Aneeta Kaitinis | Astrologist & psychic
Aneeta Kaitinis
Phone: +61 406 660 636
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25.01.2022 Magical Properties of Basil: Use the essential oil to help lift sadness or depression. Give a basil plant to someone that you like to invite the concept of love into the relationship or wear the essential oil to invite love into your life. Makes a perfect gift for a newly married couple to promote sweetness and prosperity and tucking a leaf into your wallet can help call money into your life. Growing the plant at the four corners of your property can help with protection from negativity. You can also hang the leaves in your car or anoint yourself with the oil to keep you safe when travelling.
25.01.2022 Here is my radio interview from this morning. Hope you enjoy listening!
24.01.2022 Weird things happen. One of my earrings mysteriously appeared on my coffee table whilst I was sitting there. My jewel box is in my bedroom.
22.01.2022 At the recent Expo, I met a man called Gary who makes chakra windchimes. They sound so beautiful I just had to buy a set and I absolutely love hearing them chime. He sells the chimes separately or as a set. I couldn't add his business card with this post so will add separately. These would make a lovely gift or just buy for yourself!
22.01.2022 MAGICAL PROPERTIES OF JUNIPER BERRIES One of my favourite essential oils! Can be used for good health, clarity, protection, wisdom or spirit communication. Berries can be used to be worn as a bracelet for protection. Using a few drops of essential oil (if sensitive, then mix with carrier oil) and wear it on your skin. Can also be used to assist with protection against colds and viruses and works well with the throat and third eye chakras. To make a tea, lightly grind a spoonful of berries and add to hot water. Let steep for several minutes. You may add natural sweetener or honey to desired taste. Planting a bush near your front door can also help keep those negative energies away! And the smells heavenly!
22.01.2022 Hi, It has been a very hectic couple of weeks. First there was the Expo which went really well. I had such a great time, speaking to other psychics that I hadn’t as yet been able to find time to chat to, meeting new stall holders and most importantly meeting you, our clients and getting to know you. Although it was exhausting, totally worth it in every way! This week, I would like to put an offer out there to those of you who are running a small business, are trying to get...Continue reading
22.01.2022 Hi, Parts of the last couple of weeks have been pretty upsetting for me. My poor dog Lizzie has damaged her cruciate ligament and has been pretty ill. It was touch and go there for 72 hours whether I would have to make the decision to put her down or not. Due to her old age and arthritis, an operation is not an option for her. So, the vet and I have decided to try some pain management and see how that goes for the next six weeks. She seems to be getting a bit better and ...Continue reading
21.01.2022 Hi, How many of you know about the chakras and how beneficial they are to you? In my post this week, I am going to talk about opening your Third Eye chakra. The reason I am going to speak about this is because the third eye is directly linked to your intuition. This week I have had a few clients who are not trusting or ignoring their intuition and those that have spoken to me about feeling a blockage there. For those of you who don’t know too much about it, I am just going...Continue reading
21.01.2022 I am happy to announce that I will be working at the Hobart Psychic Expo in July. I am excited to try something new and am looking forward to it. Information about the expo can be found at I hope to see some of you there. And I may even see you at the Devonport one at the end of July.
20.01.2022 Happy Halloween from the Mind, Body and Spirit Expo! Hope to see you here.
18.01.2022 Hello, Welcome to 2021! It seems like it has been forever since I last posted and I hope your Christmas and New Year were great. I had some family come for a few days but apart from that it was relatively quiet. The New Year saw me working at the Hobart Psychic Expo which was a lot of fun and it was really nice to see some of you there. Right now I am getting ready to head to Devonport as the expo there starts this Friday. Not only do I get to meet some of you, I also get ...Continue reading
18.01.2022 Are you in the market for a new website? Looking for some branding, help with digital marketing or social media for your business? If you answered yes to any of those, have a look at this business, Lycan Swipe Media. They will have the answers for you. Check out the website and contact them. Tasmanian new business.
