Annie Barrett Naturopath in Caloundra, Queensland | Naturopath
Annie Barrett Naturopath
Locality: Caloundra, Queensland
Phone: +61 416 213 055
Address: Shop B/78-80 Bulcock St 4551 Caloundra, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 I attended the amazing #natex2021 on the weekend. The theme was Unity through Diversity. Thanks so much @tammyguests what an inspirational weekend. I have taken home so many meaningful connections, experiences and learnings. ... Also a big thanks to @cindrabanks for reminding me about the importance of dance and creativity. I will aim to spend a few mins tap dancing in the morning
24.01.2022 HEALTH EFFECTS OF SHIFT WORK // Working outside of the regular 9am-5pm hours has become a norm of modern living. Shift work, especially night shift, causes circadian rhythm disruption. This disruption is associated with a range of health implications. Immediate health effects - increased fatigue and sleepiness, impaired cognition and impaired alertness. This affects reaction time, decision making, information processing and attention, and leads to an increased risk... of errors, accidents and injuries. Long-term effects - increased risk of insomnia and sleep disturbance, weight gain, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, gastrointestinal problems, mental health conditions (depression, anxiety), increased infections, menstrual issues, headaches, migraines, back pain and some cancers. As most of the conditions associated with shift work occur due to a disruption to the circadian rhythm, it is super important to address any sleep disturbance and ensure that you have a healthy diet. To find out more read my latest blog 'The health effects of shift work'.
24.01.2022 SNACKS // It's important to eat healthy snacks, especially for shift workers. Snacks high in sugar and refined carbohydrate, such as cakes, biscuits, chocolate, lollies, white bread and soft drinks, contribute to energy slumps and weight gain. Instead eat snacks that are protein rich and include some healthy fats. They keep you fuller for longer, improve energy levels and help keep you focused. Choosing healthy snacks is also a great way to boost your nutrient intak...e and improve your health. Some quick and easy snacks include: A piece of fruit, yoghurt and a handful of nuts and seeds Protein balls. Best if they are homemade. Rice cakes with avocado, tomato and cheese or nut butter Veggie sticks and dip - hummus is a great protein rich dip A green smoothie Celery sticks filled with nut butter Slices of apple smeared with nut butter Chia pudding or overnight oats Hard-boiled egg Golden haloumi and pear slices - place slices of haloumi and pear in a hot fry pan and toss them around the pan until they are golden brown. Eat while hot. To find out more have a read of my latest blog on healthy snacks for night shift, but really for anyone! What do you like to snack on? See more
23.01.2022 Powerful words - gaining strength, courage and confidence by facing the things you fear. I've had to do this quite a bit since opening my own business!
22.01.2022 Had some help making my delicious healing teas this weekend!! Pop down to Annie's Tea Stall this Sunday morning and say hi. I've put together some tea gifts ideal as a Christmas, Thank You or Kris Kringle pressie ... You'll find me out the front of my clinic at 78 Bulcock St, Caloundra Sunday morning between 8am and 1pm. . . . #tea #teastall #teatime #ilovetea #tealover #healingherbs #freshtea #wellbeing #healthy #christmasgiftideas #itsbegginingtolookalotlikechristmas #sunshinecoast #sunshinecoastmade #madeonthesunshinecoast #sunnycoastbusiness #sunshinecoastbusiness #naturopathsunshinecoast #sunshinecoastnaturopath #anniebarrettnaturopath
22.01.2022 SLEEP & THE BRAIN // The brain is actually very busy while we are sleeping. The poor old brain does not get a rest. At night while the rest of our body is asleep our brain: Sorts and processes all the information our brain has dealt with during the day... Forms our long term memories Creates our dreams Detoxifies itself of any waste products that have built up during the day This is why good sleep is important for brain health and memory. Phew, I feel exhausted just writing about all the work our brain does!
