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Anick Patry | Educational consultant

to load big map

Anick Patry

Phone: +61 410 723 396


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to load big map

25.01.2022 Equinox is coming! Let’s make this visible. I let go of Pressure on myself Perfectionist Procrstinator 3 Ps. I replace them with PLAY POWER PURPOSE 3 Ps. "Your life is not a performance, it is a discovery journey of your own divinity!" ... What are you LETTING GO of Friends? What are you replacing it with? This Sunday Sept 20 at 2pm AEST join my FREE 1h online workshop on Manifesting The 7 Steps 7 Chakras hosted by Dowsing Australia. PM me for the link. Photographer Hayley Melrose.

25.01.2022 Joins mon atelier pour la Nouvelle lune 'Oser te Choisir'. En ce temps de chamboulement mondial, viens prendre soin de toi, reprendre ton pouvoir personnel, poser ton intention, lâcher ce qui ne te sert plus avec le soutien d'un groupe de leaders comme toi, c'est comme ca qu'on va changer le monde dans lequel on vit. 'Oser te Choisir' ce Dimanche 19 juillet 9h30am-11h00 heure de France - 17h30 Sydney - Investissement en toi car tu comptes vraiment: 30 EUR - $50 AUD.... Avec Joie et Amour Unique Anick xx Join my on-line New Moon workshop 'Dare to Choose yourself'. In this time of global chaos, come and nourish yourself, take your personal power back, set your intention and let go of what no longer serves you with the support of a group of leaders like you, this is how we will change the world we live in. 'Dare to Choose Yourself' this Sunday 19 July 9.30am-11.00am France time - 5.30pm Sydney - 30 EUR - $50 AUD.

25.01.2022 This week I still went to the toilet, I ate chia seeds with berries and peanut butter on a gluten free toast for breaky, I had showers, I coached my clients on zoom, I signed up a new client in my program Accelerate your Heart's Desire, ... I did some singing, I practised yoga, I received a massage, I attended my business circle, I talked on the phone with my bestie, I recorded an epic video, but ONE thing was rather unusual, I freaking became an INTERNATIONAL BEST SELLER AUTHOR!! WHO here is ready to Accelerate their Heart's Desire?

23.01.2022 Hello soul family, I am Anick Patry. I am an empowerment coach & speaker and voice healer. I help highly sensitive conscious women and men to build deeply loving relationships, experience pure joy, and be accepted for who they truly are so that they can manifest their deepest desires with ease.... As an Empowerment Mentor and TEDX Speaker with over 15 years experience facilitating workshops and retreats globally, I have enabled 1000's of men and women to create lives beyond their wildest dreams. My clients come to me to learn how to live passionately so that they can open their hearts to others without fear, remain connected to their higher-selves and be the creator of their own lives. To learn how to experience pure joy, be accepted for who you truly are and build deep loving relationships, so that you can live a passionate life join us in the Highly Sensitive Empowered Leaders group here: Join my online course 'Manifesting in 7 Steps & 7 Chakras' (Link in comment below). Photographer: Martin Vivian Pearse

22.01.2022 Hello beautiful tribe! I'm still alive, life has been full, moved house, writing, coaching my incredible French clients Here's a good reminder for all of us!

22.01.2022 Stepping into the unknown ~ Big news

18.01.2022 Uplifting and inspiring interview with Anick Patry and Brigid Holder about my story 'Liberate your Heart & Activate your inner Healer' in our International Best Seller book VISIONARY. Enjoy!!

