Angèle-Animal Connections | Local service
Angèle-Animal Connections
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25.01.2022 Please check this out! The world needs this and coming together to acknowledge and learn all about inter species communication is so important! Your animals will thank you
24.01.2022 Our little visitor gecko tonight
24.01.2022 Wait for it......
23.01.2022 Sending love via a brown feather Beautiful Violet has been in Spirit for a few months now and not a day goes by where she isn’t missed and is always thought of with so much love. I let her Mum know Fae that Violet would send two brown feathers and each time to know it’s an I love you from her. ... Two days after I gave this message to Fae I got a text from Fae and she showed me the brown feather she came across that day! Clever Violet! Your animals in Spirit will do what they can to let you know you are loved and you can come across these signs when your heart needs it the most. All you need to do is let your heart and mind be open and curious
22.01.2022 POST CLOSED It’s Sunday here and I am ready to share these with you today. If you would like a message from the animals today let me know, for 5 people I’ll pull a card for you and send it to you by the end of today
21.01.2022 Today I would like to introduce you to my friend Balu. With permission from his Mum Christina, I wanted to share how he contacted me. Balu is a very special boy who lives in Cyprus and I had the honour of connecting with him. He's a happy boy and loves his people and family so very much. I had so much fun learning about him and seeing his life from his point of view. I finished the connection and tucked the memory away in my heart of this beautiful connection I had. ... I was driving in my car later on and I heard (with my inner hearing) a very clear "It's me again, Balu, I am worried about my Mum." He showed me the left side of her chest and I was unsure exactly where. He asked me to ask her if she was ok. So as I do, if any animal asks, I messaged his Mum Christina to ask if she was aware of the left side of her chest maybe her heart? I asked if she was ok? I told her that Balu had let me know and he was worried about her. Christina confirmed that she had been having shortness of breath and could feel her heart pumping hard. (All was fine of course thankfully). She also shared that she was doing breath work to heal grief in her heart. Balu was watching over his Mum with so much love. Christina explained that whenever she cries, Balu always comforts her. I let Balu know that his Mum was fine and explained what she was doing and that she also was going to tell him. He felt better and I was so touched that he loves his Mum so much that he reached out to me. The animals love you so much and they do pay attention to you and how you are feeling. I hope Balu's bright smile brings a smile to your face too. Thank you Christina for allowing me to share.
19.01.2022 Today is my Dad's Eternity Birthday, there is no way I can express just how much I love him or even convey in words just how amazing he is! He passed away when I was 21 yrs old and not a day goes by where I don't think of him. I went to see a psychic a few years ago now and I had waited a very, very long time to hear from my Dad. ... Right away, she said she had a man there and described my Dad and acknowledged I had waited all that time to hear from him and boy did he have a lot to say. I cried tears of happiness because I had finally heard from him. She said he has two dogs with him and she was seeing a larger dog and a smaller dog, that these two were the best of friends together. She described their relationship and he was pointing and saying "look who is here with me!' with a huge smile on his face! These were the dogs from my childhood whom my Dad loved so very much too. Simba and Strudel. He was a really tough man but when it came to animals he was the biggest softie. It warmed my heart because I knew they were all together! I love that the animals join our loved ones in Spirit whether they are people or other animals. They are not alone and they are loved. So today I am hurting a little, missing my Dad but always grateful that now I get to see the animals and people in Spirit for myself and for you too.
19.01.2022 Today is Fathers Day here in Australia and today I’m celebrating this guy! He’s the best Dad to 3 amazing girls and puts up with 4 strong women in our household. He never was a dog or cat kinda guy when we first met but since we’ve been together it’s been 2 cats and 5 dogs, 2 bearded dragons, 2 rats and a snake. Now it’s our 3 dogs, 3 daughters and me and we All love him. ... When he walks in the door it’s on! Kisses, hugs and we all talk at once lol. He makes time for all of us to each have our own time with him. Most of all, I’m grateful I have his support, without it, I wouldn’t be able to do what I do. He totally accepts my weird and is right with me on this amazing journey. So Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads who walk beside us In Spirit and to all the Dads we are blessed to have here with us.
