Andrew Alstin | Other
Andrew Alstin
Phone: +61 419 348 083
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25.01.2022 So the client said to me. "can you make a games table, which I can also use as a dining table "? "My friends and I want the best games table we can get" He was a young bloke, it turns out I knew his Mum and his maternal Grandfather... What a great young bloke. He told me his budget and I replied with that line from "The Castle", ....... about dreaming After much, (very much) discussion, drawings, negotiation and him coming to the workshop, we sorted it out and we both compromised In the photos you can see the result. The top removes for the games. The drawers and slides come in and out as required. There for the games, gone for dinner. The metal cups for the dice, his uncle made, and when he wants a formal dining table, everything shuts up, the top goes back on and hey, it's Christmas dinner One exciting project,for me, a hell of a lot or work but all for a beaut young bloke who actually knew what he wanted and wasn't scared to pay for it. I'll just say, thanks AK, he knows who he is,
24.01.2022 Greetings all, I haven't posted in a while. Not since I chopped up my 3 fingers. Back on deck now and going to show the latest creation from my workshop. How's this for a table, nearly 4 metres long and 1.2 wide. It's made from a stone pine tree which was taken out of the "Devon Park" garden about 20 years ago, milled and stacked to dry at the time. My client purchased the trees from the late Jim Clarke and the timber has been stored ever since. Finally a few pieces are bein...g made. This table when finished will be heading to a beautiful new home on the Rye back beach. It will take at least 6 strong blokes to get it in. It's enormous, tremendously heavy and I reckon it's gorgeous, hope you do too. Thanks for looking and more coming soon. Love to all If you want to see more, please look at my website All pieces are custom made to the client's requirements AA
24.01.2022 Finished at last. It's been a long haul and a bit stressful but the 40 dining chairs for Ormond College are completed and will be delivered on Friday (hope it's cooler) I thought some of you might be interested in seeing the end result. ... A great project and some fun along the way Thanks for looking AA
23.01.2022 I can barely believe that last January was so quiet, there was no work about and yes I was worried with bills to pay My how times have changed. I've had a fabulous year. I've made some breathtaking pieces for some amazing people. I am going to post a few of the wonderful creations of this year over the next few weeks. I never name my clients but I really want to share the furniture that I have been asked to make with my interested followers.... I thank you for your likes, your shares, your comments and your honest interest and simply just for looking. I'm currently working on a massive project for one of the residential colleges at Melbourne University I was invited to visit this magnificent building with the view of replicating some of the dining room furniture. So 40 extra chairs and 4 or 5 extra tables came under discussion and are now, proudly, under way What a phenomenal project and what an honour to be involved with such an historic institution and such an historic project A few photos to share, "make 40 of these" they said, we compromised a little on the leg shape at the bottom to save timber but I reckon I've done pretty well. You can be the judge, I'm thrilled and so is the client so far This was the first of 40, the other 39 are nearly finished Enjoy and thanks for looking AA
23.01.2022 Greetings friends, The Grotto on the Great Ocean Road is tonight"s photo. Not the Grotta Azzura on Capri. I have seen them both and truly marvel at ours. I was there a short while ago and now share it with you. Wishing all a truly wonderful weekend. The sun will shine, the birds will sing and the waves at Port Fairy may well roll in. Wherever you are enjoy, life is far to short and there's no tow- bar on a hearse. Love to you all. AA xxx #greatoceanroad #thegrotto
22.01.2022 To all the beautiful ladies in the world I know. A very special rose, ( I can't give you all flowers), how I wish that I could But please just this once, accept a rose I photographed in Mount Gambier, just after a light shower had kissed its petals... A gorgeous rose to gorgeous ladies. May soft kisses fall upon your cheeks from someone you love love always AA xxx
