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Ansett Aviation in Weddell | Aviation school

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Ansett Aviation

Locality: Weddell

Phone: +61 408 332 248

Address: 110 Jenkins Rd 0822 Weddell, NT, Australia


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25.01.2022 VH-BRI. Sikorsky S-61N. Shipped to Melbourne from the USA & arrived on 2nd November, 1964. Given the name Golden Islander and transported Passengers between Proserpine & Hayman Island. Sister ship VH-BRH arrived 12 years later. (This post is from, Sir Reginald Transport Museum) ________________________________#regansett #ansett #ansettaustralia #ansettfamily #sikorskyhelicopters #sikorskyhelicopters #islandlife #haymanisland #hayman #lovechoppers

25.01.2022 Another Fathers Day special

24.01.2022 Just another morning session with Mitch ward, Well dome mate. Next lesson Hover . . . .... . #darwinhelicopters #flighttraining #hover #fun #loveflying #bestlife #lifestyle See more

24.01.2022 The Sikorsky S-61N at South Molle Island. __________________________________________ #sikorsky #s-61N #ansettaviation #southmolleisland #southmolle #lovechoppers #whitsundays #gbr #island #rmansett #lovemyjob #lovethisplace

23.01.2022 Some amazing art work I would’ve purchased, but the helicopter was literally running, I was just about to take off, my wallet was in the boot I couldn’t get it out. I wish I did now it was beautiful. . . .... . . . . #art #artwork #amazingaboriginalart #wishlist #longranger #belllongranger #belllongranger206 See more

23.01.2022 Now this is a lonely road. . . #lonely #stockroute

22.01.2022 Maybe a SIM for kids, go hard left hand down!!!. _____________________________________#sim #helicoptersimulator

22.01.2022 New merchandise. Well done Lloyd fantastic design work. _______________________________ #merchandise #uniforms #studentuniform #ansettaviation #ansett_aviation #robinsonhelicopters #robinsonr22 #robinsonr44

21.01.2022 Poor dogs, If only I could fit them all in . . . .... #lostgods #bogs #belllongranger #sad #stilllovethem #flighttraining #thenorthenterritory #lovetheterritory See more

20.01.2022 The Garden Point girls hard at it. Love the Art work. . . . .... . #gardenpoint #aboriginalartwork #airwork #aitest See more

20.01.2022 Someones happy here at MKT Airport, Darwin. Awesome work Peter. ___________________________________________ #soloflight #ansettaviation #ansett_aviation #bestjobever #bestjob #greatlife #greatlifestyle #becomeapilot #becomeapilot #topendflyingclub #robinsonr22

20.01.2022 Something to think about. _________________________________ #Vectordiagram #ansettaviation #studyhard #lift #helicopteraerodynamics

18.01.2022 Gary is very excited after his second solo flight. _____________________________________ #ansett_aviation #ansett_aviation #solo #soloflight #solohelicopterflight #robinsonr22 #helicopterflighttraining #northenterritory #topendflyingclub #darwinflighttraining #helicopter #lovemyjob #loveflying #iloveflying #bestjobever @ansettaviation @ Top End Flying Club at MKT

18.01.2022 Darwin ops- First solo, Well Done Gary, massive achievement. ________________________________________ #ansett_aviation #ansettaviation #robinsonr22 #firstsolo #soloflight #soloflights #topendflyingclub #darwinflighttraining #darwinflightschool #lovemyjob #loveflying

18.01.2022 Blue hole an awesome fishing and spearfishing spot. . . . .... #helifishing #freediving #spearfishing #flighttraining #helicopterflighttraining #northenterritory #darwinhelicoptertours #ansettaviation @ansettaviation See more

18.01.2022 Our favourite restaurant, owner & Head chef , Bhairab Yogi. Yogis Way . . .... . #lovefood #helicoptertraining #yogiswayfood #yogisway #restaurant #darwinrestaurant @yogiswayfood @ansettaviation @ansett_aviation See more

17.01.2022 Students day of from from heli flight training, so we thought we would chuck a line in. ___________________________________ #barrafishing #barramundifishing #ansettaviation #ansett_aviation #fishing #fish #helifishing #helifishingdarwin #helicopterfishing #topendflyingclub #dayoff #studentfreeday #studentfreedays #robinsonr44 #robinsonr44raven #greatday #comefishing #lovemyjob #lovechoppers @ Top End Barra Fishing

17.01.2022 Bit of fog about this morning at MKT Airport. ____________________________________________ #bedweather #fog #coffee #morning #noflying

16.01.2022 Ansett Airlines of Australia VH-AND Bell 206A JetRanger Source: JetPhotos from Pinterest

16.01.2022 Time for bed. _________________________________________\ @heronisland @marinehelicoptersaustralia @ansettaviation #r66turbine #sgbr #greatbarrierreef

16.01.2022 I love Darwin, where else can you ride your horse to a pub. Only Im the NT

16.01.2022 4 x Rubber bands, check lets go. #robinson #robinsonr44 #flyingtraining

15.01.2022 Are you looking for an unforgettable gift for dad? Something that hes never done before? This Fathers Day (Sunday 6th September), give dad a 30 min Trial Introductory Flight for $250 with Ansett Aviation. He will take to the skies with one of our instructors and have the opportunity to take the controls and fly the aircraft himself. Alternatively, bring the whole family on a 15 min scenic experience for $125 per person, where up to 3 passengers can experience a doors-off sc...enic flight along the Elizabeth river. Spectators welcome, with a Free BBQ from 12 pm. PM for bookings or further information. Limited Fathers Day spots available. Flight times given are approximate only | Flights are subject to weight limits | No prior experience required

