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25.01.2022 A few years ago I realised that personal accountability was not yet one of my strengths. I also realised that if I could become more personally accountable I could more easily achieve my goals and improve my life significantly. I knew that I've always enjoyed performing as part of a team and I hate letting my team down so I turned personal accountability into a team sport....Continue reading

25.01.2022 Show Them Don’t Tell Them

25.01.2022 What do Tyson Fury and Michael Jordan have in common? Day 3 out of 25 I’ve been nominated to do 25 push-ups for 25 days challenge to hopefully raise awareness f...or PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), anxiety and depression that drive people to commit suicide. I nominate Mitch Nanny. The rules are simple: *Once you are nominated your 25 days starts the following day. *Everyday you record yourself doing 25 push-ups even if you have to drop to your knees to get 25 *Every day you must nominate a different person. Let's reach as many people as possible. Let's hope by doing this we can build awareness for anyone who is suffering from a mental illness, you are not alone and we are here for you. Don't be afraid to speak out!!!

25.01.2022 Chris Gostling & The Tempo recently released a couple of very cool tracks on their Cerebral Sessions, as below. Here's a live acoustic version of "Michigan Nights" that Chris played for me after we'd shared a bottle of French red and before I moved back to Australia in January 2017.... I expect this would have been around the same time as the other tracks on Cerebral Sessions. Enjoy!

24.01.2022 "Happiness and play have a significant impact on our capacity to see alternatives under duress. In her observations of children, Frederickson concluded that play (and the joy that came along with it) encouraged exploration and knowledge-gathering, both of which helped children to expand their worldview and develop better social skills. While negative emotions narrow our thinking and often elicit a fight-or-flight reaction, positive ones have a broadening effect that us to discard automatic responses our familiar responses and instead look for unpredictable and useful ways of thinking, solving problems, making decisions, and acting on our insights. Unfortunately, many of us play less as we grow older and settle into predictable thought patterns to make our lives easier." We also have a choice to play more if we wish.

23.01.2022 It's July 1st, the sun is shining and we're on the down hill run into summer. I dropped a few Christmas kilos over the past few months and now I'm ready to ramp back up and get the summer rig ready. How bout you?... I'll be on the 5x10 mixed grip push up regime. Wanna join? If pushups aren't your thing, i'm also looking for biking and boxing buddies and have bikes and gloves/mits you can borrow. So, how bout it?

23.01.2022 Day 1 I nominate Tom Laube. I would usually be conducting 25 push ups for 25 days to help raise awareness for things such as PTSD (post traumatic stress disorde...r), anxiety and depression that drives people to comitting suicide. I decided to do it a little differently so I'm doing 25 star pushups on 1 day and telling a story to raise awareness for depression. Below is a copy of the usual rules. "The rules are simple Once you are nominated your 25 days starts the that day. Everyday you record yourself doing 25 push ups even if you have to drop to your knees to get 25 Everyday you must nominate a different person Let's reach as many people as possible,let's hope by doing this we can build awareness for anyone who is suffering from mental illness,you are not alone we are here for you Don't be afraid speak out!!! Shout out to the ones that have excepted the challenge even more shout out to the ones that haven’t shout out to the bros that have blasted this challenge" I was nominated by SirAndrew Barclay. Thanks for the nomination mate.

23.01.2022 "Building a new mindset and putting your ideas into action is important for any visionary, business owner, or creative who wants to manifest their goals into reality. If you’re ready and willing to change the way you view your life, you will find yourself moving towards the path you’re eager to be on."

22.01.2022 Authenticity is not the same as raw or unapologetic self-expression, and the search for an elusive core identity can stunt our personal and professional growth. Learn more about shaping an excellent, authentic life here:

22.01.2022 Here's a list of my 7 daily habits. Would you like to adopt 1 and join the daily dones crew?

20.01.2022 "We have to change how we evaluate and reward managers. First, let’s create incentives for taking risks on creative ideas. Middle managers get stuck with bad incentives: if they bet on a bad idea, they get penalized, but if they reject a good idea, no one will ever know. So what would you do as a middle manager? Would you stick your neck out to back an unproven idea, or would you play it safe? To tilt the balance in favor of experimentation, we should stop assessing managers on the rate of idea success and start assessing them on the rate of idea acceptance."

