Anthony Harb in North Parramatta | Digital creator
Anthony Harb
Locality: North Parramatta
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24.01.2022 If hard work guaranteed success, the hardest workers would be the most successful. We know thats not true.
24.01.2022 Being good enough is no longer good enough in business today. You have to be amazing.
24.01.2022 This is a real big one. How often you do you say something and unknown to yourself, someone has found your words offensive?Thick skin may be in short supply these days, as well as giving someone the benefit of the doubt. It’s best to err on the site of caution with people, and only say things which may be misconstrued, when trust is built. Only in an environment of trust can difficult conversations and points of difference be discussed, without potentially causing a rift.
23.01.2022 Too often people say things to me about what they want to achieve. When their actions dont match their speak, they will never perform at their highest level. Make it a habit to only say what you expect to do no matter how little it is.
22.01.2022 These are probably the most empowering words I've heard in a long time. When someone says its all your fault, this is usually an emotive reaction to a particular situation and whether true or not is almost irrelevant. If however you consciously can look at everything that has been within your control and accept you have allowed the circumstances to be created, you can be in a proactive place of impacting change rather than reactive to external forces. My new mantra for 2020 is, its all my fault, and i find these words extremely empowering and positive.
22.01.2022 I have been hearing this more than ever before. People seem to be complaining more than ever that the odds are stacked against them. It is true that in many respects life seems harder, but the flip side is that its also a lot easier. Making money is only one dimension of life and yet we all seem so much more focussed on this than ever before. People describe a side hustle as an exciting project but this can be called a second job or focussing on money at the expense of othe...r things. I think the single most destructive thing that can bring more misery than joy is focussing on making money fast. This doesnt make sense. Making money fast, like doing anything fast has no lasting joy. The joy is in the building, sustaining and growing, focus on that, and let the money take care of itself. Here are some helpful steps; -reduce unnecessary expenditure. -refocus your goals to a longer time frame. -practice kindness daily. See more
21.01.2022 How good does this look! Its a special time of year to reflect and cant help but feel grateful for all the wonderful farmers that work tirelessly to bring us wonderful food. I hope the drought breaks soon and fires ease to restore the lives of many to some sense of normality. Lets remember to support Australian grown products regardless of the price difference, if we can afford it.
20.01.2022 Often there seem to be two voices pulling or pushing apart. One pushes and one pulls. There is a true inner voice thay knows whats right. Too often we have a vested interest in not acknowledging the truth. This is often because we dont want the short term pain associated with the long term gain. Bite the bullet and do what is right. Its the best way forward.... Unless you have clarity in your mind, dont expect to have clarity in business. See more
20.01.2022 We are so obsessed with our bodies and flexibility is heralded as a great achievement in body. We often relate yoga or stretching to flexibility of body. But what about flexibility of mind. Wow! I think this concept is so powerful. stretch your mind daily and ask yourself what makes you think the way you are thinking is the right way, best way or only way. This fluid nature of the mind helps to adjust to unforeseen circumstances and thats a definite advantage for any startup.
19.01.2022 Action trumps all words. It doesnt matter how good you say you are. Too often we have a false sense of our ability. Its all relative. Are you judging yourself by who you were yesterday or comparing to someone else? Most of the great athletes are competing with themselves and not comparing to others. Its just that the person on the other side allows us to benchmark ourselves. Try to really understand where you are at. Its the best thing you can do.