14.01.2022 Hi, First thing I want to write about this week is all this information out there about a new star sign which means that the astrology chart as we currently know, is all wrong. Let me just say that this information is false, the chart as we know it has not changed and therefore whatever star sign you are now, is where you are staying. Don’t get caught up in all this new information as it does not change a thing. The zodiac itself is believed to have been developed in ancien...t Egypt and later adopted by the Babylonians. Early astrologers knew it took 12 lunar cycles for the sun to return to its original position. The twelve constellations were then identified and that they were linked to the progression of the seasons. This in itself should tell you that just because a scientist has found a new constellation, doesn’t mean that it fits into the astrology chart. And, unless we suddenly have 13 lunar cycles in the year (that would have to mean that we add another month to our year) then nothing changes. I can’t tell you how many messages and calls I have received asking me about this and although I am not an expert in astrology (even though I have spoken to one about this very subject) it doesn’t take a lot of common sense to work it out. And that is the trouble with the news today, don’t look at the whole story just run with something that may give you a ratings boost. So, I am now back from working at the Hobart Psychic Expo and I have to say that I really enjoyed the experience. I was wondering how I would cope with a room full of different energies but I found it quite easy to block it all out. That was a surprise for me. It was great to meet so many new people and hear stories from so many different backgrounds plus I enjoyed meeting and speaking with other psychics that I had never met before. I will be at the Devonport Psychic Expo next weekend and again, I am looking forward to it. Plus it gives me a chance to catch up with family whom I haven’t been able to visit since December last year. Only a short post this week but remember about the astrology chart, it does not change! Stay safe and Blessed Be
14.01.2022 Hello! I have had a few clients in the last couple weeks who have asked me about the repeating numbers that they are seeing. I, for one, have never experienced this but repeating numbers do actually have a meaning behind them. It may not even be in dreams but you may just be going about your daily business and the same set of repeating numbers keep grabbing your notice. Some of you may be asking, what do you mean by repeating numbers? These are numbers that you see that ar...Continue reading
14.01.2022 Hello, Thank you to those who indicated that they wish their business to be advertised. I have a couple here to share (one shared already yesterday) but if you know of anyone who would like to do this, please send a message through. Just one other thing today, if you have sent me an email, I will always respond within 24 hours but usually quicker than that. If you have not had a response from me, please check your junk folder. Some clients have contacted me saying that aft...Continue reading
13.01.2022 Hi, It has been so busy for me since the last week of July, I have hardly had time for anything outside work. Life can get pretty busy but I have finally forced myself to take a few days off, to relax, re-ground and replace all that energy that has been flying away from me. I can also tell you that this week I had some instant karma kick me back. Discussing something with a client, I said something in a gossipy way that I shouldn’t have. Well the repercussions from the g...Continue reading
13.01.2022 Hi, How many of you believe in omens? You know, like the most common one if a black cat crosses your path, you are coming into bad luck? But really thinking about it, do we really know what an omen means? Where does it come from? Had a lively discussion about this the other day and an acquaintance sent through to me an article that he thought I would find interesting and it was. So, this week I am just going to go through some of them. Knocking on Wood We do this when ...Continue reading
12.01.2022 Hi, Well another busy week and still going strong. Time goes so quickly when there is lots to do. One topic has come up quite regularly in my readings this week and it has been about maintaining positive energy in the home. Sometimes, this can be very hard to do especially with the things happening around the country at the moment. We seem to allow ourselves to get dragged into the negativity, especially when the energy levels are low which makes it that much harder to dra...Continue reading
11.01.2022 Hello and welcome! What a full on week it has been for me! A short one really as I am getting ready to head up the north-west coast to take part in the Devonport Psychic Expo. Whilst these can be very demanding and draining, I have thoroughly enjoyed being part of them and those in the future. I always say it is a privilege when someone asks you to delve into their lives and ask for help with problems and issues they have. It is not something that I take lightly, whether... we have a good laugh, a serious discussion or even have a good cry together. I find that doing this helps ground me and reminds me that when I think I am doing it tough, there are those of you out there who feel exactly the same. The one thing that really inspires me is when I can actually learn something from the client I am reading for. It is a teaching curve that works both ways and I sometimes wonder if I get more out of it than my client does! So here I am again, packing up my things, ready to head off and looking forward to meeting more people. It is also interesting meeting other psychics and seeing how they work. We