Angela Renae- Art & Healing in Salisbury Downs | Art
Angela Renae- Art & Healing
Locality: Salisbury Downs
Phone: +61 423 465 516
Address: Salisbury Highway 5108 Salisbury Downs, SA, Australia
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25.01.2022 Saturday - 19 September '20 - Trust Your Intuition Did you manage to do a good journaling session yesterday? For today we have Trust your Intuition and perhaps... some very insightful, intuitive information was received as a result. Trust this information. It's vital for your progress at this time. For others, it is calling upon you to trust your instincts and intuition in any situation that comes up today. Listen to that inner voice for it won't steer you wrong. You are your own best guide when it comes to working out which direction to go. If you still struggle, then perhaps look at getting and using a pendulum. There are many resources online on how to use one and it will help initially as a tool if you feel the need. #healingwiththefairies #angelicspiritkm #kyliemichelle @angelicspiritcardreading #dailyangelcard #dailycard #oracle #cards #empower_yourself #dailyguideance #tarot #angels #fairies #spiritualdevelopment #manifestation #message #personaltransformation #trustyourintution #listentoyourgut #listentoyourinstincts #instincts #insights #innerguidance
25.01.2022 Friday - 25 September '20 - Wonderous Universe The magician sees far more than most. He understands and looks at the beauty that is all around him. He doesn't... see the bad, instead he sees and gets joyful delight in what he experiences and learns. Magic surrounds him as a result and he knows he is the ultimate alchemist, by transforming energy to what he desires. He not only understands the laws of the universe, he lives by them. Take stock of where your head is at the moment and if you have been feeling down and negative, then it's time to give yourself a big kick up the butt and take stock of what really is around you. You do have the power to make changes you need to and you do have the ability to change your circumstances. All you have to do is have faith, believe and do what you need to in order to chance anything. See the magic in the world, see the magic of what is around you and give thanks. For the more gratitude you have, the greater the abundance and positive vibes flow. Let the magic back into your life. #sacredtraveller #angelicspiritkm #kyliemichelle @angelicspiritcardreading #dailyangelcard #dailycard #oracle #cards #empower_yourself #dailyguideance #tarot #angels #fairies #spiritualdevelopment #manifestation #message #personaltransformation #wonderousuniverse #walkinbeauty #magic #magichappens #youareanalchemist #youcanmadethechanges #changeyourcirsumstances #believeinmagic #gratitude
24.01.2022 Monday - 14 September '20 - Kindness It's a day to be good to yourself. Take time out to give back to YOU. Whether you decide to pamper yourself, have a day o...ff, spend time with loved ones, or go for a hike. Anything that gives you joy, connects you back to our Mother Earth, and reduces stress in any form. Please do so. We all need to look after ourselves which often gets pushed aside when life and work take over. So pull it all back in today and do something just for you. #healingwiththefairies #angelicspiritkm #kyliemichelle @angelicspiritcardreading #dailyangelcard #dailycard #oracle #cards #empower_yourself #dailyguideance #tarot #angels #fairies #spiritualdevelopment #manifestation #message #personaltransformation #kindness #begoodtoyourself #begoodtoothers #youday #pamperyourself #personalhealing #destress
24.01.2022 Saturday - 17 October '20 - The Camel Boy The Camel Boy is the little helper of the deck. He recognizes that things need to be done and you need to make sure t...o keep doing your chores and all the other things in your life that is necessary. Nothing should be neglected and it's great to dream big and work hard to your goals, but you also have other responsibilities and they need to be tended to as well. That way the mundane wont pile up to the point you get overwhelmed and falter in your path. He also brings to you people and guidance that you need at the right time in just what you are seeking. If you need guidance on an issue, someone will come into your life that will partake the information of just what are seeking. All you have to do is simply "ASK". The right people or circumstances will be presented to you if you do. Moving house? Friends may suddenly come by to help you pack or move. So don't be shy, the Camel boy is akin to the pied piper. He will rally along any help and allies you need when you ask for them. #wisdomofhiddenrealms #angelicspiritkm #kyliemichelle @angelicspiritcardreading #dailyangelcard #dailycard #oracle #cards #empower_yourself #dailyguideance #tarot #angels #fairies #spiritualdevelopment #manifestation #message #personaltransformation #thecamelboy #helper #doyourchores #friendswhenneeded #littlehelper
