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Angelspeak in Gold Coast, Queensland | Professional service

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Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland

Phone: +61 419 416 622

Address: 258 Easthill Drive 4209 Gold Coast, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 HAPPY HALLOWEEN This tradition started with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, where people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward of ghosts. This day marked the end of summer and the beginning of the dark cold winter. The Celts believed that on this day the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead became very thin, and the ghosts of the dead would return to earth

25.01.2022 Oh I love this one

25.01.2022 Halloween Special Sophia and the Spirit's hard cover book is now 50% off. Great gift idea for those children who can see and hear spirits around them. In the book you will learn all about the different types of spirits you may come across such as your deceased loved ones and pets, spirit guides and angels. It also has tools and techniques to use for those not so nice spirits that may enter your space on how to move them on and keep your space clear. Offer ends 2nd November grab your copy now

22.01.2022 I think a lot of us are feeling like this at the moment

22.01.2022 Saw this on FB the other day and I really love it. If only we could see how amazing we truly are. Thanks to for the picture

22.01.2022 The Lions Gate Portal: The Lions Gate is a cosmic portal opening and a time of increased energy flowing between the spiritual and physical realms. This is an incredible time for activating and fully stepping into your unique divine path. The portal opens with the alignment between Earth and the star Sirius. Sirius represents abundance, harvest, and fertility. This alignment is called the Lions Gate because it occurs when the sun is in the astrological sign of Leo the Lion, a...nd Leo is associated with the heart center and represents the individualized expression of the Divine. When this alignment happens there is an intense surge of energy which can awaken your DNA, activate your energy field, and transmit high vibrational frequencies and codes of awakening. Light codes of ascension and evolution from Sirius are transmitted directly to Earth, aligning yet another level of activation and offering opportunites for further progression on your path of ascension. The Lions Gate energy is all about more fully awakening the Divine Light within See more

21.01.2022 Exciting News: I have just finished the first in a series of on-line courses. In this first course, titled Psychic Development, you will discover what your six ...psychic gifts are and how to tap into them to unleash your full psychic potential. First we will discuss energy and look at how energy creates the universe that is all around us. We then delve into revealing your six psychic senses which run along yur physical senses i.e. seeing, hearing, feeling, knowing, smelling and tasting. Once you are aware of these abilities we will look at different ways to enhance and develop each one so that you can start to use these amazing gifts on a day to day basis. Being aware of how to tap into this energy you can start asking your questions and receiving the answers yourself, which is not only empowering but will enrich your life in many ways. Video runs over 1 hour 50 minutes and includes an overview of the workhop as a PDF file. Here's a link to the online course. Hope you enjoy :)

20.01.2022 I think a lot of us are feeling like this at the moment

19.01.2022 Wow lots going on at the moment and it can be really difficult for our energy systems to cope with. Hang in there as it will get better

19.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day to all the amazing mothers out there, both here and in Heaven

19.01.2022 HAPPY HALLOWEEN This tradition started with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, where people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward of ghosts. This day marked the end of summer and the beginning of the dark cold winter. The Celts believed that on this day the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead became very thin, and the ghosts of the dead would return to earth

18.01.2022 Wow lots going on at the moment and it can be really difficult for our energy systems to cope with. Hang in there as it will get better

18.01.2022 ARIES FULL MOON: Today's full moon, also known as the Harvest Moon occurs at 7:05am in the sign of Aries - the warrior. Aries represents courage, bravery, assertiveness and leadership, but this full moon is also conjunct Chiron - the wounded healer. Chiron represents our deepest wounds, hurts, guilt and sorrows in life and during the full moon these wounds are being illuminated, literally being brought to the surface to allow for reflection before you release them. And yes ...with all these old festering wounds rising up to the surface it will create challenging times as well as periods that are just dam uncomfortable. But once released you have the opportunity for major transformation. It's a bit like the caterpillar coming out of the chrysalis, it's going to be hard work but definitely worth it in the end Picture by: forever

17.01.2022 New Moon in Leo today. New beginnings that start with your heart. This is a great time to set new goals and really step into your divine life purpose. This is also a period of new growth that brings with it hope and a strong connection to the heart that can deepen your ability to love more fully. Enjoy Pic by:

16.01.2022 The Lions Gate Portal: The Lions Gate is a cosmic portal opening and a time of increased energy flowing between the spiritual and physical realms. This is an incredible time for activating and fully stepping into your unique divine path. The portal opens with the alignment between Earth and the star Sirius. Sirius represents abundance, harvest, and fertility. This alignment is called the Lions Gate because it occurs when the sun is in the astrological sign of Leo the Lion, a...nd Leo is associated with the heart center and represents the individualized expression of the Divine. When this alignment happens there is an intense surge of energy which can awaken your DNA, activate your energy field, and transmit high vibrational frequencies and codes of awakening. Light codes of ascension and evolution from Sirius are transmitted directly to Earth, aligning yet another level of activation and offering opportunites for further progression on your path of ascension. The Lions Gate energy is all about more fully awakening the Divine Light within See more