21.01.2022 Hi all, it's been a while. I've been unwell but coming good again at last Now here is a bridge. The Lawrence Hargreaves Drive south of Sydney on the way to Woolongong. What a masterpiece of engineering. I recently had the pleasure of driving it. What a breathtaking spectacular. I hope you all get the chance one day AA is back, love to all. ... Like me lots please, coz apparently Mr Google sees that and makes my website move up the ladder. Thanks, AA See more
21.01.2022 An amazing sunset tonight. Already a few photos have been uploaded. I was at Lake Hamilton near the rowing sheds experimenting with a new set of Bushnell binoculars when I realized something special was happening My camera in the car, these are the pick of the shots as it unfolded. Enjoy and best wishes for a great 2017 ps, the 3rd photo, I thought the sky was on fire
20.01.2022 Greetings friends and followers. I was asked today if my camera was broken, since I haven't posted in a while. No, not broken, I was just preoccupied. Sorry. I did a delivery to Warrnambool last week and spotted a gorgeous rainbow over a truly treacherous sea. I love the wildness of this shot. Taken where the Merri meets the sea Then on the way home, I ventured to the beautiful Port Fairy. It was almost deserted and I grabbed this photo of the road in front of the south park. Hope you all enjoy and trust all is well in your worlds love to all, AA
20.01.2022 Not that long ago, in the dead of night, I took this shot of the moon from my back yard It was full, it was bright, it was full of hope and full of wonder. I often gaze up at the moon in the dead of night and wonder.? Is there a friend, a lost love, family, someone special looking up at the moon at the same time I do, can we connect through the moon: I hope so... Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy AA, with love
20.01.2022 Hi all What a great write up in the local paper this week. A special thanks to Tara Fry at The Spec, I really appreciate the honest way she interviewed me and I really like what she wrote Business is still pretty quiet so if you have something you'd like created I'd love to work with you. I did get one wonderful job from Carisbrook because someone from Hamilton shared my last post. (Thanks Ann)... I hope you enjoy reading The Spec article, please share it with everyone on your friends list. Like it, love it or share it please I appreciate all the support and the caring that FB brings in. I love what I do, I love the village I do it in. We are in the best place on the planet See my website to look at some of the lovely pieces I've made over 30 years Have a great week, love AA
19.01.2022 A recent creation from my workshop. A client approached me to make a gift for his wife. She's apparently a mad Monopoly player. He wanted a box made to accommodate all the pieces and he intends to paint the top of the box with all of their own special places and moments. A personalized Monopoly game as a gift to his much loved wife What a special treat it was for me to be asked. I can't wait for him to send the finished photos.... I hope you enjoy, the task made me feel pretty good. AA Please have a look at to see what I can do
19.01.2022 Greetings all, We're certainly living in interesting times and I believe soon we'll return to normal but our lives will be changed and so will the way we see things. I'm reflecting on my place in the world. I am indeed very fortunate.... For the last 30 plus years I have worked from home in my own space, my fabulous work shop, where I've followed my passion. I've made some magnificent pieces of furniture, I've restored some glorious antiques and I've been supported by an amazing number of truly fabulous clients. Thank you all I am still here, I'm still working, still making, still restoring and still enjoying every moment of it all and I'm only a phone call or message away if you need my services (0419348083) Just for fun. here is a link to my Instagram account which shows some recent "modern " creations. Some folk are surprised that I can make furniture like this You might see something you like. I can make you anything you want, just ask Please stay safe, keep the 1.5 metre rule and WASH your hands Love and light to all and thanks for reading. AA
19.01.2022 Now that's a fungus. Taken at Nigretta Reserve a while ago. One of the most amazing fungi I have ever seen. I went back two days later and it was just powder I guess that tells us something about life. Have a fabulous weekend wherever you are and whatever you're doing Love to all.... AA See more
