Anna Waters | Public figure
Anna Waters
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25.01.2022 big tree, fall hard
25.01.2022 Day 2 in the studio Yesterday we finished the guide vocals for a song that I can’t wait to release. I remember writing some of the lyrics while lying in bed when I couldn’t sleep one night. It was a surprising moment in the morning when I realised that I had actually written something coherent this time... #songwriting #cantsleep #newsong #studio #lyrics #musicinmelbourne #musicingeelong #geelong #morethanenough
24.01.2022 This guy @stewarmo5 not only has my favourite voice but is an absolute legend! It was pretty special to have him sing on a new track!
24.01.2022 I speak better with my hands It was a lot of fun chatting with Rob from @onemaninthemiddle over Zoom last week. We spoke about my music, iso, church, God, and even a little about the differences between our two countries ( + ). Have a listen and let me know what you think. #music #musicmedia #interview #musicreview #england #australia #musicinisolation #christianmusic #interviewquestions #sunshine #everybodyneedslove
22.01.2022 zoom interviews are slowly becoming my jam. I love the fact that technology bridges the gap, this particular gap was all the way to . Thanks for having me Christian Media Spotlight!
19.01.2022 my favourite wall in the neighbourhood, makes me happy every time I walk past it #colourpop #wallsofcolour #paintedwalls #pink #weneedmorecolourinourlives #geelong #geelongcreatives #brightcolors #paintmehappy
19.01.2022 it’s actually so comforting to know that there’s no need to try and hide away. It’s all seen anyway #tobeseen #tobeseenaswetrulyare #nothinghidden #lyrics #music #newmusic #christianmusic #nohidinganymore #comfort
18.01.2022 Be Thou My Vision (Live) I'd like to say that I always have my eyes firmly on God, but I'd be absolutely kidding myself. But I do know that when I take my eyes off everything else and focus back on God - everything seems a little lighter and a little clearer. I recorded this one earlier this year before we knew what we know now. Hope it encourages you. #bethoumyvision
17.01.2022 Day 1 back in the studio with @spikeaverymusic cooking up some tasty tunes. Stay safe friends AW x ... #freshmusic #tastytunes #masksarecool #studio #newmusic #geelong #geelongmusic #geelongmusicscene #melbourne #melbournemusic See more
15.01.2022 I basically ran down the aisle to marry you. You are my greatest joy, second only to Jesus. #5yearsmarried
15.01.2022 7 Days of Worship - Day 2 with Anna and Lachie Waters
14.01.2022 This chick @jessiphil not only has a heart of gold but she can sing!! I can’t wait for you to hear her beautiful vocals coming through on one of my new songs. ... #song #songwriter #backingvocals #gospel #deep #youareenough #studio #studiotime #music #musicmaker #australianmusic #melbournemusic #newsongiscoming See more
14.01.2022 little Anna wants you to know that you’re really, really, really special. So does big Anna
13.01.2022 I actually can’t explain how proud I am to be your wife and best friend @lachie_waters You’re the one that works behind the scenes, the one that does it without asking, the one that doesn’t ask for anything in return, the one that will do just about anything to make me laugh. You’ve lived a full and adventurous life in the past 30 years, I can’t wait to try and keep up for the next 30. Happy 30th birthday
13.01.2022 you know the elderly church lady that sings at the top of her lungs? She’s got that voice that just won’t quit? As a kid I could name every one of those people at my church and to be honest it feels kind of wrong when they’re not there. Well, I channeled my inner old church lady to add some different textures to a song yesterday. Hope it worked!
11.01.2022 I was stoked to have long time friend and recording artist @nathplum come in to the studio the other day to record some vocals for a new song. Can’t wait to share what we’ve got coming! #newmusiccomingsoon #watchthisspace #vocals #studio #australianmusic #gospel
10.01.2022 Night of Hope 5 one week from now! It all starts with our Kickoff Show with a new interview with Anna Waters at 6:30pm Eastern / 3:30pm Pacific! See you there!
09.01.2022 i whip my hair back and forth @claire_e_gower ... edits @numadesignco #photoshoot #photography #musicphotography #musicphotoshoot #bush #australianbush #nature See more
08.01.2022 This photo makes me so happy! @lachie_waters spent some time in the studio laying down some backing vocals for one of my new songs
08.01.2022 doin a little happy dance because Every Need is sitting at #11 on the Australian Christian Radio Charts. I’m constantly blown away by God’s goodness, and that’s what the song is all about, we can let every mask and veil down in front of Him. He just takes us as we are and that sort of love changes everything
07.01.2022 I’m absolutely stoked to be sitting at #20 of this list. The list outlines the most played artists on Australian Christian radio for 2020 and the names in blue are of fellow Australians. I look around at the other artists that are on that list and can’t quite believe it, these people are changing the sound of Christian radio, with really really well made music and the most inspiring and raw messages. For a long time I thought that the music getting played on Christian radio stations was hard to listen to, BUT there are some amazing people working behind the scenes who are seeking out music that isn’t exclusive, that isn’t all ‘Jesus is my boyfriend’ and that is something I’d be happy to listen to daily. Have a listen to some of these Aussie artists (in blue, but check them all out too!) and see for yourself!
06.01.2022 when we know that we are fully loved no matter what, the way we see ourselves, others, our life, our purpose - it all changes If you haven’t given EVERY NEED a spin, head over to Spotify and have a listen. Hoping you feel encouraged. #newmusic #singlesong #music #popmusic #synthpop #christianmusic #newchristianmusic #australianchristianmusic #livechangeseverything #inspirationalwords #lovehaschangedme
04.01.2022 and I’ve often made a mess of it all ... #newsong #music #messimade #loved #love #unconditionallove See more
03.01.2022 TONIGHT! I’m taking the service at @churchone2one in Ballarat tonight, along with these legends. If you’re up that way, come out for a 6pm service. We’ll be leading worship, speaking a little bit and playing a bunch of my songs. Would love to see some Ballarat fam there. X
03.01.2022 My life is filled with these moments Like why did I wear my worst trackies on Insta Live last night. Nevertheless, thanks to those who joined us in worship! #alwaysdressedforcomfort #trackiesforlife
02.01.2022 This lovely lady came in to the studio a couple of weeks ago and lended her smoky pipes to a new song. @annabannaflint you’re amazing!
02.01.2022 You know those people who leave you feeling encouraged and truely known? They’re the ones who care, even when no one is watching. I always wanna be like them ... #others #loveothers #loveyourselfquotes #lovefirst #reflection #lovequotes #support #lookoutforeachother #encouragingquotes #quotes #quotesaboutlife #quotestoliveby See more
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