all have a different way of doing things but we all have the same goal, to try and help you the best we can with the gifts that we have been given. As I said earlier, it really is a privilege. How many of you are precious about people touching your crystals? I know I am especially with the ones I work with all the time. I just feel that these are a very personal thing and I never feel comfortable when people just pick mine up to have a look. Usually if someone asks me if they can touch them I will say yes but there are some that are just off limits. Very recently I was reading for someone and they looked at me, picked up my shivalingham stone (the one I use all the time) and then said that they had an urge to hold it. Okay, bit late to say no when they already have it in their hands. Problem now is, even though I have cleansed it, I can’t seem to connect to it anymore. It just feels wrong when I hold it so I have had to put it in the display cabinet. I don’t feel as though I can use it anymore. Has anyone else come across this? It would be interesting to hear your views about this. So now, I am using a piece of rough amethyst that was given to me and although I do connect with it, I just feel that there is something else out there that I should be using. I guess it will cross my path when the time is right. In the meantime the amethyst piece will just have to suffice. Maybe it was the guide’s way of saying that it was time to move onto something else. The reason will come to me eventually but there is always a reason for what happens, I just have to be patient. If you are up on the north-west coast, come along and check out the expo, which runs from this Friday and finishes up on Sunday, at the Gateway in Devonport. It feels as though it will be a great weekend. Hope to see some of you there. Stay safe and Blessed Be
11.01.2022 Hello and welcome! It has been a pretty full on couple of weeks. Got back from the Devonport Expo and was right back into work. At least it keeps me out of a bit of trouble! I have had a few conversations with clients over the last few weeks about why they aren’t happy. We all fall into that same trap every now and again, we put other people first and forget about us. But what we have to remember is that we are important too....Continue reading
09.01.2022 There has always been one thing that I wanted to do but never really knew anyone to do it for me and that is an Astrology reading and chart. I came across this gentleman over the weekend and had a chart completed. I thoroughly recommend him. So, if you are looking to have one done (and it is not that expensive), please contact Joseph below.
08.01.2022 Looking for a great hairdresser. Van Demon Hairdressing could be the one for you! A small operating business in the Mornington Industrial Estate. Look them up on Facebook!
08.01.2022 Hello, Have you ever really wondered how damaging the so called ‘whispers’ can be? So many times I am told something and then when I go to the source to find out what was actually said, it has been so misinterpreted and misunderstood that it stops being funny. As an example, I was watching something on television where one woman was talking to another. Later on one of them said to another woman, ‘I didn’t believe anything that she said’. Fair enough statement. But this ot...her woman told someone else that she was told ‘I don’t believe anything that comes out of her mouth’. When she was confronted about what she retold she said that it was just a play on words but meant the same thing. Ah, no, not even close. And the way it was retold caused such a commotion, confrontations and arguments with the person who originally made the statement not being believed. I guess one can state that it is silly to make so much out of it but in the context it was about this persons work and yes, she did get upset about it. But looking at the original statement made and then the way it was retold, can you see what I am getting at? How the retelling meant something totally different to what the actual intent was. It wasn’t that she didn’t believe everything that came out of her mouth but at that moment and the message being delivered was that she didn’t believe it. There is quite a difference there, I hope you can notice it. So, it comes back to when we retell a story, we have to be very careful what we relay and make sure it is done in the context that the original statement was made. Some people however will twist anything that is said to serve their own personal agenda and this is what you need to be careful of. How hard is it, if you want to know the real truth, to go back to that person and ask them exactly what was said. Ask yourself, is it really that important for you to know and do you really want to be repeating gossip. This is what you have to ask yourself especially if the ramifications can be extreme as it was in the case I spoke about. If we do repeat things and don’t get it quite right, at least own up to your mistake and take responsibility that you may have caused anguish and upset. Again, it goes back to my post about apologising when getting things wrong. It really shouldn’t be that hard. Reality is, we all like to gossip a bit over a coffee, we just need to make sure that what we say doesn’t cause unnecessary harm to others. Just a caution about thinking before you speak is a good philosophy to have. Besides, none of us are perfect and we can all do or say something without thinking, just being big enough to take responsibility for what we do and say would be nice. For those of you who are members of my Spiritual Soul Collective page, there is a giveaway this week, if you are not a member, just request to be one and you will be added. That is about all from me this week. Stay safe and Blessed Be
