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22.01.2022 One of the many things that impact women as they move through menopause is mood swings. This can range from mild irritation at everyone all the way through to raging anger (often at your partner or kids) and sometimes even depression or anxiety. Today I am going to share some reasons for this and a few things that you can do to calm things down.

21.01.2022 There are a lot of misconceptions around the onset of menopause symptoms. Today, I want to talk about HOT FLUSH symptoms Just because your hormones are shifting doesn't mean that you'll definitely experience hot flushes. Here are a couple stats that might surprise you: only 20% of women never experience hot flushes & another 40% only experience mild flushing.... There is always a reason for you having a hot flush & most times it is related to stress. I often recommend to my clients that they keep a HOT FLUSH DIARY The more that you can start to identify what your triggers for a hot flush are, the easier it will be for you to reduce them. There is always a reason for a hot flush but until you start to become aware of it, the symptoms will continue to persist. Here are some questions to reflect on when you experience hot flushes: how are you feeling? is there any obvious stress happening? what have you been eating? did you have a good night's sleep? have you been over exerting yourself physically? have you been exposed to some strong chemicals? Leave me a if you want to learn more about hot flushes and reducing any other symptoms you might be experiencing #hotflushes #hotflash #hotflashes #hotflashessuck #angelacounsel #healthyageing #hormonalhealth #hormonesupport #hormonedoctor #makemenopausematter #menopause #menopauserelief #menopauseadvice #menopauseanxiety #menopauseawareness #menopausehealth #menopausehelp #menopausematters #menopauseproblems #midlifewoman #midlifer #naturalmenopause #nutritionalscience #perimenopause #postmenopause #womenshealthaus #menopausenaturalsolutions #personalisedhealth #menopauseaustralia #menopausenaturalsolutions

13.01.2022 I get it. I went through this stage of life as well. I know how common & easy it is to blame a drop in hormones for the symptoms you might be experiencing. Your Doctor will probably tell you that the drop in hormones is to blame and will likely suggest you take HRT to fix the problem, but this is NOT a holistic approach. Why? Because it's entirely skipped over the underlying CAUSE of your symptoms... Hormones are meant to drop once you stop releasing an egg every month... and once your egg supply is gone there is no need for hormones to be as high as they were. The real reason for your symptoms is that your hormones are out of balance, but here's the important question you should be focusing on instead... What causes your symptoms to go out of balance in the first place? STRESS Stress is THE underlying cause of all hormonal imbalances. Stress can be caused by: the food you eat the medications that you take the toxins you are exposed to the fight you had with your kids or partner the pressure of work the worry about your ageing parents your kids moving out of home..... the list is endless. The release of stress hormones impacts every organ & every system in your body. your digestive system your immune system your hormones your heart your moods your appetite your sleep And although many things in life are out of our control but you can always control HOW YOU ACT in any situation. Here are my simple tools for reducing stress: daily meditation journalling practicing gratitude eating well spending time in nature What do you do to reduce stress? Join the 7 day Hormone Reset to discover other ways to reduce stress and eliminate your symptoms, linkin BIO or #angelacounsel #hormonalhealth #hormonesupport #menopause #menopauserelief #menopauseadvice #menopauseanxiety #menopauseawareness #menopausehealth #menopausehelp #menopausematters #menopauseproblems #menopauserelief #menopauseremedies #MenopauseSupport #midlifewoman #midlifer #naturalmenopause #perimenopause #postmenopause #hotflushes #menopausenaturalsolutions #menopausenaturalsolutions

13.01.2022 I see so many posts in groups where women ask "I have xyz symptom, is it menopause?" This is concerning for a few reasons... Firstly MENOPAUSE IS a stage of life NOT A CONDITION, so any symptom that you have is not menopause... It might be a symptom that commonly occurs with women in menopause but it isn't menopause. Not every symptom that you experience is related to the hormone shifts that occur at this stage of life. So blaming menopause for everything is not doing you a...ny good and actually blocking you from finding real solutions & living a better life. Feeling bloated....then it is probably something you ate (more than once) Feeling tired....this is also often related to your food or your sleep habits Getting indigestion or quickly did you eat your last meal? Did you chew your food properly? Eyes feeling tired and long have you been staring at a screen for? It is important to remember that menopause occurs at a time of life when some of our body functions are starting to decline, this is because we are living longer (& often harder) than our ancestors. Many of your symptoms are natural parts of ageing, NOT menopause. The best way to lovingly support your ageing process is to follow the same 5 Pillars that I teach my clients to help them to navigate menopause with ease: 1. eat well 2. move regularly 3. reduce toxic exposure 4. reduce stress (good sleep goes in here) 5. change your mindset around ageing. If you are ready to learn more about how you can thrive in menopause join the 7 Day Hormone Reset that kicks off in a couple of days (link in BIO or #thriveinmenopause #angelacounsel #healthyageing #hormonalhealth #hormonesupport #hormonedoctor #makemenopausematter #menopause #menopauserelief #menopauseadvice #menopauseanxiety #menopauseawareness #menopausehealth #menopausehelp #menopauseproblems #menopauserelief #menopauseremedies #MenopauseSupport #midlifewoman #naturalmenopause #nutritionalscience #perimenopause #postmenopause #womenshealthaus #hotflushes #menopausenaturalsolutions #personalisedhealth #menopauseaustralia #menopausenaturalsolutions

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