19.01.2022 I'm excited to announce the launch of the Beers With Mates podcast with a plan to pump out plenty of craft beer related interviews over the coming months. But f...irst, the mates section of Beers With Mates. Ryan Elson runs an awesome group called Tribe Social Belonging that acts as a social group for people to meet, hang out and even find jobs! Up until now he's run most of his events near his home in Redcliffe but there are certainly plans for expansion in the works. We run through pretty much everything you need to know about Tribe in the podcast, as below. Any questions, feel free to approach Ryan or Tribe directly. You'll soon be able to find upcoming BWM episodes on your favourite podcasting platform and on our website. Look out for interviews with local craft breweries, reps and retailers going forward. As well as our usual First Friday Pig n Whistle parties and Second Sunday travelling Sunday sessions at Brisbane's best breweries.

19.01.2022 That kind of explanation, after the fact that I hold people accountable it’s lame. Well, me too. A lot of us do. That doesn’t mean we belittle people and scream at them.

19.01.2022 This is what's possible. Sometimes you just need someone to give you a quick glimpse. Then it's your turn to play catch.... Just like dogs do. Aroooooo! :)

19.01.2022 Richard Branson runs 400 businesses but he's started over 2000! They won't all work out. Massive and Immediate Action is what counts.

19.01.2022 What's Beers with Mates? First Event Monday July 2nd 6pm at the Rumpus Room, West End All sexes welcome - not just men.... All drinks available - not just beer. $5 schooners. Tell your mates, bring 'em along! Beerswitmates

17.01.2022 "Being gritty, according to Duckworth, is the ability to persevere. It’s about being unusually resilient and hardworking, so much so that you’re willing to continue on in the face of difficulties, obstacles and even failures. It’s about being constantly driven to improve."

17.01.2022 What got me through the hardest season of my life? The short answer? Friends. The slightly longer answer? Ice cream, whiskey, and friends. ... This year has been one helluva ride, filled with all kinds of unexpected twists and turns. It has also been the most transformational year of my life, changing me both inside and out. My lifeline through it all has been good friends. People who know me almost as well as I know myself. Who can tell me the truth and call me out for being out of alignment with who I really am. It’s not been easy, but it has been beautiful; and I don’t know how I could have made it without so many wonderful helpers. I wrote once that every story of success is really a story of community, but I didn’t fully understand thatuntil now. We can’t make it alone, not if we want to do more than merely survive our situation. Even that I’m not sure we can do without some help. Having good friends, going to therapy on a regular basis, and being part of a men’s group has been life-saving for me. If you don’t have people who remind you that you’re brave when you’re feeling scared... If you don’t have people reminding you that the parts of yourself you want to hide are the ones that make you most lovable... If you don’t have people calling you into the greatness that belongs to you... Well, you need to find some. We weren’t meant to do this on our own. Life is too short to journey alone. We need good guides. Friends. Peers. People who care. And if you need help finding a crew that’s right for you, leave a comment here and maybe you can connect with someone else who’s looking for the same. Or if you’re feeling shy, shoot me a message and I’ll try to help.

17.01.2022 Work is either 1) a job you do to earn the money to pay for the life you want to have or 2) what you do to achieve your mission, or some mix of the two. I urge to make it as much 2) as possible, recognizing the value of 1). If you do that, most everything will go better than if you don’t. Which is most true for you? 1) or 2)? Or do you have a good mix of the two? To see this principle in action, check out this week's Case of the Week: #principleoftheday

16.01.2022 You can also compete if you're interested via the below link in October. See you there! :)

16.01.2022 "The big question about about how people behave is whether they have an inner scorecard or an outer scorecard. It helps if you can be satisfied with an inner scorecard. I always post it this way. I say: "Would you rather be the world's greatest lover but have everyone think you're the world's worst lover? Or would you rather be the world's worst lover but have everyone believe you're the world's greatest lover?"... In teaching your kids, I think the lesson they're learning at... a very early age is what their parents put emphasis on. If all the emphasis is on what the world is going to think about you, forgetting about how you really behave, you'll wind up with an outer scorecard. Now, my dad: he was a 100% Inner Scorecard guy. He was really a maverick. But he wasn't a maverick for the sake of being a maverick. He just didn't care what other people thought. My dad taught me how life should be lived. I've never seen anyone quite like him." Warren Buffett - The Snowball

16.01.2022 "Students who have to specialize earlier in their education picking a pre-med or law track while still in high school have higher earnings than their generalist peers at first, according to one economist’s research in several countries. But the later-specializing peers soon caught up. In sowing their wild intellectual oats, they got a better idea of what they could do and what they wanted to do. The early specializers, meanwhile, more often quit their career tracks."

