Angela Pickett Copywriter | Businesses
Angela Pickett Copywriter
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25.01.2022 My ‘baby’ is 10 today! I’m not sure where the time has gone. 10 years ago he arrived late on a Friday afternoon. It was 3 days past his due date. It felt like longer. I’d had to finish my Vietnamese study and exams at the start of the month. And I was quite convinced he’d be early.... But when he decided to arrive, he arrived quickly. We’ve watched our baby grow up, first in Hanoi and then in the Barossa. We love his enthusiasm, his inquisitive nature and his caring nature. From school to sport, he gives every 110%. Happy Birthday X! Look forward to celebrating tonight and then with your friends next week. We love you! Xx #family #birthday
25.01.2022 A perfect Barossa day to visit the Anlaby Station Open Garden with mum and the boys. Established in 1839, the property is Australia’s oldest merino stud. The current owners have restored many of the buildings back to their former grandeur. The proceeds from the open garden events have helped to restore the amazing gardens.... We enjoyed a fabulous lunch from Hand Made Catering, ice cream from Barossa Valley Ice Cream Company and did a little shopping with The Naked Soap Company. Lots of garden inspiration but now I have a serious case of veggie garden envy. #AnlabyStation #AnlabyOpenGarden #HistoricHouses #SouthAustralia #OpenGarden
25.01.2022 And just like that, the holidays are over and I’m ready for 2021. I spent last week making plans for the year ahead and trying to put some structure around the way my copywriting business works. That includes:... Setting up Dubsado and streamlining my processes Engaging one of my amazing copywriting colleagues to start updating my website Putting in place a schedule for my weeks Mondays - full day of writing with no meetings Tuesday-Thursday will be a mix of writing and client calls/meetings Friday - my day to work on my business and do any personal admin. I’m really excited about the year ahead. Are you back at work yet? Are you going to work differently this year? #2021Plans #Copywriting #Copywriter #SmallBusiness #BusinessPlanning #TCCSCopybeast
24.01.2022 Proud parent moment watching our eldest announced as one of the school leaders. He’s wanted to be a school leader for years and he’s so excited for the year ahead. I love his confidence and enthusiasm. He might only be 12 but he’s already inspiring and encouraging me to be brave and confident.... I still can’t believe how quickly the time has flown . Seems like yesterday he started Reception 2 days after we arrived here in August 2014. #ProudParent #SchoolLeader #Family #PublicSchool #Education #leadershipdevelopment
22.01.2022 Happy Anniversary Simon Pickett! Can’t believe it’s 14 years since we said I Do in front of our family and friends on a freezing cold Canberra day. What an adventure it’s been! Can’t imagine doing life without you. ... Here’s to many more fabulous years xx
22.01.2022 It’s always about this time of the year that I start thinking about Denmark. My exchange year in 1992 culminated in the most incredible Christmas experience. My 3rd host family really did Christmas. And with only their youngest son (who was a little older than me) at home, my host mum Gunhild was more than happy to spend time passing on those Christmas traditions.... 28 years on, I’ll still make the same biscuits, and hang my decorations gifted to me all those years ago. But that’s not the only reason my head is in Denmark right now. On Friday, I started watching the Danish political drama Borgen - in Danish (with English subtitles). It’s a few years old but I am hooked. But you know what’s even more exciting? My Danish has started flooding back to me - even though it’s 15 years since I last visited. Language and the brain is an amazing thing, isn’t it? The point of my post? Not sure there is one. Apart from the fact that in any language there are amazing words that don’t translate. But given all the copy I need to write is in English, I’d better not drop any of them into my work today. And if you need words written (in English), I still have some time before I turn into a Jule Nisser (Christmas Elf). #ExchangeStudent #Denmark #WordsThatBuildConnections #Copywriter
21.01.2022 One of the best things about being a member of the Clever Copywriting Community is that I've connected with lots of amazing copywriters, many who work in a specific niche. Nerissa Bentley is The Melbourne Health Writer, and if you're in the health or medical space, I highly recommend you follow her on Facebook. This is just an example of the great resources she shares. And if you need well researched, evidence-based medical or health copy, she's definitely the person to speak with.
21.01.2022 Last night I joined an amazing group of business owners to celebrate their Ausmumpreneur award nominations. If I’m honest, I’m not a fan of the whole mumpreneur tag (or any ‘preneur’ tag for that matter). And I also worry that by focusing on the fact business owners just happen to be mums perpetuates stereotypes. What I see is a group of successful business owners. They work hard, they take risks, they do their research and deliver incredible products and services.... But while I mightn’t like the mumpreneur tag, I also believe that you can’t be what you don’t see’. So if these awards encourage and inspire other women to follow their business dreams, that can only be a good thing. Very proud of Kathryn Adams from Hallett Law for 3rd place in the People’s Choice award for Leadership. And to Amber Rushton from Kickstart your marketing for her wins in the Big Idea and Digital Innovation categories. Congratulations to Sandra from Hashtag Insta Prints. Shona from Sexy Selfish and Shelley from Workspace Barossa for your nominations. So lucky to be surrounded by all of you. And so much fun to be out during the week drinking bubbles!
