Anglican Parish of Bega in Bega, New South Wales | Community organisation
Anglican Parish of Bega
Locality: Bega, New South Wales
Phone: +61 2 6492 5555
Address: 12 Church Street 2550 Bega, NSW, Australia
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24.01.2022 Welcome to Friday Morning Prayer as we remember ‘The Chronicles of Narnia’ by British author C. S. Lewis. Originally published in London between 1950 and 1956, Narnia is a fantasy world of magic, mythical beasts, and talking animals. It narrates the adventures of various children who play central roles in the unfolding history of the Narnian world. Except in The Horse and His Boy, the protagonists are all children from the real world who are magically transported to Narnia,... where they are sometimes called upon by the lion Aslan to protect Narnia from evil. The books span the entire history of Narnia, from its creation in The Magician's Nephew to its eventual destruction in The Last Battle. The character Aslan is widely accepted by literary academia as being based on Jesus Christ. The Chronicles have a large Christian following, and are widely used to promote Christian ideals of courage, wisdom, right choices and loyalty. But, first, remember, remember, remember the signs. Say them to yourself when you wake in the morning and when you lie down at night, and when you wake in the middle of the night. And whatever strange things may happen to you, let nothing turn your mind from following the signs. . . Nothing else matters. C.S. Lewis [The Silver Chair] Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalm 68.1-20 Mark 3.7-19a Music: There's A Place For Us - The Chronicles of Narnia
24.01.2022 Welcome to Friday Morning Prayer on 30th October. Today we reflect on the theme of vineyards in Matthew 20.1-16. Mentioned more than any other plant in the entire Bible, the grape vine was very important culturally and economically in biblical times. Because of its centrality in everyday life, it is often used symbolically in Scripture. A fruitful vine was a symbol of obedient Israel, while wild grapes or an empty vine spoke of Israel’s disobedience (Jer 2:21). This woody vin...e is only cultivated with effort and hard work. Isaiah 5:1-8 records part of the process. Typically grown on a hill, a vineyard needed to be cleared of many stones which are common in Israel. Only then could vines be planted. A wall or hedge built around the vineyard, along with a watch tower, kept thieves at bay. The plant requires pruning in order to bear fruit (John 15:1-2). Colton writes about the disadvantage of envy; The benevolent have the advantage of the envious, even in this present life; for the envious is tormented not only by all the ill that befalls himself, but by all the good that happens to another; whereas the benevolent man is the better prepared to bear his own calamities unruffled, from the complacency and serenity he has secured from contemplating the prosperity of all around him. (Colton.) With every blessing, Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalms 148; 149 Matthew 20.1-16 Music: THE MALAYSIA BLESSING | 120 singers sing 'The Blessing' in Malaysia
24.01.2022 Welcome to morning prayer as we remember the life and faith of Alfred the Great (848 899). Alfred was the youngest son of King Æthelwulf of Wessex. His father died when he was young, and three of Alfred's brothers, Æthelbald, Æthelberht and Æthelred, reigned in turn before him. After ascending the throne, Alfred spent several years fighting Viking invasions. He won a decisive victory in the Battle of Edington in 878 and made an agreement with the Vikings, creating what was ...known as the Danelaw in the North of England. Alfred also oversaw the conversion of Viking leader Guthrum to Christianity. He defended his kingdom against the Viking attempt at conquest, becoming the dominant ruler in England. Alfred had a reputation as a learned and merciful man of a gracious and level-headed nature who encouraged education, proposing that primary education be conducted in Old English rather than Latin and improving the legal system and military structure and his people's quality of life. He was given the epithet "the Great" during and after the Reformation in the 16th century, and together with Danish Cnut the Great, is the only king of England to be given such a name. May God kindle in us a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline, Amen. Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalms 137.1-6; 138 Matthew 18.1-14 For a cinematic depiction of Viking conversions you may like to watch: Background music: Bryd One Brere (Subtitles) Anglo-Saxon Lyre & Voice - Brian Kay
22.01.2022 Welcome to Monday morning prayer as we remember the Holy Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Holy Cross Day is now most commonly observed for remembering and reflecting on the way Jesus died and on the cross as the primary Christian symbol. This form of execution used by the Romans was taken from the Phoenicians and Persians. It was a way of punishing slaves and foreigners for robbery, rioting and sedition. They were a common sight in Palestine during the Roman period, implying p...ublic degradation and a lingering death by thirst and exhaustion. This death to the Jewish people implied a curse; ‘Anyone hung on a tree is under God’s curse’ (Deut 21.23, cf Gal 3.13) The early church did not use the cross as a sign or symbol, preferring to live in the triumph of Easter. Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans in 135CE and later rebuilt as a new city, Aelia Capitolina and the hill of Calvary was buried under tonnes of fill. Then in the fourth century, Constantine came to power and his mother, Helena travelled to Jerusalem, discovering in the rubble a piece of wood that she identified as a relic of the true cross. She built a magnificent basilica, the Church of the Holy Sephulchre over the site attracting pilgrims who came to Palestine to revere sites and things associated with Jesus. May we be granted the grace to take up our cross daily and follow him, Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalm 98 Philippians 2.5-11 Background music: Lift High the Cross
22.01.2022 Welcome to Thursday Morning Prayer as we remember Teresa of Avila (1515 1582), teacher and mystic. Teresa was born into an aristocratic Spanish family in 1515. Following her mother's death, she was educated by Augustinian nuns and then ran away from home to enter a Carmelite convent when she was twenty. After initial difficulties in prayer, her intense mystical experiences attracted many disciples. She was inspired to reform the Carmelite rule and, assisted by St John of th...e Cross, she travelled throughout Spain founding many new religious houses for men as well as women. Her writings about her own spiritual life and progress in prayer towards union with God include The Way of Perfection and The Interior Castle, which are still acclaimed. She knew great physical suffering and died of exhaustion on 4 October 1582. Let nothing trouble you, let nothing make you afraid. All things pass away. God never changes. Patience obtains everything. God alone is enough. Saint Teresa of Avila Readings: Psalm 104.1-25 Matthew 13.44-58 Background music: Virtutes Instrumenti & Virtutes Voci (11th Century Sacred Music arr. Kevin MacLeod)
22.01.2022 Welcome to prayer today as we remember St Hilda of Whitby, abbess (614 680). The ruins of Whitby Abbey, in England, was founded by St. Hilda, as a centre of learning, a double monastery with women and men who lived there coming together for daily prayers. Kings, bishops and commoners alike visited her to get advice and spiritual wisdom. Hilda was an orphan who had become a member of the household of her great uncle, King Edwin of Northumbria. At age 13 she was baptised with his household at Easter, 627. The ceremony was performed by the monk-bishop Paulinus, who had come from Rome to Canterbury with St Augustine. About 20 years later, Hilda was planning to join her sister as a nun at the monastery of Chelles in Paris, when St Aidan of Lindisfarne, persuaded her not to leave Britain. He gave her land on which to start her own monastery and later appointed her abbess of Hartlepool. Sometime later King Oswiu of Northumbria charged Hilda with educating his daughter and gave her the land on which she founded a double-monastery at Whitby. This comprised two communities one male and one female living separately but gathered together for chanting the office. This was not uncommon in Celtic monasticism. Hilda was a wise spiritual director. She established a library and theological school and set a high standard of holiness and charity. Five of her students became bishops, two of whom John of Beverley and Wilfred of York are honoured as saints. Among her disciples was the cowherd Caedmon, who became a monk and teacher at the monastery and composed poems set to music. Bede says of her monastery: No one there was rich or poor, for everything was held in common and none possessed any personal property. The prestige of Whitby is reflected in the fact that King Oswiu chose it as the host location for the famous synod in 664 to resolve the differences between the Celtic and Roman models of Church. While Hilda herself would have preferred the Celtic practices, she accepted the Synod’s decision to implement Roman practice. The monks of Lindisfarne, by contrast, could not accept the decision; they withdrew, first to Iona and later to Ireland. She was advisor to kings, saints, and ordinary folk. Her abbey was destroyed by the Danish invaders in 867. After the Norman conquest of England, monks from Evesham re-founded the abbey as a Benedictine house for men and it continued until the dissolution of the monasteries by King Henry VIII in 1539. The ruined remains of the abbey is a landmark for sailors on top of the sea cliff. Readings: Psalm 40 Matthew 25.1-13 Music: Marram (Northumbrian Pipes set to Anglo-Saxon imagery)