16.01.2022 "Him: I’ve known for years what I’m supposed to do, how I’m supposed to show up. That’s all in the air now. I can see a few fleeting ideas for what’s ahead but otherwise, it’s all murky. Me: It sounds as if who you thought you were is dissolving, and you can’t really see whom you could become. You’re caught between selves. Something like that? Him: Oh my god, yes.... Me: How can we keep this stage fertile? You know, creative? Him: What do you mean? Me: I mean, how do we assure you don’t run back to something like that old self, that same occupation that you may or may not want? How do we fertilize the confusion? Hence, the birth of a concept and framework that I’ve been tracking for a decade. Fertile Confusion is a state in which you refrain from seeking easy solutions or revert to old patterns long enough to advance or abandon a new, complex endeavor." Fertile Confusion is a brave new world.. best tackled with company.

15.01.2022 #letsraisekidstobeentrepreneurs

15.01.2022 Today's the day we release the 7th habit. What is it? It's you bringing whatever habit you believe is most important for you to our accountability group.... Why would you do that? It's one thing to have a habit and a plan. It's another to actually execute on your plan. In the group you benefit from the culture of accountability. A shared culture of people showing up every day and doing what they said they were going to do. What does that help you do? Well, it helps you get what you want. You'll be able to execute consistently and achieve your goals. What if you don't know what would be most helpful for you? Reach out to me and we'll arrange a call to get it sorted. What are the other 6 habits? 1. Daily Pushups (5x10) - (10 mins) 2. Daily Cardio (10 Mins) 3. Daily Meditation (5 mins) 4. Daily Legs (30 squats, 20 lunges) - (10 mins) 5. Daily Stretching (10 mins) 6. Daily Journalling (5 mins) Can you just pick one of the above habits? Absolutely, you can pick one or you can pick a couple. Whatever best suits your schedule and your goals. I started with one (pushups) and have added the other 5 over time. When can I start? As soon as you like. Just reach out and let's get started. 04 2468 ANDO (2636) Want to know more? Watch the video below.

15.01.2022 It's never too late to start a conversation and set a plan to move forward. Just message me and we'll make a start

14.01.2022 Happy Australia Day! This is what it's like to fly over Caloundra, Bribie and Moreton. Please enjoy the scenery and excuse my dodgy camera work!

14.01.2022 "Our work is the first to show that people’s most prominent life regrets more often involve failures to live up to their ideal self than their ought self, the researchers concluded. And they added the work is the first to document the role played by behavioural and psychological coping mechanisms in people’s tendency to regret their failures to live up to their ideal selves. The new results are backed up by anecdotal accounts from patients nearing the end of their lives, described in a book by palliative nurse Bronnie Ware in 2013: When people realise that their life is almost over and look back clearly on it, it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled, she wrote. Most people had not honoured even a half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was due to choices that they had made, or not made.

14.01.2022 I was a frustrating student. "Kemp, if you put more effort in, you would get top of the class" (I went to one of those schools that did Latin and called everyon...e by their last name) It was funny, because I was getting good marks anyway. They could have been better but I couldn’t see the cost/benefit in putting in hours of study to get 10% better. I’ve always questioned the concept of work. What it means and what it is. I’ve described myself as strategically lazy, as I find ways to achieve large amounts with the minimal amount of effort. I see people busting their asses. The Grinders. Putting in the hours. Bemoaning their busyness. And seemingly getting no further ahead. Needlessly sacrificing themselves and their family at the alter of achievement. Then there is a small group who are just getting it done. The Flow. Not grinding long hours. Making it look effortless. I know why. One group works hard and the other works hard. But their definitions are different. The Grinders have carried over the definition of work from school. Busy work. Put the hours in. Do everything. It’s just how it is. Take every call. Reply to every email. Spend hours tweaking their new logo. Keep your head down and the rewards will come. The Flow are the opposite. They spend time creating. Studying. Writing. Thinking. Looking for the edge. Putting their heads up and test their ideas in the court of public opinion. The Grinders don’t want to expose their ideas. The Flow do. The Grinders would rather be busy in the shadows. Avoiding the emotional hard work and sacrificing this precious thing called time. The Flow accept the emotional hard work. The risk of criticism and comparison that comes so naturally to many. And they get the hard work done to spend their time where it matters to them. Hard work is essential. Unavoidable. But the choice between flow and grind is yours. Choose wisely.

13.01.2022 Worth the watch


13.01.2022 We #make and #sell #watches in #australia Some of them are #pretty Most of them are #tough In Australia it's important to be #pretty #tough So we put ourselves to the #test... He's no #toyota #hilux But he's a #rugged #aussie with a #swiss #heart So he never #skips a #beat Enjoy!

