Annointed Hands Soft Tissue Therapies in Blacktown | Hospital
Annointed Hands Soft Tissue Therapies
Locality: Blacktown
Phone: +61 408 115 139
Address: 170 Main Street Blacktown NSW 2148 2148 Blacktown, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Resilience Means You Experience, You Feel, You Fail, You Hurt, You Fall. But, You Keep Going!! CheersResilience Means You Experience, You Feel, You Fail, You Hurt, You Fall. But, You Keep Going!! Cheers
25.01.2022 Show some Self Love, schedule some Massage Therapy!! CheersShow some Self Love, schedule some Massage Therapy!! Cheers
25.01.2022 Massage Therapy is a Treat
24.01.2022 Aerobics or Weights
24.01.2022 The Science of a Beer Belly After being stuck in the house for months during self quarantine, beer bellies might be more common for some men than ever before. Is there really such thing as a beer belly or are round-bodied men just fat? Drinking alcohol interferes with your body’s weight regulation system by preventing adipose tissue (fat cells) from releasing fat or fuel. Simultaneously, alcohols high calorie content easily creates a positive energy balance and increases... fat storage. Drinking beer or other alcoholic beverages makes it easier for you to take in more calories than you burn up. Every gram of alcohol has 7.5 calories - almost as much fat as a typical eight ounce beer has 150 calories. If you drink six beers, that’s an extra 900 calories (3,500 calories makes up one pound of fat). Also, so much beer inhibits you’re fat cells from releasing fat. Your guy starts to grow: You deposit fat rapidly from drinking extra calories; you use less of the fat a fuel for metabolism because alcohol inhibits fat breakdown. Cheers See more
24.01.2022 GLUCOSAMINE-CHONDROITIN SUPPLEMENTS PREVENT CARTILAGE DETERIORATION Millions of Americans take glucosamine and chondroitin supplements to reduce joint pain. However, the American Academy of Orthopedic surgeons does not recommend them. Researchers from the University of Sydney in Australia found no improvement in knee joint pain following two years supplementation with glucosamine and chondroitin. There was, however, a reduction in joint space narrowing, which indicates some improvement in joint health. The study showed that glucosamine and chondroitin supplements did not reduce knee pain after two years.
24.01.2022 Work on You .. For You!! Make Yourself a Priority for once in Your Life!! Cheers Work on You .. For You!! Make Yourself a Priority for once in Your Life!! Cheers
23.01.2022 Do you waste too much time in the gym You spend hours in the weight room training just like the big boys or big girls but you’re still weak and small. What’s the problem? Maybe you’re a weight room time waster. Do you spend more time chatting with friend and checking your phone than pushing the big iron? Do you train at prime time and spend half of your time waiting to get on the bench, squat rack or preacher stand? If so, you aren’t training efficiently. Get focused. Pla...n your workout ahead of time and take care of business. Work out during the day or later in the evening and avoid the typical 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm rush hour. Hook up with a workout partner to help keep you focused. If your goal is to socialise, then go for it. Otherwise, keep quiet and get to work. Cheers
23.01.2022 PROTEIN AND RESISTANCE TRAINING COMBINE TO BOOST MUSCLE GROWTH New technologies using radioactive tracers, CT scans and MRI showed scientists the precise ways in which the cells make new muscle proteins and uncovered the secrets of muscle growth. Muscle cells go into overdrive to make new proteins following meals high in proteins and amino acids. The amino acid leucine is an important nutrient that promotes protein synthesis in your muscles. Leucine activates the mTOR pathway which triggers muscle growth and serves as a building block for muscle protein synthesis. Combining whey and leucine supplements with resistance exercise promotes muscle protein synthesis and prevents atrophy.
22.01.2022 The Science of a Beer Belly!! CheersThe Science of a Beer Belly!! Cheers
20.01.2022 Happiness is a Perfume you can not pour onto others without getting a few drops on yourself!! CheersHappiness is a Perfume you can not pour onto others without getting a few drops on yourself!! Cheers
20.01.2022 Where your Focus goes, your Energy flows. Focus on the Good and the Good will come!! CheersWhere your Focus goes, your Energy flows. Focus on the Good and the Good will come!! Cheers
20.01.2022 ARACHIDONIC ACID SUPPLEMENTS BOOST MUSCLE GROWTH Prostaglandins - chemicals released during inflammation and following intense weight training- are important stimulators of muscle growth. The cells make prostaglandins from arachidonic acid (AA), an unsaturated fatty acid obtained from animal fats. Three forms of an enzyme called prostaglandins from AA. Prostaglandins regulate many cell functions, including muscle hypertrophy. A study on mice by researchers from New Zealand and Australia found that supplementing arachidonic acid promoted growth by increasing prostaglandins and stimulating COX-2. Many athletes take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and naproxen for pain, which blocks COX-2 and could interfere with muscle growth and strength.