17.01.2022 Bonjour à ma famille d'ames, Je suis Anick Patry. Je suis conférencière et coach intuitive en reprise de pouvoir. J'aide mes clients des leaders conscients et hypersensibles à construire des relations aimantes et saines, à vibrer la joie pure et à s'accepter pour qui tu es vraiment, afin que tu puisses manifester tes désirs les plus profonds avec facilité et vivre avec passion. En tant que coach et conférencière TEDX, avec plus de 15 ans d'expérience dans l'enseignement et l'...animation d'ateliers et de retraites dans le monde entier, j'ai permis à des centaines d'hommes et de femmes de créer des vies au-delà de leurs rêves les plus fous. Mes clients viennent me voir pour apprendre à vivre passionnément et authentiquement afin qu'ils puissent ouvrir leur cœur aux autres sans crainte, rester connectés à leur moi supérieur et être les créateurs de leur propre vie. Pour apprendre à vivre la joie pure, à être accepté pour qui vous êtes vraiment et à avoir des relations nourrissantes afin de pouvoir vivre une vie passionnante, joignez mon FB groupe de leaders conscients et hyper-sensibles: See more

17.01.2022 ARE YOU AN EVENT JUNKIE? I remember a few years ago, I went to an event. I eat personal development and spiritual events. I must admit, it's close to an addiction.... I got sold a program. The way the company was selling was not in alignment with the divine feminine leadership that I'm standing up for. It was hard sell, rather pushy, a very masculine model. I signed up with my credit card, well I made a deposit. I ended up choosing to NOT do the course. I won't name the company coz they're well none in my community and I like them. They've grown exponentially and helped thousands of people. Anyways, my money has been sitting there for a year or so. One day I picked up the phone and asked what was possible to do with my deposit of $500 AUD. They offer me to receive a 1.1 coaching session with the CEO. ONE hour for $500. I said YES. At the time, I had high expectations ( a tendency to put others on a pied d'estale ). Holly shit! I came out of that session feeling in rage. I was thinking to myself this person makes 100 times more money than me and I'm 100 times better F coach than that CEO. So I was angry at myself. I sat with it. What came out of that experience is pretty epic! I launched a course and I went on a tour in my state with an amazing speech presenting 'The 5 Essential Keys to become your own best friend'. I had a ball and did really well helping and inspiring many hypersensitive awakened leaders. In the end that session had a huge impact on me TAKING inspired actions and MANIFESTING an absolute aligned and gem of a program to help my people becoming their own best friend. So it was PERFECT. It SERVED. It got me from being stuck to get moving big time, be at service big time and reconnecting with my JOY. Bloody amazing! So if you have felt in a loop of frustration, you want to reconnect with your JOY and get in motion Manifesting what your HEART longs for I invite you to join my 'Manifesting in 7 Steps & 7 Chakras' on-line 7 weeks Course. My prices are going up in 2021. So jump in NOW and end this year in JOY. Click on the link in the comment below to register.

14.01.2022 *** Here's a text that comes straight from my soul! (English version) I dedicate this poem to you, my conscious and sensitive leader friends (and to the feminine part of the men who follow me). ~ Does this resonate with your soul?... ~ Which one of these 'truth bombs' you struggle the most to embody? An MPowered Woman ( My soul says ) She did not have a role model yet she becomes one She is free from what others think of her She owns her story and rewrite a new one She stands tall even in the face of stormy time She knows deep down that she is always loved, supported and divinely guided She knows that she is not the voices in her head She nurtures her little girl inside She allows her wild woman to express that energy She is a gift on this planet She listens to her inner knowing She keeps showing up no matter what She gives and receives with an open heart She dances naked in the rain She sings like a bird She is her own best friend She knows the Truth She speaks her Truth She changes a judgement into compassion She never give up on her dream She finds the gem when she experiences a challenge She takes inspired actions even in the face of fear She expresses her feelings She sometimes falls yet gets up again She dares She forgives She heals She is a healer She gives herself permission to be herself She remembers who she is She loves unconditionally and wholeheartedly She surrenders... With all my love, Anick Patry Author, Empowerment Coach, Speaker, Voice healer

14.01.2022 Dark New Moon 'Dare to choose yourself' workshop with French awaken women leaders from around the globe! C'était notre atelier Nouvelle lune noire 'Oser se Choisir'! Notez que j'offrirai des ateliers de groupe en-ligne OSER pour vous soutenir a poser votre intention et lâcher ce qui ne te sert plus a chaque nouvelle et pleine lune pour tout le reste de l'année 2020. ... Atelier OSER: Ouvrir Servir Energiser et Recevoir aura lieu a chaque nouvelle et pleine lune donc aux 2 semaines. Donc un rendez-vous bi-mensuel OSER ensemble, le prochain atelier pleine lune dimanche 2 aout! Si tu souhaites nous joindre envois-moi un mp!