23.01.2022 Thursday - 8 October '20 - Three of Autumn We are being repeatedly reminded to follow our passions when it comes to career choices. So many of us take on jobs ...that help pay the bills, often not happy and want to do other things. It's a gentle reminder today to start looking for things you are passionate about and trying to make changes to work towards the big change. For those that have hobbies but would like to take it further, then please do so. If you want to move elsewhere and want a complete career change then look at what you need to do in order to get there. Whether it's extra study or making time to put yourself out there. It's necessary. In the meantime, be and do the best you can be at whatever you do. There are those that will take notice at your efforts and skills and could well be the kickstart to progressing further. So in other words don't be slap dash. Even if you currently dislike what you are doing, find ways to make it enjoyable again. Shift that attitude and you will notice a shift in happy coincidences and chance occurrences. This card also signals rewards for your efforts. So whatever your situation, when you put in the hard yards, you will get rewarded for your efforts. Whether it is small or big, it's still a reward of some sort :) #fairytarot #angelicspiritkm #kyliemichelle @angelicspiritcardreading #dailyangelcard #dailycard #oracle #cards #empower_yourself #dailyguideance #tarot #angels #fairies #spiritualdevelopment #manifestation #message #personaltransformation #threeofautumn #followyourpassions #bethebestyoucanbe #shiftattitudes #happyoccurrances #changes #rewardsforhardwork
22.01.2022 Monday - 28 September '20 - King of Air The King of Air is very professional in his approach and diplomatic when dealing with any issues. When he speaks others... listen. That is the energy surrounding you today. Speak your truth with confidence and know that other's will be paying attention. If there is something on your mind or you feel strongly about, then don't worry about not having the right words to express it for he will help guide you here. For some of you, you may need to seek professional advice relating to what you are trying to achieve. They may have some brilliant insights that you had not considered before, which will help you proceed with extra confidence. All in all though, this card is also asking you to balance your mental and emotional aspects. In other words think carefully but also listen to your heart and don't allow your emotions to take over. So if there is something you need to speak about, take a little breather first and calm your emotions if you feel them getting wound up, before you let the words flow. Sometimes when we speak when we are 'emotional', the words can be more harsh than they were intended and may come out a little jumbled too. #angeltarot #angelicspiritkm #kyliemichelle @angelicspiritcardreading #dailyangelcard #dailycard #oracle #cards #empower_yourself #dailyguideance #tarot #angels #fairies #spiritualdevelopment #manifestation #message #personaltransformation #kingofair #diplomatic #professional #seekprofessionaladvice #balanceemotions #brilliantinsights
22.01.2022 Tuesday - 1 September '20 - Attachment There is something you are holding on to that is tying you down or restraining you from going forward which is more or self-imposed. You may not be honest with yourself at first about this, and may even be hiding behind a mask in some form because you just haven't wanted to face it before. Well, you are being asked to look at what you are restricting yourself from? What are you hiding away from even yourself that doesn't allow you to keep moving forward? The chains can easily be removed if you are willing. Take stock of what is really going on, in the undercurrent of your life, and see that which is the root cause of you unwilling to go ahead. Some of you may even feel a sense of safety and have become a little too comfortable with these chains, but you really do need to just take a risk and stretch yourself outside that comfort zone you have built up. It may be uncomfortable at first, but it's more than necessary now. The universe does not want to see you box yourself in. Your spirit is meant to soar, not be caged lovely one. #gatewayoracle #angelicspiritkm #kyliemichelle @angelicspiritcardreading #dailyangelcard #dailycard #oracle #cards #empower_yourself #dailyguideance #tarot #angels #fairies #spiritualdevelopment #manifestation #message #personaltransformation #attachment #whatareyourchains #unchainyourself #removethemask #setyourselffree
17.01.2022 Friday - 18 September '20 - Look Inside Yourself At times when we get a chance to get away from life, find ways to destress, and do things just for you, you all...ow your mind to reflect and contemplate on several aspects of your life. Journaling is such a great way to do this and helps go deeper within ourselves than we normally would. So if you can today - take some time to do some journaling and write down your thoughts, your dreams, and wishes, and simply write down whatever your mind wants to reflect on. I call this a form of meditation.... and often as I am writing, I come up with solutions to any issues, especially when I ask myself questions and then write down intuitive or insights from my guides or even subconscious. Much insight can be sought when we do this too. So happy journaling and allow yourself to look deeper within. It's revealing and not as scary as you may think. ;) #healingwiththefairies #angelicspiritkm #kyliemichelle @angelicspiritcardreading #dailyangelcard #dailycard #oracle #cards #empower_yourself #dailyguideance #tarot #angels #fairies #spiritualdevelopment #manifestation #message #personaltransformation #lookinsideyourself #reflection #innerwork #journaling #journalling #insights #meditation
