Angel Rings | Community organisation
Angel Rings
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24.01.2022 Yamba Wall Angel Ring replaced, it appears to have been missing for several weeks more than originally advised. All back in place now. It also appears that we now have a fledgling Sea Eagle taking over watch duties, it landed close by as we went to replace the ring today, normally l see an adult/parent on my walk out and back.
22.01.2022 Thanks Alex for all your effort and support, being one on the Sydney Northern Beaches Angel Ring Guardians. If you see one of our distinctive Angel Rings Orange Life Buoys with the ANSA NSW and NSW Recreational Fishing Trust Fund logo on it, in a place where it should then please PM us or report it to the NSW Police. If you know where an Angel Ring is missing from its post/wall mount, or know where there is an Angel Ring on a beach, then please call the ANSA NSW FreeCall 1800... 079 009 and leave your details and a brief message. #ROCKFISHINGSAFETY #ANSANSW #DONTPUTYOURLIFEONTHELINE #FISHINGSAFELY #RFANSW
22.01.2022 ANSA NSW Angel Rings AR do saves lives, over 90 since 1994. These silent sentry orange life buoys are commonly located at known Coastal Rock Platform troublespots, where rock fishers or the public have identified as troblesome areas, are aware of rescues or self extractions, or have recorded a fatality since 1994. Alex is one several dozen NSW coastal AR Volunteer Ambassadors from Fingal Head to Merimbula near the Victorian border, who regularly check, report and replace on a as needed basis. For over a decade support for the AR Program has been through a series of grants from our NSW Recreational Fishing Fees and the Saltwater Trust Fund for more than a decade, thus all the life bouys are branded with the Trust Logo. If you see one of our distinctive 'Orange Life Buoys' with the Trust Fund and ANSA NSW logos, washed up on a beach, up a river, or the worst case in some ones back yard pool, then please call the ANSA NSW FreeCall 1800 079 009 and leave your details and a brief message.
21.01.2022 The Boulders Beach Angel Ring north from Ballina was reinstalled today in a more accessable and visible location. Thank you to Gavin Stratford for organising such with James Bridesdon from Ballina Shire Council. A job well done and shared with Peter Watts from the Byron Bay Services Angling Club and local Angel Ring contact.... Or you can call the ANSA NSW FreeCall 1800 079 009 and leave your details and a brief message.
20.01.2022 A father and son are lucky to be alive, today after being treated at Esperance hospital scince being swept off rocks at Salmon Beach on January 25. Esperance Police sergeant Ben Jeffes said the 39-year-old-man and his 66 year-old-father were both on a rock at Salmon Beach about 11.00am. The 39-year-old man was washed into the ocean and unable to climb out of the water.... His father was also swept into the ocean when he attempted to throw a life ring to the man who was clinging to a rock. Sergeant Jeffes said the pair were able to eventually move around the rocks and remove themselves from the water. Two Esperance Marine Rescue boats, Esperance Police, Esperance Surf Living Saving Club volunteers and St John's Ambulance attended the scene. "The gentleman were actually able to move around the rocks themselves and get themselves up out of the ocean," he said. "They're very lucky to be alive. "They ended up with water ingestion, cuts and lacerations and were taken to hospital for treatment. "Everyone was on the scene pretty quickly and in a very short period of time we had assets on the water and on the beach." Following the close call, Sergeant Jeffes has urged the public to take precautions if fishing from rocks.
17.01.2022 COMING SOON IN YOUR LOCAL NEWS AN INFLUENTIAL New South Wales recreational fishing group has applauded a Richmond Valley Council move to extend a rock angling s...afety initiative at Evans Head. Already actions are in train to have Angel Ring lifesaving devices installed along remote favourite fishing locations on the sacred Goanna Headland at South Evans Head. The new programme is unique in that the Dirrawong Reserve is controlled by a Trust after the first Native Title Claim #1 was granted back in 1985. We speak exclusively with the group which has helped mould a decision by our local Council and the ramifications of continuing education of the growing recreational sport activity. A recent survey of Safety Workshops at Evans Head showed 80 percent of people who attended want the NSW Government to fund an ongoing safety campaign as the sport grows in remoter local areas. The organisation will be studying the best places to install new GPS enabled Angel Rings at Evans Head which are a proven safety device in hazardous rock angling areas.
