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Anglesea Medical in Anglesea, Victoria | Doctor

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Anglesea Medical

Locality: Anglesea, Victoria

Phone: +61 3 4215 6700

Address: 3 McMillan Street 3230 Anglesea, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 You may have heard that Anglesea Medical has new doctors. We are especially excited that we now have a female GP in Anglesea every day. We can't remember when or if this has ever been the case! We think all our GPs are awesome but we are happy to be able to provide this choice for the community. Dr Lucy Dobson is our newest recruit, she is passionate about the variety in general practice and has a special interest in eyes and sexual health. ... Dr Deb Heng did some of her GP training in Anglesea and has been back working with us for 2 and 1/2 years. Dr Deb loves that as a GP she constantly gets to combine physical, psychological and social aspects of care to help people navigate illnesses big or small. Dr Skye Hueneke has been working in Anglesea the longest, more than 10 years! Dr Skye loves the diversity of general practice and enjoys caring for women through all stages of life. #women #womenshealth #womeninmedicine #anglesea #aireysinlet #janjuc #bellbrae #torquay #surfcoast #greatoceanroad #gp #generalpractice #healthcare

25.01.2022 Anglesea Medical are proud supporters of Anglesea Memorial Hall 2021 Upgrade Here are the details for anyone wishing to donate-

25.01.2022 Ross River Virus Following on from our previous message, we can advise that there have been confirmed cases of Ross River Virus on the Surf Coast. This is a mosquito born illness and is NOT transmittable from person to person. The most common and often distressing symptom that people experience is joint pain and stiffness, but there are a wide range of possible symptoms ranging from very mild to very severe. If you have any of the following, please see your GP (please call b...efore making an appointment as COVID-19 must always be considered as well): Fevers Chills Muscle aches Joint pain, swelling and stiffness Rash Fatigue Aching tendons Swollen lymph nodes Headache (especially behind the eyes) For most people the symptoms will ease within 6 weeks, but unfortunately some people can have fatigue and rheumatic symptoms for up to a year or more. The following is an advice sheet from Arthritis Australia that explains more. In the meantime, prevention is the best treatment! Make sure you Beat The Bite. #anglesea #angleseamedical #surfcoast #rossrivervirus #arthralgia #aireysinlet #bellbrae #janjuc #torquay

25.01.2022 **** IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT **** Viral fragments of coronavirus have been detected in wastewater taken from the sewer network at Anglesea. There is now a pop up testing centre in Anglesea at Community Hall. This is for people 5 years and up to be tested especially if symptomatic (if you have any cold or flu symptoms) or wanting to be tested. This is a walk in clinic and does not require a booking. This service is provided by Barwon Health Today Sunday 4th of October from 10am to 6pm.

24.01.2022 Day 7 of #16DaysOfActivism is a chance to reflect on what you can do to support other people to be heard. Many people, and men in particular, have difficulty talking about how they might be feeling. There are barriers to talking about strong emotions that can be attributed to cultural and social expectations around gendered roles, and also around safety. These roles are modelled to children from a young age. We all can play a part in showing that identifying, understanding, expressing and managing emotions leads to long term benefits in health and well being. #Respect #RespectVictoria #GenderedViolenceAwareness #AngleseaMedical #Anglesea

24.01.2022 Welcome to the Weekend As restrictions are easing in Victoria and we prepare to welcome more people back to the Surf Coast, we couldn't go past this excellent article from Spain that explains transmission dynamics brilliantly. Be kind. Stay safe. Let's avoid a third wave. ...

24.01.2022 We're in the middle of Women's Health Week run by Jean Hailes for Women's Health and each day they have been providing updates and downloads around different aspects of Women's Health all centred on improving women's health and helping people make healthier choices. Check out the website for more information, events and online activities. Today's focus is on Bladder, Bowel and Gut Health: #anglesea #angleseamedical #WomensHealthWeek #WomensHealthWeek2020 #healthcare #WomensHealth