19.01.2022 We have lots of locals with a variety of different types of accommodation available over Christmas.
19.01.2022 Greetings all, Last March I had an accident with a planing machine and removed portions of three fingers on my left hand. It was a shocking accident but I have recovered thankfully Business and enquiries have been very quiet for some time, the phone doesn't ring and I have been quite worried. ... Yesterday a friend contacted me to tell me that she had heard that as a result of the March incident I was no longer able to work. She's heard of several people who wanted work done but didn't feel they could bother me. Please folks I am alive and well. I am working, I want your work, I want to create the beautiful pieces I've created for the last 30 years. I need the support of my clients both old and new My hands are still functioning,I'd love to hear from anyone who wants something made or any restoration work also See me at or call me on 0419348083 Thanks Andrew Alstin A photo here of a Christmas gift I made in December, a magnificent oak bedroom piece. AA
18.01.2022 It's time to say Happy New Year to the people who care about me and to the gorgeous folk in my life whom I adore. It was a great Christmas, I shared it with my beautiful lady, we paid homage to Mum but Dad got through it, thanks to my sister. A tough gig for all concerned but we survived. New Year had it's moments but the same beautiful lady was still in my company and we had a ball. Watched movies, drank wine, ate well and loved well. What more can one really ask for, my sings..... Friends contributed and the New Year came in so well I wish you all, all the best 2016 and all that can it be for you. May the sun shine upon your wondrous being all year long. Make the most of what you are given. Take it in full with both hands and your heart wide open, we know not the future. grab the now To all who have commented on my photos, thank you Enjoy what I put forward in this future year of bounty. I love you all. .....................truly, you are all special. AA xxxxxxxxxxxx My first photo for 2016 is my favorite place on the planet AA Venezia
17.01.2022 Just for fun on New Year's Day A young lady I know is getting married soon and she asked if I could make a pair of ring boxes for their wedding A simple cutting from a lemon scented gum, about 15 minutes work and have a look at the result... I reckon they're pretty nice. Hope you like them Sophie. Thanks for looking, AA
15.01.2022 We all know where this is, it's just a shot I took a while ago of the river in Port Fairy. I've not been there since the school holidays finished, a drive on Saturday may do the soul good A beautiful small section of our wonderful part of the world Enjoy friends... AA x See more
15.01.2022 Well, my birthday is over and so many thanks to those who cared enough to contact me and wish me well. I truly appreciate and say a very humble , Thank You. It's late and the celebratory red or two is well within, time for bed but I just want my few friends to know that I love and appreciate them deeply. AA x
14.01.2022 All good , surgery is complete have 3 fingers just s bit short Thanks al l for caring AA
13.01.2022 Nick Richardsons new desk The request was and I quote from the initial enquiry I am looking for quotes for a timber desk for my office, preferably made from Tasmanian Oak or a light coloured timber. A modern design with dimensions of 1700mm X 750mm X 760mm. I'd like 4 hanging pencil drawers, 2 either side, with shark noses (no handles) and dovetailing. Legs are to be straight.... Well here is the result. The top and the visible timbers in the sides and back were made from Tasmanian Oak boards purchased in 1990 (by me) at a clearing sale in Casterton Victoria. The sale was for a local builder retiring from business at 76 years of age. He said at the time, that the boards had been purchased originally buy his father just before the war (1939) and his father had put them aside because they were too good to use for general building. Before I made this desk, these boards were 5400 long x 190 wide and 28 thick. You can see how beautiful the timber is The interior timber in the inside section of the desk which forms the sides of the drawer carcass came from timber retrieved from the Glenelg Library mobile library when it was refitted in the late 1990s after 20 years of service, again some lovely stable timber The drawer fronts have come from timber, which I have recycled from the Caledonian Hotel in Hamilton. The Cally was built in the 1860 s and was refurbished significantly in the early 1970s. This is the last of The Cally timber I have and I feel its fitting to use such lovely coloured pieces in the drawer front. No stain or colouring of any form has been used in the finishing of this desk; all colours are the natural timber A great selection of timbers, all Tassy oak and Australian hardwoods, some new and some recycled. A wonderful opportunity to create something stylish and beautiful Enjoy and see more if you like at Andrew Alstin
