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Animal Emergency Care in Perth, Western Australia | Veterinary surgeon

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Animal Emergency Care

Locality: Perth, Western Australia

Phone: +61 8 9204 0400

Address: 305 Selby Street North 6017 Perth, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 Snoopy had a visit with Animal Emergency Care over the long weekend. Unfortunately a play at the park resulted in a torn ear. Snoopy had a short anaesthetic to stitch up his ear. He was a little bit drowsy after the surgery, however check him out rocking his Cool Head Gear! What a stud! A Snood Beanie and Bandage! With Snoopys new fashion statement, everyone at the park will want one! We all wish Snoopy a speedy recovery.

24.01.2022 Wishing all our clients and colleagues a very Merry Christmas!Wishing all our clients and colleagues a very Merry Christmas!

23.01.2022 Dr. Holly assisted Rocky with a blood donation tonight. They made a great team tonight If you would like to know more about our blood donor program, please comment your email below

23.01.2022 We are open every night this week from 6pm to 8am for any emergency queries or concerns. Please phone 9204 0400

22.01.2022 Could your pet save a life? AEC is always looking for dog and cat blood donor heroes for our Animal Blood Bank in Osborne Park! If you would like your pet to become a blood donor, please email [email protected] for more information.

22.01.2022 Found in Glendalough suburb. Please contact Animal Emergency Care 08 9204 0400.

21.01.2022 Dear valued clients, We remain open to assist you and your Furmily members in case of an emergency. However, to ensure the health and safety of all clients and staff we kindly request you to follow the guidelines below. Please call us on 9204 0400 to discuss your concerns with your pet. We will provide you with our best telephone triage knowledge however in most circumstances, without a physical examination of your Furmily member, we can not diagnose over the phone and advi...ce may be limited. We are still happy to see you and your pet!! Please consider the following : you have been overseas within the last 14 days you have been instructed to self-quarantine or isolate yourself you have flu-like symptoms (eg fever, cough, difficulty breathing) you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or are a contact of a confirmed case If any of the above applies to you and your pet needs medical attention, please phone us prior to arriving at Animal Emergency Care and let our reception team know, while you are still on the phone with us. We will be able to assist and direct you further prior to and during your visit. In order to comply with government directives of social distancing, we kindly request that only one family member/representative accompanies your pet during consultation. Thank you for your cooperation.

21.01.2022 Mickey loves long hikes and sharing snacks with his Hoomans! Remember, there are some things a dog shouldnt eat! Animal Emergency Care are open this weekend for advice and consults 92040400 #Mickeythecoonhound

20.01.2022 Animal Emergency Care wishing all Mums a Very Happy Mothers Day! Fur, four legged, feathered, Wet Nose, Scales, Woolied or Hooman. Have a wonderful day

19.01.2022 After the recent rain, we have seen quite a few bee stings! This is Chelsea, she stepped on a bee while out on her walk. She was holding her paw off the ground and her parents werent sure what was wrong. AEC nurses and vets found a sting and treated Chelsea with appropriate medications. Keep an eye out for these Spicey Jelopeno Sky-Raisins on your outside adventures

18.01.2022 Everyone at AEC and all the patients that Odin has helped with his blood donations, we want to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU! Odin has donated an incredible 10 times over 4 years. Not all Heros wear capes! Some have 4 legs, fur and clumsy paws

18.01.2022 We are blessed by treasured memories, we know its never easy to say goodbye. In the line of emergency work for us, it doesnt get easier either. We are here to support you and your family, always Animal Emergency Care 9204 0400

17.01.2022 We were graced by Hollywood star presence today ...Zac Efron ate a spicy fly and experienced a significant hypersensitivity reaction. Reactions from bee stings range from minor swelling, hives and vomiting to airway swelling, anaphylaxis, collapse and anaphylactic shock. Reactions tend to worsen with each sting, so it is important to monitor your pet carefully. Zac Efron presented with significant facial swelling and urticaria (hives). He is lucky his entourage got him to Animal Emergency Care so quickly, he improved rapidly with prompt treatment and was able to go home to his Beverley Hills mansion

17.01.2022 Today we celebrate Vet Nurse Day! We have a fantastic, hard-working team of vet nurses at AEC that go the extra mile for our clients pets and pour their heart and soul into their work! Next time you see a vet nurse, be sure to say thank you

15.01.2022 After Hours Care for all your needs Amimal Emergency Care 92040400

14.01.2022 Were Open - 24hrs service over the weekends! Please call us with any queries or concerns you may have

13.01.2022 We pay our respects on ANZAC Day We are open all long weekend 24hrs They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn; At the going down of the sun, and in the morning,... We will remember them. See more

12.01.2022 Our lovely UK nurse Rachael, who is spending a few months with AEC before continuing her working holiday around Australia, was over the moon today at seeing a baby Kookaburra in real life

12.01.2022 This is our Nurse Cindle with her Bull Arab X "Lync." Hes a big, healthy 18month old boy weighing in at 49.5kg! Last night Lync donated blood for the first time and I have to say he was incredibly brave! Did you know dogs have blood types like humans!? If you have a K9 friend who you think may be suitable and you would like to know more about the Blood Donor Program, please leave you email address below. One of our friendly AEC staff will be in contact with you. Thanks Lync! Your donation is greatly appreciated

10.01.2022 AEC is here to help all domestic pets in an out of hours emergency...even velociraptors

10.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to all the dads to Skin, Fur, Feathers, Hooves, Wool and Scales. Thanks for the walks, feeding, cleaning, belly rubs and all the unconditional love you provide to your families. Animal Emergency Care are open today! We all hope you have a great Fathers Day! 92040400

09.01.2022 Sunday is Funday with Poppet ! This is our Emergency Nurse Teghan with her Spicey Purrito Kitty playing Tic Tac Toe. How are you spending your Sunday Funday?

08.01.2022 Not All Heroes Wear Capes! Meet Rocky Our Blood Donor, Saving Lives! In between his very busy schedule of stealing his hoomans treats, tail wags and inspecting every tree. He is one of our teams Blood Donor Heroes who came to visit us tonight and so generously donated for our patients in need. Blood, Like milk, has a limited shelf life. We are always on the look out for donors. Please speak to one of the AEC team members to see if your four-legged family member could be a suitable blood donor. Thank you to Rockys Mum and Dad for taking time out of their evening to be Rockys personal chauffeur. phone: 9204 0400 or email [email protected]

08.01.2022 Animal Emergency Care kindly request that only one person attend appointments with your pet. Thank you for your cooperation as we do everything possible to implement social distancing recommendations.

07.01.2022 Nice job PD Jack!

07.01.2022 Midweek madness #Like #Laugh #Care #Love Smile- its Wednesday!

07.01.2022 Definitely the best GitUp challenge we have seen!

04.01.2022 Poor big fella has the right idea

03.01.2022 Meet Rufus! Patiently waiting for social distancing to end so he can share his ball with his friends at the park! He passes his time eating iceblocks from his Hoomans and has become a canine model, demands payment inform of ear scratches and treats! What are your fur-mily members up to this weekend?

01.01.2022 This little guy came in after being found stuck to a sticky pest trap. Our friends at Native Animal Rescue came to collect him after he received a clean bill of health

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