19.01.2022 Photo Opp!! Thanks to our models Sam Cox & Angela Pickett Copywriter to help showcase our Tanunda biz in The Leader Newspaper - Barossa Valley Building the Ba...rossa special! ...if you're looking for a change of pace to work, let's chat. #dogoodthings Karen Lynch Photography
19.01.2022 Last night I had the enormous pleasure of attending a preview at the new Makers & Merchants Barossa regional emporium. I know I bang on a bit about collaboration, community and connection. But for me, it’s at the heart of what I do. And it’s what makes the Barossa so special. It’s exciting to be involved with a unique, new shopping destination in Tanunda.... But the real highlight last night was watching the discussions between the makers and merchants that are part of this collective. Artists, winemakers, leather artisans all discussing ideas for joint workshops and tastings and events. I know it was this sort of collaboration that Shelley envisaged for Makers & Merchants when she saw how networks were built next door at Workspace Barossa Make sure you’re following Makers & Merchants for updates on the opening. And sign up to be the first to hear when these exciting collaborations happen. #MakeItRegional
18.01.2022 Today is R U OK? Day. And I want to share 2 lessons. 1. Always ask - don't assume someone else has.... 2. Feeling OK is not a competition. You can still be NOT OK even if others are worse off than you. I wasn't going to post about R U OK? Day because it seemed EVERYONE else was. And then I thought about it. Isn't that part of the problem? We assume that everyone else has checked in with someone doing it tough. We assume that friend or family member will have talked to someone else. Maybe it's someone we don't know well. Maybe we're worried about asking them something that seems personal. The great thing about this day is that's it started a conversation. It's made it OK to ask how someone is. And more importantly, it's make it OK to say no, I'm not OK. This year had been tough on so many people. And all around us we see people doing it much worse. I know how lucky I am to not be in lockdown, to be healthy, to have work, a husband with a job, kids at school. I am lucky to live in a community that is working hard to bounce back. I know so many people doing it much worse. And I know I'm not alone when I say I'd feel guilty saying I'm not OK when others are under so much more stress. But here's the thing, it's not a competition. If you are not OK, you're not OK. Need to hear it again. If you are not OK, you're not OK. Please don't assume you have to say you're ok because you think you have it better than someone else. If you're not already, I'd recommend following R U OK Day on social media. And head to their website for some great resources. #theresmoretosay #ruok #ruokday
18.01.2022 A perfect setting to farewell 2020 with good friends. Great food, funny conversations and kids in the pool. While 2020 was not the year any of us expected, there has been so much good amongst the uncertainty.... I’m so grateful for all the clients I’ve worked with. For all the fabulous small business owners who provide constant support, laughs and advice. I’m grateful for my happy, healthy husband and kids. Spending time with family and friends is not something l’ll ever take for granted. As we head into 2021, I’m not making grand resolutions. I have things I’d like to do and achieve on both a personal and business front. And after letting too many excuses get in the way, I’m putting the focus back on my health this year. To all of you who read and share my posts, like and send encouragement. Thank you. 2020 threw many different challenges at so many people. It would be easy to just write it off as dumpster fire but that would undermine the tremendous efforts that so many people have gone to. Health care and emergency workers. Contact tracers Scientists developing vaccines Artists and entertainers looking for new ways to perform online Business owners (especially in retail, hospitality, fitness and tourism) having to constantly change their business model to cope with changing regulations Small business owners wondering what will happen to the economy and often taking on too much, just in case the work dries up Every person that has changed their plans, got comfortable wearing a mask, missed out on events or seeing loved ones to keep people safe. We all know that 2021 does not mean everything will change. But I’m confident that thanks to the lessons of 2020, we can make this another great year, whatever we’re doing. #2021 #ReflectionsOn2020 #PositivesFrom2020 #Grateful #Community #Connections
14.01.2022 #mondaymotivation #2020isntoveryet Pretty sure I'm not the only person freaking out that we're almost three quarters of the way through 2020. Time may fly as we get older, but I feel like the other C-word has caused this year to drag and go quicker, simultaneously.... It might be tempting to pull the 2020 planner off the wall, and throw our diaries on the last bonfire before summer. Forget 2020 happened and start planning for the new year. But just as we don't have to wait until Monday to get back to the gym or eat well, we don't have to wait until 2021 to make things happen. I'm definitely looking forward to making the most of the next three months. 2020 might not have been the year we hoped for, but it's not over yet. What about you?