19.01.2022 It’s all marketing. I have heard this so many times as to the reason why a product range or brand is doing well or not well. Marketing is an important part of running a business but by no means the only part, or dare I say, the most important part. It’s all marketing, can be often used as an excuse as to why your brand is not performing and as a consequence feel that you need a better website, or better packaging, or spending more money on ads. The problem I have with comment is that what is often regarded as marketing or people refer to as marketing, is not what marketing really is, and nor is what some of the great minds of marketing define marketing as. A general definition of marketing by many people is related to promoting and is gimmicky in nature. Marketing starts and ends with your customer. Every interaction with every customer is marketing. Listen and care about your customer, they will tell you what they like or dislike, even though they may know what they want to start with, until you offer it it them. Marketing is not everything, but certainly important. I don’t like making absolute comments, however if I had to replace the word marketing in this sentence, I would say, the customer is everything. See more
19.01.2022 @country_valley milk is an amazing product. John had the courage some years ago to develop his own brand of milk and continues doing so today. Milk has been used as a loss leader in the battle between our major supermarkets to gain market share. Whenever price is used as the main measure for competitiveness in any category and producers are squeezed, the only alternative is to lower the quality of goods, look to cheaper labour overseas or shut down production. There is a exodus in the dairy industry at the moment and as consumers we share responsibility for this. All we have to do is never buy cheap milk again and insist that the milk we buy pays a fair price to farmers. When we vote with our feet, retailers respond. Startups get your thinking cap on here and find a way to channel more milk proceeds to farmers. Retailers, there is a great marketing opportunity here for the retailer that consciously pushes price up for milk with a guaranteed percentage to farmers. Public sentiment is so strong at present that this may be the one marketing strategy where increasing price will create greater loyalty to a retailer brand and not less. Heres a great marketing position; the most expensive milk in Australia. Who has the guts... See more
19.01.2022 Different people operate better in different environments. One of the strengths of entrepreneurs, is that they can operate during times of chaos. Being a startup is difficult and at times chaotic, of course we try to put systems in place to manage some of the chaos, but often its out of our control and the best thing we can do is not take the bait. Let the storm pass and survive as best as you can.
18.01.2022 Awesome achievement after a lot of work.
18.01.2022 Pam of @pampambuns , is an amazing founder. I have learnt so much from her. She is one of those rare individuals that has good mind control. She is consistent and grinds daily to get to the next step without too much emotional volatility. For the last few years I have been troubled by the thought that 60 per cent of businesses fail in the first 3 years, and in 10 years its much more. This thought really troubles me. Pam and I set on a mission to try and reduce the probabilit...y of failure dramatically. Failing small is required, failing big is no fun. Collectively we need to get behind good people doing good things in business. If you have any questions for your startup please dm me or Pam, we will both happily reply. Let us know about your startup journey. See more
17.01.2022 Too often we forget about the details of building a business. We forget about the hard work involved. We want the prize as an end result and forget about the moment. Too often the prize never comes because of this mindet. Focus on the work.
16.01.2022 Too often people say things to me about what they want to achieve. When their actions don't match their speak, they will never perform at their highest level. Make it a habit to only say what you expect to do no matter how little it is.
16.01.2022 @pampambuns has taken years in the making. If you’re in it for the money you may want to think twice. You have to have incredible patience and resilience to follow through. Often buyers are not privy to the effort that goes into creating a product of this nature, especially when you have had to build a factory as a startup brand. Buyers often are dealing with long standing existing international brands that are not owned by the person selling them. With a stroke of a pen a buyer can change your destiny for the better or worse as a startup. I am glad to see social media can be used as a tool to better explain the blood sweat and tears that go into creating a product of this nature.
15.01.2022 Buying locally made products has so many advantages. In a world where goods are transported globally, it makes sense to prioritise purchases of locally made products, especially food. There are so many benefits of buying locally which include; Creating local jobs, lowering your carbon foot print, and when it comes to food, usually fresher and in season. Buy local and support your community.
13.01.2022 Cherrymore is a pure Australian Cherry Juice. From the hilltops of NSW as the pack says. Cherrymore is bottled in Young. 100% cherry juice, rich in vitamins (A, C , and K) and high in polyphenols, you cant ask for much more than that.
13.01.2022 Action trumps all words. It doesn't matter how good you say you are. Too often we have a false sense of our ability. It's all relative. Are you judging yourself by who you were yesterday or comparing to someone else? Most of the great athletes are competing with themselves and not comparing to others. It's just that the person on the other side allows us to benchmark ourselves. Try to really understand where you are at. It's the best thing you can do.
