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Anglican Parish of Drayton in Drayton, Queensland | Religious organisation

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Anglican Parish of Drayton

Locality: Drayton, Queensland

Phone: +61 7 4630 2999

Address: Beatrice St 4350 Drayton, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 St Mark's Church One of the first buildings John McCulloch built in Warwick.

24.01.2022 Our artwork for this Sunday... We draw from the stories of Holocaust survivors and modern-day refugees and the Exodus account of the Israelite people fleeing Egypt, to focus on forgiveness, love, inclusion and justice.

23.01.2022 Irena had the inspiration for this book from an encounter her daughter had when they attended a Sudanese church service at St Mary's, Harristown. Irena introduced her book at a service at there a few years ago. It is a moving story about the plight of a refugee and her success of assimilating into a new culture. It has been translated into 20+ languages and sold all over the world - copies were even bought by the Victorian Gov. to be used in their schools. This book is now available for sale at the Royal Bull's Head Inn. Please enjoy.

21.01.2022 Bishop Cam's Office sent through this stunning photo of a beautiful quilt celebrating both the beauty of rural Queensland and the work of the Bush Ministry Fund... who's symbol is the windmill. It was done by Mrs Karen Frewin - the wife of Fr Terry Frewin of the Anglican Mission District of Miles-Chinchilla. Karen has kindly donated the quilt to raffle and raise money for the BMF, whose work is so vital to people of western Queensland. If you'd like to buy a ticket - it's just $2 for one. The link below will take you to the secure Anglican Church SQ site. We will investigate other options for more local purchasing! God bless

20.01.2022 Some memories of times at St Mary's. Do you remember these times or the names of the people?

19.01.2022 What we thought would be an hour by a few Parishioners to tidy up the yard at Stanley Lodge at Cambooya turned into a mammoth two hours by a small army of workers. The end result warranted the hard work with a much tidier garden. The house is now ready for photographing and to be placed on the rental market. A big thank you to Peter, Sylvia, Katie, Peter, Helen, Tina, John, Beth and daughter for your time and effort.

18.01.2022 Nearly finished.

18.01.2022 The church service times and places for December are as follows.

18.01.2022 6th Sunday after Pentecost 12th July 2020 Reflections on Today’s Gospel In the passage before us, Jesus gives us a clue to the function and therefore the interpretation of his kingdom... parables. The crowds have failed to respond to a clear presentation of the gospel, so, in an act of judgment, Jesus preaches the gospel in riddles. Jesus reminds his disciples how lucky they are to share in God's last-days revelation. We too experience the full counsel of God; we share his mind. Yet, Jesus warned his disciples that those who grow dull in their hearing will end up receiving an unclear word to dull them even further. The same danger faces us, so let us actively listen to his word, praying always for its clear proclamation. Sentence The words you have spoken are spirit and life, O Lord; you have the words of eternal life. Collect Bountiful God, we thank you for planting in us the seed of your word: by your Holy Spirit, help us to receive it with joy, and to live according to it, that we may grow in faith and hope and love; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

17.01.2022 4th Sunday after Pentecost 28th June 2020 Reflections on Today’s Scripture We read today that Jesus says: Whoever welcomes you welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. How amazing is that? If we are welcomed, Jesus is welcomed, and so is his Father, the Creator of the universe. Yet with that comes great responsibility. We need to show God’s love, free and abundant, to all, helping others to see God’s glory through us. And what is God’s glory? As ...Continue reading

16.01.2022 Here is our collection of artwork illustrating the parables today.

16.01.2022 Not sure about not being touched up but a good giggle anyway

15.01.2022 Our Bible Readings for this week are: Genesis 37:1-4 & 12-28 (Joseph is sold into slavery by his brothers) 1 Kings 19:9-18 (Elisha and the still, small voice......) Matthew 14:22-33 (Jesus walks on Lake Galilee) The two pieces of music will be: "Amazing Grace" (this version by 'Celtic Woman': and... "How deep the Father's Love for us" We look at the readings, the life of William Wilberforce and modern forms of slavery and I'd encourage you to do some further reading or viewing. The movie "Amazing Grace" (2006) produced some years ago might be a good place to start on the life of Wilberforce, or the movie "Twelve Years a Slave" (2013) - based on the true story of Solomon Northup. The following links to articles, talks and charities might be of help. Human slavery is a travesty: we are all created in God's image and while some are enslaved, none can truly be free. God bless you as you worship with us! ________________________________ Slavery Articles and Anti-Trafficking Resources and Charities I would strongly commend this article featuring photojournalist Lise Kristine’s work in communities where slavery is present. She also has a TED Talk that is interesting and challenging. The A21 Campaign Destiny Rescue Stop the Traffik Together with a good 2018 article/resource from Stop the Traffik Slavery still big business? UNICEF Child Labour Statistics International Labour Organisation Walk Free Global Slavery Index

