Anthony Storich Golf | Sport & fitness instruction
Anthony Storich Golf
Phone: +61 415 959 151
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25.01.2022 Things are on PAUSE at the moment. Stay safe and Ill see ya soooon. #breaktime #holdthatthought #seeyasoon #recharge
25.01.2022 It’s a movement, and a way of life. Keep it up big guy. #mypadawan
25.01.2022 Get behind this everyone it starts tomorrow
25.01.2022 With The Masters about to begin let’s relive some of the glory that was last years tip! #ItsAllAboutTheW #relive #itfits #nostalgia
24.01.2022 Haha be strong be awesome and dont care!! Thats the formula Thoughts???
24.01.2022 I dont know what Im doing but Im trying something. See what happens.... #anthonystorichgolf #bookalesson
23.01.2022 Social distancing in unison from way back when.
23.01.2022 Food for thought... Tigers 2000 was one of the greatest 12 months not only by a professional golfer but by any athlete. 3 Majors, 9 tour wins and just shy of 10mill in prize money. Interesting to note that while we all search for consistency the variance between his best and worst score in his record breaking year was 14 shots. ... Does this mean being awesome is way better than being consistent? Not really, but it just shows that no matter how youre going golf always has a way of equalising the situation and its about practicing hard enough that when you have the opportunities you can take advantage. Its a constant grind so the advice is embrace it and enjoy it! #foodforthought #embracethegrind #yougottawork
22.01.2022 If you’ve seen this man or anyone like this, grab him a golf lesson this Christmas so he doesn’t have to go fishing yet. Individual lessons and packages available tailored to your needs. Message me for more info! ... #saveourclubs #christmasvoucher #contactme #merrychristmas #privatelessons #playinglessons #grouplessons #tempertraining
22.01.2022 Heres a tip!! Travelling to The land of the rising sun reemphasised the importance of not getting ahead of yourself during a game of golf. Plan your round, have a game plan but stay in the moment. If birdie holes are coming up in your round, make sure you cross that bridge when you come to it. As Steve Stiffler once said, you dont score until you score!! Golf is meant to be a grind so get used to building your own bridges to get over what happens in your round.... Short memories make good golfers. Photo courtesy of ma lady @reneevarano_ #soprofound #wisdom #tiptime #mentalgame #japanswing #whenyougettoit #stayinthemoment #makepositiveahabit
22.01.2022 Lesson? Keep grinding, make changes if you have to.
21.01.2022 TIP TIME TUESDAY AT THE NEW HOME @antillparkcgc TIP: hit better strikes with your irons. HOW? Using a sand wedge or lob wedge try and hit the ball lower to encourage yourself to stay down and and therefore keep the club face square through the ball. ... Try it and let me know how you go. It’s a goodin See you soon #tiptimetuesday #selffilmed #openingforcameraman #ipayinsmiles #antillparkcountrygolfclub #beardedbuckethatwearinggolferguy #hesback