18.01.2022 BULCOCK ST TEA STALL // This Sunday I'll have delicious herbal teas that I formulated and blend by hand, green teas, tea accessories, Euclove cleaning products and Christmas gift bags on offer at my shop front stall. All products are also available in my clinic, open Tuesday to Saturday at 78 Bulcock St, Caloundra. Come and say Hi!... You can find out more about Euclove products here I think that they are pretty awesome and as they contain clove oil, perfect for keeping mould at bay in this humid climate!
17.01.2022 CHICKEN STOCK // I used to think making chicken stock was too bothersome and time consuming. However, since discovering how super duper easy it is to make in a slow cooker I now have a freezer full of it!! Chicken stock is great as a base for soups and casseroles. However, a small cup eaten/drunk (?!) everyday has plenty of health benefits. Helps restore gut health and promotes healthy digestion.... Is anti-inflammatory Is good for your skin, hair and nails Is good for you bones The health benefits of chicken stock are due to it's high mineral (especially calcium and magnesium), collagen and gelatin content. Check out my recipe here .
16.01.2022 TEA STALL // First attempt at selling my new tea range. Was lots of fun talking to locals and visitors alike. . .... . #tea #teaforlife #ilovetea #healingherbs #medicinalherbs #insomniarelief #insomnia #stressrelief #stressmanagement #digestivehealth #guthealing #naturopath #onlinenaturopath #onlineconsultation #onlinebussines #sunshinecoastmums #sunshinecoastbusiness #sunshinecoast #sunshinecoastliving #anniebarrettnaturopath See more
14.01.2022 Hi, I thought I’d share a bit about myself. I'm a Naturopath and Medical Scientist. The Sunshine Coast is currently my home. I moved back to QLD in late 2019 after 12 years in Melbourne. Sharing knowledge and educating people about health is numero uno for me.... Treating people with kindness and listening to their stories is also high on my list. I love to tap dance. I started having lessons about 13 years ago, as my childhood classes where cut short when the one and only teacher left town. I grew up in a small country town in Central Queensland that only had one tap dance teacher! I love cooking and throwing dinner parties. Books, books and more books - I’m currently reading book 10 of 14 from the Wheel of Time series. I’m super excited about the upcoming TV series. My favourite TV show is Antiques Roadshow. History, stories, education and suspense all in one! I prefer to ride a bike than drive a car. I think that coffee tastes like burnt water. Give me herbal tea any day! I love to travel. I did the Aussie thing and spent nearly 5 years living in the UK and Ireland. With a brief stint working in a carpet shop in Turkey. I enjoy long walks on the beach at sunset - actually I don’t, but thought I’d better put that old chestnut in! It’s too late in the day to be dealing with all that sand. Thanks so much for taking the time to learn a little more about me! If you'd like to know more about my business head to my website
14.01.2022 SMOOTHIES // Smoothies are a quick and easy, delicious nutritious way to start your day! Most of us, me included, tend to use too much fruit in our smoothies. As a base, aim for 60% fruit and 40% leafy green veg. You can extras like nuts, seeds, spices, protein powders to give your smoothie a tasty nutritious boost. Base for 1 serve... Fruit - 1 1/2 cups Greens - 1 cup Liquid - 1 cup Fruit - banana, mango, pineapple, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, pear, orange, lime, what ever looks good Greens - spinach, kale, rocket, celery, beetroot leaves, dandelion greens, Swiss chard Liquids - water, coconut water, coconut milk, nut milk, yoghurt For a protein boost add: Handful of nuts or seeds - almonds, cashew, chia, flaxseed, hemp seeds. Nuts are best soaked overnight in water. Spoonful of nut butter Scoop of protein powder - I like Amazonia protein powders Spices - fresh ginger, fresh turmeric, fresh mint leaves, ground cinnamon, nutmeg Sweeteners - honey, a few dates. Some people like to add something to sweeten their smoothie when using more bitter greens like rocket and kale. I love to add a handful of oats to my smoothies, helps keep me full of longer. Making a smoothie is as simple as putting all the ingredients in your blender or thermomix and blending until smooth! Yummo! Have fun playing around with different combinations.