24.01.2022 We'd like to make a hump day shout out to all the health professionals that are continuing to provide care during these crazy times. We understand the stresses and recognise we are all working under strain. This includes everyone from receptionists, to cleaners, to doctors. It has been a long road and we still have a way to go. Looking after ourselves helps us look after each other. The Black Dog Institute have developed an app with COVID-19 specific resources to support hea...lth professionals in managing their mental health and well being. Share it around. Stay safe. Stay well. #anglesea #healthcare #generalpractice #aireysinlet #surfcoast #bellbrae #greatoceanroad #janjuc #torquay #mentalhealth #angleseamedical #covid19 #selfcare

23.01.2022 Our very own receptionist Caroline was in the Geelong Advertiser on Saturday sharing our 9 to 90 program

23.01.2022 'Tis the giving season. Check out Australian Red Cross Lifeblood for details on where you can give your life saving blood or plasma donation. Download their app and book yourself in. #giveblood #bloodbank #lifebloodau #anglesea #angleseamedical #surfcoast #geelong #donation #christmas #giving

23.01.2022 ***Health Alert*** The Victorian Chief Health Officer has just issued an epidemic thunderstorm asthma forecast of HIGH Saturday, 5th December 2020 for the South West weather district - which includes the Surf Coast. This means there is an increased chance of an epidemic thunderstorm asthma event occurring. The risk of thunderstorm asthma is highest in adults who are sensitive to grass pollen and have seasonal hay fever (with or without known asthma). The worst outcomes are se...en in people with poorly controlled asthma. To avoid exposure, stay inside with the windows and doors closed until after the storm has passed. Never ignore asthma symptoms like breathlessness, wheezing and tightness in the chest. Start Asthma First Aid immediately and call Triple Zero (000) for help if symptoms do not get any better or if they start to get worse. Epidemic thunderstorm asthma is where a large number of people suddenly develop asthma symptoms over a short period of time and is thought to be triggered by a unique combination of high pollen levels and a certain type of thunderstorm. #asthma #asthmaalert #thunderstormasthma #anglesea #angleseamedical #aireysinlet #janjuc #bellbrae #lorne #torquay #health

22.01.2022 For the start of NAIDOC Week check out this video covering the history of Wathaurong Aboriginal Co Op, in celebration of 40 years.

22.01.2022 As many will already know from earlier today, viral fragments of coronavirus have been detected in wastewater taken from the sewer network here in Anglesea. It is important to know that this does not necessarily mean there are currently active cases of COVID-19 in Anglesea. However, the Department of Health and Human Services has planned for increased testing and taken further wastewater samples as well. Residents of Anglesea and recent visitors who have even the mildest of s...ymptoms are urged to get tested and, importantly, isolate as they await their result. A pop-up testing site has been established at Anglesea Memorial Hall, 1B McMillan Street - just near our clinic - for anyone above the age of 5. It was open from 11am to 6pm on Wednesday 30 September and will be open from 10am to 6pm every day until Sunday. Please do not park near the medical clinic as patients still need to be seen and we are fully booked at the moment. We would appreciate if you would park at the front of the hall out towards McMillan Street and maintain appropriate social distancing and hygiene measures at all times. Please be patient and courteous when contacting the clinic as there are multiple demands being placed on our staff who are working and adapting, yet again, to new information and an evolving situation. They deserve our support and respect at all times. Stay safe, and be kind.

22.01.2022 Day 15 of #16DaysOfActivism. There is no right way to be a man or a woman. Understanding this is as simple as engaging with each person as an individual, but as complex as recognising that gender identity is not necessarily linked to gender expression or the sex someone was assigned at birth. We love the Gender Unicorn for explaining this graphically and with colour! If you're after more information, check out @transgendervic #Respect #RespectVictoria #GenderedViolenceAwareness #AngleseaMedical #Anglesea

21.01.2022 A friendly reminder to all remember to keep doing our part. Don’t forget to get tested if you have any symptoms at all!