21.01.2022 Welcome to Morning Prayer as we remember the tradition of All Souls Day. Around 1000 AD a French abbot initiated a commemoration of all believers on the day following All Saints Day. All Souls Day (November 2) is a time when we particularly remember those who have died. The prayers appointed for that day remind us that we are joined with the Communion of Saints, that great group of Christians who have finished their earthly life and with who we share the hope of resurrectio...n from the dead. May we serve our Lord faithfully here on earth, and in heaven rejoice with all the saints who ceaselessly proclaim God’s glory, Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalm 90 Romans 6.3-9 Music: For All The Saints (OCP Spirit and Song arrangement)
20.01.2022 Welcome to Friday morning prayer as we celebrate the life of John Ramsden Wollaston, priest and missionary of WA (1791 - 1856). Born and educated in London England, Wollaston, at almost 50 years of age, arrived at Astralind near Bunbury, WA in 1840, with his wife, Mary and 5 of his 7 children. He found the promised position and stipend of a clergyman was no longer existing, so he bought his own land and built his own daub and wattle church with his sons help near Preston Rive...r (now St Mark’s). He described this day in his diary as being the 'most important event of his life'. In October 1842 he was gazetted as a Colonial Chaplain and began to receive a stipend of 100 per annum - he had not been eligible prior to this because there was no church building in which he could officiate. He stayed in the district, living at Picton from 1841-43 and in Bunbury 1843-48, pioneering the church’s work there, until Sunday 9 July 1848 when he became the first resident priest at Albany. Such enterprise was remarkable in a newly arrived English clergyman, no longer young and not by temperament readily adaptable to life in a pioneering society. It contrasted with the apathy and neglect which had tended to characterize the Anglican community and early in 1849, aged 58, he was appointed archdeacon of Western Australia. He discharged his duties ably and zealously until his death 7 years later. During these years Wollaston covered many hundreds of miles on horseback including five visitations throughout the settled areas of the colony the last one contributing to his death. Through his own efficiency and the good relations he developed with the government, Wollaston successfully worked to increase the number of Anglican clergy from five to ten, and improve the regularity of services in the colony's major centres. By the passing of an Act in 1853 drafted by Wollaston, each incumbent was assured a dwelling place, garden and glebe, provided for by trustees elected by the parishioners in each parish. Wollaston also established a successful Anglican mission to Western Australian Aboriginals at Albany in 1851. Diffident, pessimistic, and often censorious of his colleagues, Wollaston yet proved outstandingly effective in strengthening the framework of the infant church in Western Australia. His journals reveal a man whose qualities of humility, common sense and devoted perseverance enabled him to give purpose and order to a very isolated branch of the Anglican communion. The Church of England in Western Australia in 1957 commemorated his name in a theological college, a suburb of Bunbury and an Anglican Community School. May we too show such humility, common sense and perseverance in our calling to serve in God’s kingdom where ever we are. Rev’d Mandy. Readings: Psalms 41; 44.1-9 Matthew 5.43-6.4 Background music: And Can it be That I should Gain
20.01.2022 Welcome to Tuesday Morning Prayer. Today we listen to the work of Nobuyuki Tsujii, a Japanese pianist and composer. He was born blind and his exceptional musical talent has propelled him to become a world renowned artist. In our prayers we remember the joy of loving touch as we see affection shared in the animal kingdom. The Blessing of the Animals on Sunday reminded us of the way animals bless us by their unconditional love. With peace and grace,... Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalm 140 Matthew 18.15-35 Background music: Nobuyuki Tsujii: Elegy for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami
20.01.2022 Welcome to Wednesday morning prayer as we remember the life of James Noble (1876?-1941), Aboriginal clergyman. James was reputedly born in 1876 near Boulia, North Queensland, of parents from Normanton. In the early 1890s he was a stockman for the Doyle brothers at Riversleigh on the Gregory River, and was taken south to Invermien, their station near Scone, New South Wales. Having asked to stay in the district and receive some education, Noble was given private lessons in the ...evenings. He was baptized at St Luke's, Scone, on 1 July 1895 and confirmed six days later. Suffering from poor health, Noble left to work for Canon Edwards, of Hughenden, Queensland, and after 1896 for (Rev.) E. R. Gribble (1869-1957), son of Rev. J. B. Gribble, at Yarrabah, an Anglican mission near Cairns. Noble rapidly became indispensable to Gribble's missionary endeavours, and on 11 October 1901 was licensed as a lay reader in St John's parish, Cairns. In 1904 he helped to resettle at Yarrabah some hundred Aborigines from Fraser Island. He married Angelina (c.1879-1964), a part-Aborigine from Winton, abducted by a horse-dealer who, to avoid the authorities, had dressed her in men's clothing and called her Tommy. Noticed by police at Cairns, she had been sent to Yarrabah where she did well at the mission school. In 1904, as Noble's wife, Angelina accompanied an expedition to the Mitchell River, to help to choose a mission site. For more of his fascinating story please see - May we follow the good of his example and grow into the fullness of the stature of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalms 62; 63 Mark 2.1-17 Music: Aboriginal Our Father
19.01.2022 Welcome to Thursday Morning Prayer as we remember Charles Borromeo (1538 1584) Archbishop of Milan from 1564 to 1584. Charles was responsible for significant reforms in the Catholic Church, including the founding of seminaries for the education of priests. His feast day is celebrated on November 4. Charles was a member of a noble family and a nephew of Pope Pius IV, however, he sacrificed wealth, high honours, esteem, and influe...nce to become poor. He was made a Cardinal at the age of 23 and assisted the Pope in administering the affairs of the Holy See and in governing the Church. Soon thereafter he was made Archbishop of Milan. His endeavours on behalf of the 19th Ecumenical Council of Trent (1545-1564) were especially fruitful as he helped to direct and guide it and bring it to a successful conclusion. He then proceeded to enforce its decrees in the Archdiocese of Milan and thoroughly reformed Catholic life in his See. He allotted most of his income to charity, forbade himself all luxury, and imposed severe penances upon himself. During the plague and famine of 1576, he walked barefooted in the public streets, carrying a cross, with a rope around his neck, offering himself as a victim to God for the transgressions of his people. Whereas the civil authorities fled at the height of the plague, he stayed in the city, where he ministered to the sick and the dying, helping those in want. During the plague Borromeo tried to feed 60,000 to 70,000 people daily. To do this he borrowed large sums of money that required years to repay. Saint Charles Borromeo made his own the words of Christ: I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me (Matthew 25:35-36). Borromeo saw Christ in his neighbour, and knew that charity done for the least of his flock was charity done for Christ. May we endeavour to do likewise, Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalms 15, 16 Matthew 21,33-46 Music: Philip Glass - String Quartet No. 3 "Mishima" , VI Music: Philip Glass - String Quartet No. 3 "Mishima" , VI
19.01.2022 Welcome to Monday Morning Prayer we live in a wonderful world! ‘Generous God, whose hand is open to fill all things living with plenteousness: make us ever thankful for your goodness,... and grant that we, remembering the account that we must one day give, may be faithful stewards of your bounty; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.’ With blessings, Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalms 82; 84 Matthew 11.1-11 Background music: What A Wonderful World With David Attenborough -- BBC One [FULL HD]
19.01.2022 Welcome to Saturday morning prayer on 10th October as we remember St Aubert of Mont Saint Michel, France. Aubert lived in France during the reign of Childebert III (695-711) and died about 720. He was born of a noble family from Genetas, Normandy and received an extensive education. When the See of Avranches became vacant, Aubert, known for his wisdom and piety, was chosen bishop. The Legend of Saint Aubert's dream.... In 708 Aubert had a vision in which the Archangel Michael instructed him to build an oratory on the rocky tidal island at the mouth of the Couesnon River in Normandy. Aubert did not pay attention to this vision at first, doubting it was a true vision. The archangel appeared a second time, but still Aubert hesitated, lest this be a demonic manifestation. At last in exasperation Michael appeared to him again, this time poking him in his head and ordering him to complete the task. Where the archangel touched him, Aubert was left with a hole in his skull. After this the oratory was built. (It is more generally believed nowadays that the skull is in fact a prehistoric relic showing evidence of trepanation.) The oratory was dedicated on 16 October 709. Here he at first established canons; then the Benedictines. It soon became a place of pilgrimage allowing for the gradual expansion and building of what is now the beautiful Abby of Mont Saint Michel. Let us pray for all bishops and leaders of the church to faithfully follow the call of God in their lives. Blessings, Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalms 92; 93 Matthew 12.38-50 Background music: Mont Saint Michel from a drone.