13.01.2022 A couple of weeks ago I set myself a challenge. I was to venture down to the Gold Coast on the final weekend of the Commonwealth Games and find some athletes to party with. I also needed to interview an athlete to find out which exercise they thought was most important in developing leg size and strength.... I was lucky enough to find Owen who went into SO much detail and effectively proved himself as the spokesman for South African Sport. We will now be adding one legged squats to the advanced legs program, at his recommendation. Enjoy!

12.01.2022 With training, we become better. Was my last lap faster than my first? Of course it was. Training does that.... With time, we come to love training. But not as much as performing. Wanna perform? Perfect. 04 2468 ANDO (2636)

12.01.2022 Sometimes we (I) forget this.. "As business expanded in the Middle Ages, Masters of various crafts could no longer depend on family members to work in the shop. They needed more hands. But it was not worth it for them to bring in people who would come and gothey needed stability and time to build up skills in their workers. And so they developed the apprenticeship system, in which young people from approximately the ages of twelve to seventeen would enter work in a shop, si...Continue reading

12.01.2022 "This is how every story starts: with the call to adventure. Sometimes, it arrives as an inner voice beckoning you to greater things. Other times, it may present itself as a crisis: a tragic mishap, a sudden accident, or some cataclysmic global event. Often, though, it’s a gentle prodding from within our souls, whispering that we are meant for more. And of course, we almost always ignore this voice. But the longer we wait, the louder it gets. Some people never answer The Voic...e. They find ways to quiet it or numb themselves from hearing it; but in my experience, every artist hears the call, and if they want to create great work in the world, they must learn to hear it, answer it, and keep answering. They must endeavor to continue to re-create themselves. Once you have made this decision to accept the call and leave the familiar for the sake of a new adventure, whatever it might be, the next part is going to be difficult. Every story must contain conflict. The hero has a goal or a mission or a vision of what they want to accomplish in the world; and now, things get messy. Everything gets harder. You run out of money. Your friends and family don’t get it. People start attacking you. If we think of our life as a series of easy choices that guide us to our calling, then this part is going to feel jarring. We’re going to want to quit. We will feel discouraged and want to settle. But if we understand our journey as a story, we can embrace these difficult moments and use them to grow. This is good; it’s a necessary part of the process. We should embrace it, expect it."

12.01.2022 "You want to learn as many skills as possible, following the direction that circumstances lead you to, but only if they are related to your deepest interests. Like a hacker, you value the process of self-discovery and making things that are of the highest quality. You avoid the trap of following one set career path. You are not sure where this will all lead, but you are taking full advantage of the openness of information, all of the knowledge about skills now at our You see what kind of work suits you and what you want to avoid at all cost. You move by trial and error. This is how you pass your twenties. You are the programmer of this wide-ranging apprenticeship, within the loose constraints of your personal interests. You are not wandering about because you are afraid of commitment, but because you are expanding your skill base and your possibilities. At a certain point, when you are ready to settle on something, ideas and opportunities will inevitably present themselves to you. When that happens, all of the skills you have accumulated will prove invaluable. You will be the Master at combining them in ways that are unique and suited to your individuality. You may settle on this one place or idea for several years, accumulating in the process even more skills, then move in a slightly different direction when the time is appropriate. In this new age, those who follow a rigid, singular path in their youth often find themselves in a career dead end in their forties, or overwhelmed with boredom. The wide-ranging apprenticeship of your twenties will yield the oppositeexpanding possibilities as you get older." Robert Greene - Mastery

11.01.2022 Uyen Vo, as you said, the future of work is human. Obviously Matt Tod agrees! And, as usual, I completely agree with him!

11.01.2022 Fail big Dream big Hard Work Works Set Goals... Achieve Them Through #consistent #action See more

09.01.2022 "I began to experience painful moments in a radically different way. Instead of feeling frustrated or overwhelmed, I saw pain as nature's reminder that there is something important for me to learn. Encountering pains and figuring out the lessons they were trying to give me became sort of a game to me.... The more I played it, the better I got at it, the less painful those situations became, and the more rewarding the process of reflecting, developing principles, and then getting rewards for using those principles became. I learned to love my struggles." Ray Dalio (Founder of Bridgewater Capital)

09.01.2022 What can we learn from World Domination Summit about achieving our goals, having fun and treating ourselves more kindly? Day 4 out of 25 I’ve been nominated to 25 push-ups for 25 days challenge to hopefully raise awareness for PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), anxiety and depression that drive people to commit suicide. I nominate Marsha Shandur. The rules are simple: *Once you are nominated your 25 days starts the following day. *Everyday you record yourself doing 25 push-ups even if you have to drop to your knees to get 25 or split them up accordingly. *Every day you must nominate a different person. Let's reach as many people as possible. Let's hope by doing this we can build awareness for anyone who is suffering from a mental illness, you are not alone and we are here for you. Don't be afraid to speak out!!!

