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Anna Pontikis Energy Healing

Phone: +61 413 689 234


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25.01.2022 Everything changes and most importantly we change. It’s okay to be completely different than you were 6 months ago, it means you are evolving, keep going

24.01.2022 Hey everyone it has been such a long time since I’ve offered some free Emotion Code releases on this page. To be honest I’ve been flat out with clients which is a great thing. Results are amazing and as I’m learning body code I’m implementing that into sessions too which is super powerful for clearing blocks. The theme for this lot of releases is - what do you need to release to step into your power . We all need to step up and see through the illusion of what’s going on... around us. The only way to do this is to step into the strongest and best version of ourselves . Ok here are the details - If you need a bit of energy work, pop your name and age below and I’ll identify and release 2 trapped emotions for you. When you leave your name and age, you are giving me permission to muscle test on your behalf to find the emotions and release them. If you would prefer to remain anonymous you can direct message me. . . . . . . #emotioncode #inheritedemotions #gratitude #theemotioncode #emotioncodepractioner #energyhealing #healing #subconscious #innerwork #emotioncodeaustralia #emotionalrelease #emotionalwellbeing #soulhealing #emotionalblocks #liveyourbestlife #healyourself #emotions #healing #breakthrough #emotionalintelligence #selfsabotage #emotionalwellbeing #selfcare #happinessquotes #wellness #mentalhealth #energyhealing #emotionalbaggage #emotionalwellnesscoach See more

24.01.2022 Whilst in a phone conversation with a friend earlier today, discussing the US Election, I pulled a card for both of us. There is great divide happening right now and we really need to come together no matter what we believe. Do not dim your light for others. If someone’s point of view triggers you, take a deep breath and go within before responding. Lashing out and projecting your wounds onto another person because their opinion and beliefs are different from yours won’t solve any issues for humanity. Have integrity with your words. We should all be able to shine bright without being shut down to make others feel more comfortable.

24.01.2022 With so many of our choices taken away lately, we always have the choice to heal ourselves. You know how you kept saying you didn’t have time to heal yourself that time is NOW! Don’t let this pass you by, make yourself a priority. Don’t get caught up on all the crazy that is going on in the world right now this is all distraction to keep us small and controlled. The only way for us to get through this is to collectively rise and evolve. You can only evolve when you clear... what holds you back from being the real you, not the conditioned you. Who would you be when you strip away all the trauma, all the fear, all the false thoughts and beliefs. If you follow me here you have some level of awareness about what it really takes to heal. . If you’ve had a session with me you know I always cut through the crap stories you tell yourself and empower you to see things a different way. Whatever it takes set aside time each day and do one thing for yourself. I’m not talking a face mask and netflix, I’m talking get your journal out and write. Read or watch something inspirational and then action what you learn. Where are you stuck, google how to get unstuck. The work can only be done by you, I can help you, anyone can help you but you have to be invested in your own healing. If you don’t back yourself who will. See more

24.01.2022 After months of deliberating and research about whether to invest in the Healy I’m excited that I finally took the plunge a couple of days ago. The Healy device is a frequency machine that picks up imbalances in your body and uses frequencies to re-balance your body. It is very similar to the Emotion Code work I do so I cannot wait to implement it into sessions. The device is costly but I’ve read so many testimonials of people healing with this and also had a remote sessio...n for myself which I loved around balancing my chakras. I cannot wait to offer this as a remote healing session. Currently in Australia and a few other countries there is a special offer on the device which ends tonight. If you are interested in purchasing one or want more information feel free to message me I would love to help you. Everything is energy and I say this is like having a practitioner on the go with you all the time. As soon as mine arrives in a few weeks I will be testing it on family and friends and myself of course to get some practice before implementing into sessions. This is German made and it has taken years to create it so that it can be in a portable form and easily accessible to every person. It also uses apps on your phone to do the readings on your body and then choose what frequency you need to rebalance your body for optimum healing. Very exciting I’m my opinion. If you google on YouTube you will find countless testimonials on how this has helped people with physical illness as well as emotional wellness.

24.01.2022 Boom - To all those people shooting their mouths of at others. If you haven’t gone deep inside to work out what makes you tick, and I don’t mean physically. The words you speak and the conditioned mind they come from, if you haven’t spent one hour in therapy or working on yourself, then stand back and let those that are awake carry the healing right now. Because if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. To those of you doing the work you have my deepest respect. It takes courage to look at your patterns and see through your own bullshit. As always said with love

23.01.2022 The gorgeous @jude_life_me_now has lent me her spare Healy device for the week as I wait patiently for mine to arrive . Check out my stories to see a quick demo and message me if you would like to have a go

23.01.2022 Yes recovering people pleaser here. Anyone else??? We often learn to people please as children for whatever reason and this transfers to replicating those same relationship dynamics as adults. Putting others first all the time doesn’t serve you or them. . If you have issues around being the chronic people pleaser and putting yourself last then it’s time you do some inner searching as to what led you to be this way in the first place. The Emotion Code is brilliant for getting to the core of these issues and beginning to dismantle this thoughts, beliefs and emotions that led to this. . Don’t wait for burn out or a health crisis. It’s not fun always being the giver.

22.01.2022 Shoutout to my lovely clients who have sessions with me every week and make their physical and emotional health a priority. I am truly grateful you choose to work with me to help facilitate your journey to living your optimal life.

20.01.2022 This is just the perfect graphic for this day, this week, this month, this year. If there is one thing I am telling clients in the last couple of weeks it is to ‘ Double up on Self Care’ we need it now more than ever, mostly for ourselves but also to be able to show up for our families and those who need us. Thank you at @stacieswift for this awesome graphic

15.01.2022 This is not a one day thing.. We should always be reaching out and supporting each other. Life has become so busy that checking in with family and friends doesn’t happen as often as it could. If we have learnt anything this year it’s that we need connection, we need each other, so it’s time to start looking out for one another. If you are struggling right now or know someone who is, feel free to Direct Message me I will do a free 5 minute remote Emotion Code via email to help with getting you back in balance.