18.01.2022 Welcome to Tuesday Morning Prayer. In many places nearby it has been raining, and for that we give thanks to God for such great mercy. May your day be filled with awareness of God’s peace and goodness. Rev’d Mandy... Readings: Psalm 51 Matthew 6.25-7.5 Background music: Lord, have mercy - Michael W Smith & Amy Grant
18.01.2022 Welcome to Thursday morning prayer on this first day of October as we remember the life of Thérèse of Lisieux (1873 1897). Thérèse was a young French Carmelite nun popularly known as "The Little Flower of Jesus". Born to wealthy devout Catholic parents, she became a nun at the age of 15, and joined two of her older sisters in the cloistered Carmelite community of Lisieux, Normandy. Another sister, Céline, also later joined the order (with her camera!). Theresa felt that she... remained small and very far off from the unfailing love of Jesus that she wished to practice, however she understood that it was from this position of insignificance that she had to learn to ask God's help. She found a passage from Proverbs that struck her with particular force: "Whosoever is a little one, let him come to me." (Proverbs 9.4). She wrote, ‘Love proves itself by deeds, so how am I to show my love? Great deeds are forbidden me. The only way I can prove my love is by scattering flowers and these flowers are every little sacrifice, every glance and word, and the doing of the least actions for love.’ ‘To the right and to the left, I throw to my little birds the good grain that God places in my hands. And then I let things take their course! I busy myself with it no more. Sometimes, it's just as though I had thrown nothing; at other times, it does some good. But God tells me: 'Give, give always, without being concerned with the results'. The little way of Therese thus became the foundation of her spirituality. After nine years as a Carmelite religious, she spent her last eighteen months in Carmel suffering a dark night of the soul. Thérèse died at the age of 24, from tuberculosis. Together with Francis of Assisi, she is one of the most popular saints in the history of the Catholic church because of the simplicity and practicality of her approach to the spiritual life. May we see God’s love revealed in those who are humble and in the little ones, and so be led to see Jesus in them. Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalm 74 Matthew 7.24-8.4 Background Music: Nuns Of Avignon - Tract Commovisti
18.01.2022 Welcome to the feast day of Martin Luther (1483 - 1546) and the Continental Reformers. In 2017, churches around the world celebrated the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther nailing his 95 theses to the Wittenberg Church door in 1517, signalling the beginning of the Protestant Reformation. There are too many reformers to be named here and too many reformation groups who formed after him. However, if you could say there was one prayer that would have been agreed on by all, it... would have sounded like this: ‘Lord, help me to change. Keep me from being conformed to the world but to be transformed in a way that honours you. May my life glorify you alone. Amen.’ Here is a very short bio of three major lives if you would like to do more research please see: A Reformation Primer 1. Martin Luther (1483-1546) was a German professor of theology, priest, author, composer, Augustinian monk, and a seminal figure in the Reformation. Luther was ordained to the priesthood in 1507. He came to reject several teachings and practices of the Roman Catholic Church; in particular, he disputed the view on indulgences. 2. John Calvin (1509 - 1564) A second-generation reformer, John Calvin was a French theologian who would forward the Protestant movement of the time and become the father of Calvinism. Influenced by Luther’s writings, Calvin focused on finding common ground between Luther and Ulrich Zwingli. 3. Philipp Melanchthon, (1497-1560) a novice Greek professor at the University of Wittenberg, quickly grew into a gentle giant of the reform movement after he met Luther. His vital contribution to the Reformation was to systematize Luther’s ideas, defend them in public, and make this theology the basis of religious education. He wrote the following hymn, ‘Lord Jesus Christ, with us abide’ (see link below). Lord Jesus Christ, with us abide, For round us falls the eventide. O let Your Word, that saving light, Shine forth undimmed into the night. In these last days of great distress Grant us, dear Lord, true steadfastness That we keep pure till life is spent Your holy Word and Sacrament. To hope grown dim, to hearts turned cold Speak tongues of fire and make us bold To shine Your Word of saving grace Into each dark and loveless place. Restrain, O Lord, the human pride That seeks to thrust Your truth aside Or with some man-made thoughts or things Would dim the words Your Spirit sings. Stay with us, Lord, and keep us true; Preserve our faith our whole life through -- Your Word alone our heart's defense, The Church's glorious confidence. Readings: Psalm 83.1-18 Matthew 20.17-34 Music: Ach Bleib Bei Uns / Lord Jesus Christ, With Us Abide
18.01.2022 Welcome to Wednesday Morning Prayer as we remember the life of St Ninian, first British missionary to the Picts of Cumberland and southern Scotland. The exact dates of Ninian’s life are uncertain. According to Bede, Ninian received instruction in Christianity in Rome and became Bishop probably in 394. He was first of many British missionaries, including Patrick, Columba, Aidan, Willibrord and Boniface. He established a monastery at Whithorn, (White House), building it in whit...ewashed stone which was unusual among the Britons. It became an important centre of learning for the church in Wales and Ireland. Ninian died about 432 less than a decade after the departure of the last of the Roman legions from Britain and is buried at Whithorn. God of great and marvellous ideas, may we, like Ninian, who went out to convert the Scots, set ourselves goals which are a worthy offering to you. Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalm 38 Matthew 5.13-26 Background music: Amhrán na Leabhar (Song of the Books)
17.01.2022 Welcome to Monday Morning Prayer, 28th September. Yesterday we remembered the Martyrs of Melanesia, Christians held in honour in the South Pacific. In 2003, a story shook the Anglican world in general and Anglican monastic life in particular. On August 8th, seven members of The Melanesian Brotherhood, an Anglican order of Christian brothers living a simple and prayerful life and known for their peace work throughout the South Pacific and beyond, were brutally murdered as a ...result of ethnic conflict in the Solomon Islands. They had been taken hostage five months earlier. They were not the first martyrs who gave their lives in this difficult and often dangerous area. The best known is John Coleridge Patterson, the first bishop of Melanesia in 1867 but there were many more local islanders, Australians, New Zealanders and Norfolk Islanders to who have died from accident, misadventure, illness and hostility, honoured by the church for their witness of Christian faith in these beautiful islands. The Melanesian Brothers are the largest Anglican religious community in the world, whose 400-plus members take vows of poverty, chastity and obedience for three to seven years, after which many return to their villages. The Brotherhood has houses in the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea and the Philippines. May we too shine brightly in the darkness with the unfading light of Christ in our lives, Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalm 71 Matthew 9.1-13 Background music: Melanesian Brotherhood - The Creed (We Believe)
16.01.2022 Welcome and thank you for joining us today in prayer. ‘Prayer delights God's ear; it melts His heart; and opens His hand. God cannot deny a praying soul.’ - Thomas Watson May your day be blessed, Rev’d Mandy... Readings: Psalm 145 Matthew 19.16-30 Background music: Iona - Edge of the World
16.01.2022 Welcome to morning prayer as we remember Hildegard of Bingen (1098 1179), German abbess, visionary mystic, theologian and reformer, artist, scientist and composer. Hildegard was born to noble parents in Böckelheim, West Franconia (Germany). She was a sickly child but was able to receive an education at a nearby Benedictine cloister. She experienced her first of many prophetic and mystical visions at a young age and joined the nuns at age 15. She is celebrated for her holi...stic theology of divine wisdom, uniting God, nature and humanity; for her brilliant visionary language and liturgical poetry and for the combination of charismatic jubilation with prophetic longing for social order and social justice. St. Hildegard is one of the few prominent women in medieval church history, who wrote and illustrated books about her visions, natural history and herbal medicine, and the causes and cures of illnesses. She is considered by many to be a patron saint of musicians and writers. May God inspire us all with imagination and integrity till the knowledge of Christ Jesus is declared in every corner of the world. Rev’d Mandy. Readings: Psalm 40 Matthew 5.27-42 Background music: Hildegard von BINGEN - Ave generosa
16.01.2022 Welcome to morning prayer for Saturday as we remember the courage of Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage, Martyr (for 13th Sept) Thascius Cyprian was born about the year 200 and for much of his life was a teacher and a lawyer. At the age of about 46 he was converted to Christianity through his friendship with an aged priest. A wealthy man, he sold his properties and gave his money to the poor and set himself to intensive study of Scripture. ... Within two years of his conversion he was elected Bishop of Carthage. With the threat of persecution and almost certain martyrdom, Cyprian chose to go into hiding and directed the church by correspondence, returning in 251. On his return he was faced with the controversy about how Christians who had lapsed during the persecution might be able to be reinstated. He argued for reconciliation after contrition and repentance, and wrote extensively about many matters of faith, giving clear leadership in troubled times. Emperor Valerian renewed the persecution of the church in 257. Cyprian was sentenced to death for refusing to sacrifice to the Roman gods. At the place of execution, where a great crowd of Christians and pagans gathered, he lay aside his outer garments, made a gift of them to the executioner, knelt in prayer and was beheaded. It is a bad world, Donatus, an incredibly bad world. But I have discovered in the midst of it a quiet and good people who have learned the great secret of life. They have found a joy and wisdom which is a thousand times better than any of the pleasures of our sinful life. They are despised and persecuted, but they care not. They are masters of their souls. They have overcome the world. These people, Donatus, are Christians. . . and I am one of them. Cyprian May we always be true to our calling, generous and faithful, courageous of heart and unashamed of our Lord and Saviour. Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalm 33 Acts 28.27-31 Background music: Kabarnos - Prayer of Healing