14.01.2022 Homily for people and parishes Bishop Cam Venables Sunday, 12 th July 2020 Pentecost 6 Readings: Genesis 25:19-34 Psalm 119:105-112 Romans 8:1-11 Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23...Continue reading

14.01.2022 5th Sunday after Pentecost 5th July 2020 Reflections on Today’s Gospel Jesus chooses to reveal himself to anyone who comes to him; to the weary and burdened he promises rest for the soul. What the "Son chooses" to do is reveal the mystery of salvation to broken humanity; he is not into choosing to reveal divine mysteries to particular individuals. So, as far as Jesus is concerned, the criteria for selection is not based on any of the above theories, nor is it based on we...alth, religious piety, wisdom, effort, v25. God has determined that repentance is the basis of selection. The criteria for God's selection is an acceptance of his gentle favour freely offered in Jesus. Sentence ‘Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest,’ says the Lord. ‘Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart.’ (Matthew 11. 28-29a) Collect Almighty God, your Son Jesus Christ has taught us that what we do for the least of his brothers and sisters we do also for him: give us the will to serve others as he was the servant of all, who gave up his life and died for us; yet lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. A reading from Genesis Chapter 24 verses 34 to 38, 42 to 49 and 58 to 67 So he said, I am Abraham’s servant. The LORD has greatly blessed my master, and he has become wealthy; he has given him flocks and herds, silver and gold, male and female slaves, camels and donkeys. And Sarah my master’s wife bore a son to my master when she was old; and he has given him all that he has. My master made me swear, saying, ‘You shall not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, in whose land I live; but you shall go to my father’s house, to my kindred, and get a wife for my son.’ ............ Psalm 45 verses 10 to 17 (APBA p.268) A reading from the letter of Paul to the Romans Chapter 7 verses 14 to 25 For we know that the law is spiritual; but I am of the flesh, sold into slavery under sin. I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. But in fact it is no longer I that do it, but sin that dwells within me. For I know that nothing good dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do..........................................

14.01.2022 On Sunday the 20th we will be exploring grace, gratitude and the alternate response. We use an excerpt from "Winnie The Pooh" (A.A.Milne and E.H Shepard. 1926. ...Methuen and Sons: London) in which Roo almost drowns, Pooh Bear saves him and discovers the North Pole. In the recording of the sermon, reading that little passage, meant it was too long, so I had to cut it out - but I've loaded it up among our artwork Please pardon the traffic and rain noise and some of my hesitation - the flash on the phone made it hard for me to see what I was doing!! We will have it ready on our Anglican Parish of Warwick YouTube channel on Sunday morning... Our Bible readings are: Jonah 3: 10-4:11; Philippians 1: 21-30 & Matthew 20: 1-16 The hymns at St Mark's include: "Bread of Heaven" (inspired by the alternate Jewish Scripture passage from Exodus), "Thuma Mina" and our new piece "Kyrie Eleison" (Nicky and Anita Haigh). God bless you as you worship with us.

10.01.2022 Dear Parishioner, At the last Parish Council meeting, in keeping with the Governments easing of restrictions and advice from the Diocese, St Mary's and All Saint's churches and the Parish Centre will recommence services on Sunday, July 19 and Wednesday, July 22. No doubt you have heard about what it takes to enter buildings and attend group gatherings keeping Covid 19 safe. We are no different and many issues need to be organised by the Parish Councillors before you are ab...le to enter the buildings. The main thing that you need to do is to register for the service. # If you are going to St Mary's you will need to contact Helen Moloney by Saturday, July 18 and register your intention of attending (if you can't make it on the day, don't worry). You can leave a message on the phone message bank/voice mail, send a text or email. Helen's home phone no. 46350573, mobile 0402887651; email - [email protected] # Sylvia Free will be fielding the same for All Saint's. Sylvia's mobile 0409271725; email - [email protected] # If you wish to attend the Wednesday service please contact the office on Monday between 10 am and 12 noon. Phone 46302999; email [email protected] We need your name, address and phone number please. We will need to know your intention every week for however long this lasts, but we only need you to make the first contact then we will 'mark the roll' for the ensuing weeks. I'm just adding a few details that you need to know, however if you wish to read the exhaustive list please log onto and go to Guidelines for Churches. If there is a queue or crowding at the entrance when people arrive, they should form a line at least 1.5 metres apart from each other. There should be no shaking hands, hugging or kissing as a greeting, farewell or during the greeting of peace. The sharing of communal items such as Bibles and Prayer Books could be limited. The collection plate is not to be passed around. An offertory plate will be at the entrance to the church. Communion is to be administered in one kind only (the bread). The priest alone should consume the wine. The bread should be placed in people’s hands only, not on the tongue. If you have any questions please contact Helen, Sylvia or the Office. It will be good to see you all again. God bless, The Parish Council