18.01.2022 Ooh I wonder which dog is coming to me this coming week? Love the signs I get Wishing you a beautiful weekend
17.01.2022 I am so blessed that I get to meet the nicest people with the animals. Earlier in the year I had the honour of meeting Marlowe. Marlowe and I organised a time and had a video call together for an animal communication with her beautiful girl Bells. Bells showed me how she was like a mother to Marlowe and always looked out for Marlowe. She showed me she was not very well at all and would be getting ready to go but needed to make sure that Marlowe would be ok. Marlowe and Bells... were together for 19 beautiful years and were the world for each other. Bells showed me her favourite places she liked to go to with Marlowe and a feel of the kind of relationship they had together. She showed me how dedicated and loving Marlowe was in nursing her through her illness and how much love and appreciation she has for her. I got a sense of real excitement from Bells, she showed me something very big was on the way for Marlowe. I asked Marlowe if there was an achievement of some sort and we tried to work out what this feeling was. Bells clearly said I will be at work with her every day. I clarified with Marlowe and I described what I was seeing and asked do you take Bells to work with you? I got a no. I left it at that but could not forget this feeling of excitement and achievement from Bells for Marlowe. Covid hit a few weeks after that, that was huge change for everyone but during this time Bells transitioned and Marlowe experienced an extremely difficult time. In the most amazing way and out of all this pain came the creation of Marlowe's very own tattoo salon! In September I booked in to see her as she is local to me and went in to get my tattoo. As I walked in admiring how beautiful her space is, there on the wall is a portrait photo of Bells and Marlowes business is named after her 'Jezabelle's' and this is what she meant when she said "I am at work with her every day' I then recognised the room she showed me too. It all made sense. It is never easy to let a loved one go and it can be hell what we have to go through sometimes but what waits for us can be more than what we ever imagined. I am so very honoured that I got to connect with this precious being. If you are here on the coast and you would like some body art or cosmetic tattooing please do go in and see Marlowe at Jezabelle's Tattoo lounge and Beauty Bar, she is so incredibly talented and one of the kindest people I have ever met. I truly am thankful with all my heart that I get to do this for you all and the animals. Today we remember with love Jezabelle "Bells"
17.01.2022 Thinking of you all for Christmas and especially those who have an animal in Spirit
16.01.2022 This is what we can encourage in our children, the animals listen to us and we can learn to listen to them as well. Just beautiful
15.01.2022 Oh my goodness I’m so excited I ordered this gorgeous deck and it arrived today!!! Can’t wait to share this with you!
15.01.2022 Back to snuggles with Mae and moving with ease. I’m grateful that Hugo is more aware of what his limitations are. Thanks for your care to everyone that has been asking. Hope your animals are happy today too
15.01.2022 This week I had the honour of connecting with this handsome wise 19 yr old cat Cougar. His mum contacted me concerned about him, to check in on him, as he is eating less and not sleeping in the bedroom lately. When I asked Cougar about this during our connection, he showed me how worried his mum is about him and to share something with her to help her. He shared that humans think of yesterday and get sad of how things were, he showed me images of him as a young cat and how ...alert and strong he was. He said that we can make it hard for ourselves sometimes by doing this. He shared how he is concerned for her worrying about him. He asked me to tell her to notice all the things he does only today and what he enjoys and can do today. Cougar doesn’t eat as much and he’s ok with it as he sleeps a lot more now and doesn’t have as much energy to burn. He sleeps in the living room so he can enjoy his bed and a deep sleep, (it’s actually his brother dogs new bed). It all made sense to his mum. Cougar also asked me to let his mum know the fridge clunks really loud at night and that he saw a mouse go behind the fridge. Luckily she knows about the mouse already and has also heard the fridge make that sound too! It’s a beautiful way of thinking and I’m taking it in my heart. Wishing for what was yesterday and worrying about tomorrow only takes the joy of today away. Thanks for the beautiful reminder Cougar
12.01.2022 POST CLOSED Do you have more than one animal in your household? Are you curious about what they think of each other or the purpose each animal has in your life or your family’s life? Perhaps there are issues between them that you would like to understand better? ... Each animal comes with their own soul journey just like we do and they are with us for a reason as well as help us humans on our journeys. I would like to offer a special communication, 2 animals for the price of 1. $80AU and I will do this for 2 people. Please comment below and I will message you. Looking forward to meeting you and your animals
11.01.2022 When was the last time you could have said that you loved being in your body? I would like to introduce you to this beautiful girl Frankie. Frankie is now in Spirit and I had the honour of connecting with her for her Mom Jen. When I connected with Frankie I saw her jumping around and so happy and I heard her say "I loved my body and jumping and playing!' Being in Frankies body was no small matter in her 14 yrs. She lost an eye after an injury, she lost sight in the other as well. Frankie lost the use of one of her legs in the latter part of her life and showed me her inability to jump up like she did when she was younger. None of what happened to her stopped her from being the boss, nothing took away her feist or happiness in her life. She shared with me who she was in charge of in her home, how she would check in with her Mom and her cat sibling as well as a new pup that she is guiding and helping. She showed me her joy for her life with her Mom and how kind her Mom was in placing soft beds in places all over the house and making sure pathways were clear for Frankie. Every gesture of love from her Mom was acknowledged and so much gratitude and love from Frankie's heart to her Mom. I learnt a lot from Frankie with this communication, if she can be happy in her body for her 14 years and she can get on with things every day with happiness despite her physical condition then there is no excuse as to why I can't be happy in my body. It truly is an honour to meet beautiful hearts like Frankie who was such a brilliant teacher to all of those around her and to meet beautiful people like her Mom Jen. Most of all, I love that the message of gratitude and love is there to ease her Mom's pain. You can be sure that Frankie in Spirit is still the Queen of her home. See more