15.01.2022 Welcome to Wednesday Morning Prayer as we remember Frances Perry, founder of the Royal Women’s Hospital, Melbourne (d. 1892) Frances (‘Fanny’) Perry came from England in 1848 as the wife of Charles Perry, first Bishop of Melbourne. As one historian has explained, this effectively meant that the diocese got ‘two workers for the price of one’, with Frances Perry not only exemplifying the role of helpmeet and arbiter of morality but contributing substantially to the establishmen...t of essential social services. She was tireless in supporting his ministry, travelling extensively with him to establish and build up churches across Victoria. Her initiatives in caring for women and children in the new colony led to the establishment of what is now the Royal Women’s Hospital, whose Frances Perry House perpetuates her memory. During the twenty-eight years they lived in Australia she was said to be an inseparable companion and helper to Charles and to have barely spent a day apart from him. May we too be tireless in our ministries, in loving and caring for the powerless and those in need, Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalm 77 Mark 5.1-20 Music: Sleepsong ~ Lullaby from a Secret Garden
15.01.2022 John Oliver Feetham, a young English priest, in 1907 responded to the call to minister in Australia’s outback, initially in western NSW. He soon found himself leading the Brotherhood of the Good Shepherd, and in 1912 was elected Bishop of North Queensland. Colourful and eccentric, for over 35 years Feetham traversed his huge diocese in ‘Ermintrude’, an old Ford encouraging others with his enthusiasm and personality. Much loved by his clergy, he fostered Christian faith thro...ugh the schools he founded, and is remembered across Queensland as a pioneer of the gospel. May our leaders guide us with integrity, enthusiasm and wisdom as good shepherds faithfully following the example of Christ out Saviour. Grace and peace, Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalm 37.1-17 Matthew 4.23-5.12 Background music: O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing (Hymn with words and music) - Charles Wesley
15.01.2022 Welcome to Friday morning prayer as we enjoy the beauty and skill of botanical art. Botanical illustration is the art of depicting the form, colour, and details of plant species, frequently in watercolour paintings. They must be scientifically accurate but often also have an artistic component. Recently a renaissance has been occurring in botanical art and illustration. The reasons for this resurgence are many. In addition to the need for clear scientific illustration, bota...nical depictions continue to be one of the most popular forms of decorative art. There is an increasing interest in the changes occurring in the natural world, and in the central role plants play in maintaining healthy ecosystems. A sense of urgency has developed in recording today's changing plant life for future generations. A blessing for artists - Elohim, You are the great I Am who spoke the universe into existence. The power of spoken word painted the sky and brought forth light. Your finger molded the mountains and beat the drum of ocean rhythms. . . . Spirit, may Your essence, Your very Presence moves our being. Spirit, will you constantly burn away anything that clouds our ability to see clearly those images you are calling out of our deep, that speak of things that have come and are yet to be. A prayer by Kristin Potler from Grace, peace and every good to you, Rev’d Mandy Readings Psalm 48 Mark 1.1-13 Music: Trail of the Angels - Bamboo Flute Chinese Music
14.01.2022 Welcome to Wednesday morning prayer. James Tissot (1836 1902), was a French painter and illustrator. He was a successful painter of Paris society before moving to London in 1871. He became famous as a genre painter of fashionably dressed women shown in various scenes of everyday life. He also painted touchingly beautiful scenes and characters from the Bible. (My personal favourite is on the 21st slide.) Please join me in praying the prayer of the week . . . Rev’d Mandy God ...our Father, whose will it is to bring all things to order and unity in our Lord Jesus Christ: may all the peoples of the world, now divided and torn apart by sin, be brought together under his sovereign rule of love: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Readings: Psalms 11; 12 Matthew 21.23-32 Music: Libera, Far away
14.01.2022 Welcome to Saturday morning prayer the eve of the celebration of St Francis - Francis was born in Assisi in central Italy 1181-2. His father, a cloth merchant had expected that he would continue the family business. Francis, however, having been imprisoned following capture whilst at war with the local city of Perugia, returned a changed man and took to caring for disused churches and for the poor, particularly those suffering from leprosy. Whilst praying in the semi-dere...lict church of St Damian, he distinctly heard the words: "Go and repair my church, which you see is falling down." Others joined him and he prepared a simple, gospel-based Rule for them all to live by. Clare of Assisi joined him in 1212, and established the Order of Poor Ladies for women, this became the Second Franciscan Order, now known as Poor Clares. For those who could not leave their homes, he later formed the Third Order of Brothers and Sisters of Penance. Composed of either laity or clergy, its members neither withdrew from the world nor took religious vows. Instead, they observed the principles of Franciscan life in their daily lives. As the Orders grew, they witnessed to Christ through preaching the gospel of repentance, emphasising the poverty of Christ as an example for his followers. Two years before his death, his life being so closely linked with that of his crucified Saviour, he received the Stigmata, the marks of the wounds of Christ, on his body. At his death, on the evening of 3 October 1226, his Order had spread throughout western Christendom. May we also be instruments of God’s peace in the world, Rev’d Mandy NOTES: 4th Oct - REMIMDER - DAYLIGHT SAVINGS BEGINS TOMORROW - clocks spring forward! We will be having a Blessing of the Animals at All Saints’ Bodalla on Sunday 25th October. Please bring your pets along and let your friends and neighbours know. RSVP Mandy 0401 670 132. Readings: Psalm 78.16-38 Matthew 10.28-42 Background music: Brother Sun and Sister Moon
13.01.2022 Welcome to Thursday morning prayer. Most of the images presented in our prayers this morning are from mosaics handmade in Palanka, Serbia, by artist Milan Pilipovi. Milan’s first contact with mosaics was around 2000 when, searching for the purpose of art, as many other artists do, the Icon created by mosaic technique appeared as a the way to give an answer not only to the purpose of art, but of Life as well. Milan now creates mosaics in the Byzantine style for Churches (flo...or and wall mosaics), contemporary mosaics for home settings and designs for floors. Mosaics are created using different materials such as glass (smalti), gold and colourful stones gathered from different locations all around the world. Having a solid experience with visual computer programs permits him to present previews of his work on the screen before materializing them. You can see more of his wonderful creations here; O God of creation, Bless the creators, who by their gifts make the world a more joyful and beautiful realm. Through their labours they teach us to see more clearly the truth around us. In their inspiration they call forth wonder and awe in our own living. In their hope and vision they remind us that life is holy. Pour your Spirit upon them that their hearts may sing and their works reflect your glory. Amen. With every blessing, Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalms 56; 57 Matthew 7.24-8.4 Background music: Иисусова молитва|Духовная музыка|Арт-группа LARGO
13.01.2022 In the church year today, on the 23rd October, we remember James of Jerusalem, brother of our Lord, martyr (d.c. 62). We read about him in several places in the gospels and letters of the Bible, including; Mark 6:3 Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not his sisters here with us? Galatians 1:19, where Paul wrote; but I did not see any other apostle except James the Lord's brother.... James, however, did not believe in Jesus until after His resurrection, when, after becoming a Christian, he was elevated to a position of leadership within the earliest Christian community. According to the historian Josephus, James was martyred in AD 62 by being stoned to death by the Sadducees. There are three men in the New Testament, closely associated with Jesus of Nazareth, who are called by the name of James. These are: James, the son of Zebedee, James the Less and James, the half-brother of Jesus. Adding to the confusion, James’ name is associated with the Epistle in the New Testament. This letter attributed to James is one of my favourites, exhorting the reader to remain steadfast in the one true faith, even in the face of suffering and temptation, and to live by faith the life that is in Christ Jesus. Such a faith is a busy and active thing, which never ceases to do good, to confess the Gospel by words and actions, and to stake its life, both now and forever, in the cross. May we remember James’ love for the believers in Jerusalem and continue to pray for peace in that city today, Rev’d Mandy. Readings: Psalms 124; 125; 126 Matthew 17.1-13 Background music: The Blessing in Hebrew. Ha Bracha by Joshua Aaron in Jerusalem.