11.01.2022 You’re a Human and you’re also Infinite Consciousness - How to navigate a period of change? Adventure vs Comfort

10.01.2022 Raise your hand if you have read my story in International Best Seller book 'Visionary'? Raise your hand if you have read my story in International Best Seller book 'Visionary'?

09.01.2022 You are worthy of loving and nurturing relationships You are worthy to feel whatever you feel You are worthy to do what you love You are worthy to express yourself fully You are worthy to love and be loved ... You're worthy to have fun You are worthy of rest You're worthy to have fun You are worthy to have desires You are worthy of support You are worthy to receive what your heart desires You are worthy to enjoy life You are worthy to be free You are worthy to be seen, heard, welcomed & received You are worthy of respect You are worthy of being vulnerable You are worthy of feeling good about yourself You are worthy of feeling safe You are worthy of being creative. You are worthy to live with passion You are worthy of optimal health You are worthy to feel at peace You are worthy to DARE in all aspects of your life You are worthy of success You are worthy to take space You are worthy of feeling alive You are worthy of being happy You are worthy to be PAID to be YOU Join my 7-week online course Manifesting in post-isolation in 7 Steps & 7 Chakras (Click the Eventbrite link in the comment below.) Join my private coaching program 1.1 Accelerate your heart's desire 3-6 months Send me a pm for a conversation to see if you are ready to show up for yourself and receive my support. Photographer Hayley Melrose


06.01.2022 Happy Full moon Great time to let go, had a hair cut, feeling lighter! ~ What are you letting go of?

05.01.2022 Are you willing to look at what’s in the way of your manifestation? Crystal bowl story

04.01.2022 Tu es digne d'avoir des relations aimantes et nourrissantes Tu es digne de ressentir tout ce que tu ressens Tu es digne de faire ce que tu aimes Tu es digne de t'exprimer pleinement Tu es digne d'aimer et d'être aimée ... Tu es digne d'avoir du plaisir Tu es digne de te reposer Tu es digne de t'amuser Tu es digne d'avoir des désirs Tu es digne de recevoir du soutien Tu es digne de recevoir ce que ton coeur désire Tu es digne de jouir de la vie Tu es digne d'être libre Tu es digne de réussir Tu es digne d'être vu(e), entendu, accueilli et reçu Tu es digne de respect Tu es digne d'être vulnérable Tu es digne de te sentir bien dans ta peau Tu es digne de te sentir en sécurité Tu es digne d'être créatif-ve Tu es digne de vivre avec passion Tu es digne d'être en excellente santé Tu es digne de te sentir en paix Tu es digne d'OSER dans tous les aspects de ta vie Tu es digne de succès Tu es digne de prendre ta place au soleil Tu es digne de te sentir bien vivant Tu es digne d'être heureux (se) Tu es digne d'être PAYE pour être TOI Joins mon programme de coaching privé 1.1 Accélère ton désir du coeur 3-6 mois ensemble Envois-moi un message perso pour une conversation pour voir si tu es prête à manifester ton désir et recevoir mon soutien. Coaching de groupe Cours de 7 semaines en-ligne Manifester en dé-confinement en 7 étapes 7 chakras (Clique le lien Eventbrite ci-dessous.) Atelier de groupe OSER s'Exprimer pour la pleine lune ce dimanche 2 aout de 9h00 à 10h30 (heure de France) 17h Sydney - 30 EUR - $50 AUD - Inscris-toi sur le lien PayPal ci-dessous. Photographe Hayley Melrose

03.01.2022 Calling in Soul family in your life and work - Do you know how you receive the signs to guide you on your path?

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