09.01.2022 This coming Sunday the 19th of July, we will be exploring the story of Jacob's Dream - found in Genesis 28. This account reminds me of the sacred spaces we find... in creation and their value to us. Tim Winton observes: It’s good for the spirit, to be reminded as an individual or a community that there will always be something bigger, older, richer and more complex than ourselves to consider. Despite our shared successes, our mobility and adaptability, there remains an organic, material reality over which we have little control and for which we can claim no credit. To be mindful of that is to be properly awake and aware of our place. (in his landscape memoir: "Island Home" 2015) So, we contemplate environmental themes this Sunday. Please join us on the Anglican Parish of Warwick YouTube Channel The Sentence: Psalm 85:15 Bible Readings: Genesis 28:10-19a & Psalm 139:1-11, 23-24 Music: How good Lord, to be here! (TiS 234) Little things done with great love (The Porter’s Gate) On Eagle’s Wings (TiS 48) God bless you! Rev'd LIzzie

07.01.2022 Tomorrow we explore the story of the sacrifice of Abraham's son, Isaac in Genesis 22. Here are some study questions that might be helpful personally or if you are part of one of our study groups.

07.01.2022 This week the Christian church prepares to end her liturgical year. Advent begins the new church year on Sunday 29th November (which is when you can put up your... Christmas Tree ), when the church moves out of Ordinary Time (marked by the colour green) into Advent (marked by the colour purple). The wheel below shows the way the church moves through her seasons throughout the year. We often see this in the ecclesiastical fabrics around the church like the altar cloth and priest's vestments. - Advent Online #stpaulsmanly #advent #waiting #preparation #ChristJesus See more

04.01.2022 Homily for people and parishes in the Western Region Bishop Cam Venables Sunday, 5th July Pentecost 5 When the vast majority of Australians live near the coast, it’s easy to forget that most of Australia is desert and the stark beauty that exists in desert landscapes. A gnarly species of acacia, commonly called gidgi, is found there together with hardy plants uniquely adapted to survive in that arid environment. When you visit the small isolated towns within such reg...Continue reading

03.01.2022 After 40+ years it is with a sad heart that we have to announce the closure of St Mary's Church at Harristown. The congregation of the Drayton Anglican Parish is such that we can no longer afford to maintain two city churches. St Matthew's at Drayton will be our city church. with Cambooya and Umbiram our country centres. The deconsecrating of the building will take place on SATURDAY, December 12, at 8 am. Everyone is welcome to attend but because of Covid restrictions, although eased, we still have to check numbers. Please respond here or message us if you intend coming. Thank you.

03.01.2022 To mark what would have been the final day of the choir year, the Cathedral Choristers have come together virtually to sing The Lord's My Shepherd (Archer). We ...look forward to when our Cathedral Choir can sing together again, and the walls of the Cathedral resound once more with music sung to the glory of God. Words: Psalm 23 Music: Malcolm Archer Conductor: Mark Lee Organist: Paul Walton Video Editor: Mike Gormley

02.01.2022 It was great to welcome Reverend John Pryce-Davies back after 4 weeks off on sick leave. Good to see you looking much better Reverend. This coming Sunday is a combined service at St Mary's, Harristown. commencing at 8 am.

01.01.2022 Sadly Peter Gardner passed away last Wednesday. His funeral is being held at Burstows on Thursday. You are invited to join in the service via webstream. Please go to at 12.00pm on Thursday 5th November. Our thoughts and prayers are with Tina and all his family at this sad time. Rest in Peace, Peter.

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