13.01.2022 Welcome to Morning Prayer for Tuesday 3rd November. Today is the Feast Day of Richard Hooker (1554 1600), who lived toward the end of the reign of Elizabeth I in England, and is reputed to be the founder of the Anglican theology of comprehensiveness and tolerance. A man who loved the word of God and defined and defended the Anglican approach to Scripture, the "middle way" between Puritans and Catholics, Hooker was the "originator of what was later called 'the three legg...ed stool' in which Anglicans embrace the use of tradition from our forebears in faith, study of scripture and the application of reason to determine how faith is to be applied now." May we also maintain that middle way, not as a compromise for the sake of peace, but as a comprehension for the sake of truth, Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalm 9 Matthew 21.14-22 Music: Green Sleeves
12.01.2022 Welcome to Friday morning prayer as we remember the patron saint of Paris, Saint Denis. St. Denis (alternatively spelt Denys) is the patron of France, where he preached the Gospel, and in whose capital city he suffered martyrdom. Denis was born and raised in the early third century in Italy. Pope St. Clement sent Denys and five other bishops as missionaries to France. He made his base of missionary activity on an island (Île de la Cité) in the Seine near the city of Luteti...a Parisorium, which eventually become the city of Paris. About 250 AD, with a growing number of conversions led to his arrest and he was martyred on Montmartre hill, by beheading. Shortly after, his grave became a shrine and a pilgrimage centre, with the building of the Abbey of Saint Denis, and the settlement was renamed Saint-Denis. Many of the photos are taken from the Basilica of St Denis, Paris. May we learn from his example to reject the power and wealth of this world and to brave all earthly trials. Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalm 89.39-53 Matthew 12.22-37 Background music: French Church Music played on a five chord zither
12.01.2022 Welcome to Saturday Morning Prayer, as we remember Ignatius of Antioch (died c. 107). Antioch on the Orontes was an ancient Greek city on the eastern side of the Orontes River. Its ruins lie near the current city of Antakya, Turkey, to which the ancient city lends its name. In Roman times, Antioch was the principal city of the Roman Province of Syria, and the fourth largest city of the Roman Empire, after Rome, Ephesus and Alexandria. The church in Antioch was the first to be... called "Christian," according to Acts. Ignatius of Antioch, also known as Ignatius Theophorus ("the God-bearing") counted as the third bishop of the city and was a prominent apostolic father. Tradition alludes to Ignatius being thrown to the beasts, at the Colosseum in Rome. While en route to Rome, Ignatius wrote a series of letters. This correspondence now forms a central part of a later collection of works known to be authored by the Apostolic Fathers. He is considered to be one of the three most important of these, together with Clement of Rome and Polycarp. His letters also serve as an example of early Christian theology. Important topics they address include ecclesiology, the sacraments, and the role of bishops. I offer my life's breath for the sake of the Cross, which is a stumbling block to the unbelievers, but to us it is salvation and eternal life. St. Ignatius of Antioch, Epistle to the Ephesians Be strong in the Lord dear sisters and brothers, and in his mighty power, Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalm 106.1-24 Matthew 14.22-36 Background music: Gladsome Light
12.01.2022 Welcome to Saturday Morning Prayer as we enjoy all things bright and beautiful, made by our Lord. Every creature proclaims the glory of its Creator, worships through colour, shape, scent and form. A multi-sensory song of praise.... Creator God, may we join with the whole of your creation, in praising you, our Creator, through the fragrance and melody of our lives. Amen Rev’d Mandy Readings Psalm 71 Mark 3.19b-35 Music: All things bright and beautiful John Rutter
12.01.2022 Welcome to morning prayer today. The first picture in our prayer video is the morning star which appears in the sky before the sun rises at daybreak. Paul wrote The night is nearly over; the day is almost here (Rom. 13:12). Jesus Christ is described as the ‘morning star’ in 2 Peter 1:19 and in Revelation 2:28, and He identifies Himself as ‘the bright morning star’ in Revelation 22:16. The name emphasises the celestial or heavenly nature of the coming Messiah (cf. Num. 24...:17; Mal. 4:2) and also signifies the coming resurrection of the righteous. Just as the morning star breaks forth from the darkness of night, so the Lord’s people will break out of the darkness of the grave in royal splendour with Christ. There is a sense in which we are with Christ now (Mt 18:20; 26:29; 28:20,;Col. 1.13), but there is a more exalted state in which we will be with him ultimately (Phil. 1:23; 2 Cor. 5:8;Pet. 1:11). We enjoy salvation presently (Mk. 16:16), but there is a greater dimension a heavenly salvation to be received at death (2 Tim. 4:18). A prayer by the Venerable Bede: O Christ, our Morning Star, Splendour of Light Eternal, shining with the glory of the rainbow, come and waken us from the greyness of our apathy, and renew in us your gift of hope. Amen. Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalm 77 Matthew 10.16-27 Background music: Jackie Evancho - The Lord's Prayer (from Dream With Me In Concert)
12.01.2022 Welcome to Wednesday morning prayer as we lift our hearts in joy and sing ‘Glory be to God! Hallelujah!’ Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalms 54; 55.1-12... Matthew 7.6-23 Background music: Hallelujah Vision Children's Choir
11.01.2022 Welcome to the gateway of a new day. Let us pray together and see what the Lord will bring. Blessed be God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as in the beginning, so now and forever. Amen. Blessings of goodness and peace be with you, Rev’d Mandy... Readings: Psalms 41; 44.1-9 Matthew 25.14-30 Music: J.S. Bach on 8-string guitar. Adagio and Fuga BWV 1003
11.01.2022 Welcome to prayer this morning as we acknowledge the work and faith of Mother Esther, founder of the Community of the Holy Name in Melbourne. The origins of Anglicare can be traced back to the community care provided by the Anglican Church across rural NSW over 150 years ago. But the true beginnings of Anglicare were founded upon the legacy of Mother Esther who established the Community of the Holy Name in Melbourne in 1888. For more than 50 years the Community operated soup ...kitchens, mother’s groups, children’s homes and hospitals in Victoria. In 1929, a new residential home for girls was purchased by the Anglican Church of Goulburn and run by two sisters from the Community of the Holy Name. This was the beginnings of Anglicare NSW South, NSW West and ACT. By the 1950’s, the sisters were running three neighbouring children’s homes on Cowper Street in Goulburn St Margaret’s, St Saviour’s and St Anne’s. These three properties remain today as Anglicare’s regional headquarters for much of our work across regional NSW. Also: Few people seem aware of the many hungry souls there are, who are longing for some sympathetic soul to speak to them about spiritual things. Sanctified common sense is what is needed, tact to deal wisely with all comers. Mother Esther, Founder of the Community With blessing always, Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalms 28; 29 Acts 28.1-16 Background music: "Hallelujah" Christian Version Rewrite by Ryan Stockham
10.01.2022 Welcome to Tuesday Morning Prayer on 13 October as we remember Edward the Confessor (c. 1003 1066) King of England. Edward was the seventh son of Æthelred the Unready and Emma of Normandy. During his childhood years, England was invaded by the Vikings under Sweyn Forkbeard and his son Cnut, who became king of Denmark, England and Norway. Sweyn eventually seized the throne in 1013 and Edward and his mother fled to Normandy where he spent many years in exile. Cnut passed ...away in 1035 and in 1042 Edward was invited back to England by the Anglo-Saxon nobles. He was crowned at the cathedral of Winchester, the royal seat of the West Saxons on 3 April 1043. Edward reigned for 24-years (1042 - 1066). The traditional image of him as Confessor reflects his reputation as a saint, unworldly and pious. Edward was a successful king, energetic, resourceful and sometimes ruthless. He is known for preserving the unity of the kingdom and dignity of the crown throughout his reign. He died in 1066 with no heirs to the throne. Harold took the throne, however, he had sworn to defend William of Normandy’s claim to the throne. The violation of this oath became one of the justifications for the Norman invasion of England. Harold was killed at the Battle of Hastings in Sussex, after which William ascended to the throne in 1066. The Bayeux Tapestry records these events. Saint Edward the Confessor was one of England's national saints until Saint George was appointed as the national patron saint in about 1350. May we, as God's people, always reflect the glory of Christ as loving and generous members of his family. Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalms 101; 102.1-11 Matthew 13.18-30 Background music: 1066 Music More 1066 music:
10.01.2022 Welcome to morning prayer as we remember the Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels also known as Michaelmas or the Feast of the Archangels, (Michael, Gabriel and Raphael). Michael, prince of the angels is honoured for defeating Lucifer and his evil angels in the war in heaven (Rev 12.7-8). He protects all human kind from the snares of the devil, (Daniel 10.1-21, Jude 1.9, Rev 12.7-8). Gabriel, the herald of God, announced the birth of John the Baptist to Zachariah, and of to Mary. He greeted Mary who was deeply troubled by his message, and he replied "Do not be afraid" (Luke 1.19, 26). Raphael, ministers God’s healing as recorded in the Apocryphal books of the Bible; curing Tobias from blindness and representing acts of mercy (Tobit 3.17 - 12.15). This is one of four traditional quarter days in the ancient pattern of the liturgical year - Lady Day (25th March), Midsummer (24th June), Michaelmas (29th September) and Christmas (25th December). The custom of celebrating Michaelmas Day as the last day of harvest was broken when Henry VIII separated from the Catholic Church; instead, it was replaced with the Harvest Festival. May we have the grace to know the messengers of God’s will in our lives and the protection and healing of God’s angelic beings, Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalm 34 Acts 12.1-11 Background music: The Angel Gabriel : Kings College, Cambridge
