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Anna Korkmaz Yoga in Lenah Valley | Sport & recreation

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Anna Korkmaz Yoga

Locality: Lenah Valley

Address: 71 Ruth Drive 7008 Lenah Valley, TAS, Australia


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23.01.2022 ! Tonight's #hotyoga class in the studio is BOOKED OUT & there is a waitlist. I've had a request to also stream our class online tonight so you can join us from the comfort of your living room! You ask - you receive... ... Book your online class here: Only $15 online tonight . . Share this with your family, friends, lovers and maybe those who you think just need to stretch. See you tonight! #hobartyoga #yogateacher #lenahvalley #onlineyoga #StayConnected #moveyourbody

23.01.2022 OK, so you've heard #yoga is good for you, but where do you start? After teaching yoga for the past 11 years, trust me - I'VE GOT YOUR BACK! #yogateacher #hotyoga #yinyoga #nobettertime

23.01.2022 Sometimes what the body knows as truth is confronting and uncomfortable. And quite often, because we’re not used to sitting in those feelings, we push them down (distracting ourselves - Netflix binge, anyone??) But what if those uncomfortable bits were the key to guiding us through? My essence as a woman has been knocking on my door for the last 4 years. She’s been there, but I was struggling to hear her through all the demands of life. The bus...yness of work, motherhood and personal stresses all compounded to the point where I just didn’t know who I was any more. Who the hell WAS I - as a WOMAN?? I had become numb and desensitised to all feeling in my body. Yoga, pranayamas, embodiment practices, breath work, sacred circles, deep connection with others & somatic practices have all been so powerful in helping me move through frozen tension in my body. And sometimes, I still have moments where I feel very little. But, when I trust that it is part of me, and I trust I have the tools available within, I can focus on the deeper layers. The ripples of energy & life-force. The constant shifting of sensations. The duality of my light & dark sides. And everything in between.. and it is all welcomed! Your body is amazing It is always sharing wisdom with you Are you having trouble making a decision? Or feeling like you’re in a transitional phase in life? Do you hold pain in the body and feel like you’re ready to tune into it more? DM me today if you’re ready to delve deeper into yoga. Or if you’re wanting some great practitioners to get in touch with.

22.01.2022 ’ ? If you could slow one thing down today, what would it be? We live in a society that has been glorifying being busy for so long now, that everything can feel like it’s at a frantic pace.... Now, don’t get me wrong. There is definitely a time and place for moving in a #linear fashion. We need that sense of #drive and #ambition to get things done. To achieve and tick off our to-do lists. But, if that is sustained for a long period of time - what does that lead to? For me, it led to #burnout and a sense of chronic fatigue. I had no time or energy for friends, relationships and lost my zest for life. Success to me now is SLOWING DOWN MY PACE - in life, in business, in relationships In really noticing the nuances of what feels good to me in my body and in my truth. Being more present with what is right in front of me. Squished into the single bed, having deep conversations with my 8yo son. Making a cake and licking the bowl. Spending quality time with people I love (whether in person, on the phone, or on FaceTime to London) Sitting in icky feelings of grief & discomfort, knowing they will pass. Pulling back on social media. Slowing down my yoga practice and not rushing my body to achieve a certain posture as it experiences shifts and changes. Allowing things to land and settle. If 2020 has shown us anything, it’s that things HAVE to change and #slowdown. That we must cherish those that we love and are important to us. That the value of our health and wellbeing should be on the top of our list. Because at the end of the day, those are the things that are going to be worth investing in. So, if you could slow one thing down today: WHAT WOULD IT BE? #2020 #priorities #knowwhatisimportant

21.01.2022 Ah, the ol’ #trianglepose. Do you find yourself getting a bit stuck in this one? Or struggling to find a way to progress? Here is a little #tip to help get those hips DOWN!... #hotyoga #hobartyoga #hipopening #yogateacher #keeppracticing #practicenotperfect

21.01.2022 I have been resisting my yoga practice all day! I couldn’t figure out why I was procrastinating so much - I even made a frickin cake! By mid-afternoon, I realised it was because I had a mental to-do list going on in my head and I wasn’t feeling into my body at all I breathed a sigh of relief when all my little jobs and current studying was done for the day. It was like a wave of happy washed over me as I gave myself full permission to finally connect with my body! To out of my head and reconnect with my heart #yinyoga is such an incredible practice to bring you back to yourself. Back to the softness and ease of the body and mind. It’s a state we all intuitively have, but the busy-ness of life can often override what we organically know. . . Keen to try this style of yoga out? It’s deeply relaxing and accessible for all. BOOK

