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24.01.2022 Why a centre mixer isn't a good Idea. . . .
23.01.2022 Its almost 2 years since I installed a solar power system on my current house. The installation is 8 x 250 watt panels facing North and these 5 x 250 watt panels facing West. Over the time they have been installed the amount generated has been: North Facing panels - 5,164 kw West Facing panels - 2,882 kw Overall generation - 8,046 kw [ 249 more words ]
21.01.2022 Things to think about with gutters.
20.01.2022 Apparently there is a 3Dprinter that can build the walls of a house in a day for $4,000. I saw this @ Before you get too excited about the cost. . . . that is for a very basic house in a developing country not a 200m2 typical Australian house. Having seen what earthquakes do to unreinforced houses in Indonesia There are some countries where this might not be a good Idea For more unusual photos, and Fails, check out What the.?
18.01.2022 Have you seen a spite house?
17.01.2022 Induction hobs . . . a great way of cooking.
15.01.2022 Why not join our band of helpers? Find out more at
14.01.2022 Would you have this chandelier
13.01.2022 Guest post by Martin William The desire and need to borrow money from a financial institution has crossed our minds at least once. It's hard to find a person who hasn't thought about applying for a loan for a specific situation. It's even harder to imagine a person that doesn't use the services of the financial institutions. Maybe in some South African tribes don't know what a loan is, or what a credit officer does, but we definitely live in a developed financial system and have financial needs. [ 587 more words ]
12.01.2022 Is this what your new house on mars would look like. . . . .
09.01.2022 There is more than one reason why there are holes in bricks.
08.01.2022 Would you like to live in a Disneyland Castle
04.01.2022 What is the worst real estate photo you have seen?
03.01.2022 Guest post by Asad Shoaib Do you really care about Mother Nature? Then, like many other homeowners, you might also be interested in reducing your homes impact on the environment. You can easily make little changes at home to create a big difference in environment. In addition to low-flow showers and energy efficient appliances, roofing can also be helpful and eco-friendly. [ 405 more words ]
03.01.2022 Some removal advice.
01.01.2022 These days it’s quite possible to generate more power than you use. We have only got 3.3kW on our small unit but that generates more KW than we use in a year including space heating. What’s stopping you?
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