21.01.2022 We said we had more exciting news coming, and some of you may have seen another name pop-up on our online booking page. So without further ado, we'd like to introduce the newest member of the team, Dr Lucy Dobson. Lucy grew up in Shepparton and spent each summer on the Surf Coast with her family. It was a natural decision to study for her Medical Degree at Deakin University Geelong, undertaking her clinical years of training in Warrnambool and graduating in 2014. Prior to thi...s Lucy studied Orthoptic and Ophthalmic Science at Latrobe University which gave her many opportunities for rural and remote travel and health care. Lucy commenced her medical career at St Vincent’s Hospital in Melbourne and then pursued her passion for Indigenous Health and Rural and Remote health in Western Australia. Lucy spent a year doing outreach medicine on the Lions Outback Vision Van, providing ophthalmology care. Victoria called her back where she spent time at Geelong Hospital and completed GP training in Geelong in March 2020. Lucy enjoys all aspects of General Practice, with specific interest in Indigenous health, women’s health, sexual health and transgender health. In her spare time, Lucy enjoys exploring new walking trails, tending to her small vegetable patch, crafting something on the sewing machine and spending time with her family. Lucy will be working Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and some Saturdays. We're super excited to welcome her to Anglesea and we know you will make her welcome too!

20.01.2022 IT’S BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH! According to the American Cancer Society, when breast cancer is detected early, and is in the localized stage, the 5-year relative survival rate is 99%. Early detection includes doing monthly breast self-exams, and scheduling regular clinical breast exams and mammograms. Please have a check up with your doctor if you have any of the following-... a new lump or lumpiness, especially if it's only in one breast a change in the size or shape of your breast a change to the nipple, such as crusting, ulcer, redness or inversion a nipple discharge that occurs without squeezing a change in the skin of your breast such as redness or dimpling an unusual pain that doesn't go away.

20.01.2022 #16DaysOfActivism and we're at Day 5. This seems so obvious - treat children equally - yet sometimes we seem to miss, or dismiss, how so many aspects of society reinforce outdated and problematic roles for children. Here are some excellent books for young children and for teens that redress that imbalance. Please share more books or TV shows or sources that provide role models for equality. #Respect #RespectVictoria #GenderedViolenceAwareness #AngleseaMedical #Anglesea

19.01.2022 Welcome to the Weekend If you haven't heard of, or watched, My Octopus Teacher. yet then let this guide you towards what is one of the most gentle, inspiring and emotional movies of this year. Beautifully shot and fascinating both in terms of the natural world and as a commentary on humanity.

19.01.2022 It's what we do that matters just as much as what we say. Day 9 of #16DaysOfActivism is all about taking action. The first thing you can do is click on the tag #16DaysOfActivism to see what others have been doing. Then, get involved. You'll know what to do. #Respect #RespectVictoria #GenderedViolenceAwareness #AngleseaMedical #Anglesea

18.01.2022 Welcome to the Weekend. (once a week we will highlight an article that's piqued our interest) This is a pretty fascinating read and commentary on a number of issues. Take time to read and listen to this important voice....

17.01.2022 Many Anglesea residents will remember the Ross River Virus outbreak from 4 years ago. While we don’t have confirmation of any cases yet, there have been cases in Gippsland and SA. It’s a mosquito born virus, so the best treatment is prevention. Check out the Better Health Channel Beat The Bite campaign for some pointers around protecting yourself. More news as it comes to hand! #anglesea #angleseamedical #aireysinlet #bellbrae #janjuc #torquay #surfcoast #mozzies #rrv #beatthebite #health

17.01.2022 The pop-up COVID-19 testing site established at Anglesea Memorial Hall, 1B McMillan Street - just near our clinic - will continue to operate for another 2 days. This is in response to viral fragments of coronavirus being detected in wastewater taken from the sewer network here in Anglesea. The pop-up clinic is able to test anyone above the age of 5 and no appointments are needed. The clinic will be open on Mon 5th and Tues 6th from 10am - 6pm. Please do not park near the clinic as patients still need to be seen and we are fully booked at the moment. We would appreciate if you would park at the front of the hall out towards McMillan Street and maintain appropriate social distancing and hygiene measures at all times. We would also like to reiterate to remain patient and courteous when contacting our clinic. Our staff are always working hard to support patients and the community. They deserve a safe working environment and deserve our support and respect at all times. Stay safe, and be kind. #anglesea #angleseamedical #covid19 #health #testing #staysafebekind

16.01.2022 Welcome to the Weekend. (once a week we will highlight an article or website that's piqued our interest) With the limitations on physical interactions in place local organisation Angair have moved their spring show online. A perfect show to peruse over the weekend. Happy 50th Anniversary! ... #anglesea #nature #angair #aireysinlet

16.01.2022 A personal account showing how Covid-19 can impact on all ages. Be Kind. Stay Home. Wear a mask. Stay Safe.

16.01.2022 Welcome to the weekend Community engagement and action provide us with insights into how this pandemic has been managed (or not). A great article by Rachel Maher. "While prevention and control are possible, behavioural change and access to safe healthcare remain challenges. The methods to achieve these things are known. They are participatory, localised and community-based in nature and deeply rooted in trust between those who know (experts), those in charge (authorities) and... those affected (communities)."