20.01.2022 Why is Hot Yoga so, well .HOT?? . . The heat is for several reasons:... your blood dilates or thins out, making it easier for your circulation to flow through your body. This is incredibly powerful in the aiding of injuries as they recover. your soft tissue becomes warm and more supple, meaning you can safely stretch and build strength through the practice. your body begins to sweat! This is not only a great way to detoxify, but is also your very own in-built cooling mechanism. it can help to boost your immune system & also increases your heart rate, increasing your cardiovascular workout . . A lot of people think that the hot room is like a sauna. It is most definitely not! I like to use the infrared heating panels, that offer a therapeutic heat to the body. These panels heat your body and not so much the room. So if you are tentative about trying out hot yoga, there is always a slightly cooler spot in the room for you to start out with Hot Yoga is available in my little studio space 3 days a week: Sundays 10am Tuesdays 7pm Thursdays 5:30pm BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL as classes have a maximum of only 10 people per session. #hotyoga #hobartyoga #stayhealthy #physicalhealth #mentalhealth #yogateacher

20.01.2022 Whoa! I am blown away by the changes taking place within so many of you I know I say it a lot, but I’m gonna say it again: !... When you consistently SHOW UP for your #yoga practice, and you continue to fine-tune the techniques of each pose, your body and mind WILL shift. Changes with yoga do not necessarily happen in a straight line. Our bodies & minds shift constantly, so there is a non-linear trajectory to our improvements. Some of you may not experience breakthroughs in a posture until several years into your practice, so observe the subtleties of your yoga as you continue on your journey. What are you noticing about your body & mind as you prioritise a regular practice? Is your body becoming more aligned? Perhaps some of your aches and pains are moving to different parts of the body as your skeletal structure shifts. Do you notice your energies changing? Share your experiences below with your fellow yogis! #yogateacher #hobartyoga #hotyoga #yinyoga #keeppracticing

19.01.2022 {} . . Improves balance, focus & concentration... Strengthens abdominal core, shoulders, arms and legs Awesome for cardiovascular health! Stretches the spine and improves your posture Increases flexibility in the hamstrings . . #hotyoga #balancingstick #focus #concentration #determination #hobartyoga #yogateacher See more

19.01.2022 Following on from my post yesterday, here is a little exploration into how much weight our beliefs may hold. Are our thoughts true? At what point do we need to let some beliefs go? What if we don’t have it all together?! ... I would love to hear from YOU about what you might find behind a certain thought you have. Do you have a payoff? If you are ready to start discovering yourself and your inner truths more, there are so many pathways to try. Yoga is an amazing modality to move the body and connect the mind, body & soul together. But below is a list of pros that I admire and connect with myself. Check them out and see what resonates for you at this time. You are not alone on your path! Birthing River & Embodied Living - breathwork practitioners & sacred space holders Debra Reeves - professional intuitive & spiritual mentor Francesca Redden - Embody Your Heart Wisdom - somatic therapist & sacred space holder Jenna Ward - feminine embodiment coach @Liyana Silver - author of Feminine Genius And of course, if you are ready to explore #yoga DM & let’s get you started!

19.01.2022 Yin Yoga is going to be ONLINE this evening, as I have been a bit under the weather this week. Don't worry, yogis - it's nothing serious! But, to ensure your safety I will be offering our class this evening online. Practice from the comfort of your own home & then you can blissfully roll into bed straight from your yoga mat Join me tonight at 7:30pm (AEST) BOOK .... . . #yinyoga #restandrecharge #hobartyoga #staysafestayhome See more

18.01.2022 As a teenager, I was a competitive swimmer. My specialty was long distance events and I trained 9 times a week, racking up around 50km per week in laps. During these training sessions, it was absolutely drilled into me to keep swimming past my pain barrier. To ignore when my body was burning. To train how to move through lactic acid build-up in my muscles. My body was like a machine. My life revolved around how to get the most out of my body’s performance and all I wanted to was swim for Australia at the Olympics. This level of discipline stayed with me until only a few years ago. If I let it slip, I felt like a failure. . . When I started my yoga practice at 18, I still had this performance mentality. I also began my teaching career with this level of expectation from my students. Haha - what a fun teacher I was! But, over the years and years of being on the mat and going through life’s experiences, I have been humbly taken on a different path. Now, I use my yoga practice and teaching to encourage honouring the body/mind. To listen to when the body needs rest or softness (yep, even in #hotyoga!) It’s the feminine energy that calls me oh so much more these days! I love the fluidity and freedom this approach brings me. - it’s as if I’m being called home after a 30+ year journey overseas . . . They are both within us and we need the duality of energies at different times in our day. From experience, the key is to find the balance between the two and to become more in-tune with what our body is telling us it needs #balanceofenergy #feminine #masculine #comehometoyourself #hobartyoga #yogateacher #alwaysastudent