15.01.2022 Full moon in Aquarius: Expect the unexpected, there may be surprises and strange events that can lead to transformation. You may be feeling rebellious and craving freedom, or going through changes to release all that no longer serves you. Stop hiding your weirdness and celebrate your individually, and it's time to socialise, be involved in group work and start creating an awesome future together (Pic from )

14.01.2022 New Moon in Leo today. New beginnings that start with your heart. This is a great time to set new goals and really step into your divine life purpose. This is also a period of new growth that brings with it hope and a strong connection to the heart that can deepen your ability to love more fully. Enjoy Pic by:

12.01.2022 Saw this on FB the other day and I really love it. If only we could see how amazing we truly are. Thanks to for the picture

08.01.2022 Hey guys, I'm very excited to share a podcast I did with the beautiful Lauren on The Afterlight Podcast. It's all about your kids seeing ghosts, Guides and Angels and how to keep your house clear from spirits. Hope you enjoy

07.01.2022 Oh I love this one

06.01.2022 New moon in Libra: Saturday 17th at 5:31am AEST Amidst all the chaos that arised during October, partly due to the Mars retrograde, many of us have been dealing with intense challenges, delays, obstacles, lack of freedom and setback after setback. One step forward - two steps back. This new moon is in the cardinal sign of Libra, and cardinal signs usher in new beginnings and urge us to take action. We may feel like we are getting pushed to the very edge of our limits, but you... may find when you get there a renewed sense of hope, opportunities and a chance for freedom. This new moon is like having a big reset and the best option would be not to fight it or try to control the outcomes. These radical shifts are here to open new doors and pathways in all area of our lives and Libra is helping us to reset our relationships. Not just our intimate ones, but your relationship with yourself, your friends, family, business partners, neighbours, the list goes on. Libra encourages us to learn and grow through our relationships with others. This Libra new moon is all about finding the balance in chaos, healing through our relationships to experience a new chapter that's unfolding in our lives Thanks to for the picture

06.01.2022 ARIES FULL MOON: Today's full moon, also known as the Harvest Moon occurs at 7:05am in the sign of Aries - the warrior. Aries represents courage, bravery, assertiveness and leadership, but this full moon is also conjunct Chiron - the wounded healer. Chiron represents our deepest wounds, hurts, guilt and sorrows in life and during the full moon these wounds are being illuminated, literally being brought to the surface to allow for reflection before you release them. And yes ...with all these old festering wounds rising up to the surface it will create challenging times as well as periods that are just dam uncomfortable. But once released you have the opportunity for major transformation. It's a bit like the caterpillar coming out of the chrysalis, it's going to be hard work but definitely worth it in the end Picture by: forever

05.01.2022 Hang on as there's lots of change in the air at the moment :)

03.01.2022 Full moon in Aquarius: Expect the unexpected, there may be surprises and strange events that can lead to transformation. You may be feeling rebellious and craving freedom, or going through changes to release all that no longer serves you. Stop hiding your weirdness and celebrate your individually, and it's time to socialise, be involved in group work and start creating an awesome future together (Pic from )

02.01.2022 New moon in Libra: Saturday 17th at 5:31am AEST Amidst all the chaos that arised during October, partly due to the Mars retrograde, many of us have been dealing with intense challenges, delays, obstacles, lack of freedom and setback after setback. One step forward - two steps back. This new moon is in the cardinal sign of Libra, and cardinal signs usher in new beginnings and urge us to take action. We may feel like we are getting pushed to the very edge of our limits, but you... may find when you get there a renewed sense of hope, opportunities and a chance for freedom. This new moon is like having a big reset and the best option would be not to fight it or try to control the outcomes. These radical shifts are here to open new doors and pathways in all area of our lives and Libra is helping us to reset our relationships. Not just our intimate ones, but your relationship with yourself, your friends, family, business partners, neighbours, the list goes on. Libra encourages us to learn and grow through our relationships with others. This Libra new moon is all about finding the balance in chaos, healing through our relationships to experience a new chapter that's unfolding in our lives Thanks to for the picture

02.01.2022 Exciting News: I have just finished the first in a series of on-line courses. In this first course, titled Psychic Development, you will discover what your six ...psychic gifts are and how to tap into them to unleash your full psychic potential. First we will discuss energy and look at how energy creates the universe that is all around us. We then delve into revealing your six psychic senses which run along yur physical senses i.e. seeing, hearing, feeling, knowing, smelling and tasting. Once you are aware of these abilities we will look at different ways to enhance and develop each one so that you can start to use these amazing gifts on a day to day basis. Being aware of how to tap into this energy you can start asking your questions and receiving the answers yourself, which is not only empowering but will enrich your life in many ways. Video runs over 1 hour 50 minutes and includes an overview of the workhop as a PDF file. Here's a link to the online course. Hope you enjoy :)

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