15.01.2022 Endometriosis is a condition that affects 1 in 10 women and can cause chronic debilitating pain. It is an important diagnosis to consider in all women struggling with pelvic pain, heavy and irregular periods, pain with defecation, and pain with sex, amongst other symptoms. Around 1 in 3 women with endometriosis will have difficulty falling pregnant. There are treatment options for women with endometriosis, and getting a diagnosis is important. If you are struggling with symp...toms like those listed above we'd encourage you to make an appointment with your GP. For those living with pelvic pain and endometriosis, there is the Talking Endo support group locally who have a monthly meeting - currently on Zoom. Their next session will have Dr Subhadra Evans from Deakin University talking about #MindBody interventions & mindfulness. #TalkingEndo #endometriosis #womenshealth #angleseamedical #anglesea #health

15.01.2022 Family is something important to us all in some way - but how we experience family can vary widely. On day 4 of #16DaysOfActivism we recognise that love makes a family and that genetics and gender don't define how a family is formed. We also acknowledge that for some people family can be something difficult and distressing and absent, and understand that being outside of family does not lower your value in any way. #Respect #RespectVictoria #GenderedViolenceAwareness #family #AngleseaMedical #anglesea

15.01.2022 A few things to remember- MAKE MAN TIME Stay connected. Spending time with your friends is good for you. Catch up regularly, check in and make time.... HAVE OPEN CONVERSATIONS Talk about what’s really going on. Listen. Being there for someone can be lifesaving. KNOW THE NUMBERS At 50, talk to your doctor about prostate cancer. If you’re of African or Caribbean descent, or have a family history of prostate cancer, have the conversation at 45. KNOW THY NUTS Give ‘em a feel regularly and get to know what’s normal for you. Something doesn’t seem right? Go to the doctor. MOVE MORE Get active on a daily basis. Do more of what makes you feel good.

15.01.2022 Young Zoe And Isaac have a super rare condition called Chronic Recurrent Multifocal Osteomyelitis (CRMO). Today is their fundraiser with all monies raised going to The Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne Foundation in trust for CRMO research. Isaac and Zoe are seeking to raise further awareness of this medical condition and would be grateful for your support. They are two of many children in Australia and around the world, who endure significant physical pain and ongoing tre...atment with no known cure available. Learn more and donate if you are able to via the link below. And congratulations to these young champions for raising funds and awareness. Legends! #crmo #crmoawareness #surfcoast #fundraiser #raredisease #rch #royalchildrens

15.01.2022 Do you know what blood group you are? The perfect way to find out is by donating blood! If you happen to be O- then please consider donating because your blood is super special.

14.01.2022 2020 High School Vaccinations Did you miss out? Don’t worry, we can help! Remote learning has meant that some teens in our community might have missed their scheduled school vaccinations. For Year 7 (age 12-13 years) secondary school students the recommended vaccines are: ... Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine (dTp) (1 injection) Human papillomavirus vaccine (HPV) (2 injections, 6 months apart) For Year 10 (age 15-16 years) secondary school students the recommended vaccine is: Meningococcal ACWY (1 injection) Some students may have received all or some of their recommended vaccines already this year. Parents/guardians would be aware when this is the case because signed permission is required. Call our Nurse Immunisers (like Amy pictured here!) if you have any questions, or book an appointment. Phone 4215 6700. We have all National Immunisation Program vaccines in stock. The Secondary school immunisation program 2020 during COVID-19 factsheet for parents has been produced to answer some common questions that have arisen about delivering the program, particularly during the period of learning from home. For more information, use the link below: #anglesea #angleseamedical #immunisation #vaccination #hpv #meningococcal #pertussis #teenager #school #secondaryschool #surfcoast #greatoceanroad #aireysinlet #bellbrae #janjuc #torquay #health