13.01.2022 A magnificent mahogany partners desk that I recently made for clients in Melbourne All handmade in my workshop, Italian Walnut veneers to the panels, Connolly hide to the top, a truly lovely piece Thanks to Dani and Mark for their trust... If it's in wood, I can make it, give me a call I might surprise you with how inexpensive it can be Thanks for looking AA 0419348083
12.01.2022 Thanks to all the Greens that have expanded our National and State parks Thanks to all the Greens who have reduced controlled burns Thanks to the Greenies who c...hained themselves to trees to get media attention. Thanks to the media for giving them prime time to achieve their goals. Thanks to the legislation to stop roadside firewood collection Thanks to the shires who won’t allow trees to be fell on private property Thanks to the Government for stopping grazing in the High Country Thanks to the lack of roadside grass cutting bu shires Thanks to the Greens for brainwashing the next generation. And then you all have the audacity to blame climate change! Hope your movement of what you have created take responsibility for the horrific bushfires that are ripping the heart and soul from so many towns and communities in our country... I have to ask, how many greenies are at the fire front trying to help these communities? How many are chaining themselves to trees? Are out rescuing the wildlife or that special rare plant species? YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS CARNAGE WE ARE NOW FACING! P.S. The greenies will come on as keyboard warriors.. but as an 8th generation pioneer descendent and 5 generation of logging throughout East Gippsland... the current fires surpass any previous bushfires thanks to our indigenous and pioneers who followed their traditions. I am all for recycling, growing trees, regeneration - but not for idiotic tree hugging bureaucratic bullshit that has contributed to the current situation.. all I can say, hope you too get through the current catastrophe unscathed.
11.01.2022 Hullo all , I wish each of you a wonderful Christmas and a fabulous New Year May all your dreams come true. May your Christmas be safe, joyous and peaceful (we all know how families are) and hopefully 2016 will be a terrific year I took this photo a short time ago in my friend Larry's aviary. The young ones just feeding with their mum and dad, I thought a lovely family shot like this might just be appropriate at Christmas... Enjoy the festive season, be kind to each other and most importantly, be kind to yourself and maybe find time to remember what Christmas is about All my love to all. AA xx
11.01.2022 I might have a thing about bridges, god forbid. I loved this marvel outside Orbost, it reminded me so much of the wonderful remnant of the past on the Grange Burn here at home How clever the builders of the past were. I think this is amazing and I hope you all enjoy. ... Built in a time when things were handmade, Nothing quite like handmade ! AA with smiles
10.01.2022 I can barely believe that last January was so quiet, there was no work about and yes I was worried with bills to pay My how times have changed. I've had a fabulous year. I've made some breathtaking pieces for some amazing people. I am going to post a few of the wonderful creations of this year over the next few weeks. I never name my clients but I really want to share the furniture that I have been asked to make with my interested followers.... I thank you for your likes, your shares, your comments and your honest interest and simply just for looking. I'm currently working on a massive project for one of the residential colleges at Melbourne University I was invited to visit this magnificent building with the view of replicating some of the dining room furniture. So 40 extra chairs and 4 or 5 extra tables came under discussion and are now, proudly, under way What a phenomenal project and what an honour to be involved with such an historic institution and such an historic project A few photos to share, "make 40 of these" they said, we compromised a little on the leg shape at the bottom to save timber but I reckon I've done pretty well. You can be the judge, I'm thrilled and so is the client so far This was the first of 40, the other 39 are nearly finished Enjoy and thanks for looking AA
