Anderson Family Chiropractic Health Centre in Mackay, Queensland | Chiropractor
Anderson Family Chiropractic Health Centre
Locality: Mackay, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 4942 6930
Address: Shop 2 Greenfields Convenience Centre, 4-6 Grandview Drive 4740 Mackay, QLD, Australia
Likes: 796
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25.01.2022 Our Chiropractors and Remedial Masaage Therapists use a variety of techniques to help with tight and tender muscles, such as dry needling or trigger point therapy. Read our latest blog about Trigger Points an referred pain to find out how a tight muscle can cause a variety of symptoms and how we can help you! #andersonfamilychiro #dryneedling #mackay #mackaylocal #remedialmassage #triggerpoints
24.01.2022 Today is National Teacher's Day! The amount of work and passion that teachers put in every day is amazing, and we would know, two of our amazing Chiro Assistants, Jordan and Samantha are studying to become teachers! #chiropractormackay #chiropracticassistant #teachersday #alwayslearningandgrowing
24.01.2022 Repeditive Stress Injuries (RSI) are an incredibly common problem we see in practice, but do you know how they actually occur? Check out our new blog post, and if this sounds like a problem you are suffering from, mention it to your Chiro or Massage Therapist at your next visit! #chiropractic #carpeltunnel #tenniselbow #rocktapeaustralia #chiropractormackay #mackay #andersonfamilychiro #remedialmassagemackay
24.01.2022 Officially announcing our Christmas Charity Drive for Mackay Women's Services! From now until December 11th pay for one of your Chiropractic Adjustments with a gift of the value of your appointment. Check the list pinned at the top of the Facebook page for a list of gifts, and like and share this video to get the word out! #mackaycharity #mackaywomensservices #stopdomesticviolence #chiropractormackay #mackay #mackaylocal #chiropractorsgiveback #chiropractic #massagemackay #massage
23.01.2022 OUR EXPANSION IS STARTING!! Never thought we would be so excited about a big hole in a wall, its the start of the next few weeks of construction that will enable us all here at Anderson Family Chiropractic to serve you all in bigger and better ways. Dr Kade (Chiropractor) will be back in the clinic Tuesday and Wednesday this week, and Dr Lucas (Chiropractor) is in today (Monday) Thursday and Saturday morning, then back to normal next week. Thank you all for your patience whil...e the construction is taking place, we promise it'll be worth it =D #andersonfamilychiro #chiroclinic #mackaylocal #chiropracticandmassage #localbusisness #chiropractic
22.01.2022 Stretch time! Today Dr Lucas (Chiropractor) is demonstrating how to stretch the 2 major muscles in the calf - the Gastrocnemius and Soleus muscles. This is a great stretch for runners, or anyone who sufferers from pain at the back of the ankle or knees. If these are problems you suffer with make sure to mention this to your massage therapist or Chiropractor at your next appointment!
22.01.2022 Mental health is just as important as physical health, and it is often overlooked in ourselves and in others. Today is R U OK day, a day to remind us all to check in with the people around us, because you never know who might be struggling. Check out the great resources at #ruokday #andersonfamilychiro #mentalhealthmatters
22.01.2022 REMEDIAL MASSAGE AVAILABLE BEFORE CHRISTMAS Due to some last minute cancellations, we have massage available: Friday 18/12 @ 11.30am with Melanie Tuesday 22/12 @ 11.45am with Shantel - BOOKED Tuesday 22/12 @ 1.00pm with Shantel... Tiani has some rare appointments on New Years Eve: Thursday 31/12 @ 9am - BOOKED Thursday 31/12 @11.30am Nadene is booked out until the new year but give us a call or message and we can add you to her wait list Call 49426930 or message us to secure an appointment
21.01.2022 REMEDIAL MASSAGE AVAILABLE!!! Has the week stressed you out? Need a bit of tension relief? We have last-minute massage appointments available today (Fri 4/9) and theyre health fund rebatable! Give us a call on 07 49426930 to secure yours! #andersonfamilychiro #massagemackay #massagetherapy #tensionrelief
21.01.2022 In need of a bit of TLC once the kids go back to school? Well we have some great news! As of the 1st of February the lovely Shantel will be available 9-2 Mon Tues Thurs and Fri! We will also be announcing more Saturday massage availability with all our therapists soon, so stay tuned, and give us a call on 0749426930 to secure your appointment today! #andersonfamilychiro #newyearnewme #remedialmassagemackay #massagemackay #chiropracticandmassage #mackay #lowbackpain #necktension #headaches
21.01.2022 Work is never dull when you have the best team in the world! <3 #andersonfamilychiro #workfamily #chiroandmassage #chiropractormackay #chiropracticfamily