14.01.2022 We're all getting used to wearing masks but it's important you know how to wear your mask properly. The World Health Organization (WHO) has put together these great little infographics of some DOs and DON'Ts for masks. Share it around. #angleseamedical #anglesea #masks #health #covid19 #coronavirus #surfcoast #aireysinlet #bellbrae #janjuc #torquay #greatoceanroad

13.01.2022 Thank you to all who have been so supportive and understanding throughout the Coronavirus pandemic - the community has been exceptional in looking after the health of everyone by adhering to the ever adapting guidelines. It's clear that we are not out of the woods just yet, and we'd implore anyone with even the mildest symptoms to please get tested. The simplest way to do this is by attending a Barwon Health testing site - the closest being Torquay who are operating 7 days a... week. Call them on 03 4215 7815 to make an appointment. The following are the most common symptoms to consider: Fever Cough Sore throat Shortness of breath Chills or sweats Runny nose Loss or change of smell Other symptoms may include headache, muscle soreness, stuffy nose, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. We will continue to see patients when needed, but please, if you have any symptoms above, let our receptionists know when making the booking and call on arrival before coming to the door. Please check the growing list of locations that are considered public exposure sites - and get tested as appropriate if you have been there. #anglesea #angleseamedical #health #coronavirus #covid19 #aireysinlet #bellbrae #janjuc #torquay #gettested

12.01.2022 We're halfway there at Day 8 of #16DaysOfActivism. We hope that some of the information we've shared has provided you with something to think about and also to spark discussion with others. This one is fairly significant, and something that everyone can contribute towards because we all have some responsibility to shape the society we want to live in. The statistics are real, and while men are also subjected to gendered violence, there is clear data that consistently shows t...hat women disproportionately experience intimate partner violence and non-partner sexual assault, and are more likely to be hospitalised, injured, express fear or be killed by a current or former partner. To address the violence experienced by women, we must recognise its gendered nature. 93% of violence is committed by men, not women. Check our Respect Victoria or look at their website for more information. Get informed. Contribute. Call it out. #Respect #RespectVictoria #GenderedViolenceAwareness #AngleseaMedical #Anglesea

12.01.2022 Uncle Bobs Club is a charity that fundraises to help sick children. Has partnered with 7 hospitals and 1 health organisation to fundraise for medical equipment they need to treat sick children.

11.01.2022 Welcome to the weekend. You'd have to be living in a bubble to not know that we've had 14 days of no new cases or deaths in Victoria from coronavirus. Well done to everyone for getting through this. Let's remain vigilant and avoid a third wave. If you're coming to our clinic, please continue to respect our triaging and safety processes, for the safety of our staff, our patients and the community. 'Massive achievement': Victoria celebrates a fortnight of double-doughnut days... See more

11.01.2022 HIGH risk of epidemic thunderstorm asthma conditions has been forecast in the South West weather districts for today 11 November 2020 due to the combination of grass pollen and severe thunderstorms. If people have asthma or hayfever, the advice is to go inside, close doors and windows and avoid wind gusts before and during the storm. Reliever medication should be carried at all times today.

11.01.2022 We are loving the letters that are coming through as part of the From 9 to 90 community engagement project. Now that we're back in Stage 3 lockdown we thought we'd get a Facebook page up and running so people can share their experiences. Here's a sneak peek, but we will leave it up to the participants to share more if they'd like to. ... #anglesea #angleseamedical #from9to90 #community #connection #letters #health #angleseaprimary

11.01.2022 Just a reminder to everyone that the new restrictions begin tonight. We are hoping that everyone will do the right thing and keep our community safe!

11.01.2022 Today is International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and the official launch of United Nations 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence. Every day we will share something and encourage you to all get involved. It all starts with calling it out... if you see something, and it is safe to do so, say something. Language, attitudes and behaviours that promote, endorse or advocate gendered violence and disrespect need to be called out. What does respect mean to you? #Respect #RespectVictoria #16Daysofactivism #anglesea #surfcoast

10.01.2022 It's hard to go past this one isn't it? Simple to enact and if we all did it #16DaysOfActivism might not be necessary. We'd like to add to this... think about treating people the way you would like them to treat the people you love. Treat people how you would like them to treat your mother, father, spouse, children, sister, brother, friend. Behave in ways that are respectful to engender more respect. Day 14. #Respect #RespectVictoria #GenderedViolenceAwareness #AngleseaMedical #Anglesea

