Animal Innovations & Management in Totness | Agricultural service
Animal Innovations & Management
Locality: Totness
Phone: +61 1800 106 006
Address: 6 Crompton Rd 5251 Totness, SA, Australia
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25.01.2022 In the Paddock with AIM... Lameness & Foot Abscess in sheep and cattle are hot topics out there right now.. And there IS something you can do! Wet conditions while grazing indeed soften hooves making them prone to damage BUT this problem is magnified by high N levels and poor trace element availability in our rich, green feed. These girls were safely assisted back to normal within days with the help of AIM’s Grazemax technology.... Head to the Green Feeding Feature and scroll down to Common Challenges and ‘Read More’ about ‘Lameness’ for some great information on the causes, costs and most importantly the SOLUTIONS to getting your sheep & cattle back on all fours! #agriculture #ruminantnutrition #animalinnovation #aussieag #lameness #footabscess #grazemax
24.01.2022 Let's get social! If you are reading this you are already following us on Facebook which is wonderful! Then how about head over to find us on Instagram and Twitter for all the great AIM news and events?! ... #ruminantnutrition #aussieag #aim #animalinnovations #australianagriculture #agriculturelife #agricultural #farmingaustralia #wool #meat #australianmade #rural #sheep #cattle #ewe #lamb #ram #cow #calf #bull
23.01.2022 AIM Quick Tips Thinking about feeding grain soon? Then have a listen to Nathaniel about the features of the AIM Converter Pellet for sheep. #ruminantnutrition #aussieag #aim #animalinnovations #australianagriculture #agriculturelife #agricultural
23.01.2022 Pat on the Back from AIM... Picture Perfect! This week’s AIM Pat on the Back goes to Rohan & Luke Saligari from Campbell Town in Victoria.... The Father & Son team are doing a terrific job with their AIM Advanced Weaning Management System, utilising AIM Generade Pellets for reducing stress, AIM Weanermax Lick for initial weight gain and rumen development and finally AIM Grazemax to keep the 'foot to the pedal' out in the paddock! After running the system on last year’s lambs Rohan said "They are the most exceptional lambs I've ever raised, so I hope to do it all again. Imprinting the lambs on grain prior to weaning is a key step to ensure the lambs are familiar with grain and pellets once weaned and confined which meant, in Rohan’s words, All of them were more than happy to come and feed out of the troughs and that equals no setbacks". A Big Thumbs Up to AIM Techie Rob Coburn and especially Leah at Crameris Maryborough for her support and some great photos of Luke and the happy lambs!! #weaners #weanermax #greenfeed #grainassist #ruminantnutrition #aussieag #aim #animalinnovations #australianagriculture #agriculturelife #agricultural #farmingaustralia #wool #meat #australianmade #rural #ewe #lamb #ram
22.01.2022 Free yourself of Antibiotics! AIM Converter Free - Heavy duty grain feeding performance without Ionophores! At AIM we know consumers are demanding greater choice with the food they eat. And for many, that means avoiding lamb or beef produced using antibiotics & Ionophores like Rumensin & Bovatec.... We also know that, for producers, keeping up with these trends without risking productivity and profit can be a really tough job. That’s why we’ve developed AIM Converter Free. Converter Free is uniquely formulated to help maximise energy and protein production from the natural rumen ecosystem without the use of chemical additives like Rumensin & Bovatec. It’s also designed to optimise the animals natural ability to convert all available energy and protein to healthy growth. All of that whilst helping reduce the risk of Acidosis from high rates of grain feeding - Ensuring your induction and feeding programs are as trouble free as possible. We know Converter Free products work. That’s because we’ve been field testing these formulations for 3 years and the results are outstanding. In fact in every time we’ve put Converter Free through it’s paces in the real world it’s produced the same levels of Daily Weight Gain and Feed Conversion Efficiency as our original and market leading Converter Range. Converter Free..the medication-free choice for a sustainable future! #antibioticfree #food4thought #ethicallysourced #ruminantnutrition #aussieag #aim #animalinnovations