10.01.2022 Greetings all, Last March I had an accident with a planing machine and removed portions of three fingers on my left hand. It was a shocking accident but I have recovered thankfully Business and enquiries have been very quiet for some time, the phone doesn't ring and I have been quite worried. ... Yesterday a friend contacted me to tell me that she had heard that as a result of the March incident I was no longer able to work. She's heard of several people who wanted work done but didn't feel they could bother me. Please folks I am alive and well. I am working, I want your work, I want to create the beautiful pieces I've created for the last 30 years. I need the support of my clients both old and new My hands are still functioning,I'd love to hear from anyone who wants something made or any restoration work also See me at or call me on 0419348083 Thanks Andrew Alstin A photo here of a Christmas gift I made in December, a magnificent oak bedroom piece. AA
10.01.2022 Finished at last. It's been a long haul and a bit stressful but the 40 dining chairs for Ormond College are completed and will be delivered on Friday (hope it's cooler) I thought some of you might be interested in seeing the end result. ... A great project and some fun along the way Thanks for looking AA
09.01.2022 Greetings all, I haven't posted in a while. Not since I chopped up my 3 fingers. Back on deck now and going to show the latest creation from my workshop. How's this for a table, nearly 4 metres long and 1.2 wide. It's made from a stone pine tree which was taken out of the "Devon Park" garden about 20 years ago, milled and stacked to dry at the time. My client purchased the trees from the late Jim Clarke and the timber has been stored ever since. Finally a few pieces are bein...g made. This table when finished will be heading to a beautiful new home on the Rye back beach. It will take at least 6 strong blokes to get it in. It's enormous, tremendously heavy and I reckon it's gorgeous, hope you do too. Thanks for looking and more coming soon. Love to all If you want to see more, please look at my website All pieces are custom made to the client's requirements AA
09.01.2022 A gorgeous little visitor a few nights ago. He was knocked around by the heat we think, a baby ring tail. He was taken to the safe haven at Maree Griener's place to be released when he recovers, Hell he was cute x
09.01.2022 Across Lake Hamilton as dusk settles in. A classic shot I reckon Some bitch about our village but I reckon it's as good as any place to live. Yep, our Council are a pack of idiots, the local rag leaves a bit to be desired, but by hell the village has a lot going for it If we all started shopping here again this town could turn around in no time... Do you really have to buy it online have a great weekend and enjoy our village love to all AA x See more
08.01.2022 Recently I had the pure pleasure of boating on the Glenelg River from Nelson. I have never been on that magnificent waterway before. How did I not know what is in our own back yard A stunningly beautiful waterway and a magnificent day... Enjoy the photos AA x See more
08.01.2022 Hullo All, I am so sorry I missed the Friday post but I had to go away to a beautiful secret little house in some distant hills and I had a fabulously peaceful time My photo for the week is obviously botanical, I took it myself in Gray Street Hamilton earlier this year, a bottle of red to the first person who can tell my what it is (I will post the answer Tuesday night). I was amazed to see this and its family when I happened upon it Have a great week ahead and if you're as rested as I am, then you will. Love to all, AA
07.01.2022 Visit my website to see examples of the kind of beautiful pieces I create.
07.01.2022 Thanks to all the Greens that have expanded our National and State parks Thanks to all the Greens who have reduced controlled burns Thanks to the Greenies who c...hained themselves to trees to get media attention. Thanks to the media for giving them prime time to achieve their goals. Thanks to the legislation to stop roadside firewood collection Thanks to the shires who wont allow trees to be fell on private property Thanks to the Government for stopping grazing in the High Country Thanks to the lack of roadside grass cutting bu shires Thanks to the Greens for brainwashing the next generation. And then you all have the audacity to blame climate change! Hope your movement of what you have created take responsibility for the horrific bushfires that are ripping the heart and soul from so many towns and communities in our country... I have to ask, how many greenies are at the fire front trying to help these communities? How many are chaining themselves to trees? Are out rescuing the wildlife or that special rare plant species? YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS CARNAGE WE ARE NOW FACING! P.S. The greenies will come on as keyboard warriors.. but as an 8th generation pioneer descendent and 5 generation of logging throughout East Gippsland... the current fires surpass any previous bushfires thanks to our indigenous and pioneers who followed their traditions. I am all for recycling, growing trees, regeneration - but not for idiotic tree hugging bureaucratic bullshit that has contributed to the current situation.. all I can say, hope you too get through the current catastrophe unscathed.