06.01.2022 Emotion Code with Meeko A few weeks ago I gifted some Emotion Code sessions on my page and I had the honour of helping this handsome boy. His Mom shared that Meeko had been down and out of sorts lately. When I tuned into him he did feel down and I asked him for permission to do a healing with him. I got a yes and so began the session. With animals, they don't hold as many trapped Emotions as humans do but they have energy bodies like we do and so can hold onto emotions that... can cause imbalances, pain or illness just like with humans. I asked Meeko's body with muscle testing what trapped emotions were contributing to this down feeling he was experiencing and a few emotions were found. I released these and gave the time of when these emotions were experienced. Meeko's mom could recognise and understand the emotions, it was in line from when they adopted Meeko's sister and it was a bit of an adjustment for him. I checked in with Meeko a few days later and he was a lot more relaxed and shadowing his Mom. When I checked in again just recently he is a lot more content and relaxed and even more playful. After a session there may not be major changes right away, sometimes there is and sometimes it may be gradual or subtle. Sometimes it can take more than one session. I am so happy for Meeko that this helped him and that he is happier within himself. I love doing the Emotion Code with you or your animals and if you feel that this may help your animal, I am right here ready to be of service for you both.
06.01.2022 We started our Monday at the vets after an appointment on Friday meant Mae needed to have this lump investigated. It was a suspicious mast cell tumor and tests were sent off ready for Monday morning. I dislike the word tumor and cancer and probably you do too, it brings on fear when I hear it, so I made the choice to refer to it as a little lump, that to me feels doable and a whole lot more gentle. I’m not in denial about these things but whatever helps me be a positive fo...rce in this, I will do. It felt like a long wait and those of you who have waited for results know how I felt. I know that Mae is tuned into me and so I was very mindful as to what I was thinking and I was honest with her. I said to Mae out loud and often ‘You are amazing Mae and your body can heal this ‘ I said to her ‘I am a bit worried because I totally love you but I know that whatever happens, we will figure this out!’ I got licks of reassurance from her quite often over the weekend and she let me know she wasn’t worried about it at all. I told her every time I look at it, I’m going to see it healing and getting smaller and smaller. The whole family is in on it! 8 am and my vet saw us and gave us the great news, it’s a histiocytoma and that it’s not cancerous and we just have to keep an eye on it over the next few weeks. I am so so grateful! We are just as important in the healing process with our animals, our intention and peace of mind is a big part of their health and well being. It’s important to be honest with them about your fears, pretending is not helpful and they always know anyway. It is more helpful for you both to transform your fear into actions of love with honesty and intention. Does it mean you aren’t scared anymore? Not at all, it does mean though, that there is also love to help soothe you and extra love between you to support you both. If your animal has a health issue or an upcoming vet visit, a communication with them can help them be more at ease and give you insight as to how they are feeling. So here is to smaller disappearing lumps and gratitude for Mae’s amazing body and her health.
03.01.2022 I had a beautiful surprise last night as I was given a gift. Now for me Spirit brings symbols to me via my morning cuppa, I had a peacock a few weeks ago and loved the image and then forgot about it. Last night I unwrapped the gift and there on the front are peacocks! Inside was the most beautiful deck of cards and crystal! The cards totally speak to me and I can’t wait to connect with these! Thank you to my beautiful friend who trusted her intuition in choosing this powerfu...l gift for me and didn’t know anything about my peacock in my coffee! Thank you peacock for the beautiful message. Peacock symbolises integrity and beauty when we choose to show our true colours. It is associated to Quan Yin with watchfulness, good will, nurturing and kind heartedness. I hope you also feel the love from Spirit in all kinds of ways as you receive gifts during Christmas
02.01.2022 A very Merry Christmas to you all and thinking of you that extra little bit if you are missing someone. Much love
02.01.2022 POST CLOSED Got any sneaky trapped Emotions hiding somewhere in your animal? Are you curious to see if that may be contributing to behavioural issues or imbalances with your fur loved one? ... Releasing trapped emotions may be helpful in pain relief or imbalances in the body as well as help heal phobias or fears. Just ask Hugo.. he knows all about it. I am gifting two Emotion Code sessions for the animals this week. If you are interested please post a photo of your animal and I will private message you. So grateful I can do this for you all and I’m looking forward to seeing who I can help
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