22.01.2022 Down the Track with AIM... The Reades from Mt Rat on Yorke Peninsula in SA are great sheep men! And with smart nutrition all year round they achieve great results with their wool. Here's a fleece from their bottom end 2.5yo wethers that they're pretty stoked about! Hang in there Oz wool industry! #animalinnovations #wool #merino #sheepnutrition
21.01.2022 Cattle and Sheep are highly sensitive to rapid changes in environment and diet. Yarding, Transport, Calving and Lambing, Weaning and even severe weather events are all triggers for Stress. Under these circumstances, Cattle and Sheep can become agitated and lose appetite. Regardless of the type of stress event, your challenge is to help your animals maintain (or, in the event of an emergency, regrow) the critical microbial populations their rumens need to return to normal... fermentation levels. This means dosing the animals with a supplement containing a rich source of carbohydrates, key minerals and vitamins, specifically designed to help stimulate rumen microbial activity and support the healthy functioning of the animals' underlying energy, immune and metabolic systems. AIM Generade Premium Liquid or Optimum Pellet can calm the stressful situations when you need to keep production and profit at the forefront! #generade #animalwelfare #calm #stress #meatstandardsaustralia #darkcutters #ruminantnutrition #aussieag #aim #animalinnovations
20.01.2022 Congratulations Joe, Garry & Gwen on a great sale and start to the season! Great operators and proudly supported by AIM!
20.01.2022 This is NO Lady Manners! Now we are NOT talking about you Tamara! We refer to the rather enthusiastic ewe that won't wait her turn for some Grazemax! ... Thanks to Tamara from Probreed for the videos and her message... "Hi guys, these girls are a triplet ewe mob grazing a cereal based mix (oats, rye, tillage raddish and vetch) on rotation, looking for their Grazemax Ultra Lick from AIM. They love their lick and can't wait to get into it!! Cheers, Tamara Wetherall - Probreed." #grazemax #gains #greenfeed #grainassist #ruminantnutrition #aussieag #aim #animalinnovations #australianagriculture #agriculturelife #agricultural #aim #animalinnovations #farmingaustralia #wool #meat #australianmade #rural #sheep #cattle #ewe #lamb #ram #scours
17.01.2022 AIM Quick Tips Grazemax is still the flavour of the month out there for stock suffering green feed issues and today Dears from AIM explains how we can assist in minimising some of the negative factors that can lead to hoof damage in sheep and cattle on this type of feed. #agriculture #ruminantnutrition #animalinnovation #aussieag #aim #grazemax #lameness
17.01.2022 We don't need to wish Erica and Stu Halliday of Ben Nevis Angus Stud any luck for their open day and upcoming nothing is left to luck! Great genetics, nutrition and great operators!
16.01.2022 On the Road with AIM... Great morning in Naracoorte work-shopping with the really engaged team from Castec Rural Supplies Naracoorte #castecruralsupplies #ruminantnutrition #aussieag #aim #animalinnovations #australianagriculture #agriculturelife #agricultural #farmingaustralia #wool #meat #australianmade #rural #sheep #cattle #ewe #lamb #ram #cow #calf #bull
14.01.2022 Down the Track with AIM... Matt & Nikola Hall from Mount Camel Farm in Woodvale Victoria are previous AIM Pat on the Back recipients and they just keep posting great results! With the need to finish lambs on green feed they incorporated AIM Grazemax Ultra into their program and here is what Matt has had to say about the outcome..... We really noticed the pastures have lasted a lot longer, lambs have stayed sound in the feet and are very healthy. They have rounded up nicely and look sappy!" Great work again Matt & Nikola and cheers for the great support of Alex Collins from McKean & McGregor Livestock and AIM Techie Rob Coburn. #grazemax #gains #greenfeed #grainassist #ruminantnutrition #aussieag #aim #animalinnovations