10.01.2022 Today is #RUOKDay, a reminder to start a conversation that could change a life today, tomorrow and any day it's needed. Learn what to say after #RUOK so you can keep the conversation going when someone says they're not OK. Visit #theresmoretosay #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #angleseamedical

10.01.2022 Here we are at the weekend again, and like most people, there's stuff to get done at home to keep the house running, everyone fed, watered, clothed and nurtured! For Day 11 of #16DaysOfActivisim it's time to look at how the workload is shared. And it's important to recognise that it's something that has to work for everyone. If you've never seen it, have a read of The Mental Load by French author Emma. Here's a link to an excerpt but you can search for the book locally as wel...l! Try your local library. #Respect #RespectVictoria #GenderedViolenceAwareness #AngleseaMedical #Anglesea

09.01.2022 Big shout out to Rainbow Families and Rainbow Families Victoria on Day 6 of #16DaysOfActivism. Check out their websites for excellent resources and information around connecting, supporting and empowering LGBTQ+ families. Let's celebrate! #Respect #RespectVictoria #GenderedViolenceAwareness #AngleseaMedical #Anglesea

09.01.2022 Stop, listen, and reflect. The way we react to people who are different from us can teach us more about ourselves than anyone else. For Day 13 of #16DaysOfActivism it's time to remember to allow others to be themselves. And it's a good reminder that even until recently, people have been manipulated and forced into pretending they are someone they are not. We're pleased to see that The Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Bill is set to make practices that seek to change or suppress a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity illegal in Victoria. #Respect #RespectVictoria #GenderedViolenceAwareness #AngleseaMedical #Anglesea

09.01.2022 Welcome to the weekend (once a week we highlight an article that has piqued our interest) For anyone who has been lucky enough to see rock art there are some new findings in Arnhem Land that are not only beautiful to look at, but also extend our understanding. These paintings, known as Maliwawa Figures, are different to other artworks that have previously been described by archaeologists. ...,-thylacines,-dug/12714194

09.01.2022 We've come to the end of #16DaysOfActivism and we hope that some of the posts have stimulated some thoughts, and that you've had to opportunity to see what other people have been posting. We've loved the @angleseafootballnetballclub posts celebrating and recognising women who have been a part of the club. Nice work Anglesea. This one circles back to Calling It Out. The most consistent predictor for support of violence against women by men is their agreement with sexist and ...disrespectful attitudes towards women. Sexist jokes reflect and reinforce sexist attitudes which contribute to the gender stereotyping and discrimination against women that underpins violence. Regardless of that, consider how those jokes might be impacting on others around you, and that the way you respond to a joke has an impact as well. Respect is mostly about being thoughtful. #Respect #RespectVictoria #GenderedViolenceAwareness #AngleseaMedical #Anglesea

08.01.2022 We're excited to announce the arrival of a new GP at Anglesea Medical! Meet Dr Duke Gordon, who will be working Wednesdays and Fridays. Duke is from the UK and did his medical training at King’s College London. After a 2 year stint in Melbourne’s Western Suburbs, he decided to move to Torquay with his husband and 5 cats. ... He is a true generalist, enjoys all aspects of general practice and is a believer in the benefits of chronic disease optimisation. He has an interest in diabetes management, men’s health, women’s health and has a soft spot for aged care medicine. He has recently attained the ‘professional certificate in skin cancer medicine’ and is certified in Implanon insertion and removal. In his spare time, he likes to read and EAT!! He also likes the time old cliche of walking on the beach. We welcome Duke and hope you will too! Look out for some more exciting news, coming soon... #Anglesea #angleseamedical #health #greatoceanroad #surfcoast #GP #Bellbrae #Aireysinlet #janjuc #torquay #generalpractice

08.01.2022 Day 2 of #16DaysOfActivism is an acknowledgement of difference. Accepting difference and celebrating it rather than persecuting or making judgement can go a long way to creating a culture of respect. #respectvictoria #genderedviolenceawareness #angleseamedical #anglesea #respect