08.01.2022 If you have a birthday this month, Pearl is your birthstone. Happy birthday!
07.01.2022 Happy All Saints Day!
05.01.2022 Hi, Whew, hasn’t it been a busy four weeks for me! Not only did I read at the Hobart Expo but also the Devonport one as well. I can honestly say that I have enjoyed both of them and have made some new friends, clients and contacts. It also seems as though I will be reading in Ulverstone for a couple of days every two months on a regular basis. Just need to work some things out with dates so will let you all know once things are settled. Again something new and something ...Continue reading
05.01.2022 Hi, I have spoken to several clients this week who are all having the same issue, dealing with the loss of a loved one. Most of us have lost someone close to us and as you can appreciate, the process of grieving can be hard and painful. The one thing that I do usually have to reinforce is the fact that there isn’t any timeframe as to how long the grief will last. It will always be there but over time, it just becomes easier to deal to with. I get very annoyed when I hear...Continue reading
03.01.2022 Have a great day!
03.01.2022 And I do. I meet so many people who don't realise how wonderful they actually are.
03.01.2022 Hi, What an interesting week I have had this week. Such a diverse selection of clients and I have thoroughly enjoyed every single one of them. As I have said before, everybody can teach you something and this week I had the pleasure, in particular, of speaking with two extremely courageous women, women I would bow down to because they have taught me a thing or two about having a dream and taking steps to make their lives better. The first one nearly had me in tears. Here i...Continue reading
02.01.2022 Hello, So how many of you believe in Karma? What does it mean to you? I am a solid believer in this and what it means to me is that those who do wrong, however long it takes, will be paid back for either the negative or positive vibes that they create. Bit like the Witch’s Law where it states ‘What ye send forth comes back to thee, so ever mind the rule of three’. Outside of this, I never really think about it much and try really hard not to do the wrong thing by people, ...Continue reading
02.01.2022 Hello and welcome to September! It has been a bit quieter for me this week and I am kind of glad that I have had a chance for a bit of a breather. As you know, when you get busy, so many little things get put aside and it is always a good feeling when you get a bit of time to put things back in order. With the people I have seen and read for this week, one word has kept jumping out at me.COURAGE. It’s a strong word as well as being a scary one. What pops into your mind wh...Continue reading
01.01.2022 Hello! It was so nice yesterday morning when I woke up to the sound of rain on the roof. Feeling warm and snug, I decided to delay getting up and just lie there with my eyes shut and listen. That was until Jasper (my cat) decided that now that I was awake, he didn’t want to wait to be fed. So I put up with the head butting, meowing and purring for all of a minute before I resigned myself to the fact he was not going to give up until he had what he wanted. Yeah, was not ha...ppy! Anyway, this week my post is about some announcements that I would like to make, so here I go. ANNOUNCEMENT ONE: I have finally organised some time and I will be up in Ulverstone on the 12th and 13th of October and will be available for readings. The time slots however, will be limited as my first appointment available each day is 11am. How late I work will be up to the bookings I receive. So if you wish to make an appointment, please contact me by phone or message to secure a time. Hoping to catch up with you as much as I can and am looking forward to it. ANNOUNCEMENT TWO: For those of you in Hobart, don’t forget about the Halloween Full Moon Mind Body Spirit Expo which will be running from Friday, 30th October until 1st November at the Best Western at 156 Bathurst Street. Admission is by gold coin and there will be a variety of stall holders as well as readings being available. There will also be free 10 minute seated Reiki Demonstrations. It would be great to see as many of you there as possible. ANNOUNCEMENT THREE UPDATE ON LIZZIE So, it seems as though the pain management is working and although she is still a bit tender on her leg, the other day she managed to do a bunny hop run (which was so funny) for a little bit. She is also managing the steps up and down the deck but I am still a bit paranoid about her being on my kitchen floor. Although she is still limping a bit, she seems to be moving around a lot easier every day so it seems the medication is working. Still keeping my fingers crossed and hoping that everything heals and she is better real soon. I also would just like to send my thoughts and prayers to a good friend of mine who lost her father this week. I know how hard it is to lose someone close and I wish her the strength to get through how she is feeling right now. Stay safe and Blessed Be
01.01.2022 They’re back just in time for Christmas . LNL handmade soap. Tasmanian made and locally sourced ingredients. Mountain River goats milk, Palm free. $5 each, for Teachers presents, stocking fillers or hard to buy for people!! Be quick as I’ve already sold 20 of them. Message me if you’d like some put aside See more
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