19.01.2022 Check out our lovely Chiro Assistant Caroline's awesome resin craft, and enter her giveaway!
18.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day to all the amazing mums out there! I was lucky enough to get to spend time with my Mum, who is both a kickass mum and Chiropractic Assistant! She inspired me to become a Chiropractor and continues to inspire me every day <3 #drkadeandersonchiropractor #chiropracticassistant #mumsarethebest
18.01.2022 Tiani, Shantel and Dr Lucas (Chiropractor) attended an online Rocktape seminar over the weekend, brushing up on some kinesiotaping techniques that can help with a variety of different conditions. Make sure to ask them about it at your next appointment! #chiropracticandmassage #andersonfamilychiro #rocktapeaustralia #rehab #kinesiotaping
17.01.2022 Quite often we underestimate the impact that our mineral intake has on our energy levels and overall health. Check out our latest blog on the impact of Iron deficiency anemia on your body, and talk to your Chiropractor about how natural supplements can help support your body! Also we can't resist a good pun =P... #andersonfamilychiro #naturalsupplements #irondeficiency #chiropractic #healthylifestyle #chiropractormackay
17.01.2022 Did you know humans have a sensory system which works solely to help us understand how our body is positioned. This sense is called Proprioception! Check out our blog post about how this system works and how this relates to the Chiropractic Adjustment! #andersonfamilychiro #chiropractormackay #chiropractic #proprioception #moveitorloseit #rehabilitation #spinalhealth #backpain
17.01.2022 Finally had the whole gang together at once, even if it was only for an hour. Best team anyone could ask for! #andersonfamilychiro #chiropractic #remedialmassage #teamawesome
16.01.2022 Thank you so much to all our patients who donated to our Christmas Charity Drive! Its such an honour to be able to give back to our community, and the lovely people at Mackay Women's Services do such amazing work for the women and children of Mackay who are in need. This is what Christmas is all about! #andersonfamilychiro #mackaycharity #mackaywomensservices #mackaylocal #mackay #chiropractormackay #chiropractorsgiveback #chiropracticfamily
16.01.2022 Hope you all had a lovely Christmas! Anderson Family Chiropractic is OPEN all days this week apart from Friday the 1st of January, so if you're a bit worse for wear after your Christmas give us a call on 0749426930! #andersonfamilychiro #openduringtheholidays #mackay #mackaymassage #chiropracticandmassage #chiropractormackay
15.01.2022 SATURDAY MASSAGE AVAILABILITY Sat 7/11 @ 9.45am with Melanie (BOOKED) Sat 28/11 @ 11am with Nadene (BOOKED) Due to the demand for Saturday massages and Tiani's Saturdays full until the end of January, Nadene and Melanie are now available one Saturday a month to help our lovely clients who struggle to make it during the working week! These appointments won't last long, get in quick! Call or DM to secure an appointment.... #andersonfamilychiro #remedialmassage #remedialmassagetherapist #massagemackay #massagethepainaway
13.01.2022 Anderson Family Chiropractic has experienced a period of rapid growth. As such, we are looking for a Chiropractic Assistant (CA) to add to our expanding team. The position is for a casual role, working approx. 20 hours per week with the ability to cover sick, annual, and maternity leaves. Shifts range between the hours of 7am-7pm Monday to Friday and 7am to 1pm Saturday, occasionally extending outside these hours depending on practitioner needs. The successful candidate has...: A confident, friendly, and personable disposition Proven customer service experience. Persons with Retail, Receptionist, Hospitality and other customer-facing experience are encouraged to apply An outstanding telephone manner Computer and technology savvy. Smart Soft Front Desk software experience and Moderate Microsoft Office knowledge are favourable, but not essential The ability to communicate clearly and concisely The ability to learn established clinic protocols effectively A team spirit and capacity to work semi-autonomously and also collaboratively A passion for helping others and enjoy having a chat! The CAs are the first point of contact both electronically and in person for clients and are vital in ensuring a positive client experience. Exceptional CAs are highly valued in the clinic and enjoy a multi-faceted role with no two days being the same. This is an exceptional opportunity to become part of an experienced and compassionate team currently comprised of 2 Chiropractors, 4 Remedial Massage Therapists and 6 CAs with view to expanding our range of practitioners in the near future. We offer: Casual award wage based on experience under the Health Professionals and Support Services Award 2020 Training and support to succeed and grow within your role Complimentary chiropractic for you, your partner and children Discounts on remedial massage and clinic products Please do not apply via Facebook. Applications can be sent to [email protected] with a relevant cover letter and resume. Applications close 12/11/20 with interviews to commence shortly after.