19.01.2022 Life is just like a Painting. Draw the lines with Hope.Dip the brush with lots of Patience.Colour it with Love!! CheersLife is just like a Painting. Draw the lines with Hope.Dip the brush with lots of Patience.Colour it with Love!! Cheers
19.01.2022 Nature’s Fat Burner People tend time get fatter as they age. That tight, hard body you had when you were 20 is harder to maintain when you’re 30,40,50 and beyond. Your metabolism slows to 10 to 15 percent between ages 30 and 60. Coincidentally, muscle mass drops by about the same percentage. Muscle is like the California of energy tissues, the more muscles you have the more calories you burn. You can prevent middle-age spread by maintaining your muscle mass. Even lifting ...weights two times a week for 30 minutes can build muscle and turn you into a fat burner instead of a fat consumer. The added muscle will consume more calories and help you maintain a healthy weight. What’s more, your new muscle will help make you look fit, healthy and young. Cheers
19.01.2022 Training Has Benefits Besides Building Muscle Bodybuilders exercise because it makes them look and feel great. However, scientists have discovered plenty of other reasons to work out. An article in Nutrition Action Healthletter, the flagship publication of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, cited a dozen other benefits of exercise. Training increases the quality and duration of sleep. It’s also great for the gastrointestinal tract - it helps prevent gallstones, colon cancer and diverticular disease. Exercise improves metabolic control and prevents heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. It is also good for the bones and joints; it prevents joint swelling in people with arthritis and helps strengthen muscles and prevents falls and fractures. With all these benefits how can you sit there? Cheers
19.01.2022 Nature’s Fat Burner Nature’s Fat Burner
19.01.2022 Exercise Daily to Live Longer Want to live longer? Try exercising every day. Training with Weights every day is overkill, but engaging in some type of physical exercise daily will result in a longer Life. Population studies in the U.S and Western Europe show that physically active people have a lower risk of premature death from all causes. Not only do they have a lower risk of death from Heart Disease and some types of Cancer, but they are also much less likely to suicide or die accidentally. While we don’t fully understand why regular exercise extends life, it’s most likely due to improved Metabolic Health and a more optimistic mental outlook. Fit people have more efficient Metabolisms. Their Cells work better and they can process and use fuels to a high degree than Sedentary people do. Also, they are less likely to suffer from depression. The trick is to try and stay active every day. You’ve got to rev up your engine whenever you can!! Cheers See more
19.01.2022 Massage Therapy is not just a Luxury. It’s a way to a Happy, Healthier, Life!! CheersMassage Therapy is not just a Luxury. It’s a way to a Happy, Healthier, Life!! Cheers
18.01.2022 Make yourself Number 1
18.01.2022 Love what you do and you’ll Never Work a day in your Life!! CheersLove what you do and you’ll Never Work a day in your Life!! Cheers
18.01.2022 Julius Caesar used Massage Therapy to help with his Epilepsy !! CheersJulius Caesar used Massage Therapy to help with his Epilepsy !! Cheers
17.01.2022 Front squats for stronger legs Front squats for stronger legs
17.01.2022 Training Has Benefits Besides Building Muscle!! Training Has Benefits Besides Building Muscle!!
16.01.2022 Three Sets Better Than One
16.01.2022 Massage Therapy and Cycling Knee injuries and low back pain are the most common issues. Very tight glutes and hip flexors put a lot of stress on the lumbar region. Tight glutes and/or quads also pull on the ITB leading to the knee creating a lot of tension and sometimes inflammation. Those who train every day beat up their bodies , and stretching is just not enough for them. Most people aren’t educated enough with regards to their anatomy and how easily you can injure you...rself. Recovery is more important than actual training. Massage Therapy is excellent for injury prevention, speeds up the recovery of muscles and overall health of the tissue. For any athlete that trains every day in their sport, I recommend most treatments to be more to be more of a flush than deep tissue because muscles are already inflamed from training so hard. You don’t want to create more inflammation with a deep treatment. When the athlete has a lighter training week, I would suggest a deeper treatment there. Many of my cycling clients come see me every 1-2 weeks, and then a couple of days leading up to a race/tournament. When you get closer to their competing day you want to focus on getting the muscles ready, rather than relaxing them, so more stimulating techniques. Following a competition should be light with maybe a few purposeful muscles releases. Think about what you want to achieve at the end of the day. By taking care of your body, you will go from a good athlete to a great athlete Cheers
16.01.2022 Your never Wrong to do the Right Thing!! We can help You!! Cheers Your never Wrong to do the Right Thing!! We can help You!! Cheers
16.01.2022 You are the best Gift that anyone could ask for. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!! The Best Gift is You!! Cheers You are the best Gift that anyone could ask for. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!! The Best Gift is You!! Cheers
15.01.2022 Show some Self Love.. Schedule some Massage Therapy!! Cheers Show some Self Love.. Schedule some Massage Therapy!! Cheers
15.01.2022 NUTS LINKED TO LONGER LIFE SPAN Eating nuts every day reduces the death rate by 20 percent compared to not eating nuts, according to a Harvard University study of more than 100,000 health professionals. Higher nut consumption was also linked to a reduced death rate due to cancer, heart disease, and lung disease. Nuts are highly nutritious foods that are high in unsaturated fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals and antioxidants. Major health agencies, such as the U.S Food and Drug Administration, recommend that people eat nuts as part of a healthy diet.