16.01.2022 The ANSA NSW Angel Ring Coordinator Stan Konstantaras received a call today from a person up on the headland at Red Rock, indicating there was an empty post missing an Angel Ring on the northern point at Red Rock, north of Coffs Harbour. This information was relayed to the Red Rock AR Community Support Network this afternoon, which resulted in Marilyn the local coordinator taking a spare ring out and placing it on the post, ready for use. A search of the area could not locate... the missing ring and there have been no local reports of the life buoy being used or found. Thank you to Meredith for her support and calling in the missing Angel Ring (orange life buoy), who we have contacted, advising a replacement is back in place. If you are out and see these an Angel Ring post or Wall mount bracket where the distinctive orange life buoy is missing, or you find a life buoy with the ANSA and Trust logos washed up on a beach, or you see one of these life rings in a place it should not be, then please call the Angel Ring ANSA NSW FreeCall 1800 079 009 and leave your details and a brief message.
15.01.2022 Boat Harbour/Anna Bay another angel ring strangely goes missing last weekend, why is a mystery for local community carers Ray and Marcia, a quick call and two new rings were delivered there this morning, allowing the silent sentry post and new ring to keep a safety watch over the point, during the busy whale watching and early winter fishing season. If you see one of our distinctive 'Orange Life Buoys' with the Trust Fund and ANSA NSW logos, washed up on a beach, up a river, or the worst case in some ones back yard pool, then please call the ANSA NSW FreeCall 1800 079 009 and leave your details and a brief message.
14.01.2022 A New Zealand man has died after two people were swept off the rocks near Dunedin NZ yesterday afternoon. The pair were rock fishing when a man was washed off the rocks off Cape Saunders, near the Otago Peninsula, at 4.11pm yesterday, according to Surf Life Saving New Zealand. A second person then jumped in to save him with a life ring. The incident occurred at a beach without a lifeguard....
14.01.2022 Another Angel Ring being replaced on an ocean rock platform. Most of the Land based fishing fraternity know someone who has been washed in, badly injured or tra...gically has lost their life doing what we love. Take care out there people. #lbg #landbasedgame #rockfishing #rockfishingsafety #ansa_nsw #landbasedgamefishing #fishingwithfriends #safetyfirst See more
12.01.2022 Evans Head South Wall ANSA NSW and RFANSW have received and confirmed reports that the Angel Ring is missing from its post. Arrangements are being made to courier two rings to Evans Head this week, one to replace the missing ring, the other as a spare which is located at the Evans Head Sports and Marine, see Neil or Narrelle.... If you see one of our distinctive 'Orange Life Buoys' with the Trust Fund and ANSA NSW logos, washed up on a beach, up a river, or the worst case in some ones back yard, then please call the ANSA NSW FreeCall 1800 079 009 and leave your details and a brief message.
11.01.2022 ANSA has lead the way on Rock Fishing Safety and continues to do so. We are replacing Angel Rings that have been affected by the recent bush fires in NSW. Pic...tured here is two new rings that are monitored by the The Rosedale Association Inc. near Batemans Bay. These particular rings have saved lives before which makes us more than happy to continue helping those who need it most. #AngelRingsSaveLives #ANSA_NSW #Sport_conservation_integrity
09.01.2022 Once again an excellent follow up story from the Southern Courier about this successful recuse, of a person who one minute was on terafirma thinking they were safe, the next they were in the water wondering what to next! Along comes a cool, calm, local who calculates and excuted his rescue and recovery action plan from all his past water safety training. Well done Klayton, and thank you Bellamy for capturing the incident on video, it demostrates just how calculated and calm Klayton was throughout the incident.
09.01.2022 HERO OF THE SEAS in Western Australia. Irish policeman in Australia hailed a hero on national TV after rescuing fisherman swept to sea by freak wave. Louise Walsh Updated: 19:24, 22 Jun 2020... AN IRISH policeman in Australia has been hailed a hero on national TV after a daring rescue of a fisherman who was swept to sea by a freak wave. Dramatic footage captured at the scene shows First Class Constable Rob Gaynor offering a strong hand to haul to safety the 28-year old man who had been clinging to rocks until help arrived. HEART-STOPPING MOMENT In a heart-stopping moment, Constable Gaynor grabs the wrist of the exhausted fisherman as he slips, saving him from falling back into the deep waters. Luckily the fisherman’s location had been pinpointed by a drone belonging to Perth photographer Anton Wilkinson who had spotted the man in the ocean after he was tossed by a rogue wave off rocks where he had been fishing. The footage captured by the drone was broadcast on 7 News in Perth after the incident which occurred earlier this month. Speaking from Western Australia, the humble Constable said he knew time was of the essence when responding to the emergency call 10km away from Dunsborough Police Station, where he is based. UNPREDICTABLE WAVES He said: He was out fishing off Sugarloaf Rock and was wearing a life-jacket but the waves are so unpredictable and he was swept into the water, he said Luckily it is a local beauty spot which attracts photographers and when I arrived Anton Wilkinson told me about the drone and I asked him if he’d guide me to where the fisherman was.
