Angelic Massage Therapy in Buxton, New South Wales | Medical and health
Angelic Massage Therapy
Locality: Buxton, New South Wales
Phone: +61 412 786 114
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24.01.2022 Clinic Update Re COVID19 After the PM's recent announcement and with information provided by my governing body I have had to make the heart wrenching decision to close my doors for now until the COVID19 situation is under control. Although I know this is a temporary set back, it has been such a hard decision to make, as I know many of my clients rely on their treatment to keep moving, for restoring their balance and wellbeing, however my family and I have decided it is for t...he best for the community and myself to put things on hold for now. If you have an appointment already booked for the coming weeks I'll be in touch to reschedule. I am unsure how long this will take and these are uncharted waters for us all. I assume that this will continue for a number of weeks so when I return I will only be working from my home clinic in Buxton. Thank you so much to everyone for all you love and support Please take care & see you all when all of this is over Kimmy
15.01.2022 I can highly recommend this amazing lady, but get in quick as spots are limited
12.01.2022 I can highly recommend Inspire with Wire for all that you need to hand make your very own special jewellery pieces
10.01.2022 I know that current events are creating concern in the community and I just wanted to update you on the hygiene precautions I am taking at the clinic to protect you an your family as well as myself and my family. * If you are experiencing any cold and flu symptoms please call to reschedule until you habe recovered and of course observe 14 days self-quarantine if you have returned from anywhere overseas. I am trained in infection control and would also undertake to self-quaran...tine if I or my family experience any cold or flu symptoms. I am still currently open and have procedures in place to manage risks to keep our community healthy and safe. I will continue to respond to the current global health challenge, and I am taking regular advice from the WHO, the Australain Department of Health and my governing body ATMS. I have in place procedures to protect you and the clinic, these include:- * regularly cleaning all surfaces including door handles, eftpos machine, frequently touched equipment and surfaces. * washing hands with soap and water regularly * having hand sanitiser available for clients * linen is changed on massage tables after each client and hard surfaces are cleaned between clients. Again I thank you for your support during these difficult times. Kimmy
08.01.2022 Reiki with Toni is officially open for business, book your appointment via private message
04.01.2022 This week I have had to make one of the hardest decisions in my career. After 6 amazing years in Camden, I deeply sad to say that my Camden Clinic will be closed from 18th April 2020. I will still be operating from my Clinic at home in Buxton Monday-Thursday and also Saturday's. These current circumstances here and around the world are uncharted waters for us all and as a Small Business and Some Trader I have to look ahead and do what is right for me and my family.... I truly cannot thank Lyn & Noel Steven's of Alternative Therapies enough for allowing me to be part of their journey in Camden. Whilst having the up most pleasure to also work along side Renee Gould of Peace by Piece Holistic Healing and Sabrina Borg of Sabrina Borg Acpuncture. You all are simply amazing and professional healers and I have learnt so much from you all, not only about healing but also about myself. I cannot put into words how grateful I am for every person whom has walked through my door, and hope that you sti will continue to, only that I understand the trip to Buxton may be too far for some and this is totally understandable. I will still honour any gift certificates in my Buxton Clinic, and those whom cannot make it to Camden I am happy to provide a full refund. Or Katherine at Zanshin Natural Therapies has also agreed to honour my vouchers at her clinic in Menangle Park.. I can also recommend a couple of therapists whom can assist you in Remedial Massage, Aromatherapy Massage, Pregnancy Massage and also Reiki. Remedial Massage Katherine Patrick of Zanshin Natural Therapies located at Menangle Park - 0478 183 570 Bridget Dorahy of B Massage Therapy Located at Elderslie - 0416 280 963 Teresa & John McDonald of Scents of Touch Located at Camden - 4655 9299 Aromatherapy Massage Katherine Patrick of Zanshin Natural Therapies located at Menangle Park - 0478 183 570 Teresa McDonald of Scents of Touch Located at Camden - 4655 9299 Pregnancy Massage Katherine Patrick of Zanshin Natural Therapies located at Menangle Park - 0478 183 570 Bridget Dorahy of B Massage Therapy Located at Elderslie - 0416 280 963 Teresa & John McDonald of Scents of Touch Located at Camden - 4655 9299 Bowen Therapy Renee Gould of Holistic Health Located at Narellan - 0407 099 821 Reiki Katherine Patrick of Zanshin Natural Therapies located at Menangle Park - 0478 183 570 Toni Brown of Reiki with Toni Located at Cobbity - 0414 464 739 Renee Gould of Holistic Health Located at Narellan - 0407 099 821 Thank you so much for the journey so far Love to you all Kimmy Angelic Massage Therapy
03.01.2022 Well I have just recieved some fantastic news from ATMS, The NSW Health Minister has announced that Remedial Massage are now deemed essential and therefore we are allowed to practice. This only applies to qualified and registered Remedial Massage Therapists whom work in a Clinical setting. However we have some tight regulations to adhere to:- 1. If you have any cold, flu, fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath symptoms then your appointment will need to be re-schedule...d. 2. If you or anyone you have been in contact with has had the COVID virus then your appointment will need to be re-scheduled. 3. If you or anyone your in contact with has travelled overseas in the past 3 weeks your appointment will need to be re-scheduled. 4. I will not be taking on any new clients until the COVID-19 regulations have been relaxed across the state. 5. I can only have 1 person at a time in my clinic due to the minimum space requirements. 6. Like normal after every client all my infection control procedures will be adhered to, along with extra precautions such as cleaning door handles, eftpos machine and have hand sanitizer available for clients upon arrival. All these precautions are to ensure that I am adhering to the NSW Govt regulations, but also to keep you, your family, myself and my family, safe during these difficult times. If you have a regular occuring appointment I will be in touch to advise, please note that ALL treatment will now be conducted from my Clinic at my home in Buxton. I thank you for your support, patience and understanding and look forward to seeing you soon. Kind regards Kimmy Angelic Massage Therapy
01.01.2022 Selling tickets to support Industry Dance Co for their dancers to dance at Disneyland
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