08.01.2022 Day 13 at the start of the week, and with only a few days left of #16DaysOfActivism the focus is on respect being about acceptance of choice. Again, this seems like something obvious, to accept other's choice, and it reflects an acknowledgement of diversity in our communities. It also allows us to think about accepting when a person chooses not to do something, or is saying no to something they do not want to be involved in. Accept this. Respect this. #Respect #RespectVictoria #GenderedViolenceAwareness #AngleseaMedical #Anglesea

07.01.2022 Welcome to the Weekend (once a week we highlight an article that has piqued our interest). In the easing of restrictions for regional Victoria that started yesterday we're feeling a little lighter while also remaining cautious. In the spirit of joy and curiosity we couldn't go past the release of the Ig Nobel awards. Have a great weekend!

06.01.2022 You can donate Plasma every fortnight. Who would like to join us? Should we set up a Lifeblood Anglesea team? Check out Australian Red Cross Lifeblood for details on where you can give your life saving blood or plasma donation. Download their app and book yourself in. #giveblood #bloodbank #lifebloodau #anglesea #angleseamedical #surfcoast #geelong #donation

06.01.2022 Happy World Heart Day! We can all look after our hearts and help to prevent Cardiovascular Disease by eating a healthy diet, saying no to tobacco, sticking to safe alcohol guidelines and getting plenty of exercise setting an example for our children and loved ones. If you have an underlying health condition, such as heart disease, heart failure, diabetes, high blood pressure or obesity, don’t let COVID-19 stop you attending your regular check-ups. And never avoid calling the emergency services if you need to it’s safe and medical professionals are there for you.

06.01.2022 This Wednesday 6th Jan starting at the Boat Ramp down on Anglesea Surf Bech at 9am - if you are able to get along, this is a great foundation to support. If you aren't, donations can be made via the link. #breastcancer #breastcancerawareness #mcgrathfoundation

05.01.2022 Back into the swing of things for the new year. Check out Australian Red Cross Lifeblood for details on where you can give your life saving blood or plasma donation. Download their app and book yourself in - it's simple and helpful! #giveblood #bloodbank #lifebloodau #anglesea #angleseamedical #surfcoast #geelong #donation

05.01.2022 Even though we won't be able to see George in person, we can still borrow from the library with this great initiative. Maybe it will be George doing the deliveries! #anglesea #surfcoast #greatoceanroad #librarylove #aireysinlet #bellbrae #covid19

05.01.2022 Today marks the start of 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence campaign (25 November 10 December). Respect Victoria has resources you can use to engage with the campaign and work towards a violence free future. Get involved, we all have a role to play. #Respectis #respectvictoria #angleseamedical #anglesea #surfcoast #16DaysOfActivism #genderbasedviolenceawareness

05.01.2022 Day 10 of #16DaysOfActivism. If we can't see there is a problem, how on earth can we be part of a solution? It's not hard to recognise the problem when there is so much data available - but, as with any significant issue, there will be people who cannot see the problem or disagree that there is any issue around #GenderedViolence. Being part of the solution is a way of showing respect to all those who have been impacted on by violence. Understanding and then addressing the problematic attitudes shown here (taken from findings from the 2017 National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women Survey) is vital for working towards reducing violence against women. #Respect #RespectVictoria #GenderedViolenceAwareness #AngleseaMedical #Anglesea

04.01.2022 Welcome to the weekend (we're back on board with our weekly post of an article that has piqued our interest) Dr Michael Tam is a GP with an interest in research and he has been using prediction models to monitor how COVID-19 has been tracking and show the likely progression. We're all waiting for Sunday to hear from Dan Andrews to have some guidance on what happens next, but in the meantime, these projections are reassuring. Take time to read the detail - there's science beh...ind this information! #anglesea #angleseamedical #covid19 #surfcoast #health #aireyinlet #victoria #bellbrae #janjuc #torquay #staysafe

04.01.2022 Good morning all! While there have been new cases and lots of exposure sites for Covid-19 in NSW and VIC, we all know what to do now, and we've got this! Please be patient with our staff who are working hard at keeping you and the community and themselves safe. We are open for business as usual and our receptionists will be asking you about symptoms and travel - please be up front if you have any of the symptoms listed below no matter how mild. It doesn't mean you won't be... seen but we will triage and manage things appropriately. The following are the most common symptoms to consider: Fever Cough Sore throat Shortness of breath Chills or sweats Runny nose Loss or change of smell Other symptoms may include headache, muscle soreness, stuffy nose, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. If you have any symptoms above, let our receptionists know when making the booking and call on arrival before coming to the door. We also recommend getting tested if you have any of those symptoms and this can be done by attending a Barwon Health testing site - the closest being Torquay who are operating 7 days a week. Call them on 03 4215 7815 to make an appointment. Other sites are available as well.