14.01.2022 This year has been filled with so many firsts and oodles of learning. I never ever thought I'd open my own business, and I definitely never thought I'd paint furniture. But I did both! Way to go Annie!! P.S. The furniture looks pretty good, if you don't look too closely! ... If you want to find out more about myself and my business head to my website -
11.01.2022 HERBAL TEA I'm pretty darn excited by the growing range of herbal teas I have, especially as I have a bunch more coming!! I can use these teas to blend an individualised herbal tea for my client's health needs.... However, I am also going to use them to blend my own herbal tea range to sell at one of the local Sunshine Coast Markets. Excitement!! Watch this space!
11.01.2022 Does everyone else make this much mess when they're blending herbal teas??!! Worth it though. . .... . #tea #ilovetea #healingherbs #medicinalherbs #naturopath #sunshinecoastbusiness #onlineconsultation #sunshinecoastliving #anniebarrettnaturopath @ Caloundra, Queensland See more
11.01.2022 "Asking for help isn't weak, it's a great example of how to take care of yourself." Charlie Brown Yes, I'm here to help little person. Note to self - get proper bookends or better still more books!
10.01.2022 WATTLE!!!! // A beautiful tunnel of wattle. @ Sunshine Coast, Queensland
10.01.2022 10 TIPS TO HELP YOU FALL ASLEEP 1. Put down your device - the blue light emitted by screens breaks down melatonin, the sleep hormone. No screens after 9pm, this is when the body starts releasing melatonin. The content you are reading or listening to can also stimulate the brain, keeping you awake 2. Have a hot shower - the core body temperature drops overnight. A hot shower increases blood flow to the skin, creating a more sleep friendly environment.... 3. Have a pot of relaxing herbal tea -try any combination of chamomile, lavender, lemon balm, passionflower leaf, skullcap. Place a heaped teaspoon or 1-2 teabags in a pot of boiling water and allow to steep for 10mins. 4. Listen to a meditation or mindfulness track - there's lots on YouTube - I like Jason Stephenson. There is no need to watch, just close your eyes, lie back and relax! 5. Diaphragmatic Breathing, it's super relaxing.( 6. Progressive muscle relaxation - there are lots of different YouTube videos. Try a few to find one you like. 7. Read a book - this can help calm the mind. Make sure it's not an e-book though. See point 1 8. If you have thoughts and worries circling in your mind write them down - this helps clear your mind. 9. Make sure you are comfortable - if you are too hot or cold, remove or add some bedding. Fluff up your pillow, or try a different one. Use ear plugs if noise is keeping you awake. Shut the curtains, or put a blanket over the window if light is keep you awake. 10. Lavender oil - burn lavender oil burn or put a few drops on your pillow. Research suggests that lavender helps with sleep.
09.01.2022 SALSA VERDE // I love Mexican food. This sauce is really tasty . It's great on tacos, burritos, arepas and stirred through soups and casseroles. Salsa Verde (makes 1 cup) 2 green chilies, roughly chopped leave out or reduce amount if you don’t like spicy food... 1-2 clove garlic - depends on how much you love garlic 2 shallots, roughly chopped handful coriander leaves handful mint leaves 2 tablespoon olive oil Place all ingredients in a food processor/blender/thermomix and process until combined. This sauce is great smeared on or stirred though pretty much anything! Click on the link for more Mexican accompaniment recipes to spice up your life!!