16.01.2022 Friday - 4 September '20 - Magician and the Mirror With every storm comes a period of inner reflection and calmness. Like the eye of the storm, things become s...till and you again see clearly for a moment. The magician is here to tell you that you do have the power to transform anything you wish. You can bring about amazing changes. Here the magician holds the element of fire in one hand. It is passion and raw strength and in the other is water, which calms and soothes. All elements are here and the magician holds the power of all earth and spirit. The mirror is one of reflection and insight. He has come forward today to help weather out this storm and overcome it. Call upon your own internal power and use it. This card is a message that an important and powerful time is at hand and that you are able to transform difficulties into blessings. #gatewayoracle #angelicspiritkm #kyliemichelle @angelicspiritcardreading #dailyangelcard #dailycard #oracle #cards #empower_yourself #dailyguideance #tarot #angels #fairies #spiritualdevelopment #manifestation #message #personaltransformation #magicianandthemirror #thecalmbeforethestorm #revealeddeceit #insights #thepowertotransform #youarethealchemist #useyourinnerpower
15.01.2022 Wednesday - 23 September '20 - Rejuvenating Rain And today the cards continue with cleansing and clearing away things. Now we have rejuvenating rain. A clear... theme here! This clearly follows on from the past two days, and is very much akin to cleansing waters. As the rains fall, this washes away dust, debris and rejuvenates the earth. When we let it wash over us, the water has been energised by the atmosphere and what passes to earth, passes over us as well. Again take time to cleanse and release anything that has been holding you back. Clear away negative thoughts and let it rejuvenate your energies so that you can rise above and fly free in all aspects of your life. Another pathway is being shown, something which you probably came to realise on Monday with the transformation card. This is all making you ready to go forth without any baggage. #sacredtraveller #angelicspiritkm #kyliemichelle @angelicspiritcardreading #dailyangelcard #dailycard #oracle #cards #empower_yourself #dailyguideance #tarot #angels #fairies #spiritualdevelopment #manifestation #message #personaltransformation #rejuvenatingrain #renewedpurpose #cleanse #heal #washwaythecrap #releasenegativity #newgrowth #rejuvenatethesoul
15.01.2022 Thursday - 10 September '20 - Prioritize There are lots to do and that list is getting longer and longer. First, take some time out to look at the list and wor...k out which is more important. Place each item in order of importance and then slowly work towards tackling what you can. Something that have many elements to it, may need to be broken down even further so that you can have confidence you won't miss a vital part of getting whatever it is done. Delegate if you can, and it may be wise to stay away from social media while you get things done. You do not need any distractions right now and you may just be surprised how much you achieve today. So knuckle down and get to it. If you can, put your phone out of arms reach, or better yet, turn it off for a little while. #archangeloracle #angelicspiritkm #kyliemichelle @angelicspiritcardreading #dailyangelcard #dailycard #oracle #cards #empower_yourself #dailyguideance #tarot #angels #fairies #spiritualdevelopment #manifestation #message #personaltransformation #prioritize #gettoit #sortthosetodolists #knuckledown #turnoffthatphone
15.01.2022 Sunday - 13 September '20 - Patience Not everything happens overnight. You may want them too, we all do, but unfortunately, there are times we just need a litt...le more patience. Have faith and confidence that things are indeed moving ahead quickly, even if you can't see it right now. There is much going on in the background and the universe and angels and doing their thing to help you with your dreams and goals. If you are willing to put in the hard work and effort and have faith and positive thoughts, you can bet that things will indeed work, and well. The ONLY time this doesn't is if you know deep down that it's not what your heart wants, or you keep changing your thoughts about what it is you want. You have to stay clear and focused! Another very important aspect is just stepping back a little and allowing the universe to catch up and do its thing. It doesn't mean stop doing what you are doing, but don't try and force a specific outcome at a specific time frame. If you do, you can expect to be disappointed. Those who are more willing to let the outcome go to the universe and have faith, are more likely to have things sped up with surprisingly quick results. Why? Because they know what needs to be done, put in the effort, and keep their thoughts clear on just what they are working towards and the final goal. #archangeloracle #angelicspiritkm #kyliemichelle @angelicspiritcardreading #dailyangelcard #dailycard #oracle #cards #empower_yourself #dailyguideance #tarot #angels #fairies #spiritualdevelopment #manifestation #message #personaltransformation #patience #havefaith #standback #beclear #clearintent #stayfocused