15.01.2022 Massage Therapy and CyclingMassage Therapy and Cycling
14.01.2022 It’s Important Now more than Ever to take Care of Yourself!! It’s Important Now more than Ever to take Care of Yourself!!
13.01.2022 Massage is a treat Massage is a treat, isn’t it? That’s what most people say anyway. Something you get maybe once a year? And,for once, you get time dedicated entirely to you where you are left feeling relaxed, a bit sleepy and most importantly de-stressed. ... But, sometimes an annual treat just isn’t enough. Sometimes, you NEED a massage to help you get through the day. Like when... You need mental clarity. It might be a heated discussion with a team member, when you’ve got a million thoughts running through you head, it can be pretty tricky grasping onto the ones that are important. Or when tension is restricting your movement whether you’re a dedicated gym fanatic or just an average joe who gets cramps after sitting at your desk all day long... that feeling you get when you can’t move your body in the way you want to. It’s brutal, sharp, regular and painful. While regularly adjusting your posture might disguise the problem for five minutes it comes back with vengeance like Bruce wills from Die Hard! So if you’ve had enough of Bruce giving you a pain in the neck and you just want to get back to working out at the gym or at your desk then a feel tissue massage will do you wonders. BYE BRUCE! If you’ve been thinking about getting a massage recently, it’s probably your body or your mind telling you that you need to slow down and take stock. As much as you might see it as a one off treat, sometimes it’s essential to get you through a tough time. Fancy booking one? We can help with that Cheers
12.01.2022 Exercise Daily to Live Longer Exercise Daily to Live Longer
12.01.2022 Massage Therapy and Cycling
11.01.2022 Do something today that Your Future Self will Thank you for!! Cheers Do something today that Your Future Self will Thank you for!! Cheers
11.01.2022 Squats are safe for the knees Squats are an important exercise for Bodybuilders and other weight-trained athletes. They are the best way to pack on muscle in your lower body. For strength-speed athletes, power and jumping ability. Dr Rafael Escamilla, from Duke University, summarised the stresses on the knee during this critical lift by reviewing the published literature. He concluded that the squat is not a dangerous lift for the knee joint and does not make the knee un...stable. In fact, the lift can increase knee stability if done correctly. Avoid deep squats (past parallel) so that you don’t injure the knee menisci (cartilage pads) and the cruciate and collateral ligaments (ligaments that’s stabilise the joint). The squat is a great lift for developing the muscles wound the hip, knee and ankles joints, as suggested by moderate to high stress levels on the quads, glutes, hamstrings and gastrocnemius muscles Cheers
11.01.2022 Low Calorie Diets Cut Cancer Risk Scientists have known for a long time that cutting food intake decreases disease risk and increases life span - in worms, flies and mice. So, fasting and calorie restriction have become semi-fads among some overzealous humans through the years. Now we have evidence in primates that cutting calories has health benefits . A study by Dr. Angela Black and co-workers at the National Institute of Aging showed that monkeys had a much lower incide...nce of cancer if their calorie intakes were cut by 30 percent. The fasting monkeys also had a lower risk of heart disease , ulcers, cataracts and endometriosis. Low-calorie diets probably prevent cancer by slowing cell division - the cancer cells don’t have enough energy to grow. The study suggests that monkeys on low calorie diets also live longer. Most people won’t go on a permanent starvation diet. However, if scientists can understand how the diet contributes to health, they may be able to develop drugs to mimic the effect. Cheers See more
11.01.2022 We can help you!!
10.01.2022 Obese Men don’t handle Stress Well!! Cheers Obese Men don’t handle Stress Well!! Cheers
10.01.2022 ARGININE HAS NO EFFECT ON PERFORMANCE IN TRAINED RUNNERS Arginine is a conditionally essential amino acid (sometimes required in the diet) that stimulates growth hormone and nitric oxide production. The growth hormone promotes muscle hypertrophy and fuel metabolism, while nitric oxide enhances blood flow control. Many athletes take arginine to increase endurance. The supplement might work by enhancing muscle blood flow control, increasing growth hormone release, or enhancing endothelial function (cells lining the blood vessels). A small Brazillian study, however, found that arginine had no effect on a 5-kilometer time trial in trained runners. We need more research to assess the usefulness of arginine for endurance athletes. We do not know the effects of these supplements on fit bodybuilders.