13.01.2022 INTERNATIONAL DAY OF RURAL WOMEN Today is the United Nation’s INTERNATIONAL DAY OF RURAL WOMEN and at AIM we would like to take the opportunity to acknowledge and pay tribute to our great Aussie women of agriculture. We invited Mel McGorman from DKT Pastoral to say a few words and she summed it up perfectly for us #womeninag #womeninagriculture #womeninagribusiness #aussieag #aim #animalinnovations #australianagriculture #agriculturelife #agricultural #farmingaustralia #rural #sheep #cattle
13.01.2022 Triplet Ewe mob looking superb as would be expected from the leaders in the business Probreed
12.01.2022 Lowering stress increases glycogen retention which has a significant effect on reducing dark cutters... "Our agent inspected the cattle 3 weeks prior to shipping and said that only 50% would grade MSA. We treated with Generade and the result was astoundingthe entire kill graded MSAboth the agent & I have never seen that before...we thought it was was unreal." Rick & Sam Gates - Gates Genetics, Uralla NSW... #generade #calm #stress #meatstandardsaustralia #darkcutters #ruminantnutrition #aussieag #aim #animalinnovations
11.01.2022 How Do I Use My Generade Premium Liquid? There's been plenty of interest lately in the use of the AIM Generade Liquid for stress control in cattle & sheep at weaning, feedlot entry and transportation. So here's some basic tips on how to use it... Apply Generade (neat - straight out the drum) onto hay... Use quality, cereal hay at the rate of 1.5% of bodyweight Spread hay along a fenceline to allow all stock easy access Rates - 80mls/hd for sheep or 200mls/hd for cattle Pour onto hay with watering can 30 mins before feeding Repeat process twice in 48 hours for best results And as always please contact your local AIM Techie for more information or a customised Management System to suit your operation. #generade #animalwelfare #calm #stress #meatstandardsaustralia #darkcutters #ruminantnutrition
11.01.2022 Take a look at these Ewes! Congratulations to Andrew & Gretta Collins and parents Dave & Sue from DR Collins & Partners and to McKean McGregor Livestock for such a great job! Well done to AIM Techie Rob Coburn for his support in the job too! AIM are very proud to be associated with both the Collins and McKean McGregor - both great operators!
10.01.2022 Over to the real Pros....
10.01.2022 Dubbo here I come! AIM is thrilled to announce that our latest recruit Courtney Lallard is headed to Dubbo this week as AIM's first Dubbo-based Technical Sales Specialist. We will allow her to sign off from her home in the Adelaide Hills with an AIM Quick Tip to assist with using our high performance licks. Congratulations and best of luck in your new role Courtney!... #agriculture #patontheback #ruminantnutrition #animalinnovation #aussieag
10.01.2022 Great work Ramage Rural!
09.01.2022 A HUGE Congratulations from AIM to Erica & Stu Halliday from Ben Nevis Angus Stud in Walcha for a simply amazing result!!!
09.01.2022 Two South Aussie Legends! Cosi Andrew Costello from Channel Nine's South Aussie with Cosi and SAFM - and the AIM Grazemax Ultra Lick - two SA legends combining to keep Cosi's sheep alive and well in the Adelaide Hills! #ruminantnutrition #aussieag #aim #animalinnovations #australianagriculture #agriculturelife #agricultural #farmingaustralia #wool #meat #australianmade #rural #sheep #cattle #ewe #lamb #ram #cow #calf #bull
08.01.2022 67 bulls & 120 commercial heifers sell Sept 9th at the Ben Nevis Angus Stud On Property Sale. Sale details & catalogue at: Sale interfaced with AuctionsPlus. Paul Dooley Pty Ltd Nutrien Ag Solutions_Au Angus Australia
08.01.2022 Advanced Weaning! Weaning the right way at the right age saves feed and increases stocking rate potential. It can also deliver major dividends in terms of the lifetime productivity. Dividends like higher weight gain, increased feed efficiency, greater immunity and improved fertility. Listen to Josh Walter from Murnong Farming and Probreed speak on the benefits of the AIM Advanced Weaning System. #agriculture #ruminantnutrition #animalinnovation #aussieag #lambweaning #weaning #weanermax #aim
07.01.2022 Congratulations to Penny and David on their Grassfed Carcase Classic win! Great advocates of the AIM Grazemax Lick! #agriculture #patontheback #ruminantnutrition #animalinnovation #aussieag