13.01.2022 Farewelled @innerwesthudson, @hudson.m and the girls today. We had an amazing 10 days today. After a year apart, I think we all appreciated just how lucky we were to be together, especially when COVID has kept so many families apart. Awesome to see the bond between the cousins growing even closer.... And while Mum once dressed my sister and I alike, we’re all now doing it by choice. At least she lives in another state but Mum and I might need to have a roster! #ChristmasHoliday #FamilyHoliday #BeachHoliday #Cousins #SouthAustralia @ Tanunda, South Australia
13.01.2022 Merry Christmas! Feeling extra grateful to be celebrating with our family this year. #Christmas #Family
12.01.2022 Quick trip to the @barossafarmersmarket this morning. Needed to collect our @mehlsourdough bread order, and couldn’t resist the Parmesan and garlic cruffins from @elenimichau. Amazing sausages from @thedairymanbarossa, and some super fresh veg (and chilli sauce) from the friendly team at @krproduce.... We’ve shopped at the Farmers Market since we arrived in the Barossa 6 years ago. Coming from Vietnam where we had daily access to fresh markets, it was a natural thing to do. But now we really appreciate the value of supporting small, family-owned local businesses. Not to mention keeping alive the food traditions that make the Barossa so special. Hope you’ve got some delicious fresh produce in your shopping basket this weekend. #barossa #shoplocal #eatfresh #farmersmarket #barossafood #supportsmallbusiness #barossacopywriter #barossawriter
11.01.2022 The Foundations Project is the latest initiative from Foundation Barossa. Homelessness is a growing problem in the Barossa. This comes as a surprise to so many people because we’re seen to be a prosperous region. The support we have received to date has been amazing and it’s an example of the generosity that exists in our region. I felt very privileged to be on the board of Foundation Barossa. It’s just one small way I can contribute to my community. ... You can read about the project below and if you’ve got any questions, please get in touch.
07.01.2022 Public Service Announcement! 56 days until Christmas. I've just emailed people I've worked with or discussed work with to let them know I have about 6 weeks left before I take some time off.... What are your plans for the end of the year?
06.01.2022 This post came up on my Facebook memories this morning. I was just about to put my hand up for one of the voluntary redundancies DFAT was offering. I didn’t know what I wanted to do next, only that after 15 years it was time for a change.... It’s hasn’t been all smooth sailing in the years since. But I am so glad I decided to take a chance on a different life. #careerchange #diplomattocopywriter #copywriter #lifeskills #change
04.01.2022 2020 has been a challenging year. But you know what? It's not over. Not sure whether it's the Spring weather, but I am definitely ready for a fresh start. ... And I've decided I'm not waiting until next year. So while I have a super busy week of client work ahead, I'm also going to make some time to dream and plan. What are your plans for the week ahead?
04.01.2022 Thank you Emily Hilder from Human Brands. In the last few months, I've been thinking a lot about what I do and why I do it. And when I saw this equation during Emily's presentation at the SA Woman Australia I thought it was perfect. And the thing I like most about it - the quirks. ... I spent so long in my public service career confirming to the norm. But now, running my own business, I've learned that it is so much easier to be myself. Does it mean everyone will like me and want to work with me? Hell no. But what it does me is that I can be completely myself with those that do want to work with me, which means we quickly develop a rapport and an understanding that results in better copy and a more enjoyable project. As for my particular quirks, I'll save that for another post. Are you showing up in your business, quirks and all?
02.01.2022 If you have a website, take 15 minutes and watch this video from MOZ - 21 Smart Google SEO Tips for 2021. Need some help to understand SEO and why it's important? Drop your questions below and I'll pass on some useful tips and resources.
01.01.2022 If you've seen me dance, you'll know there's little chance of me dancing better than anyone. I started ballet at 5, and while I loved my pink tutu and ballet shoes, it was fairly clear that my dancing career would be short-lived. A shame, because I enjoyed the trips to the cake shop across the road afterwards. I also seem to remember a brief stint at jazz ballet, as well as physical culture in the local church hall (and if you don't know what physical culture is, I darer yo...u to Google it). I don't do much dancing these days, except at the shops, and usually only then to embarrass my children. I digress. Clearly my dancing skills have little to do with my copywriting skills. But I love this quote because it is a friendly reminder to stop comparing our skills and our success to others. All we as business owners and creatives can do is keep honing our own skills. Improving the way we run our own business. Being better than we were last week, last month or last year. Just keep dancing and keep doing your own thing. #Copywriting #Copywriter #WebsiteWriter #SmallBusiness
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