09.01.2022 THE IMPORTANCE OF PLANNING THINGS TO LOOK FORWARD TO After writing about finding the positive in shift work I thought I’d continue on my thinking positive theme by talking about the importance of planning something to look forward to. Having something to look forward too, either soon or in the distant future, brings optimism, joy and happiness through the anticipation of something good. What are some things to look forward to? They don’t need to be lavish expensive plans, j...ust something you know you’ll look forward to and enjoy! Put anything, no matter how big or small, in your diary - a new TV show release date, the arrival of something you have ordered online, catch up with friends and family, the birth of a baby Schedule yourself some self-care. A hot bubbly bath, painting your toe nails, reading a book, cooking a delicious meal, going for a walk (within any restrictions), having a nap, watching your favourite movie, mediating or doing yoga Organise a Zoom/FaceTime dinner party or drinks Phone/catch up with a friend whom you haven’t seen in ages Think about things you’d like to do in 2021. Could be a trip within Australia, saving up for a fancy restaurant you’ve always wanted to go to, anything that brings you joy Read some travel books and dream of where you’d like to go overseas when we can Take care and stay positive!
09.01.2022 #funfriday Being a top notch Auntie! . .... . #spoodlesofaustralia #spoodle #spoodlesofbrisbane #carrots #foodasmedicine #foodheals #sleephealth #sleeptips #sleepbetter #sleepaid #insomniarelief #insomnia #insomniaproblems #anxiety #anxietysupport #anxietyhelp #stayinghealthy #stressedout #stressless #fatigue #stressfree #guthealing #guthealth #sunshinecoastbusiness #sunshinecoast #caloundra #kawana #goldenbeachcaloundra #anniebarrettnaturopath See more
09.01.2022 SPICED LENTIL SOUP// I just can't get enough of soup in winter, it's such a hearty, satisfying meal. This spiced lentil soup recipe is lovely, it's warming, filling and easy. Ingredients: 1 onion, finely diced... 1 tablespoon olive oil 3 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon ground coriander 150g lentils - red or brown (soak overnight in a large bowl of water, drain and rinse well before cooking) 2 celery stalks, finely diced 2 large carrot, finely diced 1 large potato, peeled and chopped 2L veggie stock Juice and zest of 1 lemon Optional: serve with a dollop of natural yoghurt and a sprinkle of fresh coriander Method: In a large saucepan fry the onion in the olive oil, over medium heat, for 10mins. Add the spiced and cook until they give off an aroma, about 2mins. Add the lentils and veggies and stir until coated in the spice mix. Add the stock. Bring to the boil and simmer until the lentils are cooked, about 40mins. Either leave chunky or blend until smooth. Add the lemon juice and zest, stir well. Serve topped with yoghurt and coriander. Enjoy! You can find out more about lentils and their health benefits on my website.
08.01.2022 THE POSITIVES OF SHIFT WORK // After Tuesday’s post on the health effects of shift work, I thought it’d be good to write about the positives of shift work. Having a positive mindset can make you feel better when things start to get you down. Positives of shift work: The freedom to go to the shops when they are quiet. I went on a Saturday morning, once, what a nightmare!!... Can go to the cinema and gym outside of peak hours - One time I woke up from nights and decided to go see a movie. I was the only person in the cinema, it was a bit creepy and I had to go ask them to start the movie, but I could sit wherever I wanted! Avoiding peak hour traffic - I’ve never really had to drive in peak hour traffic, however, I can imagine how stressful it must be. Flexibility - there is often a range of different shift options, which can be useful if you have other commitments. It’s easier to run errands as not all businesses are open on weekends. Shift workers often get paid more when on shift Working shift often means no bosses!! This helps with building positive relationships with your colleagues, which is important due to the loss of social connection shift workers may have with family and friends. Have you got any more positives?? See more
07.01.2022 MISSING - one gear stick knob LAST SEEN - attached to Freddy Focus's gear stick If found please return to Annie Barrett Naturopath ... Honestly, who steals someones gear stick knob??!!