07.01.2022 Today, Western Angler magazine editor and Recfishwest Safe Fishing Ambassador Scott Coghlan joined Fisheries Minister Peter Tinley to announce $560,000 funding support Recfishwest in continuing to deliver our successful State-wide Safe Fishing Safety Strategy for four more years. The commitment will play a crucial role in ensuring fishers return home safe after a day’s fishing. Recfishwest's loan lifejacket and angel ring programs will be expanded through the funds with more rock anchor points installed at hazardous fishing spots, along with the development of a hazardous swell and weather condition alert system for recreational fishing. Read more about the State Government's safe fishing commitment here:
06.01.2022 Brunswick Heads Angel Ring on the South Wall replaced and the Marine Rescue base spare returned to the unit Commander. Let us hope that the upcoming 'silly season' does not impact any coastal public rescue equipment being removed for the wrong reason. The Public can lodge a report with the NSW Police 131444 if they see anyone tampering with these rings or using them for the wrong reasons.... If see a Angel Ring post bare then please call the ANSA NSW FreeCall 1800 079 009 and leave your details and a brief message. The Angel Ring Volunteers wish you a Water Safe holiday and happy funfilled New Year.
05.01.2022 A couple of ALBAA guys going for a fish and checking on the Angel Rings located nearby. We are looking forward to a few more pics. Thanks guys!... See more
04.01.2022 A final clear out of the last Angel Ring stocks saw us dig up a spare ring and bracket and take it down to Royal National Park south of Sydney yesterday and ins...tall an assembly at Wattamolla. The request by the Park Rangers was one we were happy to assist with, the Rangers at the RNP have been great over the years and this ring was aimed at serving swimmers, spearfishers, divers and anglers in and around the beach. Since 2013 ANSA NSW has spent on average $15,000 a year saving lives with Angel Rings, all possible with help from the NSW Recreational Fishing Trust Fund, but that funding has dried up as we work on the Final Report to aquit that grant. With no wages or billable hours claimed the volunteer efforts by all who have helped out has been great. To give you an idea of what it takes, yesterdays effort cost one ANSA NSW volunteer; 5 hours of volunteer time. 94km of travel with their own car $50 in hardware to mount the bracket. $4 for a wake up coffee at 6am! For that ANSA NSW is eternally grateful. As ANSA NSW decides how to proceed with the continuation of the Project, we are all hopefull that the rings are not stolen or vandalised and the hard work and volunteer effort by all involved is recognised by our Fisheries Minister and all assistance is offered to ANSA NSW to keep the project going into the future.
01.01.2022 Munmorah State Conservation Area is managed by the National Parks and Wildlife Service, over the decades it has seen its fair share of rock fishing rescues performed by first responders from the Catherine Hill Bay SLSC, NSW Police Tuggerah Lakes Area Command, NSW Ambulance at Doylson, and the Westpac and Toll Ambulance Rescue Helicopter Services from Sydney and Newcastle. ANSA NSW has run the Angel Ring program since 1994 and lately its being proudly funded by our NSW Recreat...ional Fishing Licence Fees, and it uses a network of AR volunteers and supporters to maintain and manage those life buoys with nearly 100 document lives saved.. The Park Rangers at Mummorah spend several hours each week during their daily duties, checking the network of Angel Rings (orange life buoys) in the park which are placed at many of these popular fishing as silent sentries, ready for use if and when they are needed most. There are two things that can lead to an Angel Ring missing off its post or mount - when mother nature delivers big seas and swells, and strong winds, or those people who remove them, for reasons other than to assist a person who is in the water providing additional floatation for them while '000' is called and first responders get there. Recently after the 'big blow' two rings went missing, these have been replaced with new rings, along with another ring which was missing its rope. Sadly, there have also been many lives lost, at some great fishing spots like Red Ochre, The Island, Wybung Head, Snapoer Point, Big Point and Flat Rock, The Basin, and south and north Carherine Hill Bay rock platforms. Many families now morn those rock fishers, who were just out for a days fishing, to enjoy themselves and come home with a feed of fresh fish and a few stories to share. So please keep an eye out for these distinctive logo orange life buoys and if you find one or see them in strange places like washed up on a beach, up a river, or the worst case in some ones back yard pool or man cave, then please call the ANSA NSW FreeCall 1800 079 009 and leave your details and a brief message.
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