14.01.2022 Friday - 11 September '20 - You Know What To Do I am being told this is a follow on from yesterday's card. There is much to do and you know what needs to be This is especially true if you made your lists and set out the priorities for each task. Keep at it and don't let yourself become too distracted with other things. Trust in your instincts, your knowledge, and your skills and abilities. So don't go second-guessing yourself. ... You are more than capable of anything you need to tackle. Keep at it! #archangeloracle #angelicspiritkm #kyliemichelle @angelicspiritcardreading #dailyangelcard #dailycard #oracle #cards #empower_yourself #dailyguideance #tarot #angels #fairies #spiritualdevelopment #manifestation #message #personaltransformation #youknowwhattodo #takecharge #keepatit #stopthedistractions #busydays
13.01.2022 Sunday - 4 October '20 - Awakening Got another clear theme happening this week, about really looking at things with balanced energy between the mind and the hea...rt. Again with awakening, we are asked to take a look at things from different perspectives. Again, stop, look and make necessary adjustments to your plans or any situations that have arisen. Like Archangel Gabriel, she is seen looking almost upside down, but she's looking carefully around her from every angle possible. She is the go-getter of the archangels often pushing us to act, however here she is also showing the importance of taking time to review things carefully. That way you can be sure of a smoother path and being able to have contingencies in place if things go a little sideways or divert a little. Alternatively, if things feel like they are at a standstill, then there could be something in the way that you can't see at the moment. So it's showing you that you need to look around a little more and perhaps look outside any self-imposed squares you have boxed yourself in to. All in all though she is further advising to be yourself. Follow your heart and be true to you! Don't be doing things because you think others expect it or others are putting demands on you that is not in line with your soul's goals and desires. This is your journey and your path... Not one that should be dictated by another. No happiness comes ever from that. #angeltarot #angelicspiritkm #kyliemichelle @angelicspiritcardreading #dailyangelcard #dailycard #oracle #cards #empower_yourself #dailyguideance #tarot #angels #fairies #spiritualdevelopment #manifestation #message #personaltransformation #awakening #riseabove #lookcarefully #reviewplans #lookfurther #newsolutions #followyourowndreams
11.01.2022 Monday - 21 September '20 - Transformation Today you may find yourself feeling rejuvenated and a strong sense of new purpose. Something will come or recently c...ame about that has made you rethink who you are and/or where you are going. Some of you may even have come up with some revelations about yourself that has given you a new sense of direction and insight into just what it is you want to achieve. Through all of this comes about a great transformation. That is what you are likely to experience today. You can feel it deep within your bones that changes are afoot. Enjoy that new, fresh way thinking. Enjoy the experience and allow yourself to rise and be reborn just as the card shows with the majestic phoenix taking flight. #sacredtraveller #angelicspiritkm #kyliemichelle @angelicspiritcardreading #dailyangelcard #dailycard #oracle #cards #empower_yourself #dailyguideance #tarot #angels #fairies #spiritualdevelopment #manifestation #message #personaltransformation #transformation #newenergies #phoenix #rebirth #newpathways #renewedenthusiasm #pumped #newexperiences #renewedpurpose
11.01.2022 Thursday - 17 September '20 - Financial Flow This is a simple message to not stress over financial resources. Some of you may even find yourself suddenly comin...g into an extra abundance of some sort. Perhaps some of you gain new employment, others may get a raise or you start making money from a side venture. Whatever your situation, the universe is telling you that you will have the resources you need when you need them. Of course, this does not mean you go out and splurge big on something you don't really need, it's about balance and moderation and saving for a rainy day as much as possible. But not about neglecting your necessities either. There will be enough so have faith. #healingwiththefairies #angelicspiritkm #kyliemichelle @angelicspiritcardreading #dailyangelcard #dailycard #oracle #cards #empower_yourself #dailyguideance #tarot #angels #fairies #spiritualdevelopment #manifestation #message #personaltransformation #financialflow #yourneedsaremet #abundance #happysuprises #financialbalance