06.01.2022 Dear peeps, I've just started a 2000 piece jigsaw puzzle. I'll see you a in few months time.... Helpers welcomed Thanks for the puzzle @amazenpuzzlesandgames . . . #puzzles #jigsaw #jigsawpuzzle #puzzlesofinstagram #sleep #sleephealth #sleeptips #sleepbetter #insomnia #insomniarelief #insomniac #anxiety #anxietysupport #anxietyawareness #stressless #stess #stressedout #exhaustion #exhausted #fatigue #adrenalfatigue #burntout #naturopath #guthealth #sunshinecoastlocals #sunshinecoastlife #sunshinecoastbusiness #sunshinecoast #caloundra ##anniebarrettnaturopath
06.01.2022 Have you had your chamomile tea today? Research shows that regularly drinking a couple of cups of chamomile tea a day helps reduce anxiety and improve sleep. However, avoid having with, or soon after meals, as chamomile may reduce the bodies ability to absorb iron.
05.01.2022 DRIFT OFF TO DREAMLAND... Need help with sleep? Try some products from the Perfect Potion Sweet Dreams range - the Sweet Dreams pillow mist, balm or essential oil blend.... These products contain lavender, chamomile, Clary sage, petitgrain and sweet orange. These essential oils bring a feeling of stillness and calm, allowing the brain to switch off before you drift off into a restful sleep. Available from Annie Barrett Naturopath, 78 Bulcock St Caloundra and Online via my website. Link in the bio DM me if you have any questions. . . . #perfectpotion #sweetdreams #sleeptight #goodnight #lalaland #sleep #sleepy #sleephelp #rest #bedtime #bliss #sleepbetter #insomniarelief #allthingssleep #anxietyrelief #stressless #aromatherapy #essentialoils #australianmade #lavender #sunshinecoastbusiness #sunshinecoast #caloundra #kawana #kingsbeach #goldenbeachcaloundra #mooloolaba #buderim #bulcockbeach #anniebarrettnaturopath
05.01.2022 After gift ideas for family & friends who love using natural cleaning products? These cute gift packs from Euclove have 6 different samples as well as one of their awesome microfiber cleaning cloths. Euclove is Australian made and contains no nasties. Instead they use Clove, Eucalyptus and Tea Tree essential oils. Making them smell amazing and also super effective at cleaning away grime, mould and other unwanted bugs!... Available in-store at Annie Barrett Naturopath and online at (link in the bio ) . . . #naturallyclean #nontoxicliving #chemicalfree #christmasgiftideas #christmas #christmasgiftsideas #euclove #itsbegginingtolookalotlikechristmas #sunshinecoast #sunnycoastbusiness #sunshinecoastbusiness #naturopathsunshinecoast #caloundrabusiness #caloundracbd #lovecaloundra #maroochydore #buderim #sunnycoast #mooloolaba #pelicanwaters #caloundra #downtowncaloundra #goldenbeachcaloundra #sunshinecoastlocals #sunshinecoastaustralia #sunshinecoastnaturopath
04.01.2022 RELAXATION TECHNIQUES With many of us dealing with high levels stress at the moment it is important to test out some stress reduction techniques to find the right ones for you. Relaxation techniques such as meditation, mindfulness and breathing exercises are safe and effective for helping reduce stress levels. They calm the nervous system, switching it from ‘fight and flight’ to ‘rest and digest’, release tight muscles and help oxygenate the body.... Relaxation techniques can be performed just about anywhere, making them a great exercise to do whenever you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed or anxious. They can also help you fall asleep. A few relaxation tools I like include: Apps like smiling mind ( or headspace ( for mindfulness and meditation Monash University offer a mindfulness beginners short course. I cannot more highly recommend it. The guys who run it are awesome! There are heaps of guided meditation YouTube videos I like Jason Stephenson ( Diaphragmatic Breathing is another great relaxation technique. ( This is an interesting Ted talk on the importance of breathing - Yoga and Tai Chi are also great for stress reduction. If you are unable to get out and join a class try Yoga with Adriene on YouTube - Do you have anymore suggestions?