20.01.2022 Whos buying it for me?
20.01.2022 TIP TIME TUESDAY Pre shot Routine.... Pressure will always give you more adrenaline which can create uncontrollable tension. Rather than controlling your adrenaline why not use it to your advantage? Next time you play make 3 swings. 1st- a 1/2 energy swing 2nd-a 3/4 energy swing 3rd-a full swing on the ball This way you will use the momentum and the power of pressure to help hit a smooth quality shot. Something worth thinking about when your next on course or under the pump. Try it and let me know how you go. #imamaniac #buyahat #tiptimetuesday #pressuredrills
20.01.2022 WORK IT WEDNESDAY!! Im back. Heres another edition of UNPRECEDENTED TIMES: THE RETURN OF THE SWING. Try setting up a line of tees a foot in front of your ball and rather hitting through the ball, this time hit up the tees to help decrease spin and get some more carry out of your drives. ... You should also get more club head speed. Good posture and a wide takeaway are important. BOOOM!!! If that doesnt help you get more distance off the tee I know a guy Try it and let me know how you go. #imback #tiptime #bombsaway #hitup #bryson #boom #like #tag #share #beanie
19.01.2022 If golf is your sport, mix it up with something else, if you play something else, give golf a try champs!! There is NOTHING negative about learning something new. #variety #reset #switchonswitchoff #tryit
19.01.2022 ATTENTION TIP TIME TUESDAY Swing into SPRING!! ... Thanks to Glenn Miranda today we are learning how to DRAW the ball. Get excited about this drill which will help you hit a draw without manipulating the club. Its all about that pathway. Try it and let me know how you go! #like #tag #share #tiptimetuesday #beardedbuckethat #thatsgreat #buyahat #anthonystorichgolf #draw #yourpathway
19.01.2022 US PGA SPECIAL Choke down on your driver shaft and work on rotating your body without the butt of the grip touching you. This will help you keep the shoulders behind the ball and hit the ball on the up. ... Dont forget to leave your tip and score in the comment section for this weeks US PGA Championship. Winner will receive a free lesson. Let me know how you go. See you soon. USA A OK #tip #time #beardedbuckethat #beaniewearing #boom #uspga #like #tag #share #relax
19.01.2022 TAG 2 people you know that need to stop doing this and book a lesson. Stop clowning around. #imscaredofclowns #like #tag #share #bookalesson
19.01.2022 WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS LIST FROM GOLF TV? Who would you add or take out? #questiontime #shotmakers #flushers #underthepump...
19.01.2022 This year will never be forgotten. It took a worldwide pandemic for people to realise how much they love and need to play golf. Before we say goodbye to 2020 post a meme in the comments describing the year of golf you have had. Enjoy! #post #ameme
18.01.2022 Thank you to all at Antill Park Country Golf Club for the warm welcome today. Looking forward to the next chapter at the new home. #newhome #nextchapter #warmwelcome
16.01.2022 Hit a few balls the other day before work. It was nice and quiet out there just after all the rain. If you can ever find the time hitting some balls or doing some chipping and putting is great way to start the day, or if you work early try and do something at the end of the day. It can be tricky in Winter but finding that extra time can not only help your game but more importantly clear the mind for the day ahead, or the day that was. Give it a go. ... #clearmind #dontforgetyourlunchbreak #golf #mentalbenefits #anthonystorichgolf #belikewater
16.01.2022 MONDAY MOTIVATION Keep it simple. 2% Swag, 1% talent 104% Douche. ... #influencerlife. #butseriouslykeepitsimpleandworkyourarseoff #onebounce #whocares #bye
16.01.2022 Course management is key. Know your limits, and test them when you train to get to that next level. #knowyourgame #behonestwithyourself
14.01.2022 TIP TIME TUESDAY All influencers have sick merch that can be sold online to their following. You too can look as pumped as the lads in the vid in your new headwear. Guaranteed to help you make contact with the golf ball. ... Only $20. Message me to find out more! #sickmerch #influencer #anthonystorichgolf #wintershere
12.01.2022 SPRINGBREAK2K20 IS BACK!! Lovely day out @gerringonggolf. First time I had the privilege of playing there after hearing only great things from club ambassador Michael Mackney. Superb day out with the lads. Well done to Big Lach for the victory in a playoff against Mickey Mike. Truely one for the ages. Auf wiedersein. #superb #gerringonggolfclub #springbreak2020 #oneironscore #roachyplusnine #lol #germanthemed
12.01.2022 Describe your Golf game at the moment. Using GIFS only. #letssee
12.01.2022 Not golf but just proves you never give up on your dreams. Remember staying up to watch this and then played a junior tournament the next day on no sleep. One of my all time favourite sportsman and characters of all time. Always an inspiration when I think about it or see it. Wonder how hed go on the golf course. ... #bigservingcroat #tennisterms #searchtheacceptancespeech
11.01.2022 Never underestimate the importance of a good pre shot routine. Pick yours and make it work. TIP: SIMPLICITY ... #preshot #tiptime #like #tag #share #pickyours #simplicity
10.01.2022 Or if you like just do what Vince Lombardi AKA Homer Simpson said, if you lose your out of the family! #manywaystoskinacat #dontbeacat