07.01.2022 On the Road with AIM... AIM Techie Nathaniel Modra has been doing the rounds around the South East of SA checking on this season's weaned lambs. These happy little fellas know that the AIM Grazemax is in the back of the ute! #weaners #advancedweaning #greenfeed #grainassist #ruminantnutrition #aim #animalinnovations
07.01.2022 Safety First! With good management and the use of advanced Buffering technologies the risk of Acidosis can be reduced. Prevention starts with keeping grain processing to a minimum for cattle and avoiding any processing for sheep. Pay attention to mob size, weight range and feeder trough space to minimise bullying and gorging. Water quality, stress management and use of roughage all play a part in developing resilience to the Lactic Acid Challenge. Talk to your AIM Technical S...ales Specialist (TSS) about the buffering power of AIM's renowned Converter supplements and a strategy that will help you make grain feeding safe and maximise your returns. #ruminantnutrition #aussieag #aim #animalinnovations #australianagriculture #agriculturelife #agricultural #farmingaustralia #wool #meat #australianmade #rural #sheep #ewe #lamb #ram #steer #bull #cow #cattle #converter #feedlotting #ration #barley #lupins #wheat #peas
07.01.2022 AIM Converter Sheep Pellets at work... Converter 50 is like an insurance policy you don’t get the losses you can push the envelope a lot more. Joe Murdoch Warooka SA... #ruminantnutrition #aussieag #aim #animalinnovations #australianagriculture #agriculturelife #agricultural #farmingaustralia #wool #meat #australianmade #rural #sheep #ewe #lamb #ram #converter #feedlotting #ration #barley #lupins #wheat #peas
06.01.2022 Pat on the Back from AIM For this week’s tribute from AIM we head to some of Victoria’s best cattle fattening country and offer a big Pat on the Back to Ian & Janine Seidel from Karinyah in Staghorn Flat. The Seidels purchased 100 x Angus steers in March and put them on a clover dominant pasture to finish. The feed was likely a little hot, causing them to loosen up but after Peter Gordon introduced Ian to the AIM Grazemax Xtreme lick things turned around quickly. Ian observe...d that the cattle cleaned up within a couple of weeks and weight gain increased as a result. The steers are now on target to be hooked next month and Ian is pretty happy with the result! Congratulations Ian & Janine and a huge Thumbs Up to Peter Gordon from NORMAC Yenda Producers at Baranduda & Wangaratta for his great support of the Seidels and AIM! #grazemax #greenfeed #ruminantnutrition #aussieag #aim #australianagriculture #agriculturelife #agricultural #animalinnovations #farmingaustralia #meat #australianmade #cattle #cow #bull #calf
04.01.2022 AIM Quick Tips Thinking about feeding grain soon? Then have a listen to Courtney about the features of the AIM Converter Pellet for sheep and cattle. #ruminantnutrition #aussieag #aim #animalinnovations #australianagriculture #agriculturelife #agricultural
04.01.2022 AIM Quick Tips A little while back AIM Techie Nathaniel Modra posted on our Facebook page a cute pic of three little lambs we named Huey, Dewey & Louie down the track here is ‘Mods’ with an update on how the lambs are now benefiting from the AIM Advanced Weaning Management System! #agriculture #ruminantnutrition #animalinnovation #aussieag #lambweaning #weaning #weanermax #aim
03.01.2022 Ready to Rock! When it comes to feeding lactating animals, saving energy and money means finding ways to reduce their feed requirement as quickly as possible. Weaning will do that. But the problem is that weaning young progeny can mean that the risks of health problems increase substantially. Those headaches, coupled with stress of separation and handling, can cause serious growth checks. It doesn’t have to be that way though. Watch this space for info to come on systems and solutions to reducing stress in weaners and maximising their rumen development for instant gains as well as life-long dividends for your livestock enterprise. #agriculture #ruminantnutrition #animalinnovation #aussieag #lambweaning #weaning #aim #weanermax
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