04.01.2022 SLEEP // On average we need 8hrs sleep a night. Some people need more and some less. To get an idea of how much sleep you need, take note of when you wake feeling refreshed and how much sleep you had to achieve this. This is roughly the amount of sleep your body needs to feel refreshed and healthy. ... You can't train yourself into needing less sleep. You can try to trick your body using caffeine, energy drinks and sugar. However this may result in an increased risk of accidents, due to a loss of alertness. If you keep denying yourself of sleep than you are putting yourself at an increased risk for illnesses and diseases. Wow, writing this has made me feel a little sad as I reflect on how I once used the above tricks when I did shift work, and how there are many out there working hard doing all sorts of hours to keep us safe and healthy, often to the detriment of their own health and safety. Thanks
04.01.2022 A colourful bowl of Toss Everything in the Blender, Press Go and Hope for the Best Beetroot Hummus. Was super happy with the outcome. I used:... - 1 garlic clove - 1 can chickpeas, drained and rinsed - 2 beetroots, roughly chopped (I used those pre-prepared vacuum pack beetroots from the produce section) - Juice of 1 lemon - 2 tablespoons tahini - 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil - A pinch dried mint - A sprinkle ground cumin - Salt and Pepper Pop everything in your blender/thermomix/food processor and blend until smooth, about 10sec on a medium speed. I'm going to enjoy it with some carrot, capsicum and cucumber sticks. How do you enjoy your hummus? . . . #beetroots #beetroothummus #sleepbetter #sleephealth #sleeptips #sleepmatters #sleepdisorders #anxiety #anxietyproblems #anxietyrelief #anxietysupport #qualitysleep #insomniarelief #insomnia #stayinghealthy #wellbeing #wellness #stressless #stressedout #stress #guthealing #guthealthmatters #onlinenaturopath #onlinebussiness #onlineconsultations #sunshinecoastbusiness #sunshinecoast #sunshinecoastnaturopath #caloundra #anniebarrettnaturopath
02.01.2022 Follow your dreams, believe in yourself and never give up. Rachael Corrie When I was a little girl dancing was my world, especially tap dancing. However, I was crushed when the one and only tap teacher left town. I dabbled in different forms of dance through out my life - ballet, jazz, latin. But really yearned to tap. For years I kept thinking I was just being silly, why would a 30+ year old take up tap dancing? Anyway, one day I got up the nerve and joined a class. ... Turns out I wasn’t the only person wanting to relive their childhood dreams, there was 300+ students at the school! I ended up performing in 12 concerts, numerous parades, made a bunch of new friends and just generally had an awesome time. When I moved up to the Sunshine Coast one of the first things I did was find a new tap school. I have gained so much joy from tapping, I can’t believe I let fear hold me back for so long. One of the most inspirational women I know is a 90 year old who is still tapping and didn’t start learning until they were in their 60s. Don’t let fear hold you back, go out and live your dreams and find your joy. I’m so glad I did!
02.01.2022 Budda blessing tonights dinner!
01.01.2022 BATH SALTS. Had a fab Friday. Spent the day making bath salts and tap dancing with my niece. My clinic smells amazing ... What's your favourite homemade things to make? . . . #bathsalts #bathsoak #magnesium #health #healingherbs #insomniarelief #stressrelief #lavender #calendula #selfcarematters #naturopath #sunshinecoastmums #sunshinecoastbusiness #anniebarrettnaturopath
01.01.2022 You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me. C.S. Lewis Right now I can't get enough of ginger and licorice tea. It's such a simple, warming and healing herbal tea.
01.01.2022 Annie's Tea Stall - Today I'm selling my beautiful handmade herbal teas from my stall out the front of my naturopathy clinic, at 78 Bulcock St Caloundra. I also have gorgeous tea infuser flasks, hot/cold bottles and infuser mugs. Paired with a tea they make an excellent Christmas, Thank You or Kris Kringle gift. . .... . #sunshinecoastmade #sunshinecoast #madeonthesunshinecoast #sunnycoastbusiness #sunshinecoastbusiness #naturopathsunshinecoast #sunshinecoastnaturopath #anniebarrettnaturopath See more
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