12.01.2022 Too often we forget that building a business is not glamorous. It's about turning up everyday and working hard. It's about making sacrifices and focussing on the present with an eye to the future.
12.01.2022 What a breath of fresh air chatting to Jordyn Evans @theminglespicegirl @mingleseasoning has a brand that embodies her character. Brands are being personified as human characters. Jordyn has used the mingles branding and called each mingles seasoning variant, a persons name. This makes people relate to the product with an emotional connection, as well as the person behind the product. Jordyns route has included two incubators which she speaks highly from. I see more colla...borations between large companies and startups in the coming years. Such an exciting time to be in the startup space. Take a leaf out of Jordyns book and get started! See more
12.01.2022 If youre not sure which way is up, down, East or West during the COVID-19 pandemic, youre not alone. No matter the direction youre headed in, the virus is serving as a means of recalibration, an opportunity for business owners to evaluate how they add value to the lives of clients and how they solve their problems operations might adapt now to survive the current economic climate, for example delivery of services online for professionals or ecomm for retailers, to later find when the market returns that these features of service have actually become permanent additional revenue streams.
11.01.2022 How good does this look! It's a special time of year to reflect and can't help but feel grateful for all the wonderful farmers that work tirelessly to bring us wonderful food. I hope the drought breaks soon and fires ease to restore the lives of many to some sense of normality. Lets remember to support Australian grown products regardless of the price difference, if we can afford it.
11.01.2022 Building a brand is a tough ask. @pampambuns is in the infant stage of building their brand. There is no alternative to brand building as should you use price as your main differentiation, the only place is down. Never before has there been a better opportunity to get close to your market and build the value of the brand to your target market. Greatest respect Pam..keep showing us how its done.
10.01.2022 There is more of an emphasis on food and its medicinal qualities than ever before. Hippocrates said, let food be thy medicine. Wise words and true today as ever.
10.01.2022 When your stuck, consider this approach.
09.01.2022 Our Founder and MD of multiple businesses, Anthony Harb developed StartUp FMCG to give small businesses the leg up they need to take their ideas from concept to profitable product. As a mentor and FMCG consultant with 30 years experience, Anthonys key strengths are strategic management, sales and marketing.
09.01.2022 Too often we forget that building a business is not glamorous. Its about turning up everyday and working hard. Its about making sacrifices and focussing on the present with an eye to the future.
08.01.2022 Impatience rarely serves us, but speed can. They are not the same thing and shouldnt be confused. If you are fast at getting things done, thats relative, what is fast to you may be slow to another. In a business context, the person or company that can execute rightly more times than wrong, is fast, even if they may seem slower than others. The person executing fast but wrongly, is slow. If youre getting it right most of the time and do that fast , thats respect.