17.01.2022 Sunday morning class this week is BOOKED OUT But set your week up ahead of time and book your #yoga classes in advance. If a class is full, join the waitlist and be the first to know of any late cancelations. BOOK .... . A friendly reminder that on arrival to class, please sanitise your hands before entering the studio. And if you are unwell, please stay at home and inform me asap so I can let anyone on the waitlist know of an available spot. Let's continue to keep our community safe and well! #hobartyoga #hotyoga #yinyoga #yogatherapy #community

17.01.2022 So much wisdom

17.01.2022 Have you been snowed-in today?? How incredible is this #tasmanian weather we’re having? Heavy rain and snow that tends to make us want to hibernate away Tonight’s class is BOOKED OUT but tomorrow night is a cosy #yinyoga class. There are still a few spots left in the studio. Bring a blanket and get snuggly with a deeply relaxing yin yoga immersion (I’ll even have the heaters on at a balmy 22 ) .... . If you would like to join me from the comfort of your own home, then book in for the online option and you will receive a Zoom link upon booking. This is a wonderful way to practice and be guided through a deep meditation - then you can just roll into bed! . . Stay warm & dry, yogis. See you on the mat! #hobartyoga #yogateacher #tassiewinter #hobartwinter #hibernationmode See more

16.01.2022 Before & after class shots with these amazing yogis & friends. Aaron, Robbie & I did our Bikram yoga teacher training together 11 years ago! What a treat to have them visit from Brisbane to my little studio in Hobart tonight. Training was a completely different world full of sweat, no sleep, tears and triumphs. The bonds formed during that time are unbreakable and I am so grateful for my yoga family Robbi Tselepy & Aaron Tselepy

16.01.2022 I love the strength required to work on this little baby over and over again Headstands improve strength in the abdominal core as well as shoulders and upper back. Most of the weight distribution is actually in the lift of the shoulders, and I never find too much is placed in the head and neck. Have you tried this inversion out before?... #headstand #sirsasana #yogapractice #balance

15.01.2022 #yinyoga in the studio is BOOKED OUT for Wednesday night. BUT... You can still join me #online from the comfort of your own home! BOOK Let your mind & body come to a mid-week rest, relaxation and recharge with YIN YOGA #yogateacher #onlineyoga #hobartyoga #takeapause

14.01.2022 . . Getting on in her years and needs regular enemas for her poor digestion But is a one-of-a-kind companion who likes to drape herself around my neck like a scarf. Often.... Not much yoga was done.

14.01.2022 Chantal (aka Polly ) is a yogi on a mission! Tomorrow she will be running 5k to raise funds for Cancer Council Tasmania. There is still time to donate to this incredibly vital cause. Go Polly! Your yoga community is behind you all the way

14.01.2022 I’ve seen videos of this joyous dance many times and it makes me smile every single time!!

10.01.2022 Tonight's #masterclass is SOLD OUT! But if you missed out on this round, don't worry - there will be more in the New Year. DM me your interest and I will add you to my mailing list. There is just ONE MORE SPOT for #hotyoga tomorrow night at 7pm. Are you ready to #sweat? . . BOOK NOW ... . . . #hobartyoga #alwayslearning #yogateacher #yogatherapy See more

08.01.2022 HOT ~ YOGA ~ SUNDAY Set your day up with 90 minutes of stretching, strengthening & a good sweat! BOOK Studio & Online class options available 10am every Sunday morning. #hotyoga #healthybody #healthymind #hobartyoga #yogateacher #onlineyoga #sweatdaily #awkwardpose #utkatasana

07.01.2022 What is your motivation to practice yoga? There is no right or wrong answer as everyone has a different journey on their wellbeing path. For me, I actually started #hotyoga when I was 20 years old, living in London and working as a nanny. I had formed some pretty poor lifestyle habits, one of which was eating 2 dinners every night: one with the children I cared for & another one later at night! So, I was about 10kg overweight.... I started yoga because I wanted to lose weight. What I didn’t expect was to experience the life-changing benefits of mental clarity, clearer skin, better sleep and a sense of rest. . . If you already have a yoga practice, what was your first motivation to say YES TO YOGA?? If you are thinking of starting a practice, what is your motivation to START? #yogapractice #ongoingjourney #wellbeing #health #yogateacher #hobartyoga

05.01.2022 ? . . #yinyoga is an incredibly relaxing practice that helps quieten the inner chatter within the mind. It's also like giving your body a deep & relaxing massage and helps you to connect with the internal senses of the body .... . Every Wednesday night, in the STUDIO or ONLINE Bookings essential #hobartyoga #yogateacher #mindbody #quietenthemind #onlineyoga