15.01.2022 Well done Peter, perfect transition on your solo. ____________________________ #ansettaviation #topendflyingclub #helicopter #robinsonr22 #lovemyjob #lovechoppers #thisisliving #thenortherterrritory #darwinflighttraining #flighttraining #soloflying @ Top End Flying Club at MKT

15.01.2022 Darwin ops - Peters now on the R44 and loving it. ___________________________________________ #topendflyingclub #robinsonr44 #lovemyjob #loveflying #ansettaviation #ansett_aviation #sunrise #helicopterflighttraining #northernterritory #pilots #pilotsjob #learntofly #learntoflyahelicopter #lovechoppers @ansettaviation

14.01.2022 Sunday theory, not impressed. Disregard the model aeroplane, I was just playing with it __________________________________________ #ansettaviation #ansett_aviation #helicoptertheory #sunday #classrooms #helicopter #lovemyjob #lovechoppers

14.01.2022 Dose anyone know of a Aircraft company that has a Cessna 208 on its AOC ?

14.01.2022 Busy airport today, its all happening. _________________________________________ #topendflyingclub #darwinflightschool #darwinflighttraining #aeroclub #ansettaviation #ansett_aviation

14.01.2022 I couldnt help it lol @ Top End Flying Club at MKT

14.01.2022 Lots of fond memories on this island

13.01.2022 I hope thats not the pilot on the left.

13.01.2022 First Solo for Peter Fulton. Congratulations mate massive achievement, fantastic. ___________________________________________ #ansettaviation #helicopterflighttraining #darwinflighttraining #darwinflightschool #mktairport #robinsonr22 #lovethisjob #lovemyjob #loveflying

13.01.2022 An unforgettable experience, which could only be shared with very few. . . . .... #theolddays See more

10.01.2022 A very cool, calm and collected Gary has passed his PPL flight test. Well done Gazzz. _____________________________________ #privethelicopter #ppl #pplh #darwinflightschool #darwinflighttraining #robinsonr22 #flighttraining #greatflying #greatflyingday @ansettaviation #ansett_aviation @ Top End Flying Club at MKT

10.01.2022 Confined area training ________________________________ #helicoptertraining #northenterritoryaustralia #northenterritoryfishing #robinsonhelicopters #fishing #theyopend

10.01.2022 A Tiwi Island whip Snake ( I think) . . . #whipsnake #snake #snakes #tiwiislands ##greatfun #lovethiscountry

09.01.2022 Darwin CBD from above. Control airspace training today. #ansettaviation #r22robinsonhelicopter #darwinflightschool #darwin #northernterritory @ Darwin, Northern Territory


08.01.2022 Throwback photos of an awesome adventure with Scotty, Two Helicopters and we did the Kimberleys, happy birthday Scotty. #montgomeryreef #horizontalfence #horizontalfalls #thekimberleyaustralia @ The Kimberleys

07.01.2022 Croker Island, NT . . . .... . #crokerisland #coastal #rain #bell #bellhelicooter #nt #ntaustralia See more

07.01.2022 Rates are subject to individual circumstances, normal lending criteria apply . . . .... . #learntofly #helicopterlesson #helicopterlessions #careergoals #careerdevelopment #bestcareers #personaldevelopment #personalgrowth #hobby #futurecareer #futuregoals See more

06.01.2022 Bathurst Island today. . . .... .#bathurstisland #bathurstislandmission #bellhelicopters #tugboats See more

06.01.2022 Just a short visit to Heron Island, once again looking amazing. ______________________________________ #heronisland #sgbr #sharks #robinsonhelicopters #robinsonr66 #reef @bestjobers @marinehelicoptersaustralia @ansettaviation @ Heron Island

06.01.2022 Secret location just a little inlet somewhere in the Northern Territory. Hay Adam... . . . .... . #helifishing #flighttraining #helicopterflightschool #thenorthenterritory #lovethetopend #training #robinsonr22 #learntofly See more

06.01.2022 Now this was an amazing day oh and amazing surprise, Darwin Aviation Museum. Really Really cool stuff, I recommend going there if you are coming (or in) to Darwin. _____________________________________ #aviationmuseum #darwinaviationmuseum #veryspecialday #darwin #thingstodoindarwin @ Darwins Aviation Museum

05.01.2022 Go Johnny. Just punching out a few early morning Circuits to MTK Airport. ____________________________________________ #aeroclub #aircraft #circuits #earlybird #eatlymorning

03.01.2022 Say no more I found it.

03.01.2022 Airbus safety seminar in Darwin. Thank you Adam & Chris for extending the invitation to a few of my students. #airbus #as350ba ... #helicopter See more

03.01.2022 Squeeze a few rounds off in between lessons. Only in the territory . . . .... . . #flyinglessons #helicopterschool #flighttraining #topendaeroclub #22caliberrifle #ansett_aviation #onlyintheterritory #northenterritory #timedorabreak See more

03.01.2022 Headless croc. Wasnt me.._______________________________ #crocodile #helicopterflightschool #helicopterflighttraining #darwinflighttraining #darwintraining

02.01.2022 20 Years later and a few kg heavier. Im back. Mountain Valley Station, NT. OK, I didnt actually go in to the station, just drove past the sign. ____________________________________________ #mountianvalleystation #stationlife #thetopend #cattlestation #oldtime

01.01.2022 1/2 a day off. Im not showing you a photo of the Barra, because I caught nothing. Gotto use a chopper for that, so much easier, boat are just so much work- Boom ________________________________________ #fishing #caughtnothing #helifishing #sunday #dayoff #crabcrawisland #northenterritory @ansettaviation @ Northern Territory

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