10.01.2022 Welcome to Monday Morning Prayer on 12th October as we remember the life and work of Elizabeth Fry Prison Reformer. Elizabeth Gurney was born in Norwich, England in 1780 to a well-off Quaker (Society of Friends) family. In 1800 she married Joseph Fry who was also a Quaker. In 1813 (aged 33) Elizabeth Fry made her first visit to Newgate prison where she observed women and children in terrible conditions. Elizabeth began working for reform, campaigning for segregation of the... sexes, female matrons for female prisoners, education and employment (often knitting and sewing) and religious instruction. In 1817 Elizabeth Fry created the Association for the Improvement of Female Prisoners and along with a group of 12 other women lobbied authorities including Parliament. In the 1820s she inspected prison conditions, advocated reform and established more groups to campaign for reform. She was supported in her efforts by Queen Victoria and in 1823 prison reform legislation was finally introduced in Parliament. She was also involved in investigating and proposing reforms in mental asylums. For more than 25 years she visited every convict ship leaving for Australia and promoted reform of the convict ship system. She worked to improve nursing standards and established a nursing school which influenced her distant relative, Florence Nightingale. She worked for the education of working women, for better housing for the poor and was responsible for the establishment of soup kitchens. Elizabeth Fry died in 1845. May we too be filled with God’s compassion and bearers of unending hope; through Jesus Christ our Redeemer. Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalms 99; 100 Matthew 13.1-17 Background music: How Can I Keep From Singing Audrey Assad
10.01.2022 Welcome to a new liturgical year Year B - as we focus on the Gospel of Mark. Among the four gospels, Mark is the shortest account and seems to be the earliest. Both Luke and Matthew use much of Mark's text. Luke’s account contains over half of the verses in Mark’s account (some 350 verses out of a total 660 verses in Mark). Unlike Luke and Matthew who begin their accounts with the events surrounding the birth of the Messiah, Mark begins his account with Jesus' public minis...try and the mission of John the Baptist. Mark leaves no doubt as to who Jesus was. In the very first sentence of his account he proclaims that Jesus is the "Christ, the Son of God" (Mark 1:1). Jesus was not simply a man among men, but one who caused great wonder, amazement, and awe upon those who encountered him. Mark stresses Jesus as "Teacher" and as the "Servant of God", also displaying both Jesus' divinity and his humanity. The symbol of Mark’s gospel is the winged lion. Irenaeus (c. 130 c. 202) assigned the four ‘living creatures’ from Revelation 4.7 - the human (Matthew), winged lion (Mark), ox (Luke) and eagle (John) - according to each gospel’s content and view of God. The winged lion is seen as something which exemplifies courage, royalty, hard work, leadership and power. Mark was given the lion because his gospel starts off with the preaching of John the Baptist which was said to have sounded like a voice crying in the wilderness like the roar of a lion. May we have hearts of courage as we carry the gospel to the world in which we live. Rev’d Mandy Readings Psalm 74 Mark 4.21-41 Music: Libera 6th June 2020 - 'Total Praise'
10.01.2022 Welcome to Morning Prayer on 6th November the feast day of St. Illtyd of Wales (c. 400). (My apologies to listeners as the soundtrack is playing up.) Traditio...n suggests he was one of the knights of King Arthur’s court and spent his early years engaged in combat. Several versions of his story have his troop being destroyed on a hunting trip in Cadoc’s land, only he surviving. Some credit St. Cadoc, also a former soldier, with convincing Illtyd to give up soldiering to be a monk and that God showed him where to start a community in the valley of Glamorgan where he founded the abbey of Llan-Illtut which housed hundreds of monks and became home to many saints. David of Wales and Patrick of Ireland are said to be among the students trained there. Throughout his life, Illtyd was said to be loyal, dedicated and disciplined. Though learning and prayer were central to St. Illtyd’s life, he is often depicted with a plough. Tradition says he introduced a new technique for ploughing fields, which was adopted throughout the countryside. This innovative method of ploughing was indicative of his willingness to persevere in learning, in prayer, in discipleship and in tilling the land. The earliest known document about Illtyd refers to him as the most learned of all the Britons. Today, St Illtyd’s Way, is an 8 day walk of 77 miles from Pembray to Margam passing by The Abbey at Llantwit Major home of one of the Perpetual Choirs of Britain and said to be founded by the great Saint Illtyd. Illtyd’s college is believed to be Britain’s earliest centre of learning with Saint David, Saint Patrick, and Gildas all being educated there. As a result of his piety, sagacity, and miraculous power, Saint Illtyd was held in high veneration throughout Wales. This pilgrimage has been created in his honour. The route skirts the edge of scenic Swansea Bay, beginning with the rustic beauty of Pembray Country Park, and concluding at another Country Park at Margam that boasts six ancient monuments; including two hill forts and ruined medieval churches. Readings: Psalm 18.1-31 Matthew 22.1-14 Music: Welsh Hymn by Cerys Matthews - Calon Lan
09.01.2022 Welcome to Wednesday Morning Prayer. Today's feast celebrates two of the Apostles, Simon the Zealot, and St Jude (best known as patron of hopeless causes). Their feast day is the same because they formed an evangelizing team. After evangelizing in Egypt, Simon joined Jude in Persia. The two saints were martyred around 65 AD in Beirut. The name of Simon occurs in all the passages of the Gospel and Acts, in which a list of the Apostles is given. To distinguish him from St. P...eter he is called the Zealous. The name does not signify that he belonged to the party of Zealots, but that he had zeal for the Jewish law, which he practised before his call. St Jude (aka Thaddeus) was a son of Mary Clopas, a sister of the Virgin Mary. Their acts and martyrdom were recorded in an Acts of Simon and Jude that was among the collection of passions and legends translated into Latin. May we too show such ardent devotion to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, that we clearly make known the love and mercy of our God to all who meet us. God bless you, Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalms 125; 126 Revelation 21.9-14 Background music: Background music: Draw Me Close to You / Instrumental
09.01.2022 Welcome to Wednesday morning prayer as we watch the wonders of the tiny and beautiful world of the sea-horse. Grace and peace, Rev'd Mandy... Readings: Psalm 90 Matthew 11.25-12.8 Background music: Hymn to the sea- celtic bagpipes
08.01.2022 Welcome to the beautiful world of Audubon’s birds. John James Audubon (1785 1851) was an American ornithologist, naturalist, and painter. His combined interests in art and ornithology turned into a plan to make a complete pictorial record of all the bird species of North America. He was notable for his extensive studies documenting all types of American birds and for his detailed illustrations that depicted the birds in their natural habitats. His major work, a colour-pla...te book entitled The Birds of America (18271839), is considered one of the finest ornithological works ever completed. Audubon is also known for having identified 25 new species. He is the namesake of the National Audubon Society and his name adorns a large number of towns, neighbourhoods, and streets in every part of the United States. Dozens of scientific names first published by Audubon are currently in use by the scientific community. May we too see God’s wondrous creation with eyes of gratitude and awe, Rev’d Mandy. Readings: Psalms 65; 70 Mark 2.18-3.6 Music: The Angel Gabriel - Celtic Christmas
08.01.2022 Welcome to Thursday morning prayer we are exploring through art and photography, the ancient world of shipwrecks and life in Israel. Quotes about revival prayer Give me one hundred preachers who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God, and I care not whether they be clergymen or laymen, they alone will shake the gates of Hell and set up the kingdom of Heaven upon Earth. - John Wesley Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon their knees. - William C...owper God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform; He plants his footsteps in the sea, And rides upon the storm. Deep in unfathomable mines Of never failing skill He treasures up his bright designs, And works his sovereign will. Ye fearful saints fresh courage take, The clouds ye so much dread Are big with mercy, and shall break In blessings on your head. Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, But trust him for his grace; Behind a frowning providence He hides a smiling face. - William Cowper From our collect today, I pray that God may grant to us such strength and protection as may support us in all dangers and carry us through all temptations Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalm 25 Acts 27.33-44 Background music: Beautiful Greek Music - Ancient Civilization
07.01.2022 Welcome to Monday Morning Prayer as we celebrate the feast day of St Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist. Matthew, also known as Levi, was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus and one of the four Evangelists. At Jesus’ call to follow, he immediately left behind his work of collecting taxes and joined the company of disciples. Around 41 - 50 AD, Matthew wrote his gospel account, the first of the gospels. He wrote the book in Hebrew in the hope that his account would convince his J...ewish Christian Church that Jesus was the Messiah. Later Church fathers claim that Matthew preached the Gospel to the Jewish community in Judea, before going to Persia and Ethiopia. Matthew was a tax collector and is therefore the patron saint of bankers. His symbol is an angel. The music we hear today is The St Matthew Passion (German: Matthäus-Passion). It is a sacred oratorio written by Johann Sebastian Bach in 1727 for solo voices, double choir and double orchestra. It sets chapters 26 and 27 of the Gospel of Matthew (in the Luther Bible) to music, and is widely regarded as one of the greatest masterpieces of classical sacred music. May we too follow we may follow in the steps of our Lord Jesus Christ who calls us to the way of self-giving love. Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalm 25 Matthew 19.16-30 Background music: Bach Matthew Passion Chorale Settings - O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden
07.01.2022 Welcome to Morning Prayer today, 24th October as we remember the inauguration of the United Nations (UN) in 1945. The UN is an intergovernmental organization that aims to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, achieve international cooperation, and be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations. It is the largest, most familiar, most internationally represented and most powerful intergovernmental organization in the world. Th...e UN is headquartered on international territory in New York City, with its other main offices in Geneva, Nairobi, Vienna and The Hague. Established after World War II with the aim of preventing future wars, the UN succeeded the League of Nations. On 25 April 1945, 50 governments met in San Francisco for a conference and started drafting the UN Charter, which was adopted on 25 June 1945 and took effect on 24 October 1945, when the UN began operations. Its objectives include maintaining international peace and security, protecting human rights, delivering humanitarian aid, promoting sustainable development, and upholding international law. At its founding, the UN had 51 member states; with the addition of South Sudan in 2011, membership is now 193, representing almost all of the world's sovereign states. First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. 1 Timothy 2:1-2 ESV We continue to pray for peace. Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalms 130; 131; 133 Matthew 17.14-27 Background music: Voices 8 The Deer’s Cry
06.01.2022 Welcome to Morning Prayer today as we remember Elizabeth of Hungary, princess and philanthropist (1207-1231). In her short but very intense earthly life, Elizabeth of Hungary was a princess, bride, mother of three children, widow, and Franciscan tertiary. Daughter of the King of Hungary Andrew II, she was married at the age of fourteen to Ludwig IV. It was a happy marriage, however, her husband, who appreciated her good works, died suddenly of a fever while travelling to the ...Sixth Crusade while she was expecting her third child. She was attracted by the example of her contemporary, Francis of Assisi, whose teaching she learned through the friars who arrived in Thuringia in 1223. She gave herself enthusiastically to charity. Elizabeth assumed control of affairs at home and distributed alms in all parts of their territory, even giving away state robes and ornaments to the poor. Below Wartburg Castle, she built a hospital with twenty-eight beds and visited the inmates daily to attend to them. When Ludwig died she was only twenty years old. She then took solemn vows similar to those of a nun, resisting the attempts of some family members who tried to make her remarry. She decided to die to the world to follow in every way the will of God, whom she now loved with all her heart. In the end she went to live in Marburg, where she had a hospital built at her own expense for the needy, and also pledged the dowry that had been returned to her in the meantime. She took on the humblest jobs to serve the poor and the sick. For her support to the friars, Francis of Assisi himself sent her a message full of blessings as one of the first Franciscan tertiaries. She died at the age of 24. The best known miracle reported by tradition, is the transformation into roses of the loaves that she hid under her mantle to take them to the poor. Readings: Psalm 146 Matthew 25.31-46 Music: Salvator Noster, Our Most Beloved Saviour - Hungarian Christmas Song by Anonymous 4
06.01.2022 Welcome to Saturday Morning Prayer. Our theme today anticipates tomorrow’s Feast of Christ the King, the last Festival in the Church’s liturgical year. The title of ‘Christ the King’ refers to the idea of the Kingdom of God where Christ is seated at the Right Hand of God in stark contrast with the secular title ‘King of the Jews’ mockingly given to him at the crucifixion. Next week the Church’s new year’s season of Advent begins. Advent is when Jesus the Christ left the ab...solute power of his Eternal Kingship behind and entered our world of beauty and suffering, God as a human baby. We transition out of the old and into the new Church’s year - by reflecting on Jesus’ coming to earth 2000 years ago and look forward to his taking up again his absolute power in everlasting Kingship. May we glimpse his Glory every day and know it in our hearts with hope, Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalm 50 Mark 1.14-28 Music: Hail Redeemer, King Divine - James Kilbane
06.01.2022 Welcome to our time of prayer this morning as we remember the life and witness of Lancelot Andrewes (1555-1626), Bishop of Winchester. Andrewes was on the committee of scholars that produced the King James Translation of the Bible (Authorized Version) and probably contributed more to that work than any other single person. It is accordingly no surprise to find him not only a devout writer but a learned and eloquent one, a master of English prose, and learned in Latin, Greek, ...Hebrew and eighteen other languages. His sermons were popular in his own day, but are perhaps too academic for most modern readers. He prepared for his own use a manuscript notebook of Private Prayers, as a guide to devout meditation. He lived through the reigns of two monarchs, Elizabeth 1 and James 1, the plague of 1603 and served successively as Bishop of Chichester, of Ely, and of Winchester. May the example of his life teach us to pray not only for ourselves but for this beautiful and struggling world that God has made. Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalms 65; 70 Matthew 8.23-34 Background music: Passamezzo in lockdown: Orlando Gibbons - For deliverance from a public sickness, a seventeenth century prayer against the plague.
06.01.2022 Welcome to Tuesday Morning prayer as we remember William Tyndale, (born c. 149094, near Gloucestershire, Englanddied October 6, 1536, Vilvoorde, near Brussels, Germany), Reformation scholar and martyr. A number of partial English translations had been made from the 7th century onwards and Luther's German Bible had appeared in 1522. Tyndale responded to a fellow Catholic clergyman at the time: "I defy the Pope, and all his laws; and if God spares my life, ere many years, I ...will cause the boy that driveth the plow to know more of the Scriptures than thou dost!" Forbidden to work in England, Tyndale translated and printed in English the New Testament and half the Old Testament between 1525 and 1535. He worked from the Greek and Hebrew original texts when knowledge of those languages in England was rare. His pocket-sized Bible translations were smuggled into England, and then ruthlessly sought out by the Church, confiscated and destroyed. The religious ferment caused by Wycliffe's Bible in the late 14th century led to the death penalty for anyone found in unlicensed possession of Scripture in English. Condemned as a heretic, Tyndale was strangled and burned outside Brussels in 1536. In 1611, the 47 scholars who produced the King James Bible drew significantly from Tyndale's original work. Hence, the work of Tyndale continued to play a key role in spreading Reformation ideas across the English-speaking world and eventually across the British Empire. Gracious God, may your word live in us and bear much fruit to your glory. Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalm 86 Matthew 11.12-24 Background music: Be Not Afraid - John Michael Talbot
06.01.2022 Welcome to Morning Prayer on Wednesday, 14th October. ‘Consider him who endured such hostility against himself from sinners, so that you may not grow weary or lose heart.’ (Hebrews 12:3) God’s blessings of peace and grace,... Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalms 108; 109.20-30 Matthew 13.31-43 Background music: Erik Satie's Gymnopedie No.1
05.01.2022 Welcome to Tuesday morning prayer no saint this morning, instead a theme of magnificent ‘trees’. Then the trees of the forest will sing for joy before the LORD; For He is coming to judge the earth. 1 Chr. 16:33 Those who delight in the Lord’s instruction will be like a tree firmly planted by steams of water which yields its fruit in season and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers. Psalm 1:3 May our roots go down deep into the soil of God’s mar...vellous love. And may we have the power to understand how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love really is. May we experience the love of Christ, though it is so great we will never fully understand it. Then we will be filled with the fullness of life and power that comes from God. (Eph. 3:17-19) May we see that Tree of Life one day, for it now stands in the middle of the Holy City, the New Jerusalem. (Rev. 22:1-2) Rev’d Mandy Trees by Joyce Kilmer. I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree. A tree whose hungry mouth is prest Against the sweet earth’s flowing breast; A tree that looks at God all day, And lifts her leafy arms to pray; A tree that may in summer wear A nest of robins in her hair; Upon whose bosom snow has lain Who intimately lives with rain. Poems are made by fools like me But only God can make a tree. Readings: Psalms 56; 57 Mark 1.40-45 Check out our Music: Afio Ane Loa Tree, dedicated to all Pacific Women! Our Grandmothers, Our Mamas, Our loved ones gone before us.
05.01.2022 Welcome to Monday Morning Prayer as we remember Clement of Rome, Bishop and Martyr (c.99). The frescos in today’s prayer video are mostly from the walls of the Catacombs and houses of Rome c.100. The marble bust is of Emperor Trajan. Clement of Rome, is listed by Irenaeus and Tertullian as Bishop of Rome, holding office from 88 to his death in 99. He is considered to be the first Apostolic Father of the Church, one of the three chief ones together with Polycarp and Ignatius... of Antioch. Few details are known about Clement's life. Clement was said to have been consecrated by Peter, and he is known to have been a leading member of the church in Rome in the late 1st century. Early church lists place him as the second or third bishop of Rome after Peter. Clement's only genuine extant writing is his letter to the church at Corinth, which is one of the oldest extant Christian documents outside the New Testament. It was read in church, along with other epistles, some of which later became part of the Christian canon. These works were the first to affirm the apostolic authority of the clergy. According to tradition, Clement was imprisoned under the Emperor Trajan in Greece in 101 AD. During this time he is recorded to have led a ministry among fellow prisoners. Thereafter he was executed by being tied to an anchor and thrown into the sea. Clement is recognized as a saint in many Christian churches and is considered a patron saint of mariners. May God’s mercy help us fix our gaze on Jesus, the way of eternal truth, whenever we are caught in any conflict and confusion. Rev’d Mandy. Readings: Psalms 54; 55.1-12 Mark 1.29-39 Music: What did the Lost Music of Ancient Rome sound like?