04.01.2022 Welcome to the Weekend We love the work that the Foundation for Young Australians (FYA) do, with excellent programs and resources to support and advocate for young people. This article from Georgia Mae Capocchi-Hunter from last year about Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Country popped up in our feed and seemed an appropriate share. #anglesea #angleseamedical #health #acknowledgement #indigenoushealth ... See more

04.01.2022 This morning we had a pleasant surprise visit from our local postie Cam!

03.01.2022 What a year! Our dedicated staff are taking a well deserved short break over the Christmas period. Closed: Fri 25, Sat 26, Mon 28 Open: Tues 29, Weds 30, Thurs 31 Closed: Fri 1st of January 2022... We will be open Saturday mornings throughout Summer starting on Sat 2nd from 9am - 12 noon. Stay safe, avoid the mozzies, take care. For access to care when we are closed please use the After Hours service by calling Nurse On Call who will direct you to the on call doctor if appropriate. Ph: 1300 606 024 In an emergency please call 000 and ask for the Ambulance. Other local GP clinics may be open, please check their websites. #anglesea #angleseamedical #surfcoast #health #GP #bellbrae #aireysinlet #janjuc #torquay

03.01.2022 We celebrate and acknowledge the resilience of First Nations people in Australia and around the world. #stillhere

03.01.2022 A Saturday morning shout out to all our GPs on the Surfcoast and beyond. We see you and the work you do and thank you for it all! Great article by Dr Claire Benness. #JustaGP #health #medicine #angleseamedical #anglesea #surfcoast ...

02.01.2022 Welcome to the weekend (once a week we highlight an article that has piqued our interest) This is a great overview of some of the information public health units use to determine how and when to contact trace as well as describing some of the keys to ongoing management of this pandemic. Take your time and also follow some of the links - but don't get lost in there!...

02.01.2022 Thank you for your patience at this crazy time of year. We know it has been difficult to get an appointment so we've pulled some favours and managed to open up more on the day appointments this week. It may not be with your regular GP, but as always we endeavour to get you in with your preferred doctor. All of our doctors are Specialist General Practitioners and work together as a team to ensure continuity of care. #anglesea #angleseamedical #ontheday #generalpractice #aireysinlet #surfcoast #bellbrae #janjuc #torquay #health #doctor #healthcare

01.01.2022 Day 3 of #16DaysOfActivism and time for some positivity. How we interact with others and support them can have an indelible impact on both them and us. Be thoughtful about how you speak and what you say, be kind, use praise and seek out understanding. #respect #respectvictoria #genderedviolenceawarenes #angleseamedical #anglesea

01.01.2022 Red Nose Day is held annually and continues to be the major fundraiser for SIDS and Kids, as well as raising awareness of the issues surrounding sudden infant death. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is the sudden, unexplained death of a newborn child during sleep. Death usually occurs in the early hours of the morning and there is no noise or evidence of a struggle. The exact cause of SIDS is unknown, but theories include environmental stressors such as sleeping on the sto...mach or side, overheating and accidental suffocation from soft objects or during bed sharing. Proposed methods for reducing the risk of SIDS include putting the child on their back to sleep, providing a firm mattress with no loose bedding and in a relatively cool sleeping environment. SIDS is the most common cause of death in children between one month and one year old, with most cases happening before six months of age and more occurring in boys than in girls.

01.01.2022 National NAIDOC Week starts soon and we're excited to be able to celebrate with Wathaurong Aboriginal Co Op, who turned 40 this year. Two of our doctors currently work at Wathaurong Health Service as well as Anglesea, and we have a long running connection with the community. Big congratulations to the organisation and community for all the amazing work they've done over the last 4 decades. Respect. Feel free to join the celebrations virtually!

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