac it was born in, then it growled when it let go, and then chomped down in what looked like to Ayla and I frustration on its own foot. We both cracked up laughing at its spunk and tenacity. Within ten sec...onds of being born it had already won our hearts and was feeding like a demon. Over the last 24 hours she had already worked her way into all the kids hearts and Clay has already accepted she will be staying. Welcome to the family Invictus Mako our little land shark
01.01.2022 Malinois puppies available at Von Praxx Kennels. Invictus Kennels wont have anything available for the next year, and we always refer on all our clients to other breeders we know put in the time and effort into training and working their dogs to understand their workability.
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