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Psychic Readings with Veronica

Phone: +61 438 930 705


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25.01.2022 Use your imagination sometimes to help create inner peace...Imagination is a wonderful escape sometimes

25.01.2022 A positive attitude creates happier outcomes. When things are tough, stay focussed on the positives and if you cant find something positive with the situation,... take it as it comes and remind yourself that everything that happens is part of the plan and you are experiencing this for the greater good of your spirit... See more

25.01.2022 You are who you are. Your past is in the past and there is no changing it. Live in the light and make positive is too short to live with regret

24.01.2022 We often miss the small signs from spirit...a message in a song, a tickle on the cheek, a light flickering, a butterfly appearing, a memory, something lost appe...ars from nowhere, a message in a dream, a plant that was special flourishes more than it did, there are too many signs...however because we put it down to coincidence we too often ignore...My TV will go off and if I have a certain spirit with me I cant back out of my driveway!!...Irecognize the signs...we are never alone...just believe xx See more

24.01.2022 Live in the moment, don't take life for granted and have no is a gift...Live in the moment, don't take life for granted and have no is a gift...

24.01.2022 You are worthy of love....that includes loving yourself Dont forget yourself!You are worthy of love....that includes loving yourself Dont forget yourself!

23.01.2022 Life can be challenging and is full of change, Embrace the journey and allow yourself to be one with the flow of lifeLife can be challenging and is full of change, Embrace the journey and allow yourself to be one with the flow of life

22.01.2022 This one rings true to me xx

22.01.2022 Look on the bright side of life and remember when times are tough, tomorrow brings a new dawn of new beginningsLook on the bright side of life and remember when times are tough, tomorrow brings a new dawn of new beginnings

22.01.2022 So many children are very gifted and see spirit, hear spirit and pass on messages. Sadly even today, this is brushed off by people and so many of us learn to bl...ock it. If your child has an imaginary friend then support them and go along with it because that imaginary friend is more likely to be a spirit who keeps the child company surrounding them in loving protection and guidance See more

21.01.2022 Try not to take on other peoples negative thoughts and discussions, let them have their say but keep your thoughts and words positive. Have a great day!

20.01.2022 Dont worry about what may be...just enjoy the present...the worry is more than likely unfounded anyhow, and in not worrying about it, you help it not come to fruition!! The power of thought is always at work...Thinking about things creates your reality

20.01.2022 Be the person you would like to have as your best friend and you will attract the right people into your life....Life each day with enthusiasm and kindness

19.01.2022 Accepting your true self is the first step to self love.....stop comparing yourself to others and wishing you could be somebody different, or envying someone else's successes. If you could take a look at others thoughts of you, you may well be pleasantly surprised that in fact others envy you

19.01.2022 Cut the chords to all unnecessary thoughts and issues and ask the universe to take care of them for you. Say out loud ," I now let go of ...............and ask the universe to take care of it for me."Cut the chords to all unnecessary thoughts and issues and ask the universe to take care of them for you. Say out loud ," I now let go of ...............and ask the universe to take care of it for me."

17.01.2022 Whatever you do today, feel good about it and about your choices. Make today a happy thought day and love yourself. You are beautiful and you deserve good things xx

16.01.2022 True ethics and morality come from within, not from fear of retribution.

16.01.2022 Today is the beginning of the rest of my life! I welcome the choices to bring positive experiences into my tomorrows

15.01.2022 Reach to the stars! Anything is possible xx

12.01.2022 More often than not, things turn out okay despite out stress....just breath and remain hopefulMore often than not, things turn out okay despite out stress....just breath and remain hopeful

12.01.2022 We all need to remind ourselves that life isn’t always perfect. One step at a time in those trying times We all need to remind ourselves that life isn’t always perfect. One step at a time in those trying times

11.01.2022 This is beautiful

11.01.2022 Theres no turning back the clock so stop living in the past and live in the now...all things happen for a reason and lifes too short to live with regrets...

10.01.2022 Life is full of ups and downs. There is no getting past that however if we choose to live in the past and be filled with regrets, then we will not be free emotionally to move forward into a positive and bright future...Doorways are always opening, close the door to the past xox Life is full of ups and downs. There is no getting past that however if we choose to live in the past and be filled with regrets, then we will not be free emotionally to move forward into a positive and bright future...Doorways are always opening, close the door to the past xox

10.01.2022 As you go about your day, smile at people as they walk by, allow the person behind you in the queue to go before you, let people enter into the flow of traffic, and welcome any challenge that comes your way. Life is a challenge and is full of change, embrace the journey and allow yourself to be one with the flow of life

09.01.2022 Happiness is a matter what...look for the positives in situations..We all need to be reminded to do that...Life can be challenging often but take moment as it comes, deal with situations as the moment arises and go to bed reminding yourself tomorrow is a new day,mwith new beginnings xxx See more

09.01.2022 I tell everyone to enjoy life and don't take tomorrow for granted. Each day is so precious to us and such a gift. How many are fighting to live while so many of us are complaining. Seize the moment and make the most of your existence xxx

08.01.2022 Still your mind, Your soul is calling out for silence. Make time for a quiet meditation today. Your spirit needs time where there are no distractions and thrives with silence and uninterrupted healing...nurture your body, mind and spirit today...even if for only a few minutes..

07.01.2022 Look after both your emotional and physical health and make the most of each given moment...tomorrow is not guaranteed...Look after both your emotional and physical health and make the most of each given moment...tomorrow is not guaranteed...

07.01.2022 Today surround yourself in beautiful white light. Think only of the wonderful things that you have in your life..Today surround yourself in beautiful white light. Think only of the wonderful things that you have in your life..

05.01.2022 "Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny." (Mahatma Gandhi)"Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny." (Mahatma Gandhi)

04.01.2022 There is so much to be grateful for..Just being here talking to you is something I am grateful for. Life is a miracleThere is so much to be grateful for..Just being here talking to you is something I am grateful for. Life is a miracle

03.01.2022 One of the hardest lessons in life is letting go . . Whether it's guilt, anger, love, loss, etc . . Change is never easy!! you fight to hold on and you fight to let goOne of the hardest lessons in life is letting go . . Whether it's guilt, anger, love, loss, etc . . Change is never easy!! you fight to hold on and you fight to let go

01.01.2022 Trust your inner self when seeking answers. The answer lies withinTrust your inner self when seeking answers. The answer lies within

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