09.01.2022 Thursday - 3 September '20 - Deceit And here comes the start of the storm.... Deceit comes in many forms. For some of you, it is an actual person who is withho...lding something from you. Now this person could be someone in your personal or professional life. If personal then you are forewarned that someone could be spreading rumors or trying to disrespect you in some way. In professional then watch for someone who could be hiding valuable information or trying to discredit your reputation or hinder your business proceedings. The man in the card is holding a bag of something valuable, so whatever situation it is for you to watch your money or valuables in this situation. As long as you are covered, and can be honest with your dealings you will overcome this. Be watchful but strong and courageous and stand your ground if you need to. Proceed with dignity and respect and as I've said earlier you will get through this like a boss. Now for some of you, this deceit could actually be on a more personal scale, as with the attachment card earlier this week, perhaps you are still deceiving yourself to the point it will give you a situation that makes you come unstuck. You will have no choice but the face the situation. All things come to light eventually so no use trying to push it and hide it anymore. Whatever lays hidden will be revealed, especially if you are paying more attention and are prepared like you were asked yesterday with the strategy card. #gatewayoracle #angelicspiritkm #kyliemichelle @angelicspiritcardreading #dailyangelcard #dailycard #oracle #cards #empower_yourself #dailyguideance #tarot #angels #fairies #spiritualdevelopment #manifestation #message #personaltransformation #deceit #hiddenagendas #watchyourvaluables #becautious #lookdeeper #beready
08.01.2022 Thursday - 24 September '20 - Unknown Territory Have no fear, you are exactly where you need to by right now and there is nothing to worry about. If you are un...sure of the journey you are on, it's okay. This card is just a gentle message to tell you that you are on the right track and to keep going. Good awaits ahead and you are certainly not alone either. As in the card the journey man has his little bird friends right there with him. He knows that he can step ahead with a sure foot. So lovely one, don't fear the unknown, proceed ahead. #sacredtraveller #angelicspiritkm #kyliemichelle @angelicspiritcardreading #dailyangelcard #dailycard #oracle #cards #empower_yourself #dailyguideance #tarot #angels #fairies #spiritualdevelopment #manifestation #message #personaltransformation #unknownterritory #clearpath #noworry #nofear #youareokay #proceed #followyoursoulspurpose
07.01.2022 Monday - 7 September '20 - Leadership I don't know about you, but I felt that after last week we could use some cards of a more gentle nature. :) So using the... good ol' Archangel Oracle deck. Always uplifting with simple straightforward messages. Today - we have leadership. It's a day where you are just going to have to take the bull by the horns and lead the way to what needs to be done. Of course done in a firm but positive and encouraging way, which is something you excel at. You may not realise it, but others do look up to your guidance and you have the natural ability to see what needs to be done and delegate to the right person. Each person then feels valued by your encouragement and your ability to help show them how it needs to be done too. Something that is often lacking with others in leadership. They say what they want but then don't always give the clear guidance on how they want it. So don't be fearful in stepping up and taking charge, for that is exactly what is needed today. #archangeloracle #angelicspiritkm #kyliemichelle @angelicspiritcardreading #dailyangelcard #dailycard #oracle #cards #empower_yourself #dailyguideance #tarot #angels #fairies #spiritualdevelopment #manifestation #message #personaltransformation #leadership #takecharge #delegate #lovingdirection
07.01.2022 Tuesday - 29 September '20 - Six of Fire Ooh positive energies today! Six of Fire represents victory :) It is a simple card to indicate that good news is on t...he way and perhaps you will even have a little surprise win that you were not expecting. For some it could also represent public recognition of some sort on something you have recently achieved. Enjoy the day and allow the good to come in whatever form it takes. #angeltarot #angelicspiritkm #kyliemichelle @angelicspiritcardreading #dailyangelcard #dailycard #oracle #cards #empower_yourself #dailyguideance #tarot #angels #fairies #spiritualdevelopment #manifestation #message #personaltransformation #sixoffire #victory #winwin #abundance #publicrecognition #goodnews