10.01.2022 If you don’t take no Chances, then you’re not a Performer!! CheersIf you don’t take no Chances, then you’re not a Performer!! Cheers
10.01.2022 Rough week at work? Neck, Shoulder or Wrist Pain? Lower Back discomfort? Our Business / Corporate Massage can help!!Rough week at work? Neck, Shoulder or Wrist Pain? Lower Back discomfort? Our Business / Corporate Massage can help!!
09.01.2022 GRATITUDE Be Grateful for what you have and where you are in your journey. Gratitude is the key to manifesting abundance!! CheersGRATITUDE Be Grateful for what you have and where you are in your journey. Gratitude is the key to manifesting abundance!! Cheers
09.01.2022 Low Calorie Diets Cut Cancer Risk Low Calorie Diets Cut Cancer Risk
08.01.2022 A Champion does not show up to Lose, they show up to Prove something!! Cheers A Champion does not show up to Lose, they show up to Prove something!! Cheers
08.01.2022 CHERRY JUICE REDUCES INFLAMMATION AND MUSCLE DAMAGE Cherry juice is the real deal for protecting muscle tissue from damage during intense exercise ranging from marathons to monster weight-training workouts- according to a review of literature by Stella Lucia Volpe from Drexel University in Philadelphia. Chemicals in cherry juice, such as flavonoids and anthocyanins, prevent muscle oxidative damage and inflammation associated with exercise recovery. Cherry juice, which reduces exercise induced muscle damage, inflammation and oxidative stress, might be useful for reducing sports injuries and promoting recovery.
08.01.2022 Who’s Number1??
07.01.2022 Are the Kids Asleep yet? Now it’s time to give something back to yourself! We are here until 10pm!! CheersAre the Kids Asleep yet? Now it’s time to give something back to yourself! We are here until 10pm!! Cheers
05.01.2022 Cartilage Deterioration
05.01.2022 Training has benefits besides building Muscle
04.01.2022 INCREASED PROTEIN INTAKE MOST IMPORTANT FOR MUSCLE GROWTH The increased rate of protein synthesis seen in protein timing studies is due more to greater protein intake than timing. Protein timing has been an exciting concept in sports nutrition for more than 20 years. The idea behind the concept is that protein is consumed shortly before or after training, which amplifies muscle protein synthesis by providing amino acids for making new proteins and turning on key biochemical pathways for protein synthesis. A meta-analysis by Brad Schoenfeld from Lehman College in New York and co-workers concluded that the combination of total protein intake and weight training was more important for protein synthesis than the timing of protein intake.
04.01.2022 Your Health should be the Priority
03.01.2022 It’s me time when the kids go to bed!!
03.01.2022 Prioritise you’re Physical and Mental Health with Therapy from Annointed Hands Soft Tissue Therapies!!Prioritise you’re Physical and Mental Health with Therapy from Annointed Hands Soft Tissue Therapies!!
02.01.2022 LONG WORK HOURS AND INADEQUATE SLEEP LINKED TO HEART ATTACKS Men who work more than 60 hours per week and sleep less than six hours per night increase their risk of heart attack by 220 percent- according to a study from National Taiwan University in Taiwan. The study compared 322 men with heart attacks against similar healthy men in the population. Factors such as smoking, body mass index, and work environment did not influence the results. The take-home message is that working too many hours or not getting enough sleep can kill you.
02.01.2022 Exercise Daily to Live Longer
02.01.2022 Reduce Inflammation and Muscle Damage
02.01.2022 Obese Men don’t Handle Stress Well!! Stress makes life interesting and provides the stimulus for physical fitness and make muscle hypertrophy. Arnold, in his first movie Stay Hungry said, You must burn to grow! However, stress can also be destructive and is linked with an increased risk of heart attack, stroke and diabetes. Considerable research suggests overweight people react differently to stress, which might be a reason that stress harms the health in some people... but has no effect on others. A study by Dr. G. Seematter and co-workers from The University of Lausanne medical school, in Switzerland, found that when lean people are stressed, they react by opening up blood vessels, increasing metabolic rate, and speeding blood sugar use. Conversely, obese people do not increase glucose uptake or open up blood vessels, but they do increase their metabolism. The responses in obese people cause more abdominal fat storage and higher blood pressure- both of which increase the risk of heart attack!! Cheers See more
01.01.2022 Let your Smile change the World, Not the World change your Smile!! Cheers Let your Smile change the World, Not the World change your Smile!! Cheers
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