09.01.2022 Who can relate???
08.01.2022 Saturdays at the links
08.01.2022 Whos telling them to social distance? #calltheshop
08.01.2022 Thanks Joshua you did well mate lots of natural power.
06.01.2022 Well done champs!! 3 smiles and 3 wins. In this photo we have Macquarie Links Men’s C GRADE CHAMPION MENS AND JUNIOR CLUB CHAMPION and the LADIES CLUB CHAMPION. ... Congratulations to Joel, Hayden and Rachel. Thank you for being cool kids and letting me be a small part of what you love doing. A big thanks must go to your parents for the constant support and encouragement all year round. The real contest is who is going to win the sledging contest for the next 12 months!! Lol @rachelbutlergolf is the early favourite!! Super proud of you guys! #juniorgolf #welldonechamps #superproud
06.01.2022 Question Time Why do you play golf?? Is it the challenge? The fun? The health aspects? ... Holla back at me dawgy dawwgz!! I aint gon be tellin your daddy you thuggin... what? #questiontime #what #ignoretheslang #ordont #thulife
05.01.2022 TIP TIME TUESDAY Never underestimate the importance of a good pre shot routine. Pick yours and make it work. ... TIP: SIMPLICITY #preshot #tiptime #like #tag #share #pickyours #simplicity
04.01.2022 For the golfer whos tried everything!! Would you or anyone you know use this? Tag away!! #noeasyroads
04.01.2022 Finishing where it started. The many sides of a sunset good bye. ... #ynwa #whereitstarted #seeyousooon #robbiefarrRrcch
03.01.2022 Turning it on for a gallery of one #nooneisentertained #shotoftheday #onlyshot #goodtimes
03.01.2022 Have a good weekend every body! Whos playing and where? ... #lemmeknow
03.01.2022 Couplea brothers just striping it on a Monday afternoon. #pure #antillparkcountryclub #golflessons
02.01.2022 After 12 years the Bearded Bucket Hat Wearing Golfer Guy is changing home bases from Macquarie Links to Antill Park Country Golf Club Picton. I am very excited to begin this new chapter and can’t thank everyone enough at Macquarie Links past and present for all the support. Thank you to the management for showing faith in me once I finished my traineeship to take on the Golf Operations Manager/Head Professional role in 2012. ... To the members and guests of Macquarie Links pat and present thank you for the constant support in everything I have done over the years. It has made me who I am today. To all that have supported our charity golf day supporting beyondblue the day would not be what it is without you. To all my students that have been willing to embrace the grind thank you for bringing the best out in me and sharing in your goals. To all the staff I have worked with over the years in the club and the green staff thank you for the mentoring and teamwork along the way. Lastly to all the lads I have worked with in the Proshop from way back when. For the early mornings and late nights, we had some of the most memorable and hilarious moments. From the corporate days, to members presentations we have always worked hard and had a good time doing it. I will miss the laughs and every private joke that no one else thinks is funny. Remember its not goodbye its see you soon. #thankyoueveryone #newchapter
01.01.2022 Good example of training harder to produce quality results. Youll never know unless you push. #push #pressuretraining #mentalstrength
01.01.2022 Well done to our own Daniel Brooker on taking out the 2020 Finance Select Macquarie Links Cup today. After a round of even par 72 it took a sudden death playoff featuring Zinyo Garcia & Robbie Minns. Daniel stayed clutch and got the job done on the tough 9th hole playing well over its yardage today. ... Well done champion!! #welldone #localwin #macquarielinkscup #financeselect #golfnsw
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