04.01.2022 Friday - 9 October '20 - Renewal We are still going through a cycle of reviewing our goals and plans and where we are at the moment. The momentum is still in f...ull force and you are again asked to look at your situation and what you want to change and improve. It's all about manifesting your dreams and desires and working towards your soul's true purpose. It doesn't matter if you don't know exactly what you want right now, it's important to be aware of your feelings and emotions about what you are doing. Sometimes its about looking at your past and where you see yourself down the track (in your future). What do you need to do to get there? What do you think your life's purpose is? What makes you happiest? What lifts your soul when you do or think about something? All of these are keys and clues to help you come up with the next steps in your journey. Part of the reviewing process is also releasing any judgements about yourself and others. Today is a new day, tomorrow is another. Each step we take, brings us closer. If we hold on to judgements, often these are negative, then we only drag ourselves down and hinder things. You are more than that now. #fairytarot #angelicspiritkm #kyliemichelle @angelicspiritcardreading #dailyangelcard #dailycard #oracle #cards #empower_yourself #dailyguideance #tarot #angels #fairies #spiritualdevelopment #manifestation #message #personaltransformation #renewal #meditation #reviewplans #reviewgoals #followyourheart #soulspurpose
02.01.2022 Saturday - 12 September '20 - Remember Who You Are The last couple of days have been pretty hectic and there has been so much to do... Well, I sense that there ...still is, however, it's a good day to take a little breather and recollect and regroup your energies. You are a powerful and loving Being and the angels just want to remind you of that. I know it may feel a little overwhelming right now and you have been so bogged under with other duties, so it's always good to step back just for a little bit and touch base with how amazing and unique and powerful you are. Take some deep breaths and visualize your energy being reinvigorated and energized. By doing this, you will feel ready to tackle the next thing off that list. Knowing you who are and what you are capable is can be just the zap to get you moving again. #archangeloracle #angelicspiritkm #kyliemichelle @angelicspiritcardreading #dailyangelcard #dailycard #oracle #cards #empower_yourself #dailyguideance #tarot #angels #fairies #spiritualdevelopment #manifestation #message #personaltransformation #rememberwhoyouare #powerhousebeing #capable #strong
01.01.2022 Tuesday - 22 September '20 - Cleansing Waters Have you ever taken a shower or bath and found yourself not only feeling soothed and refreshed, but also find new ...ideas and solutions to any issues just pop out of nowhere. Cleansing waters represents that energy for you today. Perhaps if you never noticed things before, you just may do so today. When we cleanse ourselves, we not only clean our physical body but also our spiritual and mental bodies. We can think clearer and feel more invigorated and alive. Take time today to have an extra long shower or bath today if you can. Feel the water cleanse away all the fears, negativity and other psychic gunk that has accumulated through general life. You are taking flight and being reborn, what better way to accelerate this than cleansing yourself from all the past and crap we carry around with us unnecessarily. #sacredtraveller #angelicspiritkm #kyliemichelle @angelicspiritcardreading #dailyangelcard #dailycard #oracle #cards #empower_yourself #dailyguideance #tarot #angels #fairies #spiritualdevelopment #manifestation #message #personaltransformation #cleansingwaters #cleanse #heal #healthepast #releasetheold #rejuvenation #letgoofbaggage #newideas
01.01.2022 Tuesday - 15 September '20 - Vacation Well, I have just come back from a little family vacation up the river as some of you may have seen from my stories. Howe...ver, if you haven't had the chance yourselves then this is definitely for you! Perhaps my little trip has inspired you to do something. So, this pretty much follows on from yesterday I feel. It's about being good to yourself and allowing your energies to recharge. Going away, even for just a day is so important to allow us to regroup and reduce the stress of everyday living. If you can try and plan a mini vacation. With all the travel restrictions in place, you may need to be creative. Some of this could be taking time off work and just having a creative day at home or spending the day out in the local park. Going for a hike, weather permitting. Spending the day at the spa if possible or even just going for a nice long drive outside your normal area. Be creative here. Anything that you can do with any restrictions that may be in place, you just need to take time away from the hectic days of work and living. Would love to hear what creative ways you found you could take a mini-vacation. :) #healingwiththefairies #angelicspiritkm #kyliemichelle @angelicspiritcardreading #dailyangelcard #dailycard #oracle #cards #empower_yourself #dailyguideance #tarot #angels #fairies #spiritualdevelopment #manifestation #message #personaltransformation #vacation #minivacation #becreative #timeforyou #regroup #destress #havefun
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