08.01.2022 So many of our challenges are in the mind. Often they are in the past or the future but rarely in the present. How we react to anything is given by the meaning we give to it. This all starts in the mind. If for whatever reason you have this part sorted as best as possible, than good luck to you, you are rare and take advantage of it. If this part is a challenge as it is for most of us, than work on yourself and mind before starting a business, it will make the process so muc...h easier. Pay particular attention to what gets you frustrated, angry or irritated. These are signs of the emotional weight your mind puts on something. You can only build something stable over a long period of time if there is stability in you. This doesnt mean there has to be stability around you, but in you. See more
07.01.2022 Try this out. If something is troubling you, draw it on a paper, or write it down. Make it physical. I think we are much better equipped to deal with something that is in front of us. By making a thought physical / visual, we can then help stop it looping in our minds or decrease the meaning to it . We may not be able to stop it in our minds but we can put less significance to it. If we write it on a paper, we can delete it , cross it out with a pen, cut the paper or put it... in the recycle bin. We can also leave it and review the thought in 24 hours when we are in our best state. This exercise can help us appreciate our thoughts are transient and need need not shape our experience. We have the power to put more weight on the thoughts that empower us and less weight on the ones that do not. Any thoughts? See more
06.01.2022 If you are easier to work with, generally speaking you will be able to collaborate / engage with, more people. I have found a common mistake which I made in the past and see people making as well, is not being clear on what your engagement with someone is. You may think your interacting (not business), and they may think its a transaction (business). I think its the intention that matters here. If you are truly interacting and the other person is transacting and keeping score... unknown to you, this will end poorly. If your intention is to try and disguise interaction as a transaction, that will be a bad outcome for one side at least, but typically both. If you lean towards giving first you generally wont get yourself into trouble here. Ask people what they expect from your engagement and dont keep a tab on people which is unknown to them. See more
06.01.2022 On your startup journey, its more likely that you will fail the first , second and maybe third time before you get it right. This is not always the case and there is an element of luck and timing that may go your way. There is so much to learn from the failure. Embrace it and as Sam of @limitless_nutrition_ says move forward. Move forward meaning to make progress. @pampambuns is one founder who has never given up.... If there is one trait that I would think is above all else determines long term success, its the ability to keep going and delay gratification. Keep going never give up. See more
05.01.2022 Interesting discussion today with a very smart person who told me that the aim of life is not to seek happiness, but to manage ones life in the best way possible, given their unique circumstances.
05.01.2022 @choiceaustralia are a consumer advocacy that offers I dependent and unbiased product reviews. Doing this for more than 60 years means they must be doing something right. Choice was pivotal in advocating the development of the health star rating system for food. As consumers, anything that helps us make more informed decisions is a good thing.
04.01.2022 Its takes guts to do what Katherine from @ketokitchencorner is doing. She makes a range of keto crackers, keto jam, and keto relish. I have learnt 3 things from Katherine; 1) Never give up 2) Juggling many responsibilities ... is not an excuse for inaction. 3) Pivot when the need arises. Keep going Katherine, I have the greatest respect for your tenacity. See more
04.01.2022 Take the leap. Youre never going to feel totally ready. Contact StartUp FMCG for access to business mentors we have the experience, we share in your passion, and together well make it happen.
03.01.2022 From first idea to filling supermarket shelves, were with you. Having launched over 1000 products, primarily in the consumer grocery space, were the key to unlocking the network you need to roll out your product. Visit
03.01.2022 Having a character helps to cut through a noisy marketplace. Since childhood we are conditioned to love cartoons and characters. These characters form deep into our psyche. @pampambuns a young startup is in the process of building her character. It doesnt work for every category but consider when you are building your brand whether you should have a character associated with it.
02.01.2022 These are probably the most empowering words Ive heard in a long time. When someone says its all your fault, this is usually an emotive reaction to a particular situation and whether true or not is almost irrelevant. If however you consciously can look at everything that has been within your control and accept you have allowed the circumstances to be created, you can be in a proactive place of impacting change rather than reactive to external forces. My new mantra for 2020 is, its all my fault, and i find these words extremely empowering and positive.
02.01.2022 If we look to others as to what they are doing and then do the same thin, then there is nothing new to set us apart. What set them apart in the beginning, was that they did something different, so copying them is not different. Have courage, and do something radical. You may fail, but you may create something very special.
01.01.2022 Too often we are so busy thinking we are working. Often we are not working but wasting precious time, even though we may think we worked hard. We are often working in the wrong direction and on the wrong things. Often we move from one thing to the next without getting a result. This movement, in my opinion is more about an inability to focus on one thing at a time than a necessity to do many things at once. If we have a tendency to seek variety in our lives, we may choose to in the same way without getting the necessary results. The market doesnt care if you enjoy what you do or you are seeking variety in your work. The market cares about results. It is easy to know if you have satisfied the market; you are either selling or your not. Its that simple. See more
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