07.01.2022 A magnificent mahogany partners desk that I recently made for clients in Melbourne All handmade in my workshop, Italian Walnut veneers to the panels, Connolly hide to the top, a truly lovely piece Thanks to Dani and Mark for their trust... If it's in wood, I can make it, give me a call I might surprise you with how inexpensive it can be Thanks for looking AA 0419348083
06.01.2022 So the client said to me. "can you make a games table, which I can also use as a dining table "? "My friends and I want the best games table we can get" He was a young bloke, it turns out I knew his Mum and his maternal Grandfather... What a great young bloke. He told me his budget and I replied with that line from "The Castle", ....... about dreaming After much, (very much) discussion, drawings, negotiation and him coming to the workshop, we sorted it out and we both compromised In the photos you can see the result. The top removes for the games. The drawers and slides come in and out as required. There for the games, gone for dinner. The metal cups for the dice, his uncle made, and when he wants a formal dining table, everything shuts up, the top goes back on and hey, it's Christmas dinner One exciting project,for me, a hell of a lot or work but all for a beaut young bloke who actually knew what he wanted and wasn't scared to pay for it. I'll just say, thanks AK, he knows who he is,
05.01.2022 The stunning phases of the sunflower, enjoy. AA
04.01.2022 Just for fun on New Year's Day A young lady I know is getting married soon and she asked if I could make a pair of ring boxes for their wedding A simple cutting from a lemon scented gum, about 15 minutes work and have a look at the result... I reckon they're pretty nice. Hope you like them Sophie. Thanks for looking, AA
03.01.2022 Hi all What a great write up in the local paper this week. A special thanks to Tara Fry at The Spec, I really appreciate the honest way she interviewed me and I really like what she wrote Business is still pretty quiet so if you have something you'd like created I'd love to work with you. I did get one wonderful job from Carisbrook because someone from Hamilton shared my last post. (Thanks Ann)... I hope you enjoy reading The Spec article, please share it with everyone on your friends list. Like it, love it or share it please I appreciate all the support and the caring that FB brings in. I love what I do, I love the village I do it in. We are in the best place on the planet See my website to look at some of the lovely pieces I've made over 30 years Have a great week, love AA
02.01.2022 Is this not the ultimate wall art ? A client had a damaged baby grand piano to dispose of. I recycled all of the timber, then another client saw the frame in my workshop and asked if she and I could play with it. We, with her husband, came up with a way to hang it in their dining room.... Here's the result. Truly a magnificent example of recycling. How fantastic that such a beautiful piece of very old cast iron can be turned into such a wonderful art work in their home. I hope you all enjoy the inspiration it may give Have a great weekend and please share this one with all your Facebook friends love, AA
01.01.2022 Greetings dear friends. How lucky are we to live in the bush. Yesterday this little bloke just popped up in my back yard. This was just so fantastic. I was working and heard him grunting. I came out to find him chilling out in my back yard... Always welcome my furry friend It's been a tough week, as Leonard Cohen once sang "quieter than heaven on a Saturday night". If you have a dream piece, let me make it for you Off to Melbourne in the morning with a gorgeous Christmas present from one client to his partner, that's pretty damn special to me. I'll put some photos up once it's delivered, (can't spoil the surprise) Love to you all and thanks for following the little fat man . AA, (with warm hugs, soft kisses and tender thoughts)
01.01.2022 I know I like to bang on about the detail, but this is why! It all started with a boys dream of a mahogany guitar and this is the result. You can see more of my work @ #visitigreaterhamilton #handcrafted #timber #mahogany #handmadeguitar
01.01.2022 Greetings all, We're certainly living in interesting times and I believe soon we'll return to normal but our lives will be changed and so will the way we see things. I'm reflecting on my place in the world. I am indeed very fortunate.... For the last 30 plus years I have worked from home in my own space, my fabulous work shop, where I've followed my passion. I've made some magnificent pieces of furniture, I've restored some glorious antiques and I've been supported by an amazing number of truly fabulous clients. Thank you all I am still here, I'm still working, still making, still restoring and still enjoying every moment of it all and I'm only a phone call or message away if you need my services (0419348083) Just for fun. here is a link to my Instagram account which shows some recent "modern " creations. Some folk are surprised that I can make furniture like this You might see something you like. I can make you anything you want, just ask Please stay safe, keep the 1.5 metre rule and WASH your hands Love and light to all and thanks for reading. AA