05.01.2022 Enter these turning points, Where the rhythms of life transform Into each other. Breath flows in, filling, filling,... In this moment, drink eternity. Breath flows out, emptying, emptying, Offering itself to infinity. Cherishing these moments, Mind dissolves into heart, Heart dissolves into space, Body becomes a vibrating field, Pulsating between fullness and emptiness. ~ The Radiance Sutras

05.01.2022 I’ve been a bit under the weather these past 2 weeks, so have been quiet on the socials-front! But holy moly, did THIS bring a smile to my face today!! I came home to a delivery of these babies from Jenna Ward from the School of Embodied Arts ... I am about to embark on a 6-month course in Feminine Embodiment Coaching, and what better way to get stuck in than with some light reading . . As I have started to delve deep into my own layers of trauma, emotions, & past experiences, it has gifted me with so much more wisdom within my body. And, as much as I love my yoga practice and teachings, I know that there is so much more! Yoga for me now is such a focus on how it FEELS in the body: what information does the body present? how does the body and mind communicate through sensations? how do past traumas feel and heal? what do our past conditionings and self-beliefs teach us? are we living to our fullest potential? . . So much can be discovered when we allow a deep connection with our true selves. I’m so excited to step into this continued path of learning & teaching and to have you join me on my journey . . . ~ #alwayslearning #yogateacher #studytime #healingjourney #feminineembodiment

05.01.2022 It's all about the #balance

02.01.2022 >>>>><<<<< Every day is a new day. A fresh start. A chance to refocus & redirect.... But, that doesn't just happen because the calendar tells us it is another day. It also takes willingness and a shift in mindset. It requires us to be proactive and to plan for that fresh start When you’re feeling a little low, this can sometimes feel like a mammoth task in itself. So keep it as simple as you can. . . For me, it sometimes looks like getting up earlier than normal Writing a grocery list instead of flying by the seat of my pants at the supermarket Getting on top of the laundry so my clothes are ready for the day Or just giving the house a clean - when my space is decluttered, my mind feels decluttered! . . I also find when I schedule my yoga practice & gym classes ahead of time, I am setting myself up to feel good - physically, mentally & energetically . . What can YOU do to prepare for success today / this week? If you need support, DM me and let’s get your yoga on track! Sunday morning & Wednesday night are available ONLINE so you can join from the comfort of your own home. ( ’ ) . BOOK #onlineyoga #prepareforsuccess #keepitsimple #yogateacher #hobartyoga #community #stayconnected

02.01.2022 ! Are you keen to explore your #hotyoga practice & gain a deeper understanding of the series? . . Join me on Monday 23rd November for a 2 hour masterclass on the classic 26 & 2 hatha yoga sequence.... After 11 years of teaching experience, I will guide you through postures, drills, and assist in helping you to get the most out of this therapeutic yoga practice. BOOKINGS This class will be heated to a comfortable 30 degrees for the duration and it's your chance to ask questions, see demos and learn some tips and tricks! . . BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL #bikramyoga #hathayoga #hobartyoga #yogateacher #alwayslearning

02.01.2022 I have felt really stuck in my teachings lately. And I’ve been OK with that, just sitting in the pocket of what this moment in time has been presenting to me. But, when I sat with this thought recently and really noticed the deeper belief behind that, what came to my attention was the belief: .... Who am I to offer teachings and practices when there are literally thousands of other yoga teachers out there who are doing the same? What makes me any different? I don’t have shiny instagram videos or advanced practices to put on display, so why should I even bother? Yep, that is what has been going over in my mind. Crazy, huh? Because, when I sat with that even further here’s what I realised There is a deep core belief within me that . This has been said & demonstrated to me (in a variety of ways) over many years. By people I trusted the most. And when it is said often enough, it becomes part of someone. It’s not an easy or linear process to undo this kind of damage. It takes time. It takes patience. For me, it has taken a shitload of therapy and often relapses back into trauma with my nervous system. This weekend was a relapse. I’ve had some intense triggers and my nervous system has felt fried. When I go into this state, my body feels like it’s shutting down, meaning that it becomes immobile. It’s challenging to move it, let alone stand on the yoga mat. But as I gently moved my body this morning, I could feel my body start to tremble. It was coming out of its freeze. During a breath work circle with Birthing River & Embodied Living this afternoon, I had such a powerful reminder land for me: BRING YOUR SOUL HOME TO YOUR BODY. And for that hour breathe, I focused on her. My soul. Her strength. Her experiences. Her life of knowledge, pain, heartbreak & wisdom. Her courage, her beauty, her power and her ability to lead. . What do I bring to the table? Life experience. I’ve got you. I see you. And I will walk this journey on the mat with you.

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