09.01.2022 Here's someone to watch. Stoked to have met him at Keller Williams NLP training the day after he delivered a talk in Toronto. Awesome guy, amazing cause, epic bus!!

07.01.2022 Sunday arvo musings about the life of a dog in the autobiography of a famous psychiatrist quoting Allen Wheelis. "If then I bend over and pick up a stick, he is instantly before me. The great thing has now happened. He has a mission... it never occurs to him to evaluate the mission. His dedication is solely to its fulfillment. He runs or swims any distance, over or through any obstacle, to get that stick.... And, having got it, he brings it back: for his mission is not simply to get it but to return it. Yet, as he approaches me, he moves more slowly. He wants to give it to me and give closure to his task, yet he hates to have done with his mission, to again be in the position of waiting.. He is lucky to have me to throw the stick. I am waiting for God to throw mine. Have been waiting a long time. Who knows when, if ever, he will again turn his attention to me, and allow me, as I allow Monty, my mood of mission?"

07.01.2022 Stuart Knight was my inspiration for beers with mates. My membership in his group, the powerful group, while I was in Toronto showed me that a conversation eve...nt with mates and mates of mates could work. So why does it matter to have better conversations? I'll let Stuart tell you.

07.01.2022 "How does your ability to be kind to yourself affect your ability to show empathy to others?" Day 5 out of 25 (This is my last day) I’ve been nominated to do 25... push-ups for 25 days challenge to hopefully raise awareness for PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), anxiety and depression that drive people to commit suicide. I nominate Mo Twain. The rules are simple: *Once you are nominated your 25 days starts the following day. *Everyday you record yourself doing 25 push-ups even if you have to drop to your knees to get 25 or split them up accordingly. *Every day you must nominate a different person. Let's reach as many people as possible. Let's hope by doing this we can build awareness for anyone who is suffering from a mental illness, you are not alone and we are here for you. Don't be afraid to speak out!!

07.01.2022 What were Commonwealth Games Athletes really looking forward to during their final weekend on the Gold Coast? If you were a visiting athlete, what would you have wanted? Based on this, what could we have done differently at the closing ceremony?

06.01.2022 Fathers day is just around the corner

06.01.2022 Depending on my mood, somewhere between: "ENFP: The First-World Savior After taking the test you will set up a GoFundMe campaign so Honduran school children you’ve never met can experience the joy of discovering their Myers-Briggs types." "ENTP: The Professional Corrector You’ll take the test, then reply to the INTJ’s Medium post and the ENTJ’s TED talk with, Just so you know followed by some irrelevant statistics about gang violence in Honduras."

05.01.2022 "So the mystery is solved. It’s not that older decision-making teams get bad results, it’s that multi-generation teams get great results, and for some reason, older teams are much less likely to be made up of people from multiple generations."

05.01.2022 What if you didn't have to scroll through Instagram to find inspiration? What if it was as simple as looking at the man in the mirror, seeing the man you once were, getting him in your crosshairs then running right over him? Are you ready for that?... Let's chat. Preferably over a beer. My shout. Your move. 04 2468 ANDO (2636) Beerswitmates

04.01.2022 I watched Tony Robbins live a few weeks ago. This was the key point I walked away with. #musicmatters

04.01.2022 This was the first time I ever went cycling in freezing conditions. It was -8. I had to buy a balaclava a few KMs into the ride. It was fun :) Ride home to follow.... Soundtrack by James Zabiela.

03.01.2022 "Persuasion is so important to billionaire Warren Buffett that the only diploma he proudly displays in his office is a public-speaking certificate from a Dale Carnegie course. He once told business students that improving their communication skills would boost their professional value by 50% instantly."

03.01.2022 #beerswithmates is not about the best #beers in the #world and it's not even about the best #pubs in the world. It's about meeting the best #people in the worl...d. We give you the #openers to turn #friends of friends into new #mates you haven't met yet. We look forward to seeing you on the first #monday of each month. Bring your #best #chat We'll be #born in #Brisbane on July 2nd but we plan to #procreate with a pub near you.

01.01.2022 "For many people, especially those who have been successful in one particular career or niche, just the thought of receiving criticism for ideas and works especially creative ones can be paralyzing. Yet experience and research keep bearing the same dictum: Criticism and even rejection don’t just make us stronger. They actually can embolden our creative ideas and output."

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