04.01.2022 Welcome to Thursday morning prayer as we continue to watch the wonders of the deep to the music of the hymn ‘Eternal Father, strong to save’. Eternal Father, strong to save, Whose arm hath bound the restless wave, Who bidd'st the mighty ocean deep... Its own appointed limits keep; Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee, For those in peril on the sea! Readings: Psalm 89.1-18 Matthew 12.9-21 Background music: ETERNAL FATHER - The Naval Hymn For another more dramatic version of this great old hymn see this video clip of the Marine Nationale de France in action on the high seas . . . .
03.01.2022 Welcome to morning prayer on St Andrew’s Day especially to our Scottish brothers and sisters to whom he is their patron saint. St Andrew has been celebrated in Scotland for over a thousand years, with feasts being held in his honour as far back as the year 1000 AD. In 1320, when Scotland’s independence was declared with the signing of The Declaration of Arbroath, that he officially became Scotland’s patron saint. The flag of Scotland, the St Andrew’s Cross, was chosen in ...honour of him. Also, the ancient town of St Andrews was named due to its claim of being the final resting place of St Andrew. Andrew plays a prominent role in John’s Gospel where he appears as a disciple of John the Baptist until he and another disciple see Jesus as a fulfilment of John’s prophetic ministry and decide to follow him instead. Andrew then introduces his brother Peter to Jesus, and is mentioned as bringing others into contact with him. He is seen as a bridge eventually to the gentiles (John 12.20-22) and so is appropriately a missionary apostle. There are unhistorical traditions about his martyrdom on an X-shaped cross. It is the tradition to ordain priests near his feast day. May we, like Andrew hear and believe the words; Behold the Lamb of God, and choose to follow Jesus faithfully until the end, winning many souls for Christ. Peace and all good blessings, Rev’d Mandy Readings Psalm 147 John 1.35-42 Music: On St Andrew's Day - A Robert Burns twist on a Hymn to St Andrew
03.01.2022 Welcome! We remember today, Theodore of Tarsus (668 690) who was 66 years of age, an Eastern monk, not even a priest, from Tarsus and living in Italy when he was sent to England by the Pope to become the eighth Archbishop of Canterbury. The church was in disarray and dispirited right after the Synod of Whitby, with its conflicts between Roman and Celtic Christianity. There was deep division to heal, as well as new liturgical forms to introduce. Theodore, renowned as an ed...ucator, scholar, lover of music and administrator, managed to unite the English Church and to bring peace and order, drawing diocesan and parochial boundaries that remain largely intact today. Theodore became, as Bede wrote, the first Archbishop everyone obeyed. He continued to serve until his death at 88. I love and admire ancient skills and craftsmanship from this period, so the photos shown in our prayers today are from two collections of treasures hidden around Theordore’s time in England. With his wide travel and education, he would have been familiar with the beauty and power represented in these objects manufactured during the 6th and 7th centuries. The Staffordshire hoard was found in the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Mercia at the time of the hoard's deposition. Sutton Hoo treasure was found at Sutton near Woodbridge, in Suffolk, England. It is the site of two early medieval cemeteries, from the 6th to 7th centuries. One cemetery had an undisturbed ship burial with a wealth of Anglo-Saxon artefacts of art-historical and archaeological significance; most of these objects are now held by the British Museum in London. May our work in the church stand through the ages, that it may proclaim by word and deed the gospel of the prince of peace, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalm 45 Matthew 6.5-15 Background music: Lyre de Trossingen et de Sutton Hoo -The Neverending Saga-
03.01.2022 Welcome to Wednesday morning prayer as we give thanks for St Jerome, priest and biblical scholar. St. Jerome, (born c. 347, Stridon, Dalmatiadied 419/420, Bethlehem, Palestine) a biblical translator and monastic leader, he is traditionally regarded as the most learned of the Latin Fathers. He was a master of Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and Chaldaic gaining his education in Rome, Germany and Palestine. He lived for a time as a hermit, became a priest, served as secretary to Pope Da...masus I, and about 389 established a monastery at Bethlehem living in the cave believed to have been the birthplace of Christ. Jerome had a violent temper and was very strong-willed, making many enemies. None the less, he was a trusted spiritual director to many and prayed fervently, doing penance to overcome these faults. His numerous biblical, ascetical, monastic, and theological works profoundly influenced the early Middle Ages. He is known particularly for his Latin translation of the Bible, the Vulgate, which took 30 years to complete. Considered a doctor of the church, Jerome is the patron saint of archaeologists, librarians and students. May we be ever more fruitfully nourished by God’s Word and find in it the fount of life. Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalm 72 Matthew 9.27-38 Background music: Cistercian chant: Odoriferum lilium - The fragrant Lily
02.01.2022 Welcome to Morning Prayer for Friday, October 16 which marks the anniversary of the martyrdom of Hugh Latimer and Nicholas Ridley by Queen Mary of England in 1555. Together with the Archbishop of Canterbury and author of the Book of Common Prayer, Thomas Cranmer, these three men make up the Oxford Martyrs. All three died by burning in Oxford, thus the term Oxford Martyr, though Cranmer would be martyred in March of 1556, five months after the deaths of Latimer and Ridley. ...Prior to the ascent of Mary, Latimer had enjoyed a long career in the English church, serving as Bishop of Worcester and later as a chaplain to the young Reformed king Edward VI. Within six months of Mary’s ascent, however, Latimer was put on trial for heresy. Given his age (he was 67 when the trial began), Latimer’s defenses were presented in writing rather than orally. At their close, he was sentenced to death by burning, where he would join Ridley, the Bishop of London. On the day of their death, Latimer told Ridley, Be of good cheer, master Ridley, and play the man; we shall this day light such a candle in England, as I hope, by God’s grace, shall never be put out. May we carry the light of Christ to the world by our own word and example. Rev'd Mandy Readings: Psalm 105.1-22 Matthew 14.1-21 Background music: Instrumental Music from the 16th century - Bartholomäus Hess, Passamezzo / Saltarello
02.01.2022 Welcome to Saturday Morning Prayer with artwork by Jakub (or Jakob) Schikaneder (1855 1924), a painter from Bohemia. Schikaneder is known for his soft paintings of the outdoors, often lonely in mood. His paintings often feature poor and outcast figures. Other motifs favoured by Schikaneder were autumn and winter, corners and alleyways in the city of Prague and the banks of the Vltava often in the early evening light, or cloaked in mist. Schikaneder travelled through Eur...ope, visiting Germany, England, Scotland, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy and France. From 1891 until 1923 he taught in Prague's Art College. Bless the creators, O God of creation, who by their gifts make the world a more joyful and beautiful realm. Through their labours they teach us to see more clearly the truth around us. In their inspiration they call forth wonder and awe in our own living. In their hope and vision they remind us that life is holy. Bless all who create in your image, O God of creation. Pour your Spirit upon them that their hearts may sing and their works be fulfilling. Amen. Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalm 19 Matthew 22.15-33 Music: Miloš Bok - Hymn to the Holy Ghost (please ignore the reference on the last slide I forgot to change it before uploading!!)
01.01.2022 Welcome to morning prayer today as we remember Sergius of Moscow, abbot and teacher (d. 1392) Sergius was born around 1314, the son of a farmer. When he was twenty, he and his brother began to live as hermits in a forest near Moscow. Others joined them in what became the Monastery of the Holy Trinity, a center for the renewal of Russian Christianity. Pilgrims came from all Russia to worship and to receive spiritual instruction, advice, and encouragement. The Russians were... at the time largely subservient to the neighbouring (non-Christian) Tartar people. Sergius rallied the people behind Prince Dimitri Donskoi, who defeated the Tatars in 1380 and established an independent Russia. Sergius was a gentle man, of winning personality. Stories told of him resemble those of Francis of Assisi, including some that show that animals tended to trust him. He had the ability to inspire in men an intense awareness of the love of God, and a readiness to respond in love and obedience. 35 monasteries were founded by his disciples in his lifetime. He remained close to his peasant roots. One contemporary said of him, "He has about him the smell of fir forests." Sergius died in 1392, and pilgrims still visit his shrine at the monastery of Zagorsk, which he founded in 1340. To this day, the effect of his personality on Russian devotion remains considerable. May we know the simplicity and joy of following Jesus with all our hearts, minds and strength, Rev’d Mandy Readings: Psalms 62; 63 Matthew 8.5-22 Background music:
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