15.01.2022 In case you missed this in my stories here it is in a post. What will you do today to heal. Right now I’m sitting outside barefoot in the grass leaning against a tree in the backyard enjoying the Sunshine. It’s not lost on me that in my relatively calm state, the world around me is in a chaotic mess. As with every great awakening the mud is brought to the surface which is what is happening right now. As well as speaking out you must do your inner work. If all you care a...bout is getting back to that crazy thing we called life with over consumption of crap on every level then you still haven’t gotten the point. If this sounds harsh sorry but have you seen what’s on our mainstream media right now. Lies and corruption. Greed and power all to bring us down. . make your healing a priority and yes have fun along the way do things that bring you joy but you also also need to clear the baggage that keeps you stuck and low vibe. If you don’t message will get louder, symptoms will get stronger till you have a healing crisis. Don’t let yourself get to that point. If you need help you can book a session via the bio link. Any investment in your personal growth is worth more than any new piece of clothing or take away meal or wasted hours watching movies on demand. Stop numbing out.. I’ve invested at least $1000 on myself in the last couple of months on healing and courses. I talk the talk, I don’t just preach this to you and then not do it. I invest in myself too. Healing doesnt have to cost money either there is an abundance of free resources. However I’ve found when you have someone personally guide you, it pushes you to do the work and also helps you see things you can’t see for yourself. However you do you. Happy Sunday friends.

14.01.2022 This is Gold right here.

13.01.2022 Happy Saturday Friends. It’s a freezing and Rainy Saturday so I decided to make it a self care day. I’ve become a modality junkie is that such a thing? I cannot get enough of learning new techniques to help myself and my clients clear their imbalances to make way for their best selves. They say when you love to do something the passion to keep learning never ends, or maybe I just made that up. Anyway keep your vibe high at this time it’s the only way to get through this year. If you need help with this I would be honoured to assist you on your healing journey. You will find the link to book a session in my bio.

11.01.2022 There are so many resources to find the metaphysical reason for your ailments. You can even just google them if you don't have any books to refer to. I often will look up dis-eases someone presents with during a session esp if its it been an ongoing physical or emotional issue. Then I use the Emotion Code to work on identifying and releasing the imbalances that created the issue in the first place. Healing doesn't have to be hard or take forever. Your readiness to let go of your stories and leap into the healthier, happier and healed version of you is waiting.

08.01.2022 Exactly this @projecthappiness_org

06.01.2022 Yes to this. We may not feel ready but just by living in this time and space we were born ready. @alimakesthings

05.01.2022 Your heart generates 60 to 1000 times more power and electromagnetic energy than your brain, easily making it the most powerful organ you have. Learn more about the heart and how powerful it is on our site!

04.01.2022 You guys know I am all about woo woo here so if you want to feel a bit better about what is going on and you have an open mind I highly suggest watching this.

04.01.2022 How are you honouring your self care. It’s been a long hard year and there are challenges that I’ve been through that no doubt we’ve all been through that I don’t share on here. Maybe once I’m on the other side I will. Just know that mental health is a life long process. It doesn’t have an end date, just like you don’t stop brushing your teeth. For as long as we are growing and evolving which is our natural state unless we are resisting the growth which then allows a host... of other issues to manifest. . I’m looking forward to my own energy healing appointment with a new practitioner later today. I know where I’m stuck and really struggling right now and sometimes it’s okay to ask others for help to get unstuck. . If you are struggling please don’t struggle alone, sometimes even one appointment, can change your whole trajectory, your mindset, your energy levels, your imbalances. You may even get some insight that you were blocking, that you couldn’t see that was right there waiting for you to see it. This is what energy work does it unblocks all the stagnant energy through your body and energy field so that your vision and intuition flow effortlessly and donations you couldn’t see before appear right before your eyes. See more

04.01.2022 Nature - the great healer. Always has been always will be. It’s free, it’s unconditional, it’s loving and supportive. If you ever feel as though your are struggling with any challenge, get yourself outside your front door and go and soak, bathe and be surrounded by Mother Earth. Ground yourself, let yourself be healed, surrender to letting go of old seasons and embracing new ones. You are loved and supported always. While you are out there send a blessing of thanks and gratitude for that unconditional love and support that is always there to greet you. Breathe deeply, stare at the trees and allow the green to bathe your Heart Chakra with love and healing. It’s all there for you get off your phone and pay attention be In the in the present moment

04.01.2022 CHAKRAS - For those that are unsure about the Chakras or Energy Centres of the body here are the colours, where they are located and a brief couple of words of what each Chakra represents.

02.01.2022 Never underestimate the power of deep breathing. I recommend this to all my clients dealing with anxiety but really, we all need this. Sometimes the simple techniques we have at our fingertips are often overlooked because we think that going within needs to be hard. It is that simple, shut of distractions for 1 minute today and focus on your breath. Make your breathing long slow and deep in the belly. See how expansive, calm and grounded you feel afterwards

01.01.2022 Emotion Code Sessions available via the booking link in my bio. If you are ready to let go of blocked energy in the body this is by far the quickest way. Healing doesn’t need to be hard, or need to take forever, you just need to be ready to leap from the story that’s kept you stuck for years. I do this work with my 89 year old mum and its astounding what comes up to be cleared. Just because you’ve forgotten something doesn’t mean your body has. It’s all stored in the subconscious waiting patiently for you to allow it to surface and be released.

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