13.01.2022 It's Dr Kade (Chiropractor)'s birthday today! Celebrating a birthday the social distancing way by supporting a new local business and throwing a video game birthday party =D This Green Tea Frappe from Bing Cha was amazing! #andersonfamilychiro #matcha #chirobirthday #mackaylocal #mackay #supportlocal @ Bing Cha
13.01.2022 Yay school holidays! What a great time to get the whole family checked out! Our practitioners see people of all ages, and we also have Family Plans available, so why not give us a call today on 07 49426930 to secure your appointment =) #chiropractormackay #chiropracticfamily #andersonfamilychiro #mackay #schoolholidays
11.01.2022 We are happy to officially introduce our new Chiropractor Dr Lucas! Lucas is a Mackay local with a passion for musculoskeletal health and combining joint and muscular techniques to achieve the best outcome for his patients. He is also an avid Squash player! Say hi to Lucas next time you're in the clinic, and if you would like an appointment give us a call on 07 49426930 #andersonfamilychiro #mackaylocal #chiropractic #softtissuetherapy
10.01.2022 The Anderson Family Chiropractic team had our Christmas Party at Empire Alternacade this weekend, and it was a great way to celebrate the end of a very intense year. Even getting through 2020 is possible with an amazing group of people around you! #andersonfamilychiro #chiropracticteam #chiropractic #chiropracticfamily #mackay #mackaylocal #empirealternacade
09.01.2022 Our hours for over the Christmas and New Year period.
09.01.2022 It's Missing Person's Week this week, a week that's close to the Anderson Family's heart as Dr Kade's (Chiropractor) uncle and Nancy's brother Sean Sargent disappeared under mysterious circumstances 21 years ago. A few years ago a coroner inquest was held to try to give us closure, but we still don't know what really happened that night in Brisbane in 1999. Please help us in getting this out there in the hope that there is someone out there that might know more.
09.01.2022 We are a talented bunch here at Anderson Family Chiropractic, but I think we would all agree that Caroline is by far the most artistically minded of the lot of us! Her art has been on display in the clinic since we opened, and now she is making these gorgeous resin earrings that are on sale at the clinic. Check them out next time you're in the clinic, and check our her other works at Artfully Made #artfullymademackay #andersonfamilychiro #resinearrings #resinart #handmade #mackay #mackaylocal
06.01.2022 We are so excited to now be stocking Archies! A common problem that our Chiropractors and Remedial Massage Therapists see in practice is foot pain, which can often be exacerbated by unsupportive shoes. Archies are a great alternative to regular thongs as they are tighter fitting, lightweight and have inbuilt arch support so you can wear them for longer without issue. They're also a bargain at just $35! Try on a pair at your next visit! #andersonfamilychiro #archiesfootwear #footpain #plantarfasciitis #mackay #massagemackay #mackaylocal #chiropractormackay
06.01.2022 Are you in need of a massage? We have 4 Qualified Remedial Massage Therapists with appointments available Monday to Friday. Health Fund Rebates available with 3 of the 4 practitioners. Concession rates available with valid Government HealthCare or Pension card.... Call 49426930 or send us a message to secure a booking #massagemackay #andersonfamilychiro
05.01.2022 Our neighbors at MeatCo are having a charity barbeque for MS today, selling delicious Boerewors rolls for $5. They have a great range of delicious food for sale, so come down and check them out! #supportlocal #mscharity #mackaylocal #mackay #andersonfamilychiro
03.01.2022 Our newest Chiro Assistant Joel is a very talented baker, check out these amazing Gingerbread men he baked for the team! Just a reminder we are open all day today (Wed 23rd) and all three of the Chiropractors will be here in the morning on Christmas Eve, and then we reopen on Tues 29th. Merry Christmas everyone! #andersonfamilychiro #chiropractormackay #merrychristmas #christmasbaking
02.01.2022 We are very excited to introduce the newest member of our team, Dr Jason (Chiropractor)! Dr Jason (Chiropractor) is a Mackay local with a passion for helping people of all ages achieve their health goals. Call us on 07 49426930 to book your appointment with Dr Jason (Chiropractor) today!
02.01.2022 Saturday afternoon seminar time! As sad as it has been not being able to travel to seminars this year, I am incredibly grateful that courses I haven't been able to get to physically are now online, it means less time travelling and more time learning =D #continuouslearning #alwayslearningandgrowing #chiropractor #lovetechnology
02.01.2022 Have you ever experienced "sciatica" before? In this video, Dr Kade (Chiropractor) explains what sciatica is, how we determine exactly what is causing it and how we can care for this incredibly common condition. For more info check out this great explanation